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Psoriasis is a chronic and recurrent dermatosismarked by excessive hyperplasia of epidermal cells.The cause and pathogenesis are unknown. In the lastfew years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has  相似文献   
Traditional Chinese medicine has demonstrated its strength in treating psoriasis, which is characterized by a variety of methods of treatment, flexible use of drugs, high efficacy, low recurrence, and few side-effects. Experimental studies on the mechanism governing the TCM treatment of psoriasis have been conducted at the cellular level and the molecular level. The studies on proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes and the inhibitory effect against them, apoptosis, intercellular adhesion molecules, cytokine, and haemorheology indicate that the laboratory studies on the treatment of psoriasis have now entered a very high stage since the eighties. The studies on relationship between typing of psoriasis based on TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs and changes in some laboratory indexes have been carried out by some researchers to explore the inherent pathological changes in typing of psoriasis based on TCM differentiation of symptoms and signs and to provide scientific basis for the differentiation and typing under a unified standard. However, the present studies lack depth and scope in the methods. In future, the laboratory studies should be enhanced to go further into the principles governing the TCM treatment of psoriasis and to seek new drugs that will be even more effective for psoriasis and can bring its relapse under control.  相似文献   
消银解毒饮对银屑病患者鳞屑白介素8的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了研究中药治疗银屑病的机理,我们在 1999年 2月用双抗体夹心 ELISA法对银屑病患者服用消银解毒饮前后鳞屑中白介素 8(IL- 8)含量进行测定。 一、资料和方法 检测对象: 1998年 9月至 1999年 2月北京中医药大学东直门医院皮肤科门诊就诊的寻常型进行期银屑病患者。观察期间,患者口服消银解毒饮,每次 50 mL,日 2次 ,皮损局部外搽凡士林软膏,就诊前 1 d皮损处不使用外用药膏,用药前及用药 4周后,刮取鳞屑,收集 20例患者的鳞屑 30份,其中服用消银解毒饮治疗前的鳞屑 20份,用药 4周后的鳞屑 10份(另有 10份疗后的鳞屑,因量…  相似文献   
1银屑病的辨证思路寻常型银屑病皮损的基本特点是上覆鳞屑的红色丘疹、斑片或斑块,有点状出血现象,为典型的血热征象。“络脉盛色变”,络脉充盈则皮损色红,热盛迫血妄行则轻刮皮损即有点状出血,热盛生风化燥则层层脱屑。因此银屑病的皮损表现可以做为中医辨证的主要因素。1.1从皮损颜色辨证皮损颜色鲜红为血热,颜色紫红为热盛伤津或血热兼瘀。病程较长,热郁络脉,血行不畅,皮损颜色转为暗红属血瘀。病程日久,邪热未尽,阴血耗伤,皮损颜色变为淡红属血燥。  相似文献   
小儿皮肤娇嫩,免疫功能较弱,易患感染性皮肤病。常见:病毒感染引起的水痘、手足口病、传染性软疣、风疹(见本刊2009年第03期)、麻疹;细菌感染引起的黄水疮(见本刊2009年第06期);真菌感染引起的头癣等。  相似文献   
Objective: To study the distribution and development rules of the TCM syndromes in psoriasis vulgaris. Methods: Based on the clinical epidemiologic mass survey, the study was carried out by means of a status survey, multi-center and large-sample research. The data base was set up by EPIINFO6.0. The SPSS was used to do the statistical analyses in 2651 cases of psoriasis vulgaris to study the correlations among the distribution and development of the TCM syndromes, the stages of the disease, nationality, psoriasis history, family history, smoking history, alcohol drinking history, and severity of the disease. Results: The TCM syndromes in psoriasis vulgaris mainly include the blood-heat syndrome (53.8%), blood-dryness syndrome (27.4%), and blood-stasis syndrome (18.1%). Other syndromes were rarely seen, covering 0.6%. The concurrent syndromes mainly involve dampness, heat, blood stasis and toxin. The distribution differences of the main syndromes at different stages of the disease had statistical significance (P〈0.01). The syndrome distribution is not related with nationality and family history (P〉0.05), but it was closely related with the psoriasis history, smoking history, alcohol drinking history, and severity of the disease (P〈0.01). Conclusion: At the initial stage, psoriasis vulgaris usually manifests itself as the blood-heat syndrome, and later it may be improved or turn into the blood-dryness or blood-stasis syndrome. Smoking, ' alcohol consumption, and severity of the disease may play a role in the syndrome's transformation.  相似文献   
黄褐斑是一种常见的面部色素沉着性皮肤病,其病情较顽固,且近几年来发病有增多的趋势。本病相当于中医的黧黑斑、黧黑皮干黑曾、皮皮干、面尘。中医认为其病因病机多为气血虚衰,血气不和,血脉凝涩,不能荣华面部而致,与肝、脾、肾功能及痰饮、风邪有密切关系。故其治疗应依据证候而定,从疏肝、补肾、健脾、养血、活血、滋阴、祛风、化痰等不同方面着手。辨证论治一般肝气郁结证应疏肝解郁,应用加味逍遥丸、柴胡逍遥散加减;脾虚痰湿证宜化痰利湿,常用除湿胃苓汤、二陈汤、半夏白术天麻汤、参苓白术散加减;肝肾阴虚证宜滋补肝肾,常用六味地黄丸…  相似文献   
研究从光果甘草提取精制的含黄酮类疏水成分的脂溶性甘草浸膏在活体的作用。褐色豚鼠皮肤照射 UVB 和 PUVA 后产生色素沉着,连续2周涂搽用乙醇稀释的1%甘草浸膏和10%氢醌,结果虽然甘草浸膏的脱色效果较氢醌稍差,但比仅涂基质乙醇的对照部位明显脱色。在人的皮肤照射 UVB后产生色素沉着,连续4周涂搽1%甘草浸膏霜,结果涂搽部位较仅涂霜基质的对照部  相似文献   
中医辩证治疗湿疹85例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
瞿幸 《中医杂志》1995,36(10):615-616
根据85例湿疹患者的皮损特点和临床表现,分为血热湿盛、肝胆湿热、脾虚湿蕴、肝风湿热、血燥夹湿、湿瘀互结6型,以除湿止痒为则辩证论治。结果治愈67例,好转17例,无效1效,总有效率98.8%。  相似文献   
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