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降低血液粘度可望改善急性心肌梗塞(AMI)患者的预后,近二十余年来始为人们所认识。1963年Lansjeon等报道持续静脉滴注低分子右旋糖酐76小时,显著降低  相似文献   
自由基在大鼠烫伤复合内毒素血症所致的急性肺...   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了内源性β-受体激动剂对烫伤大鼠肺水肿的影响,结果表明,单纯烫伤组和单纯心得安处理组其肺含水量、湿干重比、肺泡灌洗液蛋白浓度、丙二醛含量及白细胞计数均显著高于对照组;心得安预处理后烫伤组以上指标也均显著高于对照组,且略高于单纯烫伤组。提示内源性β-激动剂具有抗水肿、抗脂质过氧化作用,为体内重要的抗炎因素之一。  相似文献   
Bovine Pulmonary surfaetant was obtained by endotracheal lavage oflungs from newly slaughtered calves fallowed by differential centrifugation.Lipidextracts of bovine surfactant contained 86.1±2.1% of phospholipids((?)±SD),1.8~±1.1% of protein,and smaller amounts of cholesterol,fatty acids,glyceridesand carbohydrate.Phosphatidylcholine(83.4±5.6%)accounted for most of thephospholipids,of which disaturated pbosphatidylcholine was 76.0±4.7%.Thephysic(?)chemical properties of bovine sarfactant were measured with a modifiedWilhelmy film balance made by the authors.The minimum surface tension was2.4±1.5mN/m,stability index 1.78±0.15.surface eompressibility at 10mN/m0.022±0.004m/mN,and surface concentration of phospholipids at 10 mN/m1.112±0.283 nmol/cm~2.The surfactant spread rapidly and could be quicklyadsorbed to the air liquid interface.The results show that the bovine pulmonarysurfactant we isolated is able to meet the criteria for investigations of surfactantreplacement therapy.  相似文献   
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