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Genetherapyofspinalcordinjury(SCI)remainsintheexper-imentalstage.Now,neurotrophicfactortomodifySchwanncell(SC)orfibroblastsareimplantedintoSCIregiontoobservetheregenera-tionsofaxons犤1犦.WefirstbuildPo-5'-flankinginducedmicrogeneforbasicproteinofmyelinsheathwhichistransientlynamedaspSVPoMcat.ThepSVPoMcatgenewasintroducedintoSCthroughcationliposome.ItwasprovedthatpSVPoMcatcouldenhancefunc-tionofSCandelongateitssurvivalperiodinvitro犤2犦.pSVPoMcatwasimplantedintoS…  相似文献   
显微外科治疗儿童髓母细胞瘤   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 用显微技术切除儿童髓母细胞瘤,砬少手术并发症,提高术后生存质量。方法 对34例儿童髓平细胞瘤的临床资料进行分析。结果 34例均采用显微手术治疗,全切27例,次全切除4例,部分切除3例,手术死亡2例,死亡率为5.9%,获随该列,临床治愈24例,着状改善6例,5年生存率为50%。结论 微创的显微外科技术是保证减少术后并发症,获得良好预后的关键。对于大多数患儿,建议术后辅以放疗。  相似文献   
儿童髓母细胞瘤Bcl-2基因表达的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 检测髓母细胞瘤的凋亡情况,并分析其与肿瘤恶性增殖和预后的关系。方法 以84例获随访的儿童髓母细胞瘤组织(按术后生存期<3年、3-5年、5-10年分为A、B、C3组)为研究对象,用原位杂交及免疫组化染色法分别检测Bcl-2 mRNA和增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的表达,并用3末端标记法做原位细胞凋亡检测。结果 72例(85.7%)表达Bcl-2 mRNA,A、B、C组阳性率分别为100%、88.9%、40%,彼此之间阳性率差异显著(P<0.05)。PCNA阳性细胞密度随Bcl-2 mRNA表达增强而增高,而凋亡细胞密度随Bcl-2 mRNA表达增强而减少。结论 儿童髓母细胞瘤中 Bcl-2基因高表达可抑制其凋亡,这可能是瘤细胞恶性增长的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
Recent years, with the advancement of molecular biology, it has been recept that cell apoptosis is the result of gene expression and is regulated by extracellular factors.Crowe et al[1]have demonstrated in their study that cell apoptosis and necrosis coexsisted and both exacerbated CNS injury after CNS was injured. Many experiments showed that large amount of apoptosis proved that cell apoptosis is the key to secondary injury after SCI.Secondary degeneration and chrocic demyelination are c…  相似文献   
Objective To approach the effect of microgene pSVPoMcat modified Schwann cell (SC) on the regeneration and repair of injured spinal cord.Method Spinal cord hemi- transection models were made with the cutting method in healthy SD rats. Microgene pSVPoMcat modified SC(group A),highly purified SC(group B),and glutin sponge (control group C)were randomly implanted into the cut. After 3 month living ,the host rats were scanned by MRI, and observed under EM. Result Spinal signals at the injury region nearly recovered to normal in group A.No recovery was found in group B.Malacosis was found in group C.TEM findings: regeneration of large number of myelinated and nonmyelinated axons and SC proliferation in group A, myelinated axon regeneration and SC necrosis in group B, non myelinated and nonmyelinated axon in group C.Conclusion Implantation of microgene pSVPoMcat modified SC could promote the repair of injured spinal cord.  相似文献   
