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目的 研究用TLD核查医用电子加速器在非参考条件下,光子线束剂量随照射野、楔形板变化,电子线束剂量随照射野、源皮距变化的剂量学参数方法的可靠性。方法 在非参考条件下,用指形电离室测量光子线束水下10 cm处吸收剂量和电子线束最大剂量点处吸收剂量,并在同一位置放置TLD进行照射,将照射后的TLD邮寄到中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所进行测量并估算剂量。结果 光子线束剂量点共70个,其中58个点的TLD测量结果与指形电离室测量结果相对偏差在±7.0%以内(IAEA允许偏差±7.0%),合格率为82.8%。经过PS值修正后,合格点数达到62个,合格率上升为88.6%;电子线束剂量点为24个,其TLD测量结果与指形电离室测量结果相对偏差均在±5.0%以内(IAEA允许偏差±5.0%),合格率为100%。结论 用TLD核查非参考条件电子线束剂量学参数方便,与指形电离室相互验证,可提高剂量测量的准确性。电子线束能量在5 MeV<E0<10 MeV的范围内,用指形电离室测量吸收剂量参数,并用TLD验证,其结果精确可靠。  相似文献   

目的 研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)方法核查放射治疗参考条件和非参考条件下剂量学参数的可靠性验证。方法 在参考条件和非参考条件下,用建立的TLD方法,核查5家医院10条6 MV光子线束剂量随深度、源皮距、照射野大小和45°楔形板等变化,5条9 MeV电子线束轴向最大剂量点处等剂量学参数,TLD测量结果与剂量仪测量结果进行对比。结果 6 MV 光子线束TLD测量结果与指形电离室测量结果的平均相对偏差为4.45%,低于IAEA要求的≤±7%;9 MeV电子线束TLD测量结果与平行板电离室测量结果平均相对偏差为2.45%,低于IAEA要求的≤±5%。结论 用TLD核查参考条件和非参考条件下放射治疗剂量学参数方法可靠,简单易行。  相似文献   

目的 研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)方法核查放射治疗参考条件和非参考条件下剂量学参数的可靠性验证。方法 在参考条件和非参考条件下,用建立的TLD方法,核查10条6 MV光子线束剂量随照射野大小和45°楔形板等变化,4条9 MeV电子线束轴向最大剂量点处等剂量学参数,TLD估算结果与剂量仪测量结果进行对比。结果 6 MV光子线束TLD估算结果与指形电离室测量结果的平均相对偏差为4.7%,按照IAEA要求允许偏差不超过±7%;9 MeV电子线束TLD估算结果与平行板电离室测量结果平均相对偏差为2.4%,均未超过IAEA允许偏差要求(±5%)。结论 用TLD核查参考条件和非参考条件下放射治疗剂量学参数方法可靠,简单易行。  相似文献   

调强放射治疗多叶光栅小野输出因子测量方法研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的 研究用小探测器测量调强放射治疗多叶光栅(MLC)小野输出因子方法。方法用MAX4000剂量仪,Unidos剂量仪分别接不同型号小电离室和二极管半导体探测器,瓦里安加速器,6 MV X射线束,10 cm×10 cm(固定),变化二级准直器(多叶光栅片)形成照射野6 cm×6 cm, 4 cm×4 cm, 3 cm×3 cm, 2 cm×2 cm,水下10 cm,照射:250 MU,3次读数取平均值。所有小野读数归一到10 cm×10 cm照射野,得到多叶光栅小野输出因子,用测量输出因子与出版输出因子进行比较。结果 Unidos剂量仪和0.015 cc电离室测量多叶光栅小野输出因子与出版输出因子相对偏差分别为1.0%、1.7%、1.5%和2.4%;Unidos剂量仪和0.007 cc电离室测量相对偏差分别为0.2%、0.8%、0.8%和1.4%;MAX4000剂量仪和0.007 cc电离室测量相对偏差分别为0.1%、0.5%、0.5%和0.9%;MAX4000剂量仪和二极管半导体探测器测量相对偏差分别为0.1%、1.5%、1.8%和2.4%(所有小野读数归一到10 cm×10 cm照射野读数),3 cm×3 cm,2 cm×2 cm归一到4 cm×4 cm照射野读数的相对偏差分别为0.1%和0.9%。结论 0.015 cc电离室测量多叶光栅野输出因子,3 cm×3 cm,2 cm×2 cm照射野的结果符合要求。按照国际原子能机构(IAEA)放射治疗剂量准确度要求,测量输出因子与出版输出因子的相对偏差应在±2%和±3%范围内。0.007 cc电离室测量结果好于0.015 cc电离室测量结果;二极管半导体探测器测量结果符合要求(归一到10 cm×10 cm照射野)和非常好(归一到4 cm×4 cm照射野)。对多叶光栅片形成的小野,由于剂量学问题,小野输出因子必须用小电离室或二极管半导体探测器测量。该测量方法准确可靠,对所有小野测量结果应输入放射治疗计划系统作为制定临床放射治疗计划的依据。  相似文献   

