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目的:了解新疆北部某边防部队低血压士兵的体能状况。方法:按照国军标《士兵体能的测定和评价》,对新疆北部某边防部队低血压士兵50例(观察组)立定跳远、俯卧撑、仰卧起坐及400m跑等4项成绩进行评估,并与随机抽取血压正常士兵50例(对照组)进行比较分析。结果:观察组与对照组间各项测试成绩均差异显著(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论:低血压士兵体能状况总体较差,应加以医学干预。  相似文献   

高原士兵体能主要评价指标的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在作者研究结果的基础上,结合文献资料,提出了评价高原士兵体能的主要指标,认为身高,体重,肺活量,背力,立定跳远和俯卧撑等指标,由于受低氧因素的影响不大,仍选用平原测定方法和评价标准为宜。但低氧对有氧运行水平有影响,海拔越高,影响越大,因此,将海拔3000~4500m分为三个高度段,分别评价相应高度段士兵的有氧运动能力,以拉萨(3680m)和错那(4350m)的受试者所测数据为基础,提出了350  相似文献   

为取得西北地区少数民族色盲的发病资料,我们普查了甘肃、青海、宁夏境内少数民族5554人,现报道于下: 一般情况与检查方法 本组普查共四个点,即甘肃肃南县1.322人,青海境内土族2.157人,宁夏银川地区回族1.149人,甘肃兰州市926人。普查中有回族、藏族、土族、裕固族、蒙族等23个民族,与此同时在青海还检查了汉族902人以作对照。  相似文献   

高原地区值勤士兵体能状况的调查与评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解高原地区值勤士兵的体质、体能状况,为加强高原地区值勤士兵的体能训练与卫生保障提供一定的科学依据;方法:选择驻地海拔3600m的某部男性士兵143人,分别进行体重、胸围、立定跳远、引体向上、100m跑、3000m跑项目的测试,以国家军用标准《部队健康综合评价》和《士兵体能的测定和评价》,对所调查士兵进行体质、体能状况的评估;结果:所调查的高原地区值勤士兵群体体质指数基本达到国家军用标准的要求,属中等水平,立定跳远、100m跑与国家军用标准相比无显著差别(P>0.05),引体向上、3000m跑显著低于国家军用标准(P<0.01);结论:高原地区值勤士兵体质基本达到国家军用标准的要求,属中等水平,有较好的爆发力,但需要加强耐力及有氧训练能力。  相似文献   

为全面了解战士的健康综合状况,为科学练兵提高部队军训质量提供依据,对武警某部2071名战士进行体质、心理、社会因素与军事训练成绩调查。以军训成绩为应变量,分别以体质各项指标、战士心理状况、社会因素为自变量进行多因素逐步回归分析,α=0.05,则有多数变量进入方程。变量按作用大小排序如下:100米跑、俯卧撑、政治面貌、胆汁型、老区与非老区、抑郁型、文化程度、立定跳远,其中负性作用:100米跑、抑郁型、文化程度、政治面貌。  相似文献   

<正> 1 对象与方法 在海拔500m地区随机选择健康男青年60名,在平原完成测试项目后,乘机到达拉萨(海拔3680m),测定其居住8天和7个月后的体力水平。在同一地点,选择年龄、体重与上相似的移居者58人(移居15月和27月者各29人);选择同样条件的藏族世居者57人。分别完成相同项目测试。在错那(海拔4350m)选择移居7月、15月和27月的健康男青年各22名、31名和34名,测试内容同上。 采用自行车功率计作连续逐级递增负荷运动,直至力竭,测受试者的最大摄氧量(Vo_2max)、最大心率(HRmax),同时测受试者的晨脉、身高、体重、肺活量、屏气时间、握力、背力、仰卧起坐、俯卧撑、60m和1000m计时跑时间。2 结果和讨论  相似文献   

武警战士训练伤与体能,体质因素的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谭百庆 《人民军医》1997,40(11):622-623
为研究武警部队训练份与体质、体能因素的关系,增强武警战士健康综合素质,减少训练伤,我们于1996年1~7月对武警某全训部队2071名战士进行了调查研究。1对五和方法1.且对象武警某全训部队2071名男性战士,年龄17~23岁,其中因训练伤住院的战土64例。1.2方法1.2.1身体素质()身体发育:包括身高、体重、维尔维克指数(VV);(2)生理机能:包括最大摄氧量(VO2max);(3)你能;包括100m跑、立定跳远、引体向上、俯卧撑。评定方法参照《中华人民共和国国家军用标准》(GJB1337-92,1102-91)。1.2.2军事训练成绩选测400m障…  相似文献   

