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中度高原地区坦克乘员腰痛的现患调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解中度高原地区坦克乘员腰痛的发病情况、流行病学特点。方法:采用问卷调查、实地考察、物理检查、统计分析等方法,对中度高原地区1041名坦克乘员腰痛情况进行横断面调查。结果:1041名坦克乘员中腰痛患病率45.9%,各工种驾驶员检出率最高(P〈0.05)。腰痛随兵龄增加而明显升高,5年以上驾驶员患病率高达87.5%。经多元回归分析,吸烟、反复高举重物、训练中反复弯腰3种因素与腰痛相关。结论:中度高原地区坦克驾驶员腰痛患病率高,发病率随从业时间而增大。  相似文献   

驻西北某地坦克乘员腰椎间盘突出症的现患调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:调查西北地区某部坦克乘员腰痛和腰椎间盘突出症的发病情况,探讨预防和治疗措施。方法:通过问卷对384名坦克乘员进行调查。结果:腰椎间盘突出症总发病率31.8%,明显腰痛者中本病检出率59.1%。驾驶员最高,为37.5%,车长最低,为21.9%。绝大多数保守治疗有效。结论:西北地区坦克乘员腰椎间盘突出症发生率高,应重视防护和治疗研究。  相似文献   

目的 评价腰息痛胶囊治疗坦克乘员腰痛的疗效。方法  14 6例坦克乘员腰痛患者随机分成两组 ,分别给以腰息痛胶囊 6粒 /d和布洛芬 60 0mg/d ,分 3次饭后服用并结合主动功能锻炼。以Osw评分和腰椎活动度作为观察指标 ,记录治疗后 2周和 4周的治疗效果。 结果 治疗 2周后腰息痛胶囊组显效率 3 5 .7%,布洛芬组显效率 3 5 .5 %,差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,治疗 4周后腰息痛胶囊组显效率 78.6%,布洛芬组显效率 3 9.5 %,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1〉。结论 腰息痛胶囊对坦克乘员腰痛有较好疗效  相似文献   

坦克乘员腰痛的评定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析腰前屈活动范围 ,腰肌肌力与腰痛问卷得分的相关性 ,探讨影响坦克乘员腰痛患者生活质量的主要原因。方法 对 2 6 7例腰痛坦克乘员进行髋关节和腰部活动范围测量 ,表面肌电图 (SEMG)检查和改良Oswestry腰痛问卷评分 ,将结果进行相关性和回归分析。结果 腰痛问卷得分与腰肌SEMG、腰屈曲范围和双直腿抬高角度之差显著性相关 ,腰痛问卷得分的 6 7.0 %可以用腰屈曲范围和腰肌SEMG来预测。结论 腰肌SEMG测定方法简单 ,可以作为评定腰痛坦克乘员腰肌肌力的方法 ,增加腰活动性和腰伸肌肌力可以改善患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

慢性腰痛与腰椎前凸的相关性调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解高原、寒冷地区男性青年人慢性腰痛(chroniclowbackpain,CLBP)的流行情况及与X线平片腰椎前凸角度(lumbarlordosisangle,LLA)的相关性。方法采用问卷调查、实地考察、物理检查、侧位X线平片测量腰椎前凸角度等方法,调查研究了163个不同职业正常青年的腰痛的发病率,及与体重指数(bodymassindex)、LLA的关系。结果163例男性青年中发现38.8%被调查者有CLBP,其中坦克乘员CLBP检出率最高(47.0%),与炮兵、当地居民相比有统计学意义(P<0.05)。CLBP者LLA较非CLBP者小,两者相比有统计学意义(P<0.05)。BMI与CLBP无统计学意义。结论高寒地区坦克乘员CLBP发病率较其他人群为高,LLA的减小与CLBP的发病相关。  相似文献   

浅谈坦克乘员训练中的卫生防护工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我队针对坦克兵在训练中卫生防护工作的特点,合理安排卫勤人员,积极做好预防工作,使训练中发病率降到最低限度,较好地保障训练工作的顺利进行。下面就如何做好坦克乘员训练中的卫生防护工作谈几点看法。一.坦克乘员的训练环境对其健康的影响1.野外条件差、易发生疾病我部坦克乘员训练多在山区进行,气候变化快,昼夜温差大,驻训时间长,居住分散,驻地疫情复杂,水源不符合卫生要求,易发病。2.车内小环境对坦克乘员的影响坦克乘员局限在狭窄的空间完成各项复杂而紧张的战斗任务,为了保持身体平衡和完成战斗行动,在车内易发生外伤…  相似文献   

