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目的:探讨尺神经肌膜瓣下前置联合可吸收医用膜包裹治疗肘管综合征的临床疗效。方法选取2010-02-2013-01我院收治的60例肘管综合征患者,随机分为2组。比较2组疗效及术前、术后小指展肌引出CMAP波幅。结果实验组总有效率93.3%,对照组为80.0%,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组术前小指展肌引出CMAP波幅为3.9±2.7,术后为5.3±3.4;对照组术前为4.1±2.9,术后为4.6±3.2。2组术前小指展肌引出CMAP波幅差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),术后组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论尺神经肌膜瓣下前置联合可吸收医用膜包裹术能够有效改善患者神经功能,在肘管综合征的治疗上具有明显优势。  相似文献   

目的 通过长时运动诱发试验,观察低钾型周期性瘫痪患者肌力和肌电图的变化与血钾之间的关系.方法 收集确诊为低钾型周期性瘫痪患者78例,对小指展肌进行运动诱发试验测定,以拇短展肌作为对照,观察120 min,测定运动诱发前后尺神经/小指展肌和正中神经/拇短展肌复合肌肉动作电位(compound muscle action potential,CMAP)波幅变化,同时观察患者小指外展和小指内收肌力以及拇短展肌肌力的变化,部分患者测定运动前后血钾水平.分析运动后不同肌肉的肌力、CMAP波幅与血钾之间的关系.结果 在小指外展运动后,78例患者尺神经CMAP波幅运动后比运动前明显下降,分别为(4.6±2.7)、(9.6±3.2)mV(t=16.047,P=0.000),而正中神经CMAP波幅在小指外展运动后与运动前相比无明显差异,分别为(10.9±4.2)、(11.2±3.9)mV(t=0.673,P=0.822).在运动后,76例小指外展肌力下降;有41例小指外展肌力小于Ⅲ级,但同侧小指内收和拇短展肌肌力仍为V级,对其中10例患者在运动前和运动后测定血钾,结果无明显差异,分别为(3.8±0.3)、(3.9±0.4)mmol/L(t =0.395,P=0.702).结论 在低钾型周期性瘫痪患者进行运动诱发试验时,血钾并非影响肌力和CMAP波幅变化的关键因素.  相似文献   

目的研究腕管综合征(CTS)更敏感的电诊断指标,并结合电生理探讨CTS特征性体征与病变程度的关系。方法2009年2月~2010年2月间就诊于本科,符合纳入标准的CTS患者72例(121只腕)行神经传导检测(NCS),记录腕-拇短展肌/小指展肌末端运动潜伏期(DML)、拇短展肌复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)波幅、腕-食指/环指/小指感觉传导速度(SCV)、正中/尺神经感觉潜伏期差(?DSL)和感觉神经动作电位(SNAP)波幅。结果(1)拇短展肌CMAP波幅(mV)低于小指展肌(7.40±3.25v.s.10.74±2.23,t=-9.22、P0.001),环指记录的正中神经SNAP波幅(μV)低于尺神经(9.77±7.46v.s.23.67±9.92,t=-10.70、P0.001);(2)腕-拇短展肌DML延长、腕-食指和腕-环指SCV减慢、?DSL增加,阳性率分别为89.1%(106/119)、79.6%(78/98)、85.1%(57/67)和95.5%(64/67)(χ2=9.66,P=0.022);(3)与阴性者比较,Tinel征阳性者DML(ms)延长更多(5.65±1.62v.s.4.89±1.61,t=2.13、P=0.035),Phalen征阳性者腕-食指SCV减慢更多(35.57±7.49v.s.39.84±7.66,t=-2.39、P=0.019),其余各参数均无差异(P0.05)。结论?DSL诊断CTS最敏感,怀疑CTS时可作为首选的方法;Tinel征和Phalen征不能完全反映CTS严重程度。  相似文献   

目的探讨神经电生理检查在肘管综合征手术治疗及其对预后的判断价值。方法对31例肘管综合征患者术前、术中进行神经电生理检查。回顾性分析术前及手术减压后肘上至肘下段的神经传导速度(MNCV)、潜伏期(LAT)及复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)。术后随访观察患者症状恢复情况,探讨术中电生理检测指标与患者预后之间的关系。结果 24例患者尺神经在肘管卡压处松解后,尺神经在肘部的MNCV提高超过50%,潜伏期缩短超过30%,CAMP波幅增加20%,其中20例(83.33%)疗效优,3例良,1例可,0例差。7例松解后肌电图指标无明显变化患者中有1例疗效优(14.28%),3例良,2例可,1例差。结论 MNCV及CAMP不仅是肘管综合症术中监测的重要指标,同时对判断患者预后有参考意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腕管综合征(CTS)患者的神经电生理特征。方法:对临床症状、体征符合CTS的患者22例(31侧)行正中神经,尺神经.桡神经运动和感觉传导速度测定,以及拇短展肌,小指展肌,伸指总肌肌电图检测。结果:在31条患病正中神经中9条感觉传导未引出反应波、22条正中神经感觉潜伏期延长、波幅降低、或(和)感觉传导速度减慢;23条正中神经运动传导远端潜伏期延长、波幅降低;18块正中神经支配肌拇短展肌呈神经源改变。结论:神经电生理检测中以正中神经感觉潜伏期异常阳性率最高(100%);其次是正中神经运动传导远端潜伏期延长(74%)和拇短展肌神经源性改变(58%)。  相似文献   

