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目的:了解企业员工职业成功及其各个维度与主观幸福感的关系。方法:利用《幸福感指数量表》的中文修订版,以及由徐娜编制的《中国职工职业生涯成功问卷》,对835名企业员工进行调查。结果:主观幸福感与职业成功及其各维度之间均存在显著正相关(P<0.001),其中,价值实现、经济成功和社会关系3个维度与幸福感的相关程度最高,并对幸福感具有显著的正向预测作用。此外,主观职业成功(F=25.738,P<0.001)和客观职业成功(F=50.082,P<0.001)分别对幸福感有显著影响。结论:企业员工的幸福感水平与职业成功息息相关。  相似文献   
古今文献多以得气、气至与针感等概念来表述针刺感应,而对于三者含义的异同,有多种不同的认识。通过对相关文献的学习,分析了得气的内涵,及其与气至、针感的异同及关系。认为得气在不同历史时期有不同内涵,分广义和狭义。狭义得气是针灸治疗的前提,气至为广义得气,是治疗的最终目的;针感是针刺后机体的所有感觉。  相似文献   
This study aimed to examine whether the five-factor narcissism sub-scales predict incapacity to love. Through convenient sampling, The Capacity to Love Inventory (CTL-I) and The Five-Factor Narcissism Inventory-Short Form (FFNI-SF) were administered in a community sample using the online platform of Google forms. The present study consists of 428 participants (84.3% females and 15.7% males). Results revealed that Extraversion was the only factor of narcissism that positively predicted the total score of the capacity to love. Participants who scored higher in extraversion tend to score higher in Basic trust, Interest in the other, and Gratitude. While grandiosity negatively predicted interest in the other, Antagonism positively predicted this sub-scale and negatively predicted the common ego ideal. Vulnerability and Neuroticism were associated with more loss and mourning after the relationship is lost. It is noteworthy that neither of the five-factor narcissism sub-scales predicted the permanence of sexual passion. In conclusion, it seems evident that grandiosity is accounted for less interest in significant others, while extraversion is associated with more willingness to trust, engage, and love.  相似文献   
Many situations in common medical practice, especially in chronic diseases, require patients to be mobilized for health behavior decisions: for daily intake of an antihypertensive drug, performing a mammography for cancer screening, as well as adopting new diet habits in diabetes. Ability to initiate a health behavior depends on several parameters. Some of them are related to the patient, his personality, his illness and treatment's perception; others directly rely on the physician, his attitude and his communication style during the visit, independently of patient's level of resistance to change. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a communication technique, first developed for patients presenting a substance abuse disorder, to explore their ambivalence, overcome their resistances and give them the willingness of a better self-care. Its general principles and basic techniques can be applied by every practitioner and deserve to be better known, given that scientific literature provides evidence for generalizing it in a variety of medical conditions, in structured patient education programs as well as in usual follow-up, for which time is generally restricted. This article provides an overview of MI recent applications and argues for its diffusion in everyday medical practice.  相似文献   
本文对经济高速发展条件下高等教育供求关系进行理论研究。采用比较研究法探讨浙江省到2020年卫生人力的发展目标。采用卫生人力与人口比值法对浙江省卫生人力需求进行仿真预测。以浙江省卫生人力情况为蓝本的研究表明:到2020年每千人口医生数达到发达国家20世纪90年代每千人口医生数的平均水平(2.4)时,才能满足浙江省的实际需要。  相似文献   
血样本和检验结果的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检验结果是临床医师在诊疗过程中所需要的重要信息,临床医师可以根据这些检验结果及病人的临床情况来区分疾病的不同阶段,观察疾病的变化,判断预后或观察疗效。所以分析前阶段样本的质量保证是直接关系到检验结果能否真实客观地反应患者当前病情的一个重要环节。  相似文献   
