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为顺应新时代教育教学改革的新需求,打造一流在线课程,广西医科大学寄生虫学教研室在学银在线平台上建立课程《虫族入侵———人体寄生虫学》,为医学生的专业学习以及非医学生的通识教育提供学习资源。在构建理念上,课程教学内容进行重组,兼顾科学性和趣味性;在课程内容上,包含微课、PPT、随堂测验、病例分析等多元化的教学资源;在课程管理上,教师借助平台的多种功能实时与学生开展互动,起到督学的作用;在课程考核上,关注学生学习过程,开展综合性评价。自课程上线运行至今,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   
探讨如何防范国际航行交通工具(含集装箱)外来鼠形动物入侵。列举江苏口岸近年截获全国未分布的小家鼠栗色亚种、马来家鼠、拉布拉多白足鼠、毛雷鼠、南非乳鼠等外来鼠类实例,它们传播传染病,危及飞行安全,影响经贸秩序,须按《国际卫生条例(2005)》(IHR)将其控制在不足危害水平。外来鼠形动物控制采用鼠迹溯源与诱捕策略,让活鼠窜岸"断路",同时口岸本底要知根知底,爱国卫生运动要常抓常管。  相似文献   
炎症是生活中的常见现象。当我们不小心用一把较脏的小刀割破手指后,刀片中的细菌可能会进入到伤口当中,遇到特异的“哨兵”免疫细胞(这些细胞在体内发挥监视作用,表面有大量特异性的受体,可识别入侵的“敌人”),这时免疫系统就迅速行动起来了。我们可以通过机体表面的迹象来知道外来入侵细菌与免疫系统之间的战争:  相似文献   
记者从在河北省献县召开的外来入侵植物黄顶菊综合治理经验交流会上了解到,通过生物替代试验、化学防治以及生态修复等手段,献县有效地控制了黄顶菊的发展和蔓延,取得了阶段性成果。  相似文献   
每年的4月20日前后为谷雨节气。从谷雨起,雨量开始增多。空气中的湿度逐渐加大。应该说,一定湿度的空气本是正常人所需要的.但是过于潮湿的空气会让人体由内到外都有不适反应。潮湿的空气使湿邪易侵入人体,因此.谷雨以后的一段时间成为神经痛的发病期.如肋间神经痛、坐骨神经痛、三叉神经痛、肩颈痛、关节疼痛等等。  相似文献   
刘莉 《家庭育儿》2010,(2):70-70
在人们的印象中.高血压应该是中老年人的疾病。然而.近年来对流行病学的调查显示.患有高血压的儿童也越来越多。美国儿童中高血压的发病率是3%。我国北京地区的调壹发现.儿童高血压的发病率竟高达9.36%!所以.预防高血压.应该从儿童抓起.而且这件事已经迫在眉睫。  相似文献   
巴贝虫是一类专性的细胞内寄生的顶复门原虫,是人和动物的重要病原。这类原虫具有相似的亚细胞结构并能分泌与入侵相关的保守蛋白,尤其是在入侵宿主细胞阶段分泌的棒状体相关蛋白被认为是保护寄生虫入侵和繁殖的关键分子,其在虫体入侵的纳虫空泡形成过程中发挥重要作用。随着基因组学和蛋白质组学技术的不断发展,其相关研究也越来越深入。因此,本文就目前研究较多的牛巴贝虫、羊巴贝虫、吉氏巴贝虫、双芽巴贝虫和东方巴贝虫等棒状体相关蛋白的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   
AIM: To study the effect of nicotine on the migration and invasion of human esophageal squamous carcinoma cells and to investigate whether nimesulide can inhibit the effect of nicotine.METHODS: The esophageal squamous carcinoma cell line (TE-13) was treated with different concentrations of nicotine (100 μg/mL and 200 μg/mL) or 200 μg/mL nicotine plus 100 μmol/L nimesulide. Cell migration and invasion were measured using migration and invasion chamber systems. COX-2 expression was determined by Western blotting. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) was analyzed by zymography and ELISA.RESULTS: Nicotine (100 μg/mL, 200 μg/mL) enhanced TE-13 cells migration and invasion, and increased the protein expression of COX-2 and the activity of MMP-2. Nicotine (200 μ/mL) stimulated TE-13 cells migration and invasion which were partly blocked by nimesulide. This was associated with decreased protein expression of COX-2 and decreased activity and protein expression of MMP-2. CONCLUSION: Nicotine enhances the migration and invasion of the esophageal squamous carcinoma cell line, and nimesulide partly blocks the effect ofnicotine-enhanced esophageal squamous carcinoma cell migration and invasion.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate the prognostic factors in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accompanied by microscopic portal vein invasion (PVI).
METHODS: Of the 267 patients with HCC undergoing hepatic resection at Aso Iizuka Hospital, 71 had PVI. After excluding 16 patients with HCC that invaded the main trunk and the first and second branches of the portal vein, 55 patients with microscopic PVI were enrolled.
RESULTS: The patients with HCC accompanied by microscopic invasion were divided into two groups: solitary PVI (PVI-S: n = 44), and multiple PVIs (PVI-M: n = 11). The number of portal vein branches invaded by tumor thrombi was 5.4 ± 3.8 (2-16) in patients with PVI-M. In cumulative survival, PVI-M was found to be a significantly poor prognostic factor (P = 0.0019); while PVI-M and non-anatomical resection were significantly poor prognostic factors in disease-free survival (P = 0.0213, and 0.0115, respectively). In patients with PVI-M, multiple intrahepatic recurrence was more common than in the patients with PVI-S (P = 0.0049). In patients with PVI-S, non-anatomical resection was a significantly poor prognostic factor in disease-free survival (P = 0.0370). Operative procedure was not a significant prognostic factor in patients with PVI-M.
CONCLUSION: The presence of PVI-M was a poor prognostic factor in patients with HCC, accompanied by microscopic PVI. Anatomical resection is recommended in these patients with HCC. Patients with HCC and PVI-M may also be good candidates for adjuvant chemotherapy.  相似文献   
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