肘尺管综合征显微手术治疗17例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肘尺管综合征尺神经显微松解及保留尺神经肘管段血供分支的松解前置术治疗肘管综合征的临床效果.方法 对17例肘管综合征患者施行显微松解及保留尺神经肘部血供分支的松解前置术,术后观察其疗效.结果 15例临床症状全部消失,功能恢复正常;2例感觉功能完全恢复,运动功能大部恢复.无并发症.结论 显微松解及保留尺神经肘管段血供分支的松解前置术是治疗肘管综合征的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨尺神经松解筋膜下前置术治疗肘管综合征的临床疗效。方法采用尺神经外膜松解加尺神经筋膜下前置术的手术方式治疗38例肘管综合征患者,34例术后6个月~3a获随访。结果随访34例,其中30例明显改善,运动感觉功能均获恢复,2例感觉功能恢复,运动功能未恢复,2例严重损伤感觉及运动均未恢复。手术疗效优良率88.2%。结论采用尺神经外膜松解加尺神经筋膜下前置术的手术方式治疗肘管综合征临床效果良好。  相似文献   

肘管综合征的神经电生理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肘管综合征的神经电生理特点.方法 对70例76侧经临床及手术证实为肘管综合征的患者进行神经肌电图检测及分析.结果 70例76侧肢体,尺神经感觉神经小指到腕传导速度、感觉神经动作电位波幅、尺神经运动神经肘下5cm到肘上5cm传导速度和波幅、肘下到腕传导速度和波幅等6项指标异常率分别为:42%、47%、78%、79%(包括肘上5cm到肘下5cmMCV)、28%、14%.结论 神经肌电图检查为诊断肘管综合征的可靠手段,可早期确诊及准确定位受损部位及损伤程度、判断愈后、指导治疗.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腕管综合征(CTS)患者的神经电生理特征.方法 对临床症状、体征符合CTS的60例患者进行正中神经、尺神经的运动和感觉传导速度测定,及拇短展肌、小指展肌的肌电图检测.结果 60例患者中,双侧病变18例,单侧病变42例.60例CTS患者中78条正中神经感觉传导潜伏期均延长和感觉传导速度均减慢,60条正中神经感觉诱发波幅降低,74条正中神经运动远端潜伏期延长,4条正中神经运动远端潜伏期和诱发波幅正常.58块正中神经支配的拇短展肌呈神经源性损害.结论 神经电生理检查在CTS的诊断与鉴别诊断中有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨尺神经微创松解及前置治疗肘管综合征的手术治疗效果。方法回顾分析我院2006-05~2010-05收治的39例肘管综合征患者,利用显微外科技术,松解尺神经,保留尺神经伴行血管-尺侧上副动脉,尺神经前置深筋膜瓣内重建宽松神经床。观察术后疗效。结果按照Amadio肘部尺神经损害的疗效标准评价:优20例,良15例,可2例,差2例,优良率89.7%。结论肘管综合征患者应尽早手术,尺神经的微创松解提高了临床治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨MND患者ALSFRS与运动传导改变的相关性及其对预后评估的价值。方法2007年8月~2008年7月间符合Escorial诊断标准不同确定性水平的MND患者40例,健康志愿者102名为对照组。对所有患者均进行ALSFRS,并分别测量尺神经(腕部)-小指展肌以及胫神经(踝部)-[足母]展肌的复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)波幅和末端运动潜伏期(DML),分析ALSFRS与运动传导参数的关系。结果(1)肯定型ALS20例,拟诊型ALS10例,可能型ALS4例,进行性脊肌萎缩6例;(2)与对照组比较,患者组小指展肌和[足母]展肌CMAP波幅(mV)减低,尺神经DML延长(P〈0.01);(3)ALSFRS与小指展肌和[足母]展肌CMAP波幅以及尺神经DML均呈显著相关(r分别为0.653,0.446和-0.592;P分别为0.000、0.004和0.000);ALSFRS%30分的9例(100%)患者CMAP波幅均异常减低,31例ALSFRS≥30分的患者有17例(54.8%)的CMAP波幅异常减低(Х^2=6.25,P=0.012);(4)随访的8例患者中6例ALSFRS在30分以下;与首次就诊相比,随访的8例患者其ALSFRS以及小指展肌CMAP波幅均减低(P〈0.05)。随访者的ALSFRS与小指展肌及[足母]展肌CMAP波幅均呈正相关(r分别为0.836和0.822;P分别为0.01和0.012),与DML无相关(P〉0.05)。结论MND患者可出现CMAP波幅减低及DML延长;ALSFRS与CMAP波幅显著相关,二者同时减低提示预后差,可作为客观反映MND患者严重程度的可靠指标。  相似文献   

