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热习服动物红细胞免疫变化的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨高温环境和热习服对机体红细胞免疫功能的影响程度,以了解热损伤及热适应机理,探索机体对高热防护措施有重要意义。方法 采用郭峰建立的酵母花环试验,对26只日本大耳白兔分组进行虹细胞C3b受体花环及红细胞IC花环检测。结果高温组红细胞C3b受体花环率和红细胞IC花环童与对照组较明显升高(P<0.01).而习服组动物两种花环已基表恢复至正常对照(P>0.05)。结论 高温环境对机体红细胞免疫有一定影响,而热适应性锻炼可提高机体的热耐受能力。  相似文献   

过热性疾病是由于人体暴露于热环境或加上体力活动,热平衡失调、水盐代谢紊乱或组织损伤引起的不同类型疾病的总称,它对热区部队、高温作业人员、运动员以及旅行者的健康都存在着威胁。据统计,近年来,发病率有所增加。了解过热性疾病的分类与发病机理,有助于正确的诊断和适当的防治。  相似文献   

热习服动物红细胞免疫变化的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨高温环境和热习服对机体红细胞免疫功能的影响程度,以了解热损伤及热适应机理,探索机体对高热防护措施有重要意义。方法 采用郭峰建立的酵母花环试验,对26只日本大耳白兔分组进行红细胞C3b受体花环及红细胞IC花环检测。结果 高温组红细胞C3b受体花环率和红细胞IC花环率与对照组较明显升高(P<0.01),而习服组动物两种花环已基本恢复至正常对照(P>0.05)。结论 高温环境对机体红细胞免疫有一定影响,而热适应性锻炼可提高机体的热耐受能力。  相似文献   

戈壁沙漠地区夏季作业卫勤保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戈壁沙漠地区夏季气温高、气湿低、太阳辐射强,气候条件恶劣,生态环境脆弱,对人员生存和部队行动构成严重威胁,对卫勤保障带来很大影响。近年来,我区对戈壁沙漠地区卫生进行了较系统的考察研究,为戈壁沙漠夏季作业卫勤保障提供了依据。我国戈壁沙漠地区夏季短,7月份最热,该月平均气温超过25℃,最热的吐鲁番地区,月均温达33.9℃,极端温度达49.7℃,为全国最高。中午他表温度多在55C以上。太阳总辐射大约在ZI~24MJ/m2·d。在这种干热、辐射强的环境中作业,人员势必会发生热损伤及强烈的热应激反应,同时,应激状态下对营养…  相似文献   

目的 确定在轨空间环境下的舱外服整体系统的极限隔热能力(漏热率),验证系统被动热防护结构设计的正确性、合理性及特定防护结构的性能.方法 通过空间外热流仿真计算确定轨道出舱活动可能经历的极限热工况和极限外热流,采用红外笼和液氮模拟舱外服的空间热流和热沉:用暖体假人模拟舱外服内人体代谢和温度控制.结果 采用上述方法构建了人-舱外服-外热真空环境试验系统;通过对真空无热沉、冷黑背景和不同外热流施加的热状态比较、外部散热控制法和暖体假人热补偿法的比较,形成了验证和评估系统热防护性能的综合技术方法.对飞天舱外航天服在模拟内外部热环境下进行了极限热防护性能测试和评估.结论 对试验精度进行的分析表明试验结果具有很好的测试精度,能够对舱外服热防护性能进行验证和评估.  相似文献   

在模拟高温环境下,测定大鼠热应激蛋白70kd(HSP 70)的合成,HSP70mRNA基因表达及肛温、心率、细胞形态学改变。探讨高温对HSP70的影响及HSP70在热应激中的作用。结果显示:高温使机体心率、体温升高,引起细胞损伤。三者与HSP70基因表达负相关。提示HSP70水平可成为判断机体热应激能力  相似文献   

