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目的 研究餐饮业导致食源性疾病的主要危险因素.方法 根据国内文献资料和调查结果,参考美国食品加工操作模型(the food handling practices model,FHPM),采用风险评估软件@Risk 4.5的蒙特卡洛概率分析技术,对影响餐饮食品食源性致病菌污染后致病概率的主要影响因素进行了评估;分别采用WHO/联合国粮农组织(FAO)和美国农业部建立的即食肉制品中沙门菌致病的β-Poisson模型、美国食品药品监督管理局副溶血性弧菌风险评估的β-Poisson模型进行致病菌致病剂量-反应关系分析.结果 在一般沙门菌污染水平下,熟肉冷藏后导致食源性疾病的平均致病概率为1.96×10-4,是非冷藏条件(室温25℃时平均致病概率为0.35)的1/2800;熟肉制品在常温条件下,贮存6 h时的平均致病概率(0.11)约为2 h时(6.79×10-3)的16倍;食用前加热不彻底的熟肉制品导致沙门菌食源性疾病的平均致病概率为1.71×10-4,约是彻底加热平均致病概率(1.88×10-5)的100倍.生食水产品中副溶血性弧菌的污染水平和污染阳性率成倍增长后,其致病概率的增长与污染水平成线性趋势.结论 餐饮食品原料的起始污染水平、储藏温度和时间、烹调方式、交叉污染等是影响餐饮食品安全的重要因素.
Objective To study main risk factors that cause foodborn diseases in food catering business.Methods Data from references and investigations conducted in food catering units were used to establish models which based on @ Risk 4.5 with Monte Carlo method referring to food handling practice model(FHPM)to make risk assessment on factors of food contamination in food catering units.The Beta-Poisson models on dose-response relationship to Salmonella(developed by WHO/FAO and United States Department of Agriculture)and Vibrio parahaemolyticus(developed by US FDA)were used in this article to analyze the dose-response relationship of pathogens.Results The average probability of food poisoning by consuming Salmonella contaminated cooked meat under refrigeration was 1.96×10-4 which was 1/2800 of the food under non-refrigeration(the average probability of food poisoning was 0.35 at room temperature 25℃).The average probability by consuming 6 hours stored meat under room temperature was 0.11 which was 16 times of 2 hours storage(6.79×10-3).The average probability by consuming contaminated meat without fully cooking was 1.71 X 10-4 which was 100 times of consuming fully cooked meat(1.88×10-6).The probability growth of food poisoning by consuming Vibrio parahaemolyticus contaminated fresh seafood was proportional with contamination level and prevalence.Condusion The primary contamination level,storage temperature and time,cooking process and cross contamination are important factors of catering food safety.  相似文献   
目的 通过丰城市大小餐馆饮食食品微生物检测,了解丰城市大小餐馆饮食食品卫生状况.方法 随机在丰城市抽取2、3星级餐馆7家(A组),排挡15家(B组)、小吃店20家(C组).按国家标准检测红烧肉制品、清炖肉制品、爆炒菜、炝拌菜、直接食用的生食(或半生食)水产品、糕点面包、水果拼盘、鲜榨果蔬汁、餐具(筷、碗、勺、杯、盘等)的大肠杆菌菌群、致病菌.结果 3组检测样本中大肠杆菌菌群的合格率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01,P< 0.001).致病菌检出率,A组最低、B组次之、C组最高.结论 提高餐馆饮食卫生的合格率,应发现问题及时整顿,对从业人员进行饮食卫生教育、提高餐饮管理人员与从业人员的卫生知识水平,使微生物对食品的污染减少到最低限度.  相似文献   
Commercialization of seafood is one of the most complex food chains at international level and it is therefore one of the food commodities most likely to face challenges related to fraud and authenticity. In this sense, several studies have revealed a high percentage of fraud for species substitution both at retail and food service level worldwide including European Union. Spain is one of the European countries with the highest consumption of fisheries and aquaculture products and it is therefore a very interesting region to evaluate the impact of seafood fraud in food services. The study presented in this paper is the first large-scale attempt to study the rate of seafood fraud in food services across Spain. A total of 313 samples were collected in 204 mass caterer outlets from 15 Spanish Autonomous Communities and successfully sequenced. DNA barcoding revealed that 50 % of the food services establishments sold mislabeled seafood. Dusky grouper and tope shark showed the highest mislabelling percentages ranging from 86 to 100 %. Overall results evidence the complexity of international seafood supply chains supported by the fact that many of the species reported substituting local species, are coming from Asian, South American and South African regions.  相似文献   
