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目的 总结小儿感染性心内膜炎(IE)临床表现特点及治疗经验,以利于早期诊断和治疗。方法对1980~2002年住院28例IE患儿的临床表现、诊断、治疗、及预后进行回顾性分析。结果 临床表现以发热、心脏杂音多变、心力衰竭、贫血、白细胞增高和血沉加快为主.血培养阳性9例(32.1%)。发现心内赘生物22例(78.6%)。6例行外科手术治疗,手术后均治愈。治愈20例(71.4%),自动出院2例,死亡6例。结论 先天性心脏病(CHD)患儿出现不明原因长时间发热,无基础心脏病感染发热患儿发现心脏杂音,均应及时做连续规范血培养及超声心动图检查,以利于早期诊断和治疗。IE患儿经抗生素治疗后心内赘生物不消失或出现顽固性、进行性心衰时应进行外科手术治疗,及时采用手术治疗对改善这类患儿预后有重要意义。  相似文献   

感染性心内膜炎30例临床及预后分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨感染性心内膜炎(IE)的临床特及预后因素,对15年来的收治的30例IE患儿的所有资料进行回顾性调查,结果30例IE患儿治愈9例,死亡5例;持续发热为其主要表现,血培养阳性18例(60.0%),其中金葡菌9例(50.0%);超声检查发现赘生物21例,有赘生物及基础心脏病组死亡率为23.8%和25.0%,无赘生物和无基础心脏病组无死亡;栓塞组死亡21.4%,无栓塞组为12.5%;血培养阳性组死亡22.2%,阴性组为8.3%。提示IE的显著症状是持续发热,金葡菌感染占首位,预后与赘生物、栓塞、基础心脏病存在和血培养阳性有关。  相似文献   

新生儿期先天性心脏病的诊断及病因探讨   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
为了探讨先天性心脏病的发病原因及在新生儿期的早期临床表现。通过回顾性分析58例经超声心动图确诊的先心病的临床特点和发病的高危因素,结果发现:心脏杂音、青紫、气促是新生儿期先心病的主要表现,动脉导管未闭及法乐氏四联症易合并心衰;先心病发病的高危因素有:先心病家族史、合并心外畸形、宫内感染、小于胎龄儿及环境因素。对可疑病例应及时作超声心动图以早期诊断;当存在先心病发病高危因素时,应及早开展先心病的产前  相似文献   

感染性心内膜炎(IE)小儿时期并非少见,危害亦大,但因缺少特异性诊断,常常延误即时诊治,影响预后,现将我院10例IE报告如下。对象及方法一、对象近年收住我院的小儿IE10例,其中男6例,女4例。年龄10岁~14岁。二、方法被检对象进行血、尿常规及血沉、血培养等全面的临床检查,同时用日本产H!*ACHEUB-40PDE检查仪从不同切面进行心脏扇形扫描,、探查心内结构及赘生物的有无及部位。结果全组病例中有先心病或其它心脏病者9例,有发热、面苍白等感染征象者10例。牌大、出血点等栓塞征象者8例。实验室检查结桌贫血7例,血尿1例…  相似文献   

目的 通过应用7项先天性心脏病(简称先心病)筛查指标和超声心动图诊断技术,评价先心病筛查-诊断-评估体系在中国社区/乡镇医院的运行效果,为进一步推广和实现社区/乡镇医院先心病的早期发现治疗提供依据。方法 ①先心病的筛查:选取5个调查现场(上海市闵行区、江苏省昆山市、山东省宁阳县、重庆市涪陵区和北京市怀柔区),由经过培训合格的儿科和儿童保健科医生对0~3岁儿童进行筛查。筛查指标包括先心病家族史、呼吸急促、紫绀、特殊面容、心脏杂音、经皮血氧饱和度和其他先天性畸形等7项,≥1项阳性者为筛查阳性。②先心病的诊断:由培训合格的儿科超声心动图医生对上述筛查中发现异常的儿童进行诊断。③先心病的评估:由儿科心血管专科医生对诊断为先心病的儿童进行评估。④先心病的信息化管理:建立社区/乡镇医院先心病儿童的网络信息化管理系统,将上述筛查、诊断和临床评估的数据进行网络化填报,实现远程数据管理。结果 ①先心病的筛查:2011年8月1日至2012年8月1日,共对63 839名儿童进行了先心病的筛查(应答率96.9%),筛查阳性者736名。②先心病的诊断:734/736名筛查阳性儿童接受了超声心动图检查,确诊为先心病278例(先心病发病率为4.4‰),其中,室间隔缺损138例、房间隔缺损77例、动脉导管未闭36例、肺动脉狭窄8例、法洛四联症7例、肺动脉闭锁3例、房室间隔缺损3例、肺静脉异位引流2例、主动脉缩窄2例、单心室2例。③7项和3项(心脏杂音+紫绀+经皮血氧饱和度)筛查指标检出先心病的敏感度均为95.68%,特异度分别为99.26%和99.32%,7项和3项筛查指标阳性预测值和阴性预测值均在同一水平;④先心病的评估:278例诊断为先心病的患儿均接受了评估,至研究结束122例患儿接受了外科手术,均恢复良好,其余患儿均纳入随访。结论 在中国社区/乡镇医院建立先心病筛查-诊断-评估体系可以实现先心病的早期发现、早期诊断,并可及时进行干预。  相似文献   