目的:了解西北地区庚型肝炎病毒的自染感染状况。方法:应用ELISA法对陕西(西安地区)、青海(西宁、海南、海西地区)、新疆(喀什、伊犁地区)共调查了1469人血清中庚型肝炎病毒抗体(GV-IgG)水平。结果:少数民族(藏族4.11%,蒙古族5.36%,维吾尔族4.55%,回族4.00%)阳性率高于汉族(1.36%~1.73%),吸毒人群阳性率11.29%(34/301)明显高于正常人群2.44%(  相似文献   

目的:探讨高原地区不同民族慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)与血清胃蛋白酶原(PG)的关系,以及Hp感染对其的影响。方法:利用日立7170S型全自动生化分析仪,采用速率法测定经内镜检查和病理学确诊的慢性萎缩性胃炎376例(汉族143例,回族110例,藏族123例)患者的血清PG水平,并与39例胃黏膜基本正常(NOR)者作对比分析,同时观察Hp感染对不同民族CAG血清PG水平的影响。结果:不同民族CAG患者和正常者Hp检出率均高,平均达80.79%,各民族之间无统计学差别(P〉0.05);Hp感染对不同民族CAG患者和正常者血清PG水平和PGⅠ/PGⅡ值均无显著影响(均P〉0.05);汉族、回族和藏族CAG患者血清PGⅠ水平和PGⅠ/PGⅡ值明显低于正常者(P〈0.01),而回族CAG患者血清PGⅠ水平和PGⅠ/PGⅡ值又明显低于汉族和藏族(P〈0.05),汉族和藏族之间无统计学差别(均P〉0.05);血清PGⅡ水平仅回族明显低于正常者(P〈0.01),而汉族、回族和藏族之间均无统计学差别(均P〉0.05);不同民族CAG患者男女之间血清PGⅠ、PGⅡ水平和PGⅠ/PGⅡ值均无显著性差别(均P〉0.05)。结论: Hp感染对高原地区不同民族CAG患者血清PG水平无影响。不同民族CAG患者中血清PG水平存在差别,表现为回族明显低于汉族和藏族,而同民族不同性别之间无差别。  相似文献   

目的:从中医体质角度分析大学生身体机能、身体素质。方法:采用标准化的中医体质量表及《中医9种体质类型判定标准》判定2345名大学生中医体质类型,采集大学生肺活量体重指数、1000米跑(男)、800米跑(女)、握力体重指数、立定跳远等反映身体机能、身体素质的评价指标数据,比较健康体质-平和质大学生与非健康体质-偏颇体质之间的差异。结果:平和质男、女大学生肺活量体重指数、握力体重指数和1000米跑(男)、800米跑(女)、立定跳远成绩与气虚质、阳虚质、痰湿质、湿热质、兼夹体质比较存在显著性差异(P<0.05);平和质男、女大学生肺活量体重指数和1000米跑(男)、800米跑(女)、立定跳远成绩与阴虚质、血瘀质、气郁质存在显著性差异(P<0.05),握力体重指数与阴虚质、血瘀质、气郁质无显著性差异(P>0.05);平和质男大学生1000米跑成绩与特禀质存在显著性差异(P<0.05),肺活量体重指数、握力体重指数、立定跳远成绩与特禀质无显著性差异(P>0.05),平和质女大学生立定跳远成绩与特禀质存在显著性差异(P<0.05),肺活量体重指数、800米跑成绩、握力体重指数与特禀质无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:平和质大学生身体机能、身体素质显著优于偏颇体质。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study documented the incidence of acute injuries related to the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). METHODS: A questionnaire was administered to 1,532 soldiers after they completed a biannual APFT. Self-reported injury responses determined the rates of injuries resulting from the push-up, sit-up, and 2-mile run events and were classified into three categories, i.e., all injuries, performance-limiting injuries, and time-loss injuries. RESULTS: A total of 117 soldiers (injury rate, 7.6%) reported sustaining an injury (all injuries), with 11% attributed to the push-up event, 56% to the sit-up event, and 32% to the run event. Forty-six of these injuries reportedly limited performance (injury rate, 3.0%), and 11 soldiers received a duty-limiting profile (time-loss injury rate, 0.7%), which did not differ among events. Injury rates were not significantly associated with the number of sit-ups performed per week or the number of days per week a soldier participated in physical training and were not greater for soldiers who trained specifically for the APFT. History of previous injury was a significant risk factor for injury. CONCLUSION: The push-up, sit-up, and run events of the APFT do not pose a considerable acute injury risk to active duty soldiers.  相似文献   

