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Sunscreen oil-in-water emulsions containing few ingredients and two EU-authorized organic filters had been developed in an eco-friendly approach. Based on their photostability, spectroscopic features, and the lack of data on toxicity, BEMT (UVA/B range; bis-ethylhexyloxyphenol methoxyphenyl triazine) and DHHB (UVA; diethylamino hydroxybenzoylhexyl benzoate) were selected and incorporated at minimal concentrations to reduce the risk of impact on human health and coastal marine ecosystems. Despite the inconclusive results previously reported, the use of the w-soluble and largely available Na-lignosulfonate (LiS) had been reconsidered with success. Since BEMT and DHHB alone or in combination were not able to higher the sun protection factor (SPF) value at 50, results showed that it becomes possible by supplementing with LiS at 5% (w/w), ensuring stability, antiradical property, and a non-toxicity of the sun emulsion. After defining the range doses for the three components, minimizing concentrations was achieved by experimental design studies using a response surface methodology in which SPF values before and after irradiation has been considered. Consequently, an SPF30 and SPF50 emulsions containing only 9 and 12% total filter respectively and 5% LiS each had been developed. This high boosting effect led to discussions on how LiS interacts, suggesting the involvement of J aggregation, the formation of LiS micelles that would partly encapsulate the o-soluble filters, and the mode of adsorption at the solid-liquid interface of the poly(methyl-methacrylate) plate or the skin.  相似文献   
孙志广教授擅治脾胃病,临证重视后天脾胃的调补。调补脾胃,重在详审阴阳;重视五行生克制化,从肝论治,调和肝脾,恢复肝脾的生理平衡;强调辛开苦降,调畅脾胃气机;善于宏观与微观辨证相结合。  相似文献   
国医大师孙光荣论中医药学五大特色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国医大师孙光荣教授是我国著名的中医临床家和中医药文献学家.孙教授认为中医药学的特色体现在五大方面,即个性化的辨证论治、调治求衡的防治原则、人性化的治疗方法 、多样化的干预手段以及天然化的用药取向.本文通过整理和阐发孙教授的理论观点,以期进一步把握中医学本质与内涵特色.  相似文献   
国医大师孙光荣在临证中对如何抓住“观其脉证”的重点深有研究,认为“观其脉证”是中医诊法的高度概括,是四诊合参获知的“主证”,并形成歌诀阐述其内涵:辨证元素记心中,四诊最重基本功;望诊本是第一诊,观其有否精气神;目鼻舌甲需仔细,闻问详参辨假真;脉探生死与逆顺,再参数据诊如神.  相似文献   
对名老中医药前辈学术思想与临证经验的继承与发展,是创新和发展中医药事业的一条重要途径.孙善德老药工从事中药炮制工作近50年,在中药炮制方面造诣精深.其自创立的沙参与桔梗、青果与西梅、蟅虫与黄蜂的鉴别方法,以及自制的新四制香附、龟甲、鳖甲、海狗肾等炮制要诀独具特色.在中药炮制传承人才紧缺的背景下,老药工炮制经验的传承显得极为必要,对研究新的炮制方法、拓宽炮制思路,显得意义非凡.  相似文献   
宋青坡  王鑫  高希言  潘富伟 《中医学报》2016,(10):1507-1510
孙思邈继承传统中医的养生理念,在道家修德以保身以及吐故纳新思想的影响下,创造性地提出了以养生重德、依食摄生、食养为上、节欲保精、动静结合等为核心的养生之道,与《黄帝内经》养德宁性、顺其自然的修身原则一脉相承,对后来养生保健医学的发展有着重要的影响。  相似文献   
孙郁芝教授认为浊瘀痹阻肾络是痛风性肾病的主要病机,贯穿疾病始终.强调痛风性肾病发作期为痰浊痹阻、化火化毒,治以祛浊解毒、缓急止痛为主;缓解期因肾络血瘀、肾微癥瘕,治以活血消癥、化瘀通络为主;疾病后期因浊瘀痹阻同时兼见脾肾亏虚证,可兼补肾健脾.根据本病病机发展过程,确立祛浊活血的特色治疗法,并创立特色验方"痛风方",临证...  相似文献   
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