本文报道42例新生儿左向左分流型行先天性心脏病,因合并肺炎而诱发心力诱竭,提出左向右分流型先心病新生儿期的特点是:心脏杂音可有可无,二维超声动图加彩色多普勒(SDCFI)为确诊依据;心力衰竭的临床休征以呼吸急促,心动过速肝脏肿大最有意义;治疗为综合性,血管活动性药物的应用有助于改善心功能。  相似文献   

目的 评价彩色多普勒超声心动图(CDE)诊断先天性心脏病(先心病)的准确性及其对外科手术的指导价值,并探讨该技术的局限性。方法 以复旦大学附属儿科医院制定的超声心动图规范化诊断方法进行CDE检查,每个病例至少显示12个超声切面观,结合Van Praagh顺序节段分析法并做出诊断。采用Philips/SONOS 7500、HP/SONOS 5500或HP/SONOS 2500多功能超声诊断仪。以手术诊断为金标准,评价CDE诊断的灵敏度、特异度、符合率、阳性预测值和阴性预测值等,并与心导管造影(ANGIO)诊断进行比较。结果 2001年1月至2006年12月,接受外科手术治疗的先心病患儿共2 786例,其中复杂病例1 046例(占37.6%),年龄1 d至24岁5个月,平均(2.83±2.63)岁,其中婴幼儿2 301例(2 301/2 786),占82.6%,<1岁者38.8%,~3岁者43.8%,围术期死亡35例(1.26%,35/2 786)。以手术诊断为金标准,CDE诊断2 786例先心病患儿主要畸形的敏感度98.38%,特异度99.97%,符合率99.92%,阳性预测值99.06%,阴性预测值99.95%。在463例同时接受CDE和ANGIO检查者中,计算ANGIO诊断的敏感度99.08%,特异度99.96%,符合率99.92%,阳性预测值99.02%,阴性预测值99.95%;与CDE诊断比较,主动脉缩窄CDE诊断的敏感度较低(P=0.036)。结论 规范化CDE诊断方案可以对绝大多数先心病患儿做出准确诊断,绝大部分先心病患儿在CDE检查后可直接施行手术治疗,但如果术前需要了解肺动脉压力/阻力和肺血管发育情况,或CDE诊断不完全明确或怀疑合并有其他心血管畸形如主动脉缩窄等,仍然需要接受进一步心导管造影检查。  相似文献   

感染性心内膜炎32例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对1983年-1993年收治的32例小儿感染性心内膜炎(以下简称IE)患儿进行临床资料及超声心动诊断分析,发现IE病原菌半数为白色葡萄球菌等条件致病菌,其临床特点有先心病组与非先心病组不同,超声心动图检查(ECHO)的阳性率为73%,且显示赘生物形成部位与基础疾病的血液动力学异常有关,ECHO、血培养、心脏杂音的变化诊断阳性率并非一致,与多种因素有关。确定了ECHO在IE的诊断价值。  相似文献   

Duke标准在小儿感染性心内膜炎诊断中的价值   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
目的:探讨Duke标准对小儿感染性收内膜炎诊断的价值。方法:应用Duke标准对50例临床诊断为感染 心内膜炎并经超声心动图检查的患儿及其中经手术证实为IE的患儿进行分组分析。结果:连续2次或2次以上血培养阳性并为相同致病菌的有15例(30%),1次血培养阳性10例(205),39例(78%)超声心动图检出赘生物,其中26例的螯生物呈摆动状态。有1例伴瓣膜穿孔,1例伴室间隔缺损补片脱落,按Duke标准,50例患儿中21例(42%)被确诊为IE。其中12例符合2项主要指标。9例符合1项主要和≥3项次要指标。1例被排除IE。在13例经手术证实的IE必中按Duke标准诊IE5例(385),8例为可能IE,其中6例符合1项主要和2项次要指标,2例符合1项主要和1项次要指标。手术证实为IE的13例患儿中,10例血培养阴性,2例赘生物不摆动。结论应用超声心动图检出赘生物对IE诊断有重要意义,在儿科病例中螯生物的确定不必限于摆动的团块。曾用抗生素治疗,有典型心内膜受累的超心动图表现,另具备Duke标准中2项临床次要指标的可确诊为IE,这样将会进一步提高Duke标准诊断IE的敏感性。  相似文献   