The contribution of selected physical development and muscular strength measures to general motor performance capacity was investigated in 55 seven to twelve year old boys. The physical development variables were height, body weight and fat-free body. Right and left hand strength, and static leg extension force of the right, left and both legs. simultaneously were used as measures of strength. The measures of general motor capacity were six field performance tests of the kind typically used by investigators and teachers including the softball throw, vertical jump, standing broad jump, shuttle run, 50 yard dash, and mile run. Data were analyzed by the method of least squares and constants fitted for height, body weight, fat-free weight and various measures of strength with chronological age held constant. Strength accounted for 18 to 43 percent of the variation in the children's motor performance score. Two measures of physical development, body weight and fat-free body weight together with age, were the dominant factors, contributing from 46 to 65 percent of the variation. Muscular strength and physical development measures together accounted for 57 to 70 percent of the variability in motor performance. For diagnostic and research purposes, measurement of physical development is an important consideration for proper interpretation of field tests of motor performance.  相似文献   

1989年4月至10月在西藏拉萨、日喀则、泽当镇、错邺县城关等地区采取世居藏族血清341份,进藏两年以上汉族血清119份。采用IHA法进行人群弓形体感染血清学调查。总感染率为10.26%,世居藏族为11.14%,进藏两年以上汉族为8.40%(P>0.05),高于全国4.86%的平均水平,属二度感染地区。年龄、性别、职业、及民族人群感染率均无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

目的:研究制定适合疗养期间高性能战斗机飞行员进行专项下体负压和体能训练方案。方法:24名健康男性随机分为3组。体育锻炼组连续2周进行力量锻炼;下体负压锻炼组利用倾斜床进行下体负压锻炼。联合锻炼组每天以上述两种不同的锻炼方式进行复合锻炼。锻炼前后进行运动耐力及体能测试。结果:体育锻炼联合下体负压锻炼组锻炼10d后PWC170/kg、最大耗氧量显著提高,肌肉爆发力及静肌力指标较锻炼前显著提高(P〈0.05);单纯体育锻炼组平板卧推、负重蹲起、30m冲刺跑、15m蛙跳成绩较锻炼前显著提高(P〈0.05),单纯下体负压组仅平板卧推及15m蛙跳成绩较锻炼前显著提高(P〈0.05)。结论:体育锻炼联合下体负压锻炼10d后可明显提高受试者运动耐力及下肢、腰腹肌肉爆发力及静肌力。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that in the course of sexual maturation possibilities for accelerated development of motor abilities are triggered in girls. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 77 healthy 11- to 14-year-old girls, grouped according to Tanner's 5-stage scale of sexual maturation. Motor abilities were assessed with the aid of 20 m dash, 4 x 9 m shuttle run, standing long jump, squats in 30 sec, sit ups in 30 sec, trunk forward flexion, Cooper 12-min running test, and Harvard step-test. RESULTS: Performance in the shuttle run, standing long jump and trunk forward flexion improved in correlation with sexual maturation stage. When consecutive maturation groups were compared, in standing long jump and trunk forward flexion significant differences were found between sexual maturation stages II and III, in shuttle run between stages I and II. The significant main effect of sexual maturation was confirmed with the aid of MANOVA. 23% of variance in the results of trunk forward flexion, 17% in standing long jump, and 10% in shuttle run were attributable to maturation differences. For the same three motor tasks 4%, 8%, and 15%, were respectively attributed to age differences. Differences between maturation groups disappeared when the results of shuttle run and standing long jump were adjusted with the aid of ANCOVA for age or height as the covariate, but persisted after results were controlled for body mass. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the tested hypothesis. Critical for improvement of agility is reaching maturation stage II, and for increase of leg muscle explosive strength and trunk flexibility, reaching stage III.  相似文献   

We used allometric models to identify the optimal body size/shape characteristics associated with physical and motor performance tests in Peruvian schoolchildren. The sample consisted of 3624 subjects (1669 boys and 1955 girls) aged 11–17 years from 31 public schools belonging to four cities located in the three natural regions in central Peru. Motor performance included 12‐min run, standing long jump, grip strength, curl‐ups, shuttle run, and sit and reach. The reciprocal Ponderal index (RPI), a characteristic sometimes referred to as the somatotype “ectomorphy,” was found to be the most suitable body shape indicator associated with 12‐min run, standing long jump, curl‐up, and shuttle run performance. A positive maturation offset parameter was also associated with greater standing long jump, grip strength, shuttle run, and sit‐and‐reach performances. With the exception of the sit‐and‐reach flexibility, sex differences are pervasive in all tests favoring boys. Rainforest schoolchildren are best performers in the power and flexibility tests, whereas those from high altitude were superior in the 12‐min endurance test even after taking their much lighter body size characteristics into account. This latter finding suggests that living at high altitude in Peru benefits children's endurance performance both before and even after controlling for differences in the confounding variable of body size/shape.  相似文献   

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