目的 研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)方法核查放射治疗参考条件和非参考条件下剂量学参数的可靠性验证。方法 在参考条件和非参考条件下,用建立的TLD方法,核查5家医院的10条6 MV光子线束剂量随深度、源皮距离、照射野大小和45°楔形板等变化,5条9 MeV电子线束轴向最大剂量点处等剂量学参数,TLD估算结果与剂量仪测量结果进行对比。结果 6 MV 光子线束轴上非参考条件和离轴非参考条件下的TLD监测结果与指型电离室监测结果的相对偏差范围分别为-1.7%~5.4%、-6.3%~-0.6%,符合IAEA要求的≤±7%;电子射线束TLD估算结果与平行板电离室测量结果相对偏差范围为-2.3%~3.7%,符合IAEA要求的≤±5%。结论 用TLD核查参考条件和非参考条件下放射治疗剂量学参数方法可靠,简单易行。  相似文献   

目的 用粉末热释光剂量计(TLD)和胶片测量调强放疗(IMRT)光子线束吸收剂量和二维剂量分布验证研究。方法 用国际原子能机构(IAEA)提供的聚苯乙烯固体模体,经CT扫描,影像传给放射治疗计划系统(TPS)制定放疗计划,源皮距90 cm,深度10 cm,照射野5 cm×5 cm,计算吸收剂量6 Gy相应的监督单位(MU)。根据四川省各个地域医疗水平、放射治疗开展情况和物理师技术力量等因素选择了7家三级甲等医院,每家医院选取1台常用的加速器,7台加速器生产厂家分别为瓦里安、医科达和西门子,并分别实施调强放疗计划。医院使用的均质固体模体,尺寸30 cm×30 cm,25 cm×25 cm的胶片放在模体上,厚度>20 cm的固体模体板覆盖在胶片上面,射线束中心对准胶片中心,实施调强放疗计划的验证。结果 7台加速器中,TLD吸收剂量与TPS计划剂量相对偏差分别为1.4%、3.7%、-2.5%、-0.3%、4.9%、4.9%和5.0%,满足IAEA要求的±5%以内;胶片吸收剂量与TPS计划剂量相对偏差分别为4.7%、4.3%、1.5%、3.9%、-1.6%、3.3%和-1.3%,满足IAEA要求的±5%以内;5台加速器胶片二维剂量分布3 mm/3%通过率分别为99.9%、98.5%、98.5%、97.9%和70.0%,其中4台加速器满足IAEA要求的通过率为90%以上,1台不满足要求。结论 用TLD和胶片测量调强放疗光子线束野吸收剂量和二维剂量分布验证,科学实用,经济方便,可为放射治疗计划提供质量保证。  相似文献   

