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栀子临床应用广泛,且历史悠久,为更好地利用栀子资源,通过梳理历代文献与现代研究,对栀子名称、品种、产地、炮制、功效等方面进行考证,发现栀子命名主要以形态、色泽为依据,一定程度上反映了栀子的特征,并且存在与水栀子混用"黄栀"之名的情况。古代文献中记载的栀子产地最早为南阳,但产量不高,受人口迁移以及生产力发展的影响,栀子的产地主要转移到南方,且以南方产者为佳。在历代本草文献中记载入药用的栀子为山栀子,水栀子不堪入药,但在《伤寒论》等古代方书中有"肥栀子""大栀子"入药用的记载,通过后世对相应方剂的记载,确定二者应为水栀子,为水栀子的临床应用提供了有力依据。之所以与本草文献记载有所差异,应与《雷公炮炙论》和《伤寒论》的年代不同,栀子的产量及采收能力有所差距,且本草书重规范,择优入药,方书注重实用等特点有关,并且根据现代实验研究表明山栀子与水栀子化学成分组成、含量相似,具有相同的利胆作用。此外,系统整理了历代本草与方书中栀子的炮制方法和功效,并进行了分析,为栀子属资源的进一步研究与利用提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
采用文献考证与实地调查相结合的方法,对常用藏药材"蒂达"的名称、品种分类及其基原进行了考证和整理.结果表明,"蒂达"的名称、品种和基原极为复杂混乱,是导致其缺乏和难以制定药材质量控制标准的关键制约因素.类似状况在民族药中普遍存在,反映出了对民族药进行品种整理的必要性和迫切性.由于古代文献对于药物基原的形态描述往往较为简单,多数情况下仅根据文献考证难以准确确定其基原,在进行民族药品种整理时,还应"尊古不泥古",注重古今药材品种、基原的历史变迁和现实资源、临床使用状况的调查,并积极借鉴现代化学、生物活性评价等的研究成果,既继承民族医药的特色与优势,又推动其现代化发展.  相似文献   
Two different hapten designs have been suggested for production of generic antibodies. The first approach was based on the immunogen prepared by conjugating simazine mimic to carrier proteins through the Cl position of the s-triazine herbicide. For sulfonylurea herbicides a single ring hapten strategy was designed in order to produce antibodies with dominant selectivity towards arylsulfonyl or triazine moieties of metsulfuron-methyl. The best monoclonal antibody raised against simazine-derived hapten mimic (clone B10/B8/D2) exhibited in direct ELISA a broad pattern for a group of methylthio and methoxy s-triazines. Cross-reactivities based on simazine ( = 100%) were 417, 125, 25, 50, 28, 42 and 11% for simetryn, ametryn, prometryn, terbutryn, aziprotryn, atraton and atrazine, respectively. The superiour generic pattern was found for monoclonal antibody raised against s-triazine moiety of metsulfuron-methyl herbicide (clone 2C8/C8). This antibody showed in indirect ELISA the cross-reactivity values 100, 142, 95, 60, 40, 167, 83 and 21% for metsulfuronmethyl, cinosulfuron, triasulfuron, primisulfuron-methyl, thifensulfuron-methyl, chlorsulfuron and prosulfuron and tribenuron-methyl, respectively. The assays using both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies operated within the ppt-ppb calibration ranges.  相似文献   
通过查阅古代本草、医籍,结合近现代文献资料,笔者对海风藤药材名称、基原、产地及采收加工进行考证,以期为含海风藤药材的经典名方开发提供依据。经考证表明,海风藤入药最早以“南藤”为正名收载于唐代《本草拾遗》,并有“丁公藤”“石南藤”等异名;而“海风藤”一名应出现于明代;宋代之前海风藤药材来源可能为胡椒科胡椒属植物石南藤Piper wallichii的藤茎,宋代后使用品种则多为胡椒属风藤P. kadsura、山蒟P. hancei等植物,历版《中华人民共和国药典》收载海风藤药材基原仅风藤P. kadsura一种,结合基原考证、市场调查及野生资源分布情况,建议经典名方所用海风藤基原除风藤P. kadsura外,可增加山蒟P. hancei;由于气候变化及胡椒属植物喜热的习性特点,历代海风藤药材所著录的产地呈现由秦岭一带逐渐向南迁移至南方盛产胡椒属植物的地区,明代以来则推崇福建省泉州地区;采收期为农历七月至八月,采取地上部分,除去须根、细茎及叶,晒干;历代关于海风藤药材的炮制记载较少,多为生品入药,故建议经典名方所用海风藤药材未注明特殊炮制要求的采用生品即可。  相似文献   
《Surgery (Oxford)》2021,39(12):778-784
The Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP) provides the Curriculum with the specialty syllabus, trainee’s portfolio of activity, and the process and recording of assessment. It is an excellent resource and in order to gain the optimal benefit trainees and trainers are recommended to invest some time in navigating through the site and understand its functionality. The launch of the 2021 Surgical Curricula is an important change with the new assessment tool of the Multiple Consultant Report (MCR) and the trainee input with their self-assessment. The ISCP has incorporated the MCR assessment process (Generic Professional Capabilities and Capabilities in Practice) into the learning agreement structure such that the progression through to the higher-level outcome of the curriculum, defined as a day 1 consultant in a specialty, is enhanced by frequent and focussed feedback specific to the trainee. To achieve the optimal outcomes, it is important to have strong engagement with the ISCP and the useability has been enhanced to facilitate this.  相似文献   
降香为我国传统中药材,历代本草对其记载较为混杂,至今基原仍存在较大争议。从名称、基原、产地、品质评价、采收加工及炮制方面进行考证可知,降香本名降真香,历代本草中多以降真香为正名记载,自明代《本草纲目》将降香作为降真香的简称,后至清末、民国时期逐渐以降香作为药材正名。从古至今降香基原历经变革,古代(1840年前)国产降香基原考证为黄檀属藤黄檀Dalbergia hancei Benth.、斜叶黄檀D. pinnata (Lour.) Prain、两粤黄檀D. benthamii Prain、滇黔黄檀D. yunnanensis Franch.等能够产生香材的藤本植物,进口降香基原则考证为黄檀属印度黄檀D. sissoo DC.、小花黄檀D. parviflora Roxb.等具有心材的木本植物;由于降真香(山油柑)Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq.植物名与药材名相同,1840—1948年部分著作误将山油柑作降香记载;《中华人民共和国药典》1977年版首次收录降香,规定其基原为降香檀D. odorifera T. Chen。据记载,古代国产和进口降香均无明确道地产区;1949年至今,唯一道地产区为海南省。历代本草记载,进口降香以颜色红且香气甜而不辣,或颜色紫而油润者入药为佳;中华人民共和国成立后,以降香檀心材替代进口降香入药,其品质以颜色紫红、质地坚硬油润者为佳。历代本草记载降香炮制方法包括将其刮下碾成细末和烧存性;近现代以加工成细粉或镑片为主。考证结果为今后成方制剂开发及临床应用提供重要参考。  相似文献   
武陵地区民间146种“七”药考证与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为统一对民族民间“七”药的认识,解决“七”药命名中同物异名或同名异物的难题,经过多年对武陵地区“七”药的实地考察和核对有关标本,文献,考证出了该地区146种“七”药的名实,分析了“七”药的生态环境,基原,性味,功效及化学成分。并对“七”药的科学命名和应用开发提出了建议。  相似文献   
A first name captures indispensable information about its bearer, including aspects of the individual's inner world and approach to the environment, the aspirations and attributions of the name-givers for the individual, and the transferences and countertransferences involving the feelings that a first name evokes. A name is therefore a code waiting to be deciphered that, when explored, can reveal its significance to its bearer. A name can impart multiple meanings; the process of interpreting a name is akin to peeling an onion layered in infinite sequences. This article proposes that an examination of the analysand's first name can be a useful clinical tool in psychoanalytic therapy. An exploration into the origin and meaning of a patient's first name through detailed inquiry and association can serve as a rich source of insight regarding relationships between name and self-identity, and can quickly expand the analytic process.  相似文献   
从病名、病因病机、辨证论治几方面对癫痫的源流进行考证。从古至今对此病的称谓不一,但总以其症状表现而命名为"痫"。导致该病的先天因素为胎气受损或是父母禀赋弱致精气不充,后天因素为七情失调、外感六淫、饮食或脑部外伤。病机以脏气不平,肝风上扰,痰浊、血瘀阻窍为核心,治法以平肝疏肝为主,后逐渐发展形成化痰熄风、重镇安神、活血化瘀、祛邪补虚等诸多方法。  相似文献   
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