目的 采用多点刺激法进行运动单位数目估计(MUNE)检测,并探寻其国人正常值.方法 对知情同意的80名健康志愿者进行多点刺激法MUNE:刺激电极分别于腕、腕上6 cm、肘、肘上6 cm共4点刺激正中神经或尺神经,以超强刺激诱发最大波幅M波,然后从0 mA认刺激开始逐渐增加刺激强度,直到出现可辨认的低波幅的单个运动单位电位,稳定后保存,每次记录3个递增的M波,再逐渐增大刺激强度,共获取12个递增的M波.重复做2次.结果 健康志愿者拇短展肌MUNE结果为230.0±35.7,小指展肌242.5±30.2.多点刺激法2次测验所得的MUNE的相关系数为0.88~0.91,变异系数13.20%~15.24%,差异无统计学意义.结论 多点刺激法能测定运动单位数目,可重复性良好.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study was to identify secondary functional changes in the peripheral motor units of the paretic upper extremity (UE) in patients with severe ischemic stroke and to determine how these changes develop during the first weeks after stroke. An inception cohort of 27 consecutive patients with an acute ischemic supratentorial stroke and an initial UE paralysis was compared with 10 healthy control subjects. The ulnar nerve was electrically stimulated proximal to the wrist and electromyographic recordings were obtained from the abductor digiti minimi muscle. Hemiparetic side mean values of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) 1 and 3 weeks after stroke were compared with the nonparetic side and with CMAP values obtained from healthy control subjects. The mean CMAP amplitude in patients was significantly lower on the paretic side compared with the nonparetic side and with control subjects. Decrease in CMAP amplitude was observed in more than half of the stroke patients, sometimes as early as 4 days after stroke, and persisted in most cases. Whenever present, it was accompanied by absence of motor recovery at that specific time after stroke. Decreased CMAP amplitude in the abductor digiti minimi muscle can be seen already in the very acute phases after stroke unrelated to peripheral neuropathy, radiculopathy, or plexopathy, and it is accompanied by absence of UMN recovery. This knowledge is important for interpreting electrophysiological data in stroke patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine if transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the cervical roots can be used to diagnose proximal conduction block (CB) in multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) and whether it can reliably distinguish MMN from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). METHODS: Compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) over the abductor digiti minimi (ADM) were evoked by supramaximal stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the wrist, below elbow, above elbow, axilla, Erb's point, and C8/T1 cervical roots in three groups of patients: 31 patients with ALS, nine patients with MMN, and 31 controls. Supramaximal stimulation at Erb's point and the C8/T1 roots was carried out using a transcutaneous high voltage electrical stimulator. The negative peak amplitude, area, and duration of the CMAP were measured and normalised to that from the wrist. The percentage change in each segment in these parameters was calculated and compared between the different groups. RESULTS: At stimulation sites proximal to the elbow, there were no significant differences in relative CMAP amplitude, area, or duration between controls, ALS patients, and MMN patients with clinically unaffected ulnar nerves. Similarly, the percentage segmental change between adjacent stimulation sites showed no significant differences. In six studies of MMN patients with weakness in ulnar hand muscles, the decrease in CMAP amplitude between the C8/T1 roots and Erb's point exceeded the mean + 2 SD of the control data. CONCLUSION: Cervical root stimulation can quantify CB in the most proximal segment of the ulnar nerve, a fall in CMAP amplitude if greater than 25%, indicating block, and should be used routinely in the evaluation of patients suspected of having MMN, especially when distal stimulation has proved unhelpful.  相似文献   

