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目的 比较美国国家胆固醇教育计划成人治疗组第3次报告(NCEP-ATPⅢ)、中华医学会糖尿病学分会(CDS)和国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)3种代谢综合征(MS)定义在儿童青少年人群中应用的异同.方法 收集上海市浦东新区川沙地区中小学学生、年龄7~15岁的有心血管疾病危险因素调查资料,共计432例患儿.体格测量后检测其空腹血糖(FPG)、三酰甘油(TG)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C),并监测动态血压.分别应用改良的NCEP-ATPⅢ(即Cook定义)、CDS(即梁氏定义)和IDF定义诊断MS,并比较MS的检出率及诊断的一致性.结果 Cook、梁氏和IDF定义诊断MS的检出率分别为31.0%、9.5%和25.7%.Cook与梁氏、Cook与IDF、梁氏与IDF定义分别同时诊断78.5%、89.1%和83.8%的个体为MS或非MS,一致性检验的Kappa值分别为0.378 20、0.719 18和0.465 37.结论 3种定义在MS的诊断结果上存在差异,Cook和IDF定义的诊断一致性高于Cook及IDF和梁氏定义的一致性,以Cook诊断的检出率最高,比较适合儿童青少年人群.Cook和IDF定义对于MS诊断的一致性较好,属于高度一致.制定普遍公认的适合儿童青少年人群的MS定义势在必行.  相似文献   

目的比较儿童青少年腰围与体重指数(BMI)在代谢综合征(MS)诊断中的实用价值。方法采用随机抽样的方法于2009年6月至2010年10月从南宁市14所中小学中抽取6~18岁儿童青少年7893人,分析腰围、BMI与MS各检测指标的相关性。以中华医学会糖尿病学分会(CDS)及国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)(2007)建议的MS标准应用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC),比较腰围及BMI的ROC曲线下面积,反映腰围及BMI诊断MS的准确性大小。结果 (1)除高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)均值随肥胖增加而降低外,MS的各检测指标均值比较[除外空腹血糖(FBG)和天冬氨酸转移酶(AST)]均为肥胖组>超重组>正常组,3组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)腰围、BMI均与臀围、腰臀比、收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)、FBG、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、空腹胰岛素(FINS)、胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)呈正相关,与HDL-C呈负相关,其中腰围与FBG、TG、HDL-C、FINS、HOMA-IR的相关程度较BMI密切。(3)腰围检出MS各组分异常的灵敏性明显高于BMI,阳性预测值(除外HDL-C异常)均相对好于BMI。(4)腰围及BMI的ROC曲线下面积在CDS标准下分别为0.949和0.951;在IDF标准下分别为0.941和0.921。结论儿童青少年MS的诊断中,腰围较BMI更具诊断价值,腰围测量有助于儿童青少年MS的筛查。  相似文献   

目的了解长三角地区儿童青少年血压水平及高血压检出率,探讨适用于该地区儿童青少年的高血压诊断标准。方法测量长三角地区6~18岁在校学生的身高和血压,采用3种高血压诊断标准统计检出率。结果共计4 935名儿童纳入本研究。男2 542名,女2 393名。血压随着儿童青少年年龄的增长而逐渐升高;男女生收缩压(SBP)分别为(109±14)mmHg、(105±12)mmHg,差异有统计学意义;男女生舒张压(DBP)分别为(65±9)mmHg、(64±9)mmHg,差异有统计学意义。高血压分别以3种标准统计,检出率分别为17.9%、12.6%、11.3%,差异有统计学意义,且标准一与标准二、标准一与标准三、标准二与标准三之间,诊断效度一致性Kappa值分别为0.73、0.78、0.90。结论男生SBP和DBP均显著高于女生。美国高血压教育项目(NHBPEP)第4次报告中儿童身高P50水平同年龄性别组血压P95水平较适合长三角地区儿童。  相似文献   