目的了解上海餐厅禁烟措施的实施情况,分析不同禁烟规定对减少餐厅就餐区烟草烟雾浓度的效果。方法电话调查餐厅的控烟类型,现场观察禁烟措施的落实情况,并采用AM510型个人智能防爆粉尘检测仪对餐厅室外、非吸烟区、吸烟区细颗粒物PM2.5的浓度进行检测,分析餐厅内3类监测点之间、不同禁烟规定的餐厅之间的烟草烟雾浓度差异。结果电话调查100家餐厅中,21家不禁烟,48家部分禁烟,27家完全禁烟。排除室外PM2.5浓度的影响,完全禁烟餐厅的非吸烟区PM2.5浓度(56.83μg/m3)低于部分禁烟餐厅(66.46μg/m3,F=5.424,P<0.05);部分禁烟餐厅中,非吸烟区PM2.5浓度(84.90μg/m3)低于吸烟区(130.67μg/m3,t=-3.154,P<0.01),吸烟区PM2.5浓度低于不禁烟餐厅(t=2.386,P<0.05)。结论餐厅控烟法规执行有待加强,餐厅分区能在一定程度上减少非吸烟区受吸烟区烟草烟雾的影响,但其效果明显小于完全禁烟,餐厅采取完全禁烟措施非常必要。  相似文献   
石明霞  葛学红 《职业与健康》2009,25(21):2283-2285
目的评价对餐饮业试行食品卫生监督量化分级管理的效果。方法选择如东县城内硬件条件较好的餐饮单位,在其自愿的情况下,进行量化分级管理,并实行经常性卫生监督。结果102户餐饮单位试行卫生监督量化分级管理后,各类餐饮单位卫生许可量化得分为(84.07±4.31)分,高于试行量化分级管理前的(76.97±4.51)分,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);不同类型餐饮单位存在的问题不同。结论餐饮单位食品卫生监督量化分级管理具有明显效果。对增强企业卫生安全意识具有促进作用。  相似文献   
汪静  孙志峰  段旭  邱传营 《实用预防医学》2011,18(12):2312-2314
目的通过长期连续、动态的监测,掌握2010年东城区各种食品中微生物的污染状况,为食品安全监管提供依据。方法对2010年抽检的餐饮单位及流通领域的11类、282件食品中的微生物指标进行分析。结果在抽检的11类282件食品样品中,来自餐饮单位的样品共142件,其中17件样品大肠菌群阳性,阳性率为11.97%,2件样品检出金黄色葡萄球菌,检出率为1.4%;来自流通领域的样品共140件,1件大肠菌群阳性,阳性率为0.7%。从食品类别来看,熟制豆制品大肠菌群阳性率最高为27.5%,其余依次为散装冰激凌20.0%、散装熟肉制品11.4%、中式凉拌菜2.5%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.513,P〈0.05)。从季节来看,采自夏季食品大肠菌群阳性率最高,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.106,P〈0.05)。从餐饮单位的级别来看,A级单位、B级单位和C级单位大肠菌群的阳性率依次升高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论流通领域的食品卫生状况要比餐饮单位的食品卫生状况好。容易引起食源性疾患的食品主要集中在熟制豆制品,散装冰激凌,散装熟肉制品和中式凉拌菜,夏季的食品卫生状况更容易造成食源性致疾患的发生,秋季也不应忽视。建议卫生部门加强重点季节重点食品的卫生监督监测工作,降低食源性疾患的发病风险。  相似文献   
Summary In four restaurants we studied the degree of air pollution due to tobacco smoke and its annoying effects on 360 guests. The concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (N02), sulfur dioxide (S02) and acrolein (CH2CHCHO) were determined. It appeared, that the differences = indoor concentration — outdoor concentration for CO and NO can be used as indicators to estimate the degree of air pollution due to tobacco smoke.In three of the analysed restaurants we measured very low tobacco induced values of CO and NO (mean values: 0 to 1.1 ppm CO and 0 to 69 ppb NO). These concentrations are harmless to the health of the guests. Higher values were measured in a badly ventilated tavern (mean values: 3.3 ppm CO and 156 ppb NO). These values, too, may be considered harmless. With these exposures, however, other substances caused irritations and annoyance (12 % of the 360 guests indicated moderate to strong eye irritations).  相似文献   
目的建立餐饮业推行食品卫生量化分级制度的综合成效评价指标体系。方法根据推行食品卫生监督量化分级管理制度的目标编制初步的综合成效评价指标体系,运用特尔菲法(Delphi)设计,即选定专家对指标体系的每一项指标进行两轮问卷征询,按专家对各指标的重要性评价及一致性检验,确定综合成效评价的指标内容、相应权重及可信度。结果建立了由22项评价指标组成的综合成效指标体系。22项评价指标的重要性赋值总体均数为4.00分(满分5分),其中3项一级指标的重要性赋值均数为3.89分,19项二级指标均数为4.02分;22项指标中满分比达60%以上的指标占40.9%,最高达98.0%;专家对各项指标的变异系数均在0.06~0.45范围内;整体协调系数范围为0.423~0.713,经皮尔逊(R.Pearson)2R准则检验后均有统计学意义(P<0.05);3项一级指标(即改善食品卫生水平、科学监督管理和引导消费)的权重系数分别为0.406、0.348和0.246。结论建立的餐饮业推行食品卫生量化分级制度的综合成效评价指标体系反映其专家意见的协调性好,评估结论的可信度高,结果可取。  相似文献   
商义  郭仕伟 《中国校医》2012,26(5):353-354
目的探讨高校医院监管食堂食品卫生安全作用。方法运用HACCP与建立监管体系结合的方法。结果有效预防学院食物中毒和肠道传染病发生。结论高校医院全程监管食堂食品卫生对食品安全有重要作用。  相似文献   
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