目的 通过观察神经电生理改变特点,协助鉴别肯尼迪病(KD)和进行性肌萎缩(PMA).方法 收集13例KD和12例PMA患者,对两组患者运动和感觉神经传导、常规肌电图、单纤维肌电图结果进行比较.结果 同侧肢体正中神经(拇短展肌记录)和尺神经(小指展肌记录)远端复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)波幅比值在KD组和PMA组分别为1.11±0.40、0.57±0.29(t=4.760,P=0.000).6例KD患者感觉神经传导测定显示波幅下降,传导速度正常.PMA患者感觉传导测定均正常.单纤维肌电图检测可见,KD组和PMA组平均颤抖(jitter)分别为(56.3±24.2)、(97.1±35.3)μs(t=2.696,P=0.015),阻滞百分比中位数(M_(50))分别为0、32.5%(Z=3.168,P=0.002).两组肌电图检查均表现为广泛神经源性损害.结论 KD和PMA进行鉴别时,如运动传导显示正中神经CMAP波幅大于尺神经波幅,感觉神经传导波幅下降,单纤维肌电图颤抖相对正常,可以支持KD的诊断.  相似文献   

To test for interside differences and ipsilateral correlation of compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) from muscles of the cervical region according to El Escorial criteria, we stimulated the phrenic, axillary, and ulnar nerves bilaterally in 67 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The diaphragm CMAP was symmetric, but it did not correlate with deltoid or abductor digiti minimi (ADM) CMAPs. The deltoid CMAP in all groups and ADM CMAP in bulbar- and lower-limb-onset patients showed significant interside correlation. The ADM CMAP is asymmetric in upper-limb-onset patients. Unilateral stimulation is sufficient to monitor the phrenic nerve response; its degree of CMAP decrease does not correlate with other cervical muscle involvement.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose:  We report decremental responses to repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) in 11 patients diagnosed with X-linked spinobulbar muscular atrophy (X-SBMA).
Methods:  The compound muscle action potential (CMAP) of the right abductor digiti minimi (ADM) and trapezius (TZ) in response to a 3-Hz stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the wrist and accessory nerve at the neck were recorded by surface electrodes.
Results:  A decremental response to RNS was observed in 90.9% of the TZ muscle and 27.2% in the ADM muscle of patients with X-SBMA.
Conclusion:  These electrophysiological features of X-SBMA are considered to be useful for diagnosis of X-SBMA. Furthermore, the waning phenomena that mostly appeared in the TZ muscle and increment of CMAP in RNS after the exercise also suggest a unique manifestation in X-SBMA.  相似文献   

Nerve conduction studies in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We studied 137 ulnar nerves and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscles in 70 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and correlated the results with ADM strength graded on the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale, to address the potential value of a standardized neurophysiological assessment of this nerve-muscle system. The ulnar nerves of 35 normal subjects matched for age, gender, and height served as controls. Reduced compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude and area in the ADM muscle recordings correlated strongly with weakness. Distal motor latency, proximal conduction time, and F-wave frequency were abnormal with minimally detectable weakness. In weaker ADM muscles, conduction velocities and F-wave latencies were also abnormal. Conduction block was never observed and sensory potentials were normal. An "ALS neurophysiological index" was derived from these ulnar nerve studies and consisted of the expression: (CMAP amplitude/DML) x F frequency -, where F frequency was expressed as the number of F responses recorded in 20 trials. This index was strongly correlated with ADM weakness (r = 0.74, P < 0.001). Neurophysiological studies restricted to a single nerve-muscle system, the ulnar nerve/ADM, appear potentially useful in objectively assessing change in ALS.  相似文献   

Cervical magnetic stimulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We stimulated the cervical region with a 9-cm-diameter magnetic coil on centered on the spinous processes in 21 normal subjects. We obtained maximal amplitudes with clockwise coil current in right-sided upper extremity muscles and counterclockwise coil current in left-sided upper extremity muscles. Optimal stimulation sites for biceps, triceps, and abductor digiti minimi were C-3 or C-4, C-4 or C-5, and C-4, C-5, or C-6, respectively. The latencies of the muscle responses varied little in the same subject in spite of marked amplitude changes due to suboptimal position of the coil or submaximal stimulator output. In abductor digiti minimi, the amplitude of the muscle response on cervical magnetic stimulation was 9 to 100% of the supramaximal amplitude on wrist electrical stimulation. We established normal values for latency, amplitude, and interside differences for the above 3 upper extremity muscles. The findings were reproducible, and the latencies obtained with large coils from different manufacturers in the same subjects were comparable. We found no advantage in bipolar recording over tendon-belly montage. Comparison of magnetic and electrical needle root stimulation in the same subjects showed that the magnetic stimulus was more proximal in biceps and triceps, and that the site of excitation was approximately the same in abductor digiti minimi. Indirect assessment of the longitudinal site of excitation based on F-wave minimal latency indicated that excitation occurred within millimeters of the emergence of axon of the peripheral motor neuron.  相似文献   

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