<正>感染性心内膜炎(infective endocarditis,IE)是一种严重的感染性疾病,其病原体包括细菌、病毒、真菌、立克次体等。临床表现主要为发热,心脏杂音和心功能不全,血管栓塞以及免疫反应,可累及多个系统。近年来在流行病学以及抗生素使用、手术管理等方面有很多有价值的研究,现重点探讨儿童IE的流行病学特点以及抗生素使用和手术管理。1流行病学概述IE是一种相对罕见但是可以威胁生命的疾病。据2010年全球疾病系统回顾报告,IE的粗发病率为  相似文献   

目的:探讨新生儿危重先天性心脏病(先心病)的早期识别及早期干预方法。方法回顾性分析2010年1月至2014年12月阜外医院 PICU 收治的223例出生日龄≤30 d 的新生儿危重先心病病例,分析其畸形种类、临床特征及早期干预经验。结果223例先心病患儿以完全性大动脉转位及完全性肺静脉异位引流最为常见,分别占59%(131例)和17%(39例)。首诊症状以紫绀、心脏杂音和呼吸困难最为常见,分别占91%(204例)、56%(125例)和53%(118例)。术前因严重缺氧、代谢性酸中毒及心力衰竭而急诊收住 PICU 抢救59例。早期干预主要包括维持动脉导管开放、纠正内环境紊乱、治疗心力衰竭等,并尽早手术治疗。14例患儿未接受手术,其中4例术前死亡,另10例放弃治疗并均于出院后12 d 内死亡。最终接受手术209例,手术死亡9例,手术死亡率4.3%。随访3~63个月,远期死亡2例,二期解剖矫治手术2例,再次手术3例。其余术后患儿心功能正常,生长发育接近正常同龄儿童。结论必须在新生儿期进行干预的危重先心病主要包括动脉导管依赖型先心病,其中以完全性大动脉转位、完全性肺静脉异位引流最为多见,如不积极手术治疗,大多于新生儿期死亡。早期识别,适当的术前处理,及时转诊和早期手术是挽救这类先心病患儿的关键。  相似文献   

Thirty-two children with 33 episodes of infective endocarditis were admitted into the paediatric unit of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria during an 8-year period (January 1982-December 1989). Thirty (94%) had underlying heart disease. Rheumatic heart disease was the pre-existing anomaly in 21 (66%) while congenital cardiac anomalies were detected in nine (28%). Cardiac failure, changing murmur or persisting fever drew attention to the disease. Bacterial isolation was achieved in 19 patients (58%), staphylococci in 11, and salmonella was found in three children. Others included Acinetobacter spp. in two patients, one of whom had a mixed infection involving alpha haemolytic streptococcus whereas three children had Klebsiella, pseudomonas or alpha haemolytic Streptococcus, respectively. Only six patients (18%) recovered. Abscondment rates were high (28%) and overall hospital mortality was 47%. Intractable cardiac failure and neurological complications were the most important events heralding death. There is a need for increased awareness and improved facilities for prompt and effective treatment.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with Haemophilus influenzae meningitis. On the second hospital day a heart murmur heard on admission seemed louder. No signs of congestive heart failure were present. An echocardiogram demonstrated a persistent echo-dense mass behind the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve. A presumptive diagnosis of endocarditis was made. After ten days of antibiotic treatment the child was considerably improved. Treatment was continued for endocarditis. Over the next several days the infant's condition deteriorated. On the 16th hospital day he died. Autopsy examination showed a large vegetation attached to the posterior mitral valve leaflet. Bacterial endocarditis caused by H influenzae is uncommon at any age and rare in children. Echocardiography provided a definitive diagnosis early in the hospital course of this patient.  相似文献   

We present the case of a newborn with bacterial endocarditis with mitral valve involvement as a complication of late-onset sepsis due to Staphylococcus aureus with associated pyelonephritis and meningitis. The diagnosis was confirmed by echocardiogram and blood culture with growth of S. aureus. Treatment was medical and surgical. Neonatal bacterial endocarditis is extremely difficult to diagnose. The signs and symptoms are usually nonspecific and cannot be distinguished from those of sepsis or congenital heart disease. Consequently, a high degree of suspicion is needed for the early diagnosis of this condition. Echocardiography should be performed in children who present sepsis and heart murmur and even in those with staphylococcemia (sepsis due to S. aureus) without associated heart murmur. This investigation enables an early diagnosis of endocarditis to be made and appropriate treatment to be given without having to wait for the development of signs and symptoms that frequently go undetected.  相似文献   