语言是人们特有的用来表达心意交流思想的工具,是沟通人与人之间的信息和交流,是护理人员与患者沟通感情的最佳桥梁。美好文明的语言能给患者带来精神上的安慰,随着现代化科学管理,整体护理思想的深入和发展,以患者为中心的护理过程中护患交流在患者康复中取得了明显的效果。护士的语言不仅是个人的修养和文明礼貌的问题,而且直接影响患者的身心健康。1护士的职业道德护士被人们称为“白衣天使”这个美称是对护理人员的敬佩、爱戴和价值的评定,也是对护理工作的社会承认和工作鼓励,作为医疗第一线的护士,我们应满腔热忱地面对患者,将对患者的爱心、同情心和真诚帮助的情感融化在语言中。沟通能收集信息、交流感情、疏通心理障碍,达到健康教育的目的。护士应对待患者多理解、多同情、多关心、多安慰、多鼓励,增强患者战胜疾病的信心,做到“患者在我心中”“我在患者身旁”,不断沟通护患关系,掌握沟通技巧,采用多种形式与患者沟通,增进沟通的有效性、充分了解患者的心理,以适应不同年龄不同层次患者的需要。当前由于市场经济的冲击,很多护士专业思想不牢固,工作积极性不高,多数护理人员语言沟通技巧缺乏、肤浅,技术不熟练,局限于工作忙,没有时间与患者交谈的误区,并未意识到在护...  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden die Wirksamkeit, die Dosisrelation und der Depoteffekt eines synthetischen depot-1–24-tetracosactide (Cortrophine-S-Deport Organon®) und eines nach herkömmlicher Weise hergestellten Depot-ACTH-Präparates (Cortrophine-Z Organon®) verglichen. Als Parameter gilt die Ausscheidung des freien Cortisols im Harn. Bei einer angenommenen Relation von 100 IE Cortrophine-Z gleich 1 mg Cortrosyn-Depot zeigt das synthetische Präparat bei vollwertiger adrenocorticotroper Wirkung einen Gesamtstimulationseffekt von 70,2% desjenigen des herkömmlichen Präparates. Dabei ist der Initialphaseneffekt bei beiden Präparaten gleich. In der sogenannten Stimulationserhaltungsphase und in der Abklingphase des Depoteffektes zeigen sich Unterschiede zugunsten des herkömmlichen Präparates. Es errechnet sich eine Dosisrelation von 100 IE Cortrophine-Z gleich 1,42 mg Cortrosyn-Depot, wobei diskutiert wird, ob es sich hier in der Tat um ein Dosisproblem oder um ein Problem der Depotstabilität handelt.
Efficiency, dose relation and depot effect of a depot-1–24-tetracosactide
This paper reports on a comparative study on a synthetic depot-1–24-tetracosactide (Cortrophine-S-Depot Organon®) and an extractive ACTH-depotpreparation (Cortrophine-Z Organon®); the factors studied were efficiency, dose relation, and depot effect. The parameter used was the excretion of free cortisol in the urine. Assuming a dose relation of 100 I.U. of extractive ACTH equal to 1 mg of the synthetic preparation, our results show, that the synthetic preparation evokes a stimulative effect which equals 70.2% of that of the extractive ACTH. The difference was especially observed in the decreasing phase of the depot effect. The true dose relation calculated with regard to the parameter used, was 100 I.U. extractive ACTH to 1.42 mg of the synthetic tetracosactide. However, it has to be considered whether the difference between the two preparations regarding the effect of stimulation is in fact a question of unequal doses or a question of the stability of the depot itself.
Die Untersuchung wurde im Rahmen einer Beihilfe der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg, durchgeführt (Sto 45/8)  相似文献   
Summary The mast cell content and distribution in various neurogenic tumors is compared with that in amputation neuromas and dermatofibromas (47 specimens). The quantitative distribution did not differ significantly from the results of similar investigations on mast cell content in tumors of mesenchymal and epithelial origin. A frequency gradient from numerous mast cells in perineoplastic connective tissue and peripheral tumor areas to relatively few in tumor centers, was observed in schwannomas (neuromas), neurofibromas and neurosarcomas. Cell paucity and areas with abundant vascularity and connective tissue were seen to be associated with a higher incidence of mast cells, as was specifically noted in neurofibromas. In comparison with more peripherally located mast cells, the more centrally located had fewer granules, some of which were extracellular, although it would be premature to infer a causal relationship between mast cells, their granule distribution and tumor growth.
Résumé: Malgré la multiplication des examens complémentaires, lexamen et la relation cliniques restent au cur de la pratique médicale. Ils justifient donc un enseignement structuré et attentif. Cet enseignement fait désormais lobjet dune disposition législative fondée sur le respect des patients. Il tient compte dune approche globale, biopsychosociale. Ses objectifs méritent dêtre précisés en vue dune relation de qualité avec des malades en situation difficile. En pratique on insistera sur la dédramatisation dun diagnostic de cancer, sur la façon dapporter de mauvaises nouvelles (diagnostic initial de cancer ou évolution terminale) et sur la pratique des touchers pelviens. Toute cette formation en cancérologie doit sinscrire en cohérence avec une formation clinique générale.  相似文献   
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