目的 研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)核查非参考条件下光子线束和电子线束剂量学参数方法。方法60Co γ线束,高能X射线束和电子线束,开展TLD分散性、非线性剂量响应、衰退、能量和有机玻璃支架(IAEA提供)等校正实验,建立估算TLD水中光子线束和电子线束吸收剂量方法。选择了60Co,6、10、15和18 MV光子线束(离轴),剂量随着照射野和30°楔形角度变化研究;选择了6和10 MV光子线,剂量随着源皮距,照射野和楔形角度变化进行可靠性研究;选择了9和15 MeV电子线,剂量随着源皮距离变化进行可靠性研究。结果 用建立的TLD方法,估算非参考条件下光子线束(离轴)研究结果,相对偏差在-0.1%~7.2%(IAEA要求不大于±7.0%)范围内。非参考条件光子线束(轴上)验证研究结果,相对偏差在0.1%~7.0%范围内;参考和非参考条件电子线束验证研究结果,相对偏差为0~4.7%(IAEA要求不大于±5.0%)范围内。结论 用TLD核查放射治疗非参考条件临床的剂量学参数方便准确,经在医院做可靠性验证,对高能电子线束,用平行板电离室校准吸收剂量,用TLD验证,效果很好。  相似文献   

目的 用热释光剂量计(TLD)和放射性免冲洗胶片测量调强放疗(IMRT)多叶光栅(MLC)野光子线束吸收剂量并验证二维剂量分布。方法 选择湖北省7家三级甲等医院的7台不同型号医用直线加速器,使用国际原子能机构(IAEA)提供的15 cm×15 cm×15 cm聚苯乙烯专用模体,TLD和放射性免冲洗胶片,在源皮距90 cm,照射深度10 cm,照射野5 cm×5 cm,6 MV X射线,6 Gy吸收剂量照射条件下制定IMRT计划并实施照射,比较TLD和胶片吸收剂量测量值与放疗计划系统(TPS)预估剂量之间的偏差。同时,使用医院配备的30 cm×30 cm均质固体模体,在模体表面下5 cm处放置25 cm×25 cm放射性免冲洗胶片,并将IMRT计划中单个射野移植到模体中胶片层面上并实施照射,通过胶片剂量分析系统验证二维剂量分布。结果 所检医用直线加速器中,1号加速器TLD吸收剂量相对偏差和胶片吸收剂量相对偏差分别为-8.5%和-1.9%;7号加速器TLD吸收剂量相对偏差和胶片吸收剂量相对偏差分别为5.4%和0.5%;其余加速器TLD和胶片吸收剂量相对偏差均在±5%范围以内。所有加速器的二维剂量分布通过率均在90%以上。结论 TLD和胶片核查调强放疗剂量质量方法,操作简单,科学性强,TLD和胶片便于邮件方式寄送,该方法可运用于对放疗机构调强放疗剂量大范围的质量核查。  相似文献   

目的 调查放射治疗计划系统(TPS)计算的多叶光栅(MLC)小野输出因子,研究用0.015 cc电离室验证小野输出因子的测量方法。方法 在河南省选择8台可开展调强放射治疗的医用加速器,调查TPS计算的小野输出因子并与国际原子能机构(IAEA)推荐的出版值进行比。如果2 cm×2 cm照射野相对偏差超出IAEA要求的±3%,3 cm×3 cm、4 cm×4 cm、6 cm×6 cm照射野相对偏差超出IAEA要求的±2%,则用0.015 cc电离室和Unidos剂量仪进行测量验证。结果8台医用加速器的TPS计算小野输出因子与出版值比较,5台相对偏差符合IAEA要求,占调查总台数的62.5%,3台相对偏差超过IAEA要求,占调查总台数的37.5%。用针尖电离室测量验证,3台测量结果均符合IAEA要求。结论 河南省部分医用加速器TPS计算的MLC小野输出因子,需要现场实施小电离室测量修正,测量值作为制定放射治疗计划的依据。  相似文献   

目的 用热释光剂量计(TLD)和胶片测量调强放疗(IMRT)光子线束吸收剂量和二维剂量分布。方法 采用非概率抽样方法,在河南省选择5家三级甲等医院的8台可开展IMRT的医用加速器,TLD放入国家原子能机构(IAEA)提供的聚苯乙烯固体模体(15 cm×15 cm×15 cm)中,经CT扫描,影像传给放射治疗计划系统(TPS)制定放疗计划,源皮距90 cm,深度10 cm,照射野5 cm×5 cm,6 MV X射线,计算吸收剂量6 Gy和相应的监督单位(MU),实施IMRT计划照射模体,测量TLD吸收剂量,同样方法测量胶片吸收剂量。医院的均质固体模体,尺寸30 cm×30 cm,厚度20 cm,25 cm×25 cm的胶片放在模体中,源皮距95 cm,深度5 cm,实施IMRT计划。结果 调查的8台医用加速器中,有7台加速器的TLD吸收剂量相对偏差符合要求,1台加速器不符合要求;胶片吸收剂量相对偏差全部符合要求;7台加速器的二维剂量分布通过率符合要求,1台加速器不符合要求。结论 TLD和胶片用于核查调强放疗多叶光栅野吸收剂量和二维剂量分布,方法简单,可操作性强,适合在我省医院大范围实施IMRT剂量质量核查。  相似文献   