中国六城市学龄儿童代谢综合征流行现状研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 分析中国汉族学龄儿童代谢综合征(MS)流行现状,比较两种儿童青少年MS定义(中国:简称MS-CHN2012,国际糖尿病联盟:简称MS-IDF2007)在人群中的诊断效率.方法 对我国北部地区(北京、天津)、东部(杭州、上海)、中西部(重庆和南宁)六城市2010年22 071名(男性11 638名,女性10 433名)7 ~16岁中小学生的流行病学调查资料进行分析;分别采用上述两种定义诊断MS并比较两者诊断的一致性.结果 (1)7~16岁学龄儿童中,19.9%为超重及肥胖,肥胖占8.9%,男性10.9%,女性6.6% (P<0.001).(2)肥胖患病率依次为:北部16.9%、中西部5.9%、东部4.9%,差异有统计学意义(x2=1.007×103,P <0.001).(3)两种定义界定的MS,在7~ 16岁学龄儿童中分别为2.4%和1.4%,在肥胖人群中分别为28.8%和16.8%;不同定义所得的患病率差异有统计学意义(P <0.001).(4)两种定义诊断一致率达98.9%(Kappa值为0.711,P<0.001).结论 7 ~16岁学龄儿童超重及肥胖已达19.9%,需引起高度重视;MS-CHN2012和MS-IDF2007两种定义在儿童青少年MS诊断上具有较好的一致性,而MS-CHN2012定义能较早检出MS高风险儿童青少年,有利于早期实行防治措施并降低成年期MS的发生风险.  相似文献   

超重肥胖儿童青少年代谢综合征流行现状调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 了解上海市浦东新区川沙地区超重肥胖儿童青少年中代谢综合征(MS)的流行现状和临床特点.方法 对432例7~15岁超重肥胖儿童青少年进行体格测量和血液生化检测.应用Cook定义诊断MS,具有下列5项中至少3项者诊断为MS:腹型肥胖、高血压、高血糖、高甘油三脂(TG)血症和低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)血症.结果 腹型肥胖、高血压、高血糖、高TG血症和低HDL-C血症的总检出率分别为85.9%、44.4%、13.4%、48.6%和9.0%.具有0、1、2和3项及3项以上MS组分者分别占4.4%、28.3%、36.3%和31.0%.约95%的个体至少有1项MS组分异常,约60%~70%的个体至少有2项异常.共检出MS134例,检出率为31.0%.结论 川沙地区超重肥胖儿童青少年多存在明显的代谢紊乱,MS的流行已相当严重,接近发达国家水平.  相似文献   

正确认识儿童青少年代谢综合征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着儿童青少年代谢综合征(MS)发病率的增加,儿童MS日益受到广泛关注。虽然MS的诊断和干预治疗研究已经取得了很大的进展,但是儿童青少年有其生长发育特性,成人的研究数据不能直接用于儿童。目前儿童MS的诊断以及诊断MS的实际意义一致性存在争议,临床医师需要考虑诊断后的价值和如何处理。正确认识儿童青少年MS至关重要。文章将针对儿童青少年的特点,从MS各组分诊断切点值的确定,诊断的稳定性、价值和意义,发病机制以及干预等方面做述评。  相似文献   

目的比较南宁地区不同腰围水平青少年罹患代谢综合征(MS)及各相关代谢指标异常率,探讨腰围与MS危险因素的相关性。方法采用分层整群随机抽样方法从南宁市396所中小学中抽取14所学校中6~18岁的中小学生共7 893名,进行体格检查及相关代谢生化数据的检测,包括空腹血糖(FBG)、三酰甘油(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)。结果南宁地区男女生均于10岁以后才逐渐出现各检测指标的异常,与IDF(2007)诊断标准中<10岁不诊断MS结果一致。MS相关指标异常率比较,男女生均依次为:HDL-C、TG、FBG、血压,且男生的血压和FBG异常率显著高于女生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。MS检出率随着腰围的增大而增加。腰围值P90者中该比例则增加400%。除与HDL-C负相关外,腰围与其余指标呈正相关。结论儿童青少年腰围与MS危险因素密切相关,各危险因素的均值(除HDL-C外)及异常率随着腰围的增大而增加。  相似文献   

