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在临床药学工作实践中,我们发现骨科创面,尤其是软组织缺损、骨质外露创面及慢性骨髓炎伴多发性窦道,临床治疗颇为棘手,换药时间长.伤口愈合慢、病程长、病人痛苦大。我院骨科于1998年6月开始应用珠海东大生物制药有限公司生产的贝复济喷雾剂治疗多种骨科刨面共16例,获得满意疗效,现将疗效观察结果报道如下。  相似文献   
一般资料:胸壁恶性肿瘤在婴儿与儿童中罕见。本文报告为Dana Farber肿瘤医院联合放疗中心儿童医院从1976年~1987年治疗的17例。年龄为1月~19岁(平均12岁)。全部患者都有病理活检证实。 17例中,Askin肿瘤和Ewing(尤文)肉瘤占11例,其他为幼稚纤维肉瘤、成骨肉瘤、大细胞淋巴瘤、滑膜肉瘤等各1例、未分化纺锤状细胞肉瘤2例。  相似文献   
新型Ⅰ期先天性巨结肠根治术是经肛门行巨结肠切除术 ,要求肛门松弛良好。以前采用气管插管配合肌松药 ,呼吸易于管理 ,但肛门松弛不理想且易发生插管并发症。我们应用罗比卡因骶管阻滞辅以肌注氯胺酮的麻醉方法进行了临床研究 ,目的是为此类手术寻找一个比较理想的麻醉方法。资料与方法一般资料 ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级 ,先天性巨结肠患者 2 4例 ,均行新型Ⅰ期先天性巨结肠根治术 ,男 15例 ,女 9例 ,平均年龄 (12 8± 11 3)月 ,体重 (7 6± 3 7)kg。随机分为两组 ,各12例。A组 :罗比卡因骶管阻滞辅以氯胺酮 ;B组 :用羟丁酸钠慢诱导气管插管辅…  相似文献   
舒冠滴丸对麻醉犬心脏血流动力学及心肌耗氧量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
舒冠滴丸可明显增加麻醉犬冠脉血流量、扩张冠状血管、降低冠脉阻力、改善心肌供血供氧;增加左室收缩压峰值和左室压上升速率,改善心脏的收缩功能,调整心脏血管的顺应性。  相似文献   
目的 探讨精确计算支气管斜位体层摄影新技术及其临床应用价值。方法 选择20例胸部标准CT片,取其左、右支气管分叉层面作为标准图像,再以患者实际胸廓的大小,将图像放大于坐标纸上。根据各种前、后支气管斜位体层公式中的角度绘制出对应的各条径线,进行测量分析。获得新的体层差值公式及取层方法,并据此设计出智能体层计算仪。应用新的体层取层方法,随机对486例患者896张支气管斜位体层摄影片进行效果分析,选择以传统取层方法摄影的567例患者2208张支气管体层片为对照组。结果 改良前567例,使用胶片2208张,优良片1174张,优良片率53.17%。改进后486例,使用胶片896张,优良片881张,优良片率98.33%。欲断支气管在1-2张片内完成。两组相比差异具有非常显著性意义(U=24.10,P<0.01)。结论 改进后的支气管斜位取层方法,具有操作简单、计算准确、速度快等优点,2-3级支气管显示清晰,在质控方面具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   
Objective: To observe whether offactory ensheathing cells could be used to promote axonal regeneration in a slmntaneously nonregenerating system. Methods: After laminectomy at the lower thoracic level, the spinal cords of adult rats were exposed and completely transected at T10. A suspension of ensheathing cells was injected into the lesion site in 12 adult rats, and control D/F-12 (1:1 mixture of DMEM and Ham‘s F-12) was injected in 12 adult rats. Six weeks and ten weeks after cell transplantation, the rats were evaluated by climbing test and motor evoked potentials (MEPs) monitoring. The samples were procured and studied with histologiel and immounohistochemical methods. Results: At the 6th week after cell transplantation,d the rats in both the transplanted and control groups were paraplegic and the MEPs could not be recorded. At the 10th week after cell transplantation, of 7 rats in the control group, 2 rats had muscles‘ contraction of the lower extremities, 2 rats had hips and/or knees‘ active movement; and 5 rats‘ MEPs could be recorded in the hind limbs in the transplanted group ( n = 7). None of the rats in the control group had functional improvement and no MEPs recorded ( n = 7 ). Numerous regenerating axons were observed through the transplantation and continued to regenerate into the denervated host tract. Cell labelling using anti-Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) and anti-Nerve Growth Factor Receptor (anti-NGFR) indicated that the regenerated axons were derived from the appropriate neuronal source and that donor cells migrated into the denervated host tract. But axonal degeneration existed and regenerating axons were not observed within the spinalcords of the adult rats with only D/F-12 injection. Conclusions: The axonal regeneration in the transected adult rat spinal cord is possible after eusheathing cells transplantation.  相似文献   
研究肝硬化门脉高压合并食管静脉曲张患者行硬化、套扎治疗对食管测压的影响。硬化与套扎治疗组均于治疗前及治疗后各测压一次,结果显示:(1)硬化剂治疗后,食管下端括约肌(LES)息压及松弛压力降低,松弛率升高,松弛持续时间缩短;套扎治疗仅对LES静息压有影响。(2)硬化剂治疗使治疗部位及其以下食管的蠕动波幅值下降,蠕动持续时间延长,蠕动波速度加快;套扎治疗使治疗部位及其以下食管的蠕动持续时间缩短,异常蠕动性收缩增加。提示经治疗后应使用既能降低胃酸酸碱度,又能增加LES压力的抗酸药物,而套扎治疗后应使用胃动力药物。  相似文献   
前列腺肥大一病,属祖国医学“癃闭”,“胞痹”等范畴。《类证治裁》说:“闭者小便不通,癃者小便不利”,而合称为“癃闭”。“癃闭”之因,多责之肾阳虚所致。盖肾司二便,开窍于二阴,肾阳虚则膀胱气化失司,小便潴留,湿毒久羁。气滞血瘀阻闭阴窍之故。余治此症,每以温肾化瘀,解毒通窍法而获良效。现举二例如下: 例1.李××,男,68岁。1984年7月12日诊。尿频,坠胀,欲解不得,伴少气懒言,神疲畏寒,双下肢浮肿,痞满纳呆半年余,加  相似文献   
飞行人员健康信息卡管理系统是由空后卫生部和空军航空医学研究所联合研制的一套用于飞行人员健康信息管理的计算机软件。它以飞行人员体检、健康鉴定为依据,利用计算机技术管理飞行人员健康档案,分为机关系统、部队系统、疗养院系统、医院系统四个子系统。这套系统将逐步取代健康体检  相似文献   
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