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火器伤清创术中的失误及处理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨感觉神经肽P物质(SP)对离体培养的肉芽组织成纤维细胞表皮生长因子(EGF)表达的调控作用及特点。方法 采用甲醛注射的方法造成Wistar大鼠局部无菌性炎性反应,提取肉芽组织进行成纤维细胞原代培养;采用逆转录—聚合酶链反应(RT—PCR)方法检测SP对肉芽组织成纤维细胞EGF基因表达的调控作用,观察时间及剂量—效应关系;采用Western-blotting方法检测EGF蛋白表达情况,观察时间及剂量—效应关系。结果 10^-7mol/L SP可诱导成纤维细胞EGF mRNA的表达,在作用后6h与对照组比,差异有显著性(P<0.01);SP在10^-8-10^-6mol/L范围内可以显著促进成纤维细胞EGF mRNA表达,在10^-7mol/L达到峰值,10^-5mol/L时与对照组差异无显著性(P>0.05)。10^-7mol/L SP作用12h后可检测到EGF蛋白明显表达增强(P<0.01),24h达高峰,48h后逐渐有所回落。SP在在10^-8--10^-5mol/L范围可诱导EGF蛋白的表达,均在10^-7mol/L剂量点达到峰值(P<0.01)。结论 SP可诱导肉芽组织成纤维细胞EGF基因和蛋白的表达,且呈现出一定的时间和剂量特点,在SP调控创伤愈合的作用中具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Objective: To construct the multi-probe ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) template set to be used for detecting expression patterns of MD-2, TLR4, CD14 mRNAs in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Methods : The designed cDNA fragments of the three genes were generated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)using specific primers and directionally cloned into EcoR I and Hind III sites of expression plasmid pSP72 containing the T7/ promoter, the linearized plasmids was used as template to synthesize anti-sense RNA probes. Then we extracted total RNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and detected the dynamic expression patterns of the three genes with RPA method. Results: The proper sequence and orientation of the template set were confirmed by sequencing and the template set was successfully used to assay TLR4, MD-2 and CD14 mRNAs in human PBMC. The results showed that the three detected genes decreased transiently 1-3 hours after 100 ng/ml LPS stimulation. Conclusions: These new RPA multi-probe set provided valuable tool for the simultaneous quantitative determination of expression of TLR4, CD14 and MD-2 mRNAs in both constitutive and inducible types.  相似文献   
我能被邀请参加这次重要的学术会议并有机会介绍我们肤浅的研究工作深感荣幸。1985年6月在瑞典召开的第五届国际创伤弹道学会议上,中国学者曾作出重大贡献,由此使我深信,在座的诸位都是在这方面有丰富知识的专家。  相似文献   
发达社会疾病--创伤   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
“病”和“伤”是危害人类健康乃至生命的两大类疾患。近几十年来,医学有了很大的发展,许多疾病已能得到有效的诊治,但创伤却有所不同。一方面,创伤的救治技术有了很大的进步,一些过去认为必死无疑的危重创伤病人也可能救活以至治愈;另一方面,创伤的发生率不断增高,死伤人数逐年上  相似文献   
2003年9月14~17日,在匈牙利布达佩斯召开了第19届国际交通医学会议,第三军医大学交通医学研究所的5位教授(王正国、朱佩芳、蒋建新、尹志勇、陈海斌)作为中国代表参加了会议,并作了4次学术报告。我们介绍的中国交通医学基础研究、交通伤院前急救模式探讨、自制的驾驶员在线疲劳测试系统和“应变能密度”用于观测颅脑撞击伤后应力分布的计算机模拟技术等均受到好评。会议期间,国际交通医学会(IAMA)理事会通过决议,选举我为国际交通医学会副主席,负责西亚地区的学会工作。  相似文献   
N—乙酰—5—甲氧色胺镇痛作用的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的 为了寻找新型镇痛药物,对N-乙酰-5-甲氧色胺(Mel)的镇痛作用及其与哌替啶(Pt)的协同作用进行探索性研究。方法 采用小鼠热板法及冰乙酸致小鼠扭体为疼痛模型,观察Mel对痛阈的影响。结果 Mel 30,60,120mg/kg剂量依赖性地增加小鼠痛阈,且于给药后1h达高峰,持续至2h仍有效。此外,无镇痛效应的Mel(10mg/kg)与哌替啶(10mg/kg)合用,能明显提高小鼠痛阈。结论 Mel具有良好的镇痛作用,增大剂量完全能达到哌替啶的镇痛效应,且与哌替啶有明显协同效应。  相似文献   
两种方法对血管内皮细胞回收率影响的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文比较了明胶沉降法和Percoll密度梯度一步分离法对血管内皮细胞(VEC)回收率的影响,以探寻更加适合于从外周血中获取有活力VEC的实验方法。  相似文献   
Objective: To study the expression regularity of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) during the process of fracture healing, and the type of VEGF receptor expressed in the vascular endothelial cells of the fracture site.
Methods: The fracture model was made in the middle part of left radius in 35 rabbits. The specimens from the fracture site were harvested at 8, 24, 72 hours and 1, 3, 5, 8 weeks, and then fixed, decalcified, and sectioned frozenly to detect the expression of VEGF and its receptor at the fracture site by in situ hybridization and immunochemical assays.
Results: VEGF mRNA and VEGF expression was detected in many kinds of cells at the fracture site during 8 hours to 8 weeks after fracture. Fltl receptor of VEGF was found in the vascular endothelial cells at the fracture site during 8 hours to 8 weeks after fracture, and strong expression of flkl receptor was detected from 3 days to 3 weeks after fracture.
Conclusions: The expression of VEGF and fltl receptor appears during the whole course of fracture healing, especially from 1 to 3 weeks. Flkl receptor is highly expressed in a definite period after fracture. VEGF is proved to be involved in the vascular reconstruction and fracture healing.  相似文献   
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