目的 评价身高标准体重法(weight-for-height,WFH)和中国儿童体质指数(body mass index,BMI)法对儿童青少年超重及肥胖检出率的吻合程度.方法 于2006年8-10月采用分层整群随机抽样方法抽取上海市徐汇区3所小学和2所中学7~15岁儿童、青少年3 912人,其中男性2 070人,女性1 842人,分别用上述两种方法检测超重及肥胖儿童的人数,计算检出率并进行比较.结果 采用WFH及BMI标准对肥胖及超重的检出率分别为27.7%和26.5%,差异无统计学意义(x2=1.3683,P>0.05).两种方法对儿童青少年超重及肥胖的检出一致性较好(Kappa=0.70,P=0.013);并且均显示男性超重及肥胖率高于女性(WFH男:女=31.82%:21.72%;BMI男:女=30.82%:21.99%),超重比例高于肥胖(WFH 超重:肥胖=14.9%:12.9%BMI超重:肥胖=14.4%:12.1%),青春前期高于青春发育期.结论 WFH和BMI检测儿童、青少年超重及肥胖具有较好的一致性,两者均可应用于对儿童及青少年营养状况的评价.  相似文献   

目的分析中国汉族学龄儿童代谢综合征(MS)流行现状,比较两种儿童青少年MS定义(中国:简称MS-CHN2012,国际糖尿病联盟:简称MS.IDF2007)在人群中的诊断效率。方法对我国北部地区(北京、天津)、东部(杭州、上海)、中西部(重庆和南宁)六城市2010年22071名(男性11638名,女性10433名)7-16岁中小学生的流行病学调查资料进行分析;分别采用上述两种定义诊断MS并比较两者诊断的一致性。结果(1)7~16岁学龄儿童中,19.9%为超重及肥胖,肥胖占8.9%,男性10.9%,女性6.6%(P〈0.001)。(2)肥胖患病率依次为:北部16.9%、中西部5.9%、东部4.9%,差异有统计学意义(X。=1.007×103,P〈0.001)。(3)两种定义界定的MS,在7~16岁学龄儿童中分别为2.4%和1.4%,在肥胖人群中分别为28.8%和16.8%;不同定义所得的患病率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。(4)两种定义诊断一致率达98.9%(Kappa值为0.711,P〈0.001)。结论7—16岁学龄儿童超重及肥胖已达19.9%,需引起高度重视;MS—CHN2012和MS—IDF2007两种定义在儿童青少年MS诊断上具有较好的一致性,而MS.CHN2012定义能较早检出MS高风险儿童青少年,有利于早期实行防治措施并降低成年期MS的发生风险。  相似文献   