药提取液预防环境热损伤的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究中药预防环境热损伤的作用。方法:检测热习服和热应激日本大耳白兔的体温、免疫功能、心肌酶谱、肝功能及血清离子等。结果:①与热应激组比较,热习服组动物心肌酶谱、肝功能、电解质紊乱更为明显,并有血糖降低;②与未服用中药的热习服组动物比较,服用中药的动物心肌酶谱、肝功能、肾功能、血清离子各项指标明显降低,接近对照组水平。血糖水平亦明显高于未服药组。结论:中药提取液具有良好预防热习服损伤的作用。  相似文献   

中药提取液预防环境热损伤的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究中药预防环境热损伤的作用。方法:检测热习服和热应激日本大耳白兔的体温、免疫功能、心肌酶谱、肝功能及血清离子等。结果:①与热应激组比较,热习服组动物心肌酶谱、肝功能、电解质紊乱更为明显,并有血糖降低;②与未服用中药的热习服组动物比较,服用中药的动物心肌酶谱、肝功能、肾功能、血清离子各项指标明显降低,接近对照组水平。血糖水平亦明显高于未服药组。结论:中药提取液具有良好预防热习服损伤的作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨高温环境对热应激蛋白(HSP70)的影响及HSP70在热应激中的作用,在模拟高温条件下,测定了大鼠HSP70的合成、HSP70mRNA基因的表达及肛温、心率、淋巴细胞形态学的改变。结果发现:机体心率加快、体温升高并伴有细胞损伤。三者与HSP70基因的表达呈负相关。提示:HSP70水平可成为判断机体热应激能力的敏感、特异指标。  相似文献   

在日常工作中,笔者发现高温作业人员的上颌窦病变发生率较高,为此,对本厂的炼钢、浇钢及轧钢等高温作业工人进行了一次上颌窦摄片查体,同时与非高温作业的机关工作人员的上颌窦做了对照。1临床资料随机抽样184名高温作业人员进行上颌窦摄影。分三个年龄组:A组:...  相似文献   

Heat stress arising from the thermal environment is of concern to sports medicine and to sports administration because of the perceived risk of heat casualties, in particular heat stroke. Many sports organizations recommend environmental indices such as the WBGT for assessing risk and setting environmental limits for training and competition. But the limits are not justified by evidence. This article describes the nature of heat stress in sport and how it may be assessed objectively. Heat stress and the principal human responses to exercise heat stress are reviewed briefly. Metabolic heat production and the thermal environment provoke separate and largely independent physiological strains. Metabolic heat production drives body core temperature, and the thermal environment drives skin temperature; the combined stresses are integrated to drive sweat rate. Control of core temperature depends on adequate sweat production and the capacity of the environment to evaporate the sweat. The nature of exercise heat stress is demonstrated by rational analysis of the physical heat exchanges between the body and the environment. The principles of this analysis are applied to critical review of current practice in the assessment of heat stress in sport. The article concludes with discussion of research to establish methods for objective sport-specific assessment of heat stress.  相似文献   

人体热平衡的生物物理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析人体产热和散热的机理以及影响散热的因素,并讨论维持人体热平衡的因素。方法利用能量守恒原理建立人与环境热交换方程,并根据不同热交换途径以及影响散热的因素建立相关方程。结果温度环境包括温度、湿度、压力、风速以及太阳辐射是影响航天员热平衡的关键因素。结论人体的各种生理活动都必须在体内温度相对稳定的条件下进行,即人体必须同周围环境之间处于相对稳定的热平衡,人才能进行正常的生理行为活动。  相似文献   

个体调温装备的生理学基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中主要介绍了人体与环境间进行热交换有关的生理学研究结果。它们包括:(1)皮肤温度分布特点与环境温度变化的关系;(2)关于体表热流问题以及(3)身体总出汗量与区域性出汗量问题。最后,引用研究工作中的实例,阐明采用了具有生理学依据的合理流向,对提高水冷帽有效散热率的明显效果。  相似文献   

目的对不同的可能着陆区的温度环境以及人体与环境的热交换问题进行分析,并讨论相应的对抗措施。方法 利用能量守恒原理建立人与环境热交换方程并对影响人体热平衡的因素进行讨论。结果 温度环境,包括温度、湿度、压力、风速以及太阳辐射是影响航天员热平衡的关键因素。结论航天 在应急丰或溅落等待期间,只要能适当地行动和正确地利用生存装具豚环境条件,就能生还。  相似文献   

