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目的 探讨猫流感病毒受体分布特点及其作用.方法 应用凝集素组织化学染色技术检测猫呼吸道各解剖部位流感病毒SA受体的分布.结果 猫呼吸道气管、支气管、细支气管、终末细支气管和肺泡上皮细胞SA a-2,3Gal和a-2,6Gal受体均呈阳性分布,各解剖部位两类受体的分布密度无差异性(P>0.05).结论 猫同时表达SA a-2,3Gal和a-2,6Gal受体,能与禽流感病毒和人流感病毒结合,提示猫也是重要的流感病毒"基因混合器",可能有助于病毒重配和生成导致流感大流行的流感毒株.  相似文献   
目的 探讨新城疫病毒(NDV)联合替莫唑胺(TMZ)对脑胶质瘤U87MG细胞增殖、迁移、侵袭的影响。方法 将脑胶质瘤U87MG细胞随机分为对照组、药物组、病毒组和联合组。采用MTT法、划痕实验和Transwell侵袭实验分别检测NDV、TMZ和二者联合使用对U87MG细胞增殖、迁移和侵袭的影响。采用qRT-PCR法检测不同组U87MG细胞中MMP-2、caspase-3和caspase-9的表达,使用Western blot法检测不同组U87MG细胞中MMP-2的表达。结果 ①MTT法结果显示,与对照组相比,其余3组细胞增殖率显著降低,且呈剂量依赖,联合组细胞增殖抑制率高于二者单用,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。②划痕实验结果显示,24 h后病毒组和联合组细胞迁移率低于对照组及药物组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。③侵袭实验结果显示,联合组侵袭细胞数低于其余3组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。④qRT-PCR结果显示,处理24 h后病毒组及联合组细胞caspase-3表达高于对照组及药物组,处理48 h后联合组细胞MMP-2表达量低于对照组及药物组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。⑤Western blot结果显示,与对照组相比,病毒组及联合组MMP-2蛋白表达下调,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 NDV联合TMZ可显著抑制U87MG细胞增殖、迁移、侵袭,并在一定程度上促进细胞凋亡。  相似文献   
新发高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1的致病性及可能起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
禽流感是由甲型流感病毒引起的一种禽类传染病,1878年首次报道于意大利,当时被称为鸡瘟,直到1900年病原体才被发现,当时认为是“真性鸡瘟病毒”(FowlPlagueVirus,FPV),1955年通过血清学方法证实该病原体是甲型流感病毒,于是鸡瘟被更名为禽流感[1]。然而后来又发现在禽类中还存在另一种相似的疾病,即新城疫(NewcastleDisease,ND),由新城疫病毒(NewcastleDiseaseVirus,NDV)引起,因为两者症状相似,故常常把两者混淆,为了区别他们,现把前者称为禽流感或真性鸡瘟或欧洲鸡瘟;把后者称为新城疫或伪鸡瘟或亚洲鸡瘟。根据流感病毒包膜表面的两…  相似文献   
Objective To study the anti-tumor effects of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain D817 on human colon carcinoma model in nude mice. Methods The nude mouse model of human colon carcinoma was established by subcutaneous inoculation of human colon cancer LOVO cells. The tumor-bearing mice were given PBS, 5-Fu, high-dose NDV D817, moderate-dese NDV D817 or low-dose NDV D817 via caudal vein injection. The tumor size and weight of mice were measured. The liver damages were examined by histopathology. Apoptosis and necrosis of tumor ceils were detected by flow cytometry. The endotumoral content of TNF-α was detected using a mouse TNF-a ELISA kit. The live vires was detected by bemagglutination (HA) test. Results The moderate-dose NDV D817 inhibited the tumor growth more apparently than 5-Fu. The tumor growth inhibition rate reached to 48.1%. The liver damage and the weight change caused by NDV were less severe. NDV D817 made an increased apoptosis index and induced production of TNF-α. Live virus was not detected in important organs except in the tumor of nude mice by HA test. Conclusion In the anti-tumor process in nude mice bearing xenografts of human colon carcinoma, a suitable dose of NDV D817 is more safe and effective.  相似文献   
抗组织蛋白酶B单克隆抗体可变区基因的克隆和序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为制备基因工程抗体,需要对组织蛋白酶B单抗可变区基因的核苷酸序列进行分析。方法:利用RT-PCR技术扩增2A2抗组织蛋白酶B单克隆抗体可变区基因,测序并和已报道的小鼠免疫球蛋白的基因库进行比较。结果:2A2抗组织蛋白酶B单克隆抗体可变区基因的克隆和序列分析及比较结果没有发现有害的基因突变。结论:2A2抗组织蛋白酶可变区基因可用于构建人鼠嵌合抗体。  相似文献   
