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The research and development of penicillin started with difficulty before 1949 and achieved certain results. In 1951, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhang Weishen, as the only Chinese scientist who had been trained and worked in a penicillin research and development center in the United States for many years, overcame many difficulties and returned to China. In 1953, with the efforts of Zhang Weishen and his colleagues, China realized the industrialized production of penicillin, alleviating the urgent needs of the masses. Antibiotics has also become the first discipline to achieve major scientific and technological achievements after the founding of the New China. In the mid-1950s, the technical breakthrough in the localization of lactose substitutes marked the localization of the raw materials of the penicillin-producing culture medium, which paved the way for the industrialized production of penicillin with Chinese characteristics. Antibiotics have become one of the most widely used and affordable drugs for hundreds of millions of patients in China, and China has since ended the humiliating history of the “Sick Man of East Asia".  相似文献   
王青  杨玉莹  吴显文 《河南中医》2020,40(3):356-359
导致血不利的原因一是不足,即由于气、血、津、液等物质的缺乏致无源行血;一是不通,即水、湿、痰、饮、瘀、食积、火郁、内风、外伤等病理因素阻滞,致血行不畅。血瘀经脉之内,则水亦瘀积脉中,致脉络胀满,形成水肿。乳腺癌术后患者,金刃本已损伤血脉,术后的放疗、化疗又属祛邪之法,故机体元气受损,气虚无力行血,血运行不畅,导致患侧上肢水肿。故治疗乳腺癌相关淋巴水肿时,应当血水同治,即活血利水之法要贯穿始终。先病血而后病水者,可以活血化瘀为主,利水为辅;先病水后病血者,则以利水消肿为主,酌加活血养血之品。但需要注意的是:①临证时切不可拘泥于单纯的活血利水法,而忽视乳腺癌相关淋巴水肿(breast cancer related lymphedema,BCRL)患者机体本身的状况。②临证勿忽视五脏与血、水的关系,以及肺、脾、肾、三焦与水肿的内在关系。③可多种方法联合运用,审证求因,标本同治。BCRL术后宜补气活血,通脉利水;术后兼化疗者可疏肝健脾、利水消肿;早期可在活血利水基础上,侧重利湿消肿,后期多湿聚为痰,治疗侧重化痰软坚。  相似文献   
张謇的教育思想十分丰富 ,并且具有鲜明的时代特点。他在江苏南通的教育实践成就卓著 ,极富特色。他较早地提出了教育为地方经济社会发展服务的思想 ,创造了“以实业辅助教育 ,以教育促进实业”的成功模式 ,反映了教育从边缘走向经济中心这一历史发展的趋势。张謇的教育思想与实践在近代中国教育史上有重要地位  相似文献   
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) tubing is an indispensable medical material for extracorporeal circulation therapy. However, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), a suspected endocrine disruptor, can be eluted from PVC, suggesting that an alternative material that does not contain DEHP is needed for clinical applications. First, we evaluated the endocrine disrupting risks of the plasticizers contained in PVC tubes by investigating their binding affinities for the human estrogen receptor alpha (ERα). Our results revealed that, while DEHP has some binding affinity for ERα, neither epoxidized soybean oil nor tris(2-ethylhexyl)trimellitate (an alternative to DEHP) has any affinity for ERα. Second, we evaluated the endocrine disrupting risks of a tube made of newly developed plasticizer-free (PF) materials. We confirmed the presence of DEHP and detected several unidentified substances in plasma stored within the PVC tube. This plasma's competitive binding affinity for ERα was significantly higher than that of control plasma (P < 0.01). In contrast, the profile of plasma stored in the PF tube was similar to that of the control, both in terms of high-performance liquid chromatography chromatograms and competitive binding capacity for ERα, suggesting that the PF tube is biocompatible and is useful for reducing the elution of substances capable of binding to ERα. Presented in part at the 42nd Congress of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs, October 5–7, 2004, Tokyo, Japan  相似文献   
本文对鄂西自治州一市二县三所医院近八年来(1980年元月~1987年12月)成人USD住院患者1592例的构成比作了回顾性调查分析.结果表明:USD患者占同期住院总人数的3.90%,其常见病种依次为尿路结石,尿路感染,慢性肾炎.急性肾炎、肾结核,慢性肾衰和肾病综合征;上尿路结石病人数有逐年上升趋势,且右侧显著高于左侧(P<0.001);慢性肾衰的病人数每隔1~2年有突然增高现象,1987年比1980年增加了四倍;急性肾炎和肾结核占有较大比例,肾结核为慢性肾衰病因的第三位.这些均为本组USD的临床流行病学特点.作者对各常见病种的特点进行了讨论.  相似文献   
张锡纯一生善治伤寒、温病与各类急证 ,所著《医学衷中参西录》尤精于热病的善后调理 ,究其辨证立法的本质内涵而言 ,仍不离辨证施治的主旨。所论调理措施主要有药物调理、饮食调理、精神调理 3个方面  相似文献   
肇自晋唐、盛于明清的“新安医学”在中医学发展史中具有重要地位。作者对新安临床医家中具有代表性的医学家族 :徽州歙县定潭“张一帖”的源流进行了详细考证。认为“张一帖”之名起于明嘉靖年间 ,传承至今 ,计 45 0余年、15代的历史。张氏历代以急性热病、内科疑难杂病为其精擅 ,传有“末药”等名方 ,并对张氏各代的临床特色予以简要考辨、探讨。认为区域性医学流派、代表性医学家族链曾是中医学发展过程中的重要建构形式之一。  相似文献   
张子和擅用攻法 ,但他不排斥补法。对于补法 ,他有独到见解。本文从四个方面详细地阐述了张子和论补的观点 :①少用、慎用温补药 ,主张寒补 ;②先攻后补或攻补兼施 ,下中有补 ;③药物攻邪 ,食物补正 ;④辨证施治 ,纯虚当补。张子和的观点 ,有助于临床医生及世人正确理解和运用补法 ,避免乱用补法造成的危害。  相似文献   
本文对“金元四大家之一”、“攻邪派”的创始人张子和的中医理论学术特点,提出粗浅见解。认为张氏在攻邪理论方面的创新成就,提出论病首重邪气,“先论攻邪,邪去而元气自复也”;认为“凡药有毒”、“久服偏胜”,提出“养生当论食补”、“因证施补”、“补之适足”,把妄补的庸医斥之为“皆鲧湮洪水之徒”;认为凡邪在表,都可应用汗法,提出刺血、按摩与发汗,虽名异而实同,并临床运用于头面五官的红肿热痛诸证、皮肤科的痈疽癣瘤及风搐、呕血、肾风等诸证,疗效满意;认为攻邪法临床运用于不孕、赤白带下、经闭、收产伤胎、乳汁不下,首次比较系统地把攻邪理论运用于妇产理论和临床实践中。目的通过对张氏中医理论学术特点的探讨,总结祖国医学的理论渊源,为后世医学的发展提借鉴。  相似文献   
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