代谢综合征(MS)是多种代谢成分异常聚集的病理状态,是心血管疾病和2型糖尿病的高度危险因素。随着肥胖儿童日益增多,青少年MS已引起关注和重视。目前MS的诊断标准在MS具体组分、各组分指标的异常阈值、其运用侧重于科研还是临床等方面尚存在争议。临床和科研均需要统一的MS诊断标准,一个统一的针对儿童与青少年MS的诊断标准将使来源于不同研究的数据更具有可比性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994(NHANES III) revealed that 11.5% of adolescents were obese. The NHANES III sample size for Mexican Americans was small. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of adolescent obesity in a South Texas population that is preponderantly low-income Mexican Americans. DESIGN: Cross-sectional prevalence study. SETTING: All secondary school campuses of one rural independent school district with a low-income Mexican American population. SUBJECTS: Four thousand three hundred seventy-five students, aged between 12 and 17 years, enrolled in 4 secondary school campuses of 1 Rio Grande Valley, South Texas, independent school district for academic year 1998-1999. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Body mass index (BMI) was calculated for all 4375 students using weights and heights measured by school nurses on enrollment. Each student's BMI was then plotted on a sex-specific chart and the percentile range for age was determined. Those within the 85th to the 95th percentile were classified as at risk for obesity and those above the 95th percentile were classified as obese. RESULTS: Of 2149 adolscent girls and 2226 adolescent boys, 18% were at risk for obesity and 22. 1% were obese. A total of 40.1% had a BMI at the 85th percentile or higher for age and sex. The prevalence of obesity also continues to rise even after puberty more markedly in adolescent girls than adolescent boys. Furthermore, the mean BMI progressively increases with age and is generally at the 85th percentile or higher. CONCLUSIONS: Our data revealed a much higher prevalence rate of obesity in this adolescent Mexican American population than the rate obtained in NHANES III. It is even higher than the rate specific for Mexican American adolescents in NHANES III. The NHANES III significantly underestimates the prevalence of adolescent obesity in preponderantly impoverished Mexican American adolescents. This consequently leads to underestimation of the public health risks as well as the present and future cost of health care associated with obesity in this population. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000;154:837-840  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the relationship between C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration and body mass index (BMI) in children. STUDY DESIGN: With the use of data from 5305 children aged 6 to 18 years in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1988 to 1994), a cross-sectional health survey, we examined whether CRP concentrations were elevated among overweight children. RESULTS: Among children whose BMI was below the age- and sex-specific 15th percentile, 6.6% of boys and 10.7% of girls had an elevated CRP concentration (>2.1 mg/L) compared with 24.2% of boys and 31.9% of girls whose BMI was > or =95th percentile. After adjustment was done for age, sex, race or ethnicity, poverty income ratio, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration, white blood cell count, and history of chronic bronchitis, the adjusted odds of having an elevated CRP concentration were 2.20 (95% CI 1.30, 3.75) for children with a BMI of 85th to <95th percentile and 4.92 (95% CI 3.39, 7.15) for children with a BMI of > or =95th percentile compared with children who had a BMI of 15th to <85th percentile. The associations did not differ significantly by age, sex, or race or ethnicity. CONCLUSIONS: In a large representative sample of US children, CRP concentration was significantly elevated among children with a BMI > or=85th percentile, thus confirming previous findings of this association in children and extending previous research in adults to children. Excess body weight may be associated with a state of chronic low-grade inflammation in children.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify familial and school determinants of overweight in 13-year-old adolescents. METHODS: All 27 public and 19 (79%) private schools allowed to contact age eligible students, 77.5% accepting to participate (1116 girls, 1045 boys). Self-administered questionnaires were completed and physical examination performed, including weight and height measurements. Overweight (> 95th percentile) and at risk of overweight (85th-95th) were defined using CDC standards. Its determinants were identified using logistic regression models, entering parents' education and all variables significantly associated in crude analysis. RESULTS: Prevalence of overweight (10.2%) and at risk of overweight (16.5%) was not influenced by type of school, vending machines and number of school canteen meals. In girls, the prevalence of body mass index (BMI) > 85th percentile increased significantly with decreasing age at menarche (45.7% if menstruating before 11-year and 13.2% when pre-menarche), and increasing parental BMI or time spent on sedentary activities. In multivariate analysis, age at menarche and increasing parental BMI remained significant risks in girls. In boys, besides parental BMI, ever smoking, sleeping < 9 h and sedentary leisure activities were significant determinants. CONCLUSIONS: Food offered at school had no significant impact on adolescents overweight, which was mainly dependent on parental anthropometrics and leisure time activities.  相似文献   