目的 研究用Diode探测器测量光子线束治疗中患者接受剂量的方法,验证治疗计划系统(TPS)计算剂量,并与Diode探测器测量剂量进行比较.方法 用60Coγ射线、6 MV X射线、水模体和固体模体,开展Diode探测器的重复性、剂量率响应、非线性剂量响应及刻度因子等实验.根据临床治疗需要,选择在不同条件下,研究剂量随机器角度、能量响应、源皮距、照射野、楔形角度、挡块和托盘因子等变化的影响,求出Diode探测器校准因子,用仿真人模体、Diode探测器、6 MV X线束,验证骨盆、头颈等部位剂量.再用Diode探测器测量6 MV X射线照射9例放疗患者的头颈、胸及腹等部位的剂量.结果 仿真人模体骨盆前面,左、右两侧(加楔形和不加楔形角度),以及头颈部左、右两侧(戴面具和不带面具)条件下,Diode测量值与TPS计算值的相对偏差均在±3%以内;放疗患者的头颈部两侧(戴面具)、胸部及腹部,Diode测量值与TPS计算值的相对偏差均在±5%以内.结论 用Diode探测器验证放疗患者剂量方法准确可靠,能快速获得数据.
Objective To explore the measurement method of the treatment dose of the patient with Diode for photon beam in radiotherapy,and to validate the treatment dose by comparing with the treatment planning system (TPS).Methods Experiments of the reproducibility,dose rate dependence,non-linearity dose response,and calibration factor in 60Co γ and 6 MV X beams were carried out with Diode on the surface of solid phantom and in water phantom.According to the needs of clinic treatment,different conditions were chosen to observe the dose changes with the angle of incidence,energy response,distance of source to skin,field size,wedge angle,block and tray using ionization chamber and water phantom.The Diode was placed on the surface of the solid phantom to obtain the correction factors.The doses of the chest,abdomen,and head and neek were verified with the Alderson phantom and Diode.Diode doses of the pelvis,head and neck at 14 points on the patient were measured.Results The Diode was irradiated at the points of the Alderson phantom,such as AP,RL and LL of the pelvis,with and without wedges,RL and LL junction of the neck and chin,with and without mask,the maximum relative deviation of doses was within ± 3% between Diode and TPS.The Diode was placed in different locations on the patient,including chest,abdomen and head and neck.The relative maximum deviation of doses was within ±5% between Diode and TPS.Conclusions The Diode method is reliable for measuring the exposure doses of the patient in radiotherapy.  相似文献   

PurposeEstablishment of an end-to-end system for the brachytherapy (BT) dosimetric chain could be valuable in clinical quality assurance. Here, the development of such a system using MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor) detectors and experience gained during 2 years of use are reported with focus on the performance of the MOSFET detectors.Methods and MaterialsA bolus phantom was constructed with two implants, mimicking prostate and head & neck treatments, using steel needles and plastic catheters to guide the 192Ir source and house the MOSFET detectors. The phantom was taken through the BT treatment chain from image acquisition to dose evaluation. During the 2-year evaluation-period, delivered doses were verified a total of 56 times using MOSFET detectors which had been calibrated in an external 60Co beam. An initial experimental investigation on beam quality differences between 192Ir and 60Co is reported.ResultsThe standard deviation in repeated MOSFET measurements was below 3% in the six measurement points with dose levels above 2 Gy. MOSFET measurements overestimated treatment planning system doses by 2–7%. Distance-dependent experimental beam quality correction factors derived in a phantom of similar size as that used for end-to-end tests applied on a time-resolved measurement improved the agreement.ConclusionsMOSFET detectors provide values stable over time and function well for use as detectors for end-to-end quality assurance purposes in 192Ir BT. Beam quality correction factors should address not only distance from source but also phantom dimensions.  相似文献   