Objective To study the anti-tumor effects of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain D817 on human colon carcinoma model in nude mice. Methods The nude mouse model of human colon carcinoma was established by subcutaneous inoculation of human colon cancer LOVO cells. The tumor-bearing mice were given PBS, 5-Fu, high-dose NDV D817, moderate-dese NDV D817 or low-dose NDV D817 via caudal vein injection. The tumor size and weight of mice were measured. The liver damages were examined by histopathology. Apoptosis and necrosis of tumor ceils were detected by flow cytometry. The endotumoral content of TNF-α was detected using a mouse TNF-a ELISA kit. The live vires was detected by bemagglutination (HA) test. Results The moderate-dose NDV D817 inhibited the tumor growth more apparently than 5-Fu. The tumor growth inhibition rate reached to 48.1%. The liver damage and the weight change caused by NDV were less severe. NDV D817 made an increased apoptosis index and induced production of TNF-α. Live virus was not detected in important organs except in the tumor of nude mice by HA test. Conclusion In the anti-tumor process in nude mice bearing xenografts of human colon carcinoma, a suitable dose of NDV D817 is more safe and effective.  相似文献   
目的 体外试验人 鼠嵌合抗人组织蛋白酶B(抗CatB)抗体对CatB的抑制作用。方法 培养 1株分泌人 鼠嵌合抗人CatB抗体细胞 ,收集细胞培养上清 ,分离纯化人 鼠嵌合抗人CatB抗体 ,用于体外抑制CatB活性试验。结果 该抗体在体外能抑制CatB活性。结论 抗CatB抗体能特异结合CatB并抑制其酶活性 ,将可能用于CatB过度表达的癌症治疗。  相似文献   
《医学微生物学》是一门重要基础专业主干课程,主要研究与医学有关的病原微生物的生物学特性、致病性与免疫机制,以及特异性诊断和防治措施。课程涉及的病原微生物种类繁多,特性相似,学生在学习完这门课程后均觉得难以记忆、容易混淆。另一方面,从事微生物学教学的教师经过多年的教学实践和材料积累,都各自存有相当多的微生物学教学资源,诸如图片、文字、视频等,应用传统的Powerpoint幻灯片的形式,已经不能很好地展现这些教学资源,并且会出现资源重复收集的情况。随着科学技术的进步,尤其是计算机网络的发展,人类进入了信息社会,因而人们的生活方式、思维方式、工作方式,以及教育方式都将随之而改变。网络与教育的结合,将会彻底改变人们传统的教育思想、观念、内容、方法和人才培养模式[1]。未来的教育技术必然将重点放到以信息技术为基础的网络教育技术上。基于这些设想,我们设计制作了共享资源型微生物学教学平台,在2007年10月广西医科大学举行的教学软件大赛中获得了二等奖,将微生物学的教学方式和效果提高到一个新的层次,我们的体会如下。1必要的基本条件和对教师及其它人员的要求1.1网络条件:网络化的教学平台的使用很大程度上依赖于网络的硬件建设情况...  相似文献   
我国《高等教育法》规定:“高等教育的任务是培养有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才,发展科学技术文化,促进社会主义现代化建设。”高等医学教育作为知识创新和技术创新体系的基础,其责任就是培养具有创新能力和实践能力的高级专门医疗人才,将创新能力和实践能力的培养融入到医学院校教育的全过程,这是时代发展的需要,社会发展的需要。培养大学生的创新能力、实践能力是高等教育发展的方向,是社会需求反映在学校人才培养中的必然行动。笔者就提高培养医学生创新能力、实践能力作了一些探讨。1更新教师教育观念,强化创新意识观念是行动的先导,追求一流的教育质量是教育的永恒主题。传统的质量观是知识质量观,以知识的多寡、深浅为主要的质量标准。创新教育质量观是一个融科学知识、创新素质、实践能力于一体的质量观。创新教育是全面素质教育的具体化和深入化,是以加强学生的创新精神、创新能力、创新人格的培养为基本价值取向的教育。教师应以树立创新教育观念为先导,加强学生的创新精神和实践能力培养为重点,培养创新人才为核心目标,改变过去传授知识为主的教育模式,构建新型教育体系,将创新教育贯穿于人才培养全过程,落实到每个教学环节。2强调学生的主动体验、主动实践体验可以...  相似文献   
Objective To study the anti-tumor effects of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain D817 on human colon carcinoma model in nude mice. Methods The nude mouse model of human colon carcinoma was established by subcutaneous inoculation of human colon cancer LOVO cells. The tumor-bearing mice were given PBS, 5-Fu, high-dose NDV D817, moderate-dese NDV D817 or low-dose NDV D817 via caudal vein injection. The tumor size and weight of mice were measured. The liver damages were examined by histopathology. Apoptosis and necrosis of tumor ceils were detected by flow cytometry. The endotumoral content of TNF-α was detected using a mouse TNF-a ELISA kit. The live vires was detected by bemagglutination (HA) test. Results The moderate-dose NDV D817 inhibited the tumor growth more apparently than 5-Fu. The tumor growth inhibition rate reached to 48.1%. The liver damage and the weight change caused by NDV were less severe. NDV D817 made an increased apoptosis index and induced production of TNF-α. Live virus was not detected in important organs except in the tumor of nude mice by HA test. Conclusion In the anti-tumor process in nude mice bearing xenografts of human colon carcinoma, a suitable dose of NDV D817 is more safe and effective.  相似文献   
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