Background: This cross‐sectional study was performed to assess the prevalence of acanthosis nigricans (AN) across various anthropometric measures and to identify the cut‐offs for anthropometric indices of adiposity for development of AN in Asian preadolescent school children. Methods: Body mass index (BMI), percentage weight for height (PWH), percentage body fat (PBF), and AN of the neck were evaluated in children in the fifth grade of all elementary schools in one metropolitan, Korean city (2117 boys and 1916 girls, mean age 10.9 ± 0.6 years, mean BMI 18.6 ± 3.3 kg/m2). Results: The prevalence of AN was 8.4% in boys and 5.1% in girls, and was proportional to the BMI, PWH, and PBF. The prevalence of AN rose steeply in the 80th and 90th percentiles of the BMI, PWH, and PBF in boys and girls, respectively. According to receiver operating characteristic analysis, AN was observed in boys with BMI >22.2 kg/m2, and in girls with BMI >21.2 kg/m2, which are below the current criteria for childhood obesity (local BMI 95th percentile and International Obesity Task Force BMI 30 kg/m2). Conclusions: AN has a good correlation with level of adiposity, and was already present in overweight children that were not considered obese by definition.  相似文献   

AIM: A cross-sectional study was conducted to explore osteoarticular alterations in obese children. METHODS: Twenty-five boys and 24 girls (mean age: 10.8+/-2.07 years) with a body mass index (BMI) above the 95th percentile were compared with 28 boys and 19 girls (controls, mean age: 10.4+/-2.3 years) with a BMI below the 80th percentile. RESULTS: A higher frequency of at least one osteoarticular manifestation was observed in obese patients (55%) compared with the control group (23%) (P=0.001). A statistically significant association was also found between obesity and lower back pain, genu valgum, genu recurvatum and tight quadriceps. Fibromyalgia tender points (=11) were present at similar frequency in both groups (obese: 3/38 (9%) vs. control: 1/48 (2%)). CONCLUSION: The present data suggest that obesity has a negative impact on osteoarticular health by promoting biomechanical changes in the lumbar spine and lower extremities.  相似文献   

Background  Waist circumference (WC) is a sensitive marker for abdominal obesity in the pediatric age group. However, WC is influenced by age, sex, ethnicity and body mass index (BMI), causing difficulties in the selection of the most appropriate cut-off value. Considering the lack of reference values in Germany, we developed age- and gender-specific WC smoothed reference curves in German children, and compared them with reference curves obtained from different countries. Methods  A representative sample of 3531 German children (1788 boys, 1743 girls) aged 3–11 years participating in the Prevention Education Program (PEP) Family Heart Study was studied. WC was measured according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, then age- and sex-specific WC reference curves were constructed and smoothed using the LMS method and SPSS 14.0 for statistical analysis. Results  WC increased with age in both boys and girls. Boys had higher values of WC than girls at every age and percentile level. 4.1% of the boys and 2.8% of the girls had WC values >97th percentile as compared to 6.3% of the boys and 4.9% of the girls with >97th percentile of BMI (severe obesity). 3.1% of the boys and 2% of the girls had both risk factors. Because 85.3% of the boys and 87.3% of the girls with WC<90th percentile had normal weight, this cut-off point might be appropriate for defining high WC. Conclusions  These first WC reference curves of German children can be added to the existing international curves for children; comparison of different populations demonstrated that the German values are in the middle range of the curves obtained in different countries. Our findings about significant differences between the reference curves obtained in various regions emphasize the necessity of developing population-specific percentiles, and to use them in clinical and epidemiological studies among children.  相似文献   