目的探讨在神经导航辅助下采用个体化入路切除大型侵袭性垂体瘤的手术方法及效果。方法 2004-2009年收治的HardyⅣ级以上大型侵袭性垂体瘤患者17例,男7例,女10例,年龄22~78(39.8±9.2)岁,术前均在神经导航辅助下进行个体化的入路设计,采用翼点入路、额下硬膜外入路、经蝶窦入路以及两两联合入路,在神经导航的指引下,充分利用自然解剖间隙,切除向多方向侵袭生长的垂体瘤。术后3d复查头颅CT,术后1~3个月复查头颅MRI,随访6~72个月,综合影像学检查及临床结果评价手术切除范围及手术疗效。结果术后复查显示全切15例,次全切1例,大部切除1例;术后短暂性尿崩8例,电解质紊乱2例,脑脊液漏2例,嗅觉减退2例,视力损害加重1例,术侧动眼神经及外展神经功能障碍l例,枕顶远隔部位硬膜外血肿1例。无死亡病例。结论根据肿瘤生长方向采用神经导航辅助下的个体化手术入路,可帮助术者了解入路路径中的血管分支及神经,从而选择最佳入路,有助于提高大型侵袭性垂体瘤的全切率和安全性,降低伤残率。  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To observe the repair effect of Schwann cells (SCs) modified by microgene pSVPoMcat on injured spinal cord in rats. METHODS: Semi-transection injury at the level of T(8) of spinal cord was made with cutting method on 120 Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Then 40 rats implanted with SCs modified by microgene pSVPoMcat were taken as Group A, 40 rats implanted with simple SCs as Group B and the other 40 rats were taken as the control group (Group C). The functional recovery of the rats was observed through combined behavioral score (CBS) and cortical somatosensory evoked potential (CSEP), and the expression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was measured with in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. At 3 months after operation, the rats were examined with magnetic resonance image (MRI), and the neurofilaments (NF) of the axons were stained with immunohistochemical method. RESULTS: GFAP expression in Group A was significantly lower than that of the other 2 groups. MRI showed that the spinal signals in the injured area recovered fundamentally in Group A, didn't recover in Group B and malacia focus was found in Group C, which was same as the results of NF staining. Wave amplitudes in incubation periods in Group A and Group B tended to recover. It recovered to the normal level in Group A, which was similar to the results of CBS. CONCLUSIONS: SCs modified by microgene pSVPoMcat can inhibit GFAP expression, improve the growth of the axons and the functional recovery of neurons after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   
CT定位及多靶点组合治疗强迫症临床研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究多靶点组合对强迫症的治疗作用.方法 采用立体定向方法,运用CT定位和多靶点组合,射频热凝治疗强迫症例.采用Yale-Brown强迫症量表、Hamilton抑郁、焦虑量表对照评估.结果 42例强迫症中显效 25 例,进步 12 例.结论 双侧扣带回 双侧内囊前肢多靶点组合治疗难治性精神病的强迫症有明显的治疗作用.  相似文献   
业已证实将许旺氏细胞(Schwanncell,SC)移植到损伤的中枢神经系统后能够促进神经的再生、脊髓的重建和部分功能的恢复。然而,移植的SC功能低下,存活时间短,有必要进行基因修饰细胞的移植[1,2]。髓鞘碱性蛋白(Myelinbasicprottein,MBP)基因的异构体215KDMBP基因不仅在胚胎发育早期的神经元表达特别强,而且在胚胎早期成熟神经元中也有表达,能参与髓鞘的发生与形成[3]。因此,我们在国际上首次构建成人Po蛋白5’侧端介导的215KDhMBP微基因(暂命名(pSVP…  相似文献   
为了解萍乡市不同类型农村土壤中镉、汞、砷、铅和铬的污染特征,于2015年8月采集该地区养殖型、种植型、商业旅游型农村土壤进行镉、汞、砷、铅和铬含量的检测。结果显示,萍乡地区养殖型、种植型、商业旅游型农村土壤中镉、汞、砷、铅和铬的平均含量均未超过国家土壤环境质量二级标准,但镉、铅和铬的含量均超过了江西省土壤重金属相应元素的背景值,其中尤以铬最为显著。从研究区域的农村类型来看,商业旅游型农村土壤受到人为活动的影响最大,种植型农村次之,养殖型农村则相对最弱。  相似文献   
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