目的 探讨加速器成像射束影像系统(IBL)的全扇形束和大射野(EFOV)两种模式扫描得到的兆伏级锥形束断层(MV CBCT)图像可否用于剂量计算。方法 利用大孔径CT和在IBL的全扇形束和EFOV模式下对CIRS 062M型电子密度模体进行扫描,在Pinnacle计划系统中分别建立电子密度曲线。用CT和加速器MV级CBCT模式扫描头颈、胸、腹盆腔部仿真模体,利用CT图像制作调强计划,并将计划移植于MV CBCT的图像中,利用相应的电子密度曲线计算剂量,比较靶区及危及器官剂量分布。结果 MV CBCT图像中剂量分布比参考计划剂量偏低,并且在头颈、胸、腹盆腔模体中偏差依次增大。与参考计划相比,头颈部靶区剂量和危及器官剂量分布一致,偏差均在3%以内。胸部和腹盆腔靶区和危及器官的剂量分布均有大幅度的降低,偏差分别达到5%和10%,超出了临床接受范围。结论 在加速器IBL中全扇形束模式条件下,头颈部患者扫描得到的MV CBCT图像可在自适应放疗中用于剂量计算,胸、腹盆腔部位在EFOV模式下仅可用于图像引导,不能用于剂量计算。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to estimate skin dose for the patients treated with tomotherapy using metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). In vivo measurements were performed for two head and neck patients treated with tomotherapy and compared to TLD measurements. The measurements were subsequently carried out for five days to estimate the inter-fraction deviations in MOSFET measurements. The variation between skin dose measured with MOSFET and TLD for first patient was 2.2%. Similarly, the variation of 2.3% was observed between skin dose measured with MOSFET and TLD for second patient. The tomotherapy treatment planning system overestimated the skin dose as much as by 10–12% when compared to both MOSFET and TLD. However, the MOSFET measured patient skin doses also had good reproducibility, with inter-fraction deviations ranging from 1% to 1.4%. MOSFETs may be used as a viable dosimeter for measuring skin dose in areas where the treatment planning system may not be accurate.  相似文献   

《Medical Dosimetry》2019,44(2):107-110
The eye lens is recognized as one of the most radiosensitive structures in the human body. The widespread use of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) complicates dose verification and necessitates high standards of dose computation. The purpose of this work was to assess the computed dose accuracy of eye lens through measurements using a metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) dosimetry system. Sixteen clinical IMRT plans of head and neck patients were copied to an anthropomorphic head phantom. Measurements were performed using the MOSFET dosimetry system based on the head phantom. Two MOSFET detectors were imbedded in the eyes of the head phantom as the left and the right lens, covered by approximately 5-mm-thick paraffin wax. The measurement results were compared with the calculated values with a dose grid size of 1 mm. Sixteen IMRT plans were delivered, and 32 measured lens doses were obtained for analysis. The MOSFET dosimetry system can be used to verify the lens dose, and our measurements showed that the treatment planning system used in our clinic can provide adequate dose assessment in eye lenses. The average discrepancy between measurement and calculation was 6.7 ± 3.4%, and the largest discrepancy was 14.3%, which met the acceptability criterion set by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Group 53 for external beam calculation for multileaf collimator-shaped fields in buildup regions.  相似文献   

The accuracy of a MOSFET dosimetry system with respect to peripheral therapeutic doses from high-energy X-rays has been evaluated. The results have been compared with ionisation chamber measurements in the same peripheral regions of the beam. For 6 MV and 18 MV X-ray beams, the MOSFET system in the high-sensitivity mode produces reproducibility of dose measurement with relative standard deviations within 1% of the maximal dose in the beam, if the measurement is made upto 15 cm away from the beam edge. The results have shown that the MOSFET device can adequately measure peripheral doses, which would be beneficial for in vivo dose assessments in radiotherapy.  相似文献   