None of the epidemiological studies indicating that obesity is a risk factor for asthma in schoolchildren have used the percent body fat (PBF) to define obesity. The present study compares the definition of obesity using body mass index (BMI), PBF and the raw sum of the thickness of four skinfolds (SFT) to evaluate this condition as a risk factor for asthma. All classes of children of the target ages of 6-8 years of all schools in four municipalities of Murcia (Spain) were surveyed. Participation rate was 70.2% and the number of children included in the study was 931. Height, weight and SFT (biceps, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac) were measured according to standard procedures. Current active asthma was defined from several questions of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire. Obesity was defined using two standard cut-off points for BMI and PBF, and the 85th percentile for BMI, PBF and SFT. The highest quartile of each type of measurement was also compared with the lowest. A multiple logistic regression analysis was made for the various obesity definitions, adjusting for age, asthma in the mother and father and gender. The adjusted odds ratios of having asthma among obese children were different for boys and girls and varied across the different obesity definitions. For the standard cut-off points of BMI they were 1.19 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.41-3.43] for girls and 2.00 (95% CI 0.97-4.10) for boys; however, for PBF (boys 25%, girls 30%) the corresponding figures were 1.54 (95% CI 0.63-3.73) and 1.20 (95% CI 0.66-2.21). BMI, PBF and SFT showed more consistency between each other when using the other cut-off points. BMI, PBF (except standard cut-off points) and SFT produce relatively comparable results when analysing the interaction between obesity and asthma.  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate the trends in the size of Finnish children in five birth cohorts from four decades. Methods: This is a retrospective longitudinal growth pattern study on children representing five birth cohorts: 1974, 1981, 1991, 1995 and 2001 from the city of Tampere and three rural municipalities. Growth data were collected from birth to 15 years of age, except in birth cohorts 1995 and 2001 until 12 and 5 years. Body mass index (BMI, kg/m²) was calculated. Pearson’s chi‐square test was used in analysis. Results: The 50th percentile of BMI at birth varied between the 1970′s and 2000′s (boys: p < 0.001, girls: p = 0.02), with increase seen in girls. The 50th BMI percentile remained unchanged in 6‐month‐aged boys, whereas in girls, it varied inconsistent (p = 0.04). At 1 and 2 years of age, the 15th, 50th, 85th and 95th BMI percentiles decreased (p = 0.26 to <0.001). The 50th BMI percentile remained fairly constant at 5 and 7 years of age. In 12‐ and 15‐year‐old boys, the 50th, 85th and 95th percentiles of BMI showed a marked increase (p = 0.01 to <0.001). In 12‐year‐old girls, only the 85th BMI percentile increased (p = 0.03). Conclusions: During the last three decades, Finnish toddlers have become markedly slimmer. Concurrently, an opposite change has taken place in adolescent boys.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine reference body mass index (BMI) curves for Turkish children 6 to 18 years old and to compare with BMI in other countries. METHODS: A cross-sectional study conducted in Kayseri, Turkey. A total of 5,727 children (2,942 girls, 2,785 boys) aged between 6 and 18 years were selected to construct a reference curve using LMS method. RESULTS: BMI age reference charts of Turkish children were constructed. The 50th percentile curve of Turkish girls is lower than Italian and Turkish girls in The Netherlands but higher than Iranian girls. The 50th percentile curve of Turkish boys is lower than Italian and Turkish boys in The Netherlands and similar to Iranian boys after 13 years of age. CONCLUSION: BMI references of Turkish children are lower than in South East Europe, UK and North American populations, but higher than in Central European and Scandinavian countries.  相似文献   

The present study examined the association between body mass index (BMI) and skinfold thickness (SFT) with blood pressure (BP) in 12-year-old children in Shandong, China. A total of 920 (464 boys and 456 girls) 12-year-old students participated in this study. All subjects were divided into four groups (BMI < 25th, 25th ≤ BMI < 50th, 50th ≤ BMI < 75th, and BMI ≥ 75th) according to the percentile of BMI and into four groups (SFT < 25th, 25th ≤ SFT < 50th, 50th ≤ SFT < 75th, and SFT ≥ 75th) according to the percentile of SFT, respectively. Comparisons of BP among different groups were made by one-way ANOVA. High BP status was defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥ 95th and/or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥ 95th percentile for age and gender. BMI and SFT were all significantly (P < 0.001) and positively related to SBP and DBP in both boys and girls. The prevalence of high BP in each group is rising with the percentiles of BMI and SFT in both boys and girls. Conclusion: There is a strong positive relationship between BMI, SFT, and BP in 12-year-old children; the present findings emphasize the importance of preventing excess BMI and SFT in order to prevent future-related problems such as hypertension in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

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