目的:调查了解某部坦克乘员军事训练伤发生情况。方法:采用自制调查表对某部坦克乘员1028例军事训练伤发生情况进行调查,并分析军事训练伤的发生部位、致伤科目等。结果:共发生军事训练伤413例,发生率40.2%。其中因射击训练致伤154例,占37.3%;装填训练致伤132例,占32.0%;蹬车、通信、检修致伤分别为64例、32例和31例,分别占15.5%、7.7%及7.5%。损伤类型以碰伤为主,占95.2%;受伤部位以下肢和腰臀部、上肢和肩背部、头部居前3位;引发训练伤的科目以射击、装填和蹬车训练居前3位。结论:坦克乘员军事训练伤发生率较高,损伤类型以碰伤为主,受伤部位以下肢和腰臀部居多,射击训练引发训练伤最多。  相似文献   

目的 :了解实弹射击对坦克兵肠道双歧杆菌的影响及其影响因素。方法 :通过活菌定量培养计数法 ,动态观察坦克乘员组实弹射击前后粪便中双歧杆菌数 (B)和大肠杆菌数 (E)及B/E值 ,并设非坦克乘员组做对照。结果 :坦克乘员组实弹射击前后粪便中双歧杆菌数 (logCFU ,x±s)分别为 9 5 5± 0 4 2和8 35± 0 4 8,大肠杆菌分别为 7 0 1± 0 2 0和 8 0 5± 0 4 3,B/E值分别为 1 36± 0 0 7和 1 0 4± 0 0 8;非坦克乘员组分别为 9 2 7± 0 6 5和 6 93± 0 2 9,B/E值为 1 34± 0 10。坦克乘员组实弹射击后与实弹射击前及非坦克乘员组比较 ,差异均非常显著 (P <0 0 1) ,并发现其影响因素主要有噪声、有害气体、生活质量、心理应激程度、振动、乘室空间等。结论 :实弹射击后坦克乘员肠道双歧杆菌数量明显减少 ,并受环境、心理等因素影响。  相似文献   

某部坦克乘员下肢军事训练伤发生情况调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:调查分析某部坦克乘员下肢军事训练伤的发生情况.方法:采用自制调查表对某部坦克乘员下肢军事训练伤的发生情况进行调查,并分析下肢军事训练伤的发生率、发生部位及致伤科目等.结果:1年军龄组下肢军事训练伤发生率显著高于2年军龄组及≥3年军龄组(P<0.05);2年军龄组与≥3年军龄组下肢军事训练伤发生率比较,差异不显著(...  相似文献   

坦克的特殊作业环境和军事劳动特点,给坦克乘员带来了一系列的健康卫生问题。为此,我们必须针对坦克乘员的工作特点,搞好相应的健康教育和卫生保障工作。噪声在低转速、闭门窗及静止待命的坦克内,噪声强度为78分贝;在高转速、土路行驶、闭门窗车内,平均噪声强度为104分贝。坦克行进或火炮发射、并列机枪发射时所产生的脉冲噪声对乘员的影响更大。坦克乘员经过长时间驾驶后,往往听不清一般的谈话声音,需经10几分种或更长时间,其听力才能恢复正常。如果听觉疲劳未及时恢复又继续接触噪声,内耳感音器官则会由功能性改变发展成退行性病变,可致永…  相似文献   

海训青年战士下腰痛的流行病学调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对海训青年战士下腰痛的流行病学进行调查。方法通过发放腰痛调查表和实地考察的方式,对2002年6月—2005年9月参加海训的3 200名现役士兵进行腰痛发病状况调查。结果海训条件下战士下腰痛的患病率为55.90%,明显腰痛的患病率为31.80%;长期海水浸泡可诱发战士下腰痛(检出率为73.02%)。结论通过调查发现海训青年战士下腰痛与特殊训练环境、心理、组织管理和个体等因素有关。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To explore gender differences in the cause of low back pain in a population of military personnel who are expected to undertake high levels of sport, exercise and physical military training. METHODS: A prospective study of trained British soldiers, with symptomatic low back pain, referred to the Colchester Garrison Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Centre over a four year period. RESULTS: The study demonstrates that 928 (17.8%) of the 5214 referrals were for new cases of low back pain. The incidence of low back pain in female soldiers is higher than their male counterparts with an odds ratio of 3.17 (95% CI 2.31 - 4.35) There was a highly significant cross gender difference in low back pain caused by activities in the followining categories: military physical traininong (OR 2.65, 95% CI 1.70 - 4.02), work or occupation (OR 2.49, 95% CI 1.56 - 3.87) and off-duty pursuits (OR 2.91, 95% CI 1.72 - 4.72). There was no cross gender difference in low back pain caused by sport, road traffic accidents or activities pre-dating military service. CONCLUSIONS: Female soldiers are significantly more likely to suffer low back pain as a result of physical military training, their occupation, or off-duty activities. Sporting activities do not cause low back pain in women to a greater extent than men By demonstrating the scale of the problem and by determining of the cause of injury, it should now be possible to propose methods of effective intervention to reduce injury, implement those interventions and audit effectiveness.  相似文献   