目的 估算数字断层融合扫描时组织、器官吸收剂量和受检者有效剂量,为辐射剂量学提供数据参考。方法 按照受检者检查部位(主射束扫描部位)将体模实验分组,以放射科现场收集的数字断层融合扫描人体不同部位时实时显示的数据作为体模实验的条件,对体模进行扫描,计算组织、器官的吸收剂量,并估算成年受检者的有效剂量。结果 成年受检者采用数字断层融合扫描时有效剂量分别为头部组0.524 mSv、颈椎组0.736 mSv、胸椎组2.719 mSv、胸部组1.810 mSv、腰椎组1.240 mSv、腹部组2.317 mSv、骨盆组2.316 mSv。结论 数字断层融合扫描时,成年受检者有效剂量的估算结果为胸椎组最高,其次为腹部组,头部组最小,有效剂量主要相关因素为管电压、总mAs、照射野大小、主射束照射范围、扫描范围内组织或器官的数量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨头颈部肿瘤患者基于磁共振加速器系统开展自适应放射治疗的可行性。方法 回顾性分析2019年在中山大学肿瘤防治中心采用磁共振加速器上开展自适应放射治疗的6例头颈部肿瘤患者,共计128个治疗分次的在线自适应治疗计划。评估分次间靶区处方剂量覆盖和危及器官最大剂量或平均剂量的变化情况。然后将每个治疗分次计划剂量叠加后,比较靶区处方剂量覆盖和各危及器官剂量与参考计划的差异。结果 分次间靶区和危及器官剂量评估结果显示,靶区处方剂量覆盖变化<1%,均满足临床要求。脑干、视交叉、视神经、眼球分次间最大剂量和平均剂量变化较小,但眼晶状体剂量变化最大可达98%。累积剂量评估结果显示,靶区处方剂量覆盖和参考计划无明显差别(<1%),脑干、视交叉、视神经、眼球的剂量低于参考计划。眼晶状体剂量变化明显,其剂量高于参考计划最大为31.7%。结论 靶区与危及器官的累积受照剂量和分次间剂量均满足临床要求,磁共振加速器系统开展头颈部肿瘤自适应放射治疗方案是可行的。眼晶状体实际受照剂量与参考计划差异较大,应在临床中予以考虑。  相似文献   

《Medical Dosimetry》2023,48(1):61-66
We aimed to evaluate contralateral breast doses calculated with a Treatment Planning System (TPS) and verified with metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) detectors in patients with early-stage breast cancer (BC) who received helical tomotherapy (HT) after breast-conserving surgery. The dosimetric data of 30 patients (15 left-sided and 15 right-sided) with BC treated with 50.4 Gy to the whole breast and 64.4 Gy to the tumor bed in 28 fractions were analyzed. TPS doses were calculated and MOSFET doses were measured in the contralateral breast (CB) at cranial, caudal, and midpoint and 2 cm lateral to the central point. TPS and MOSFET doses were compared in the entire cohort as well as by tumor location (inner vs outer quadrant) and planning target volume of the breast (<1200 cc vs ≥1200 cc). The average doses at superior, inferior, central, and lateral points calculated with the TPS were 0.26 ± 0.15 cGy, 0.21 ± 0.09 cGy, 0.65 ± 0.14 cGy, and 0.50 ± 0.11 cGy, respectively, and were 0.37 ± 0.16 cGy, 0.34 ± 0.12 cGy, 0.60 ± 0.18 cGy, and 0.34 ± 0.15 cGy, respectively in MOSFET readings. Except for the central point, TPS-calculated doses and MOSFET readings were differed. The doses to the CB in patients with inner and outer quadrant tumors were not significantly different. In patients with large breasts, MOSFET doses were higher at superior and lateral points than TPS doses, but TPS doses were greater at inferior points. MOSFET readings were higher than TPS calculated doses in patients with inner or outer quadrant tumors in small or large breast volumes. The dose calculated by the TPS and that measured by MOSFET differed by a very small amount. The maximum dose to the CB administered at the midpoint was 1.8 Gy, as calculated using the TPS and confirmed using MOSFET detectors, in patients with early-stage BC undergoing breast-only radiotherapy with HT.  相似文献   

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