Of 880 patients who attended the paediatric cardiology unit, University College Hospital, Ibadan, during a ten-year period, 635 (72.2%) had congenital cardiac malformations. Ventricular septal defects were the commonest lesions (35% of the 635 cases), followed by patent ductus arteriosus (22%), Fallot's tetralogy (10%), pulmonary stenosis (9%) and atrial septal defects (7.5%). Coarctation of the aorta was uncommon (2%) and aortic stenosis rare (0.6%). The overall sex incidence was even. Aetiological factors were ascertained in 72 cases (11%). In 60% of these cases intra-uterine rubella was responsible and in 18% perinatal asphyxia. In most patients the cardiac malformation was detected late; consequently complications, such as heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, and polycythaemia were common, even in new patients. Sixty-seven patients (11%) died in hospital, mostly from surgical intervention, heart failure, hypoxaemia, bronchopneumonia and associated extracardiac defects. It is suspected that hypocalcaemia, resulting from vitamin D deficiency may be a cause of the observed low prevalence of obstructive aortic lesions. We suggest that cardiac evaluation be performed at birth in postnatal clinics and in immunization centres, in order to facilitate early detection and treatment of congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

The clinical spectrum of neonatal endocarditis, including bacterial and nonbacterial types, is examined in five case reports that were drawn from nursery experiences over a recent 2-year period. In contrast to previous reports of 100% mortality from neonatal endocarditis, one patient survived. Changing heart murmur and hematuria were most frequently associated with bacterial and nonbacterial endocarditis in four of the five cases. Pulmonary hypertension, thrombocytopenia, and coagulopathy were also associated with nonbacterial endocarditis. Echocardiograms were performed on four of the patients; only one was suggestive of endocarditis. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from both cases of bacterial endocarditis, including the single survivor. Thus, it is suggested that the initial antibiotic coverage of any neonate with the clinical syndrome of sepsis, hematuria, and a heart murmur include antistaphylococcal coverage for the possibility of bacterial endocarditis.  相似文献   

In approximately 70?% of all children, a heart murmur is detected which turns out to be harmless in the majority of cases as only 1?% of children suffer from congenital heart defects. The experienced pediatrician is able to distinguish between harmless and pathologic heart murmurs; nevertheless, exclusion of underlying heart disease by a 12-lead ECG is recommended. Younger pediatricians should refer the child to a pediatric cardiologist for evaluation of the heart murmur. Critical heart defects in the neonatal period may be missed due to the lack of characteristic heart murmurs. Thus, neonatal screening using pulse oximetry may add important information in the diagnosis of life-threatening heart defects.  相似文献   

Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCA-PA) is a rare form of congenital heart disease. In this report, three cases with this anomaly are described; two patients presented in infancy with heart failure from myocardial ischemia and infarction, while the third was asymptomatic and ALCA-PA was diagnosed during evaluation of a residual murmur after surgery for associated cardiac defects (ventricular septal defect and patent arterial duct). All three cases underwent aorto-pulmonary tunnel repair (Tukeuchi procedure), and to our knowledge two of them are the first infantile cases reported in Turkey.  相似文献   

From 1978 through 1987, thirteen pediatric patients aged 14/12 years to 16/12 years were hospitalized for infective endocarditis (IE). Ten cases presented as acute septicemia with modification or development of a murmur and/or heart failure. Three patients had subacute endocarditis. Prior to the endocarditis, ten patients had recognized heart disease, whereas three had no known cardiac abnormality. The organism was recovered in seven cases, from blood cultures in six cases (3 Staphylococcus aureus, 1 group D streptococcus, 1 Staphylococcus albus, and 1 Salmonella typhi) and from a prosthesis in one case (Corynebacterium). Echocardiography confirmed the diagnosis in every patient except the one that had a prosthesis. Although all the patients received parenteral antimicrobial therapy, selected according to bacteriologic data when available, complications developed in every case, including heart failure in nine patients. Three children died, eight underwent valve replacement or repair once the infection was under control, and two have residual valvular disease. This study confirms that, in pediatric patients, the prognosis of IE remains severe despite advances in antimicrobial therapy and the contribution of echocardiography.  相似文献   

We examined 11 children with infective endocarditis initially and serially by two-dimensional echocardiography. Nine (82%) of the 11 patients had echocardiographic findings at initial examination compatible with infective endocarditis. These results provided strong evidence in support of the diagnosis before bacteriologic confirmation was available. Congestive heart failure, major emboli, and/or the need for surgical intervention occurred in seven of the nine patients with positive two-dimensional echocardiograms. Echocardiographic evidence of vegetations persisted during antibiotic therapy and resolved slowly during many months. Serial echocardiograms were useful in cases in which obvious valve destruction or marked increase in vegetation size imaged echocardiographically could be combined with clinical evidence of progressive heart failure to support a decision for early surgical intervention. Two-dimensional echocardiography can make important contributions to the diagnosis and management of children with infective endocarditis.  相似文献   

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