 目的 调查武警部队非特异性腰痛(nonspecific low back pain, NLBP)的流行情况及其对生存质量的影响,为防治提供依据。方法 随机整群抽取驻山西武警某部战士1385名,采用自制腰痛问卷调查,生存质量测评采用世界卫生组织生存质量测定简表(WHOQOL-BREF)。分析NLBP与生存质量的关系。结果 武警战士NLBP整体患病率为36.4%。NLBP战士总的生存质量(3.92±0.81)及各领域的生存质量均明显低于非腰痛者(4.25±0.72),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 NLBP会影响武警战士的生存质量,指挥员应合理安排训练内容和强度,以降低武警战士NLBP发生率,进一步改善其生存质量。  相似文献   

In a former presentation, we reported the failure of commanding officers after a 320-km-long chain march. In this study, 64 commanding officers of a tank battalion were questioned regarding subjective health disturbances similar to the disturbances we have seen before. The soldiers indicated subjective troubles and frequency in dependence of the load duration. After 36 hours, one-half of the soldiers indicated feeling some pain, which consisted primarily of knee and back troubles. In addition to the marked disturbances after 24 hours, 50% of the soldiers indicated suffering from at least one health disturbance, and after 36 hours, 80% of the soldiers suffered at least one health disturbance. The disturbances appear faster and more frequently the longer the soldiers are on the battle tank as commanding officer. There is also a subjective increase in troubles with the years of service. Our results show that the vibration load on the battle tank can cause health disturbances. These disturbances seem to be a relevant problem of the commanding officers with no single case report.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between prevalent radiographic abnormalities of the lumbar spine and the incidence of low back pain in high school rugby players. Three hundred and twenty-seven incoming high school rugby players (15-16 years of age) were recruited between 1986 and 1994. All of them underwent athletic physical examination before participation in high school athletics. The relationship between prevalent radiographic abnormalities of the lumbar spine in the pre-participation athletic physical examination and the incidence of low back pain during a 1-year period after the start of participation in athletics was analyzed. Radiographic abnormalities assessed were spondylolysis, disc space narrowing, spinal instability, Schmorl's node, balloon disc, and spina bifida occulta. The frequency of respective radiographic abnormalities was 15.6%, 13.1%, 32.7%, 14.1%, 11.6%, and 30.6%. Two hundred and forty-three players (74.3%) had at least one of these radiographic abnormalities. The incidence of low back pain was 44.0% in players with no such radiographic abnormalities and 41.2% in those with at least one radiographic abnormality. The incidence of low back pain in players with the respective radiographic abnormalities was 72.5%, 46.5%, 46.7%, 39.1%, 34.2%, and 41.0%, and only players with spondylolysis had a significantly higher incidence of low back pain than those with no radiographic abnormalities. This study shows that a radiographic abnormality, specifically spondylolysis, is a significant radiological risk factor for low back pain in high school rugby players.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Low back pain is a common presenting symptom among players of American football. In Japan, however, skeletal disorders in football players, including low back problems, have been rarely studied, and management to prevent skeletal disorders has not been established. STUDY DESIGN: An epidemiological study with prospective observation. METHODS: The authors analyzed the relationship between lumbar spine abnormalities viewed through radiographs taken during the preparticipation physical examination, and the incidence of low back pain during a 1-year period in 171 high school and 742 college football players. Abnormalities assessed were spondylolysis, disc space narrowing, spinal instability, Schmorl's node, balloon disc, and spina bifida occulta. RESULTS: High school players with spondylolysis had a higher incidence of low back pain (79.8%) than those with no abnormal radiographic results (37.1%). College players with spondylolysis, disc space narrowing, and spinal instability had a higher incidence of low back pain (80.5%, 59.8%, and 53.5%, respectively) than those with no abnormal radiographs (32.1%), and college players with spondylolysis had a higher incidence of low back pain than those with disc space narrowing and spinal instability. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study suggest that an abnormality such as spondylolysis is the most significant risk factor for low back pain in high school and college football players, and that disc space narrowing and spinal instability are also significant risk factors for low back pain in athletes with greater athletic activity such as college football players.  相似文献   

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