Thermoregulation is an important consideration not only for athletic performance but also for the safety of the athlete. This article presents a broad overview of the mechanisms by which body heat is dissipated in an individual exercising in a hot environment. Particularly emphasised are more recent views of body heat loss mechanisms and the influences of non-thermal inputs, such as effects due to changing blood volume or blood flow distribution. During exercise in a hot environment, metabolic heat produced by the exercising muscles is transported by the circulating blood to the surface of the body where it is released to the environment, either by radiation and convection or by evaporation of sweat. The primary drives for both the increased skin blood flow and increased body sweating are the thermal inputs which are sensed by receptors in the deep body core, with a lesser drive from skin receptors. These thermal signals are integrated in the hypothalamus and proper heat loss responses are effected. When exercise is prolonged, however, and body rehydration is not adequate, the total blood volume may be compromised. In addition, as the core temperature increases during exercise, larger proportions of the blood volume are distributed to the cutaneous vessels, thus effectively reducing cardiac return and central blood volume. During severe exercise, a reduction in cardiac filling may result in a fall in central venous pressure and stimulate baroreceptor vasoconstrictor reflexes. As discussed below, the outputs from these baroreceptors compete with and modify the thermal drives for both the control of the skin blood flow and control of the sweat glands. The effect of high ambient temperatures on exercise performance is most evident in prolonged submaximal exercise. Normally, maximal exercise performance is not altered by high temperatures unless the individual has an elevated deep body temperature before the start of the exercise task. However, submaximal exercise performance is often impaired by high ambient temperatures, but may be improved by programmes of physical training and heat acclimatisation. Both training and heat acclimatisation significantly modify the control systems which regulate skin blood flow and sweating. Only acclimatisation programmes, however, are effective in preventing heat stress during prolonged exercise in hot environments.  相似文献   

Wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) is nowadays the most widely used index of heat stress, yet many users appear to be unaware of its history and its limitations.History of WBGT: WBGT was invented and first used during the 1950s as one element in a successful campaign to control serious outbreaks of heat illness in training camps of the United States Army and Marine Corps. Control measures based on air temperature and humidity, and applied to all trainees alike, had proved effective but had entailed excessive compliance costs in the form of lost training time. New control measures introduced in 1956 further reduced heat illness and also lost fewer training hours. Crucial innovations were (1) replacing the temperature and humidity measurements with WBGT, which additionally responds to sun and wind, (2) using epidemiologic analyses of casualty records to identify hazardous levels of WBGT and vulnerable trainees, and (3) protecting the most vulnerable trainees by suspending drill at lower levels of WBGT, and by improving their heat tolerance in special conditioning platoons. This campaign has considerable relevance to the prevention of heat illness in sport.Limitations of WBGT: WBGT's most serious limitation is that environments at a given level of the index are more stressful when the evaporation of sweat is restricted (by high humidity or low air movement) than when evaporation is free. As with all indices that integrate elements of the thermal environment, interpretation of the observed levels of WBGT requires careful evaluation of people's activity, clothing, and many other factors, all of which can introduce large errors into any predictions of adverse effects. Moreover, the accuracy of WBGT is being eroded by measurement errors associated with the omission of the globe temperature, with non-standard instrumentation, and with unsatisfactory calibration procedures. Because of the above limitations WBGT can provide only a general guide to the likelihood of adverse effects of heat. A much clearer assessment can be obtained by measuring the individual elements of the thermal environment, and using those measurements to estimate the requirement for evaporative cooling, the likelihood of achieving it, and more accurate and comprehensive indices of heat stress.  相似文献   

舱温降低对人体的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨舱温降低对人体的影响,观察了穿着不同热阻服装的5名男性青年受试者在20℃、、15℃、10℃三种舱温条件下,直肠度、皮肤热液、体表红外热图等指标的变化。结果表明,随着舱温的下降,平均皮温及肢端温度降低,体表热流明显增高,皮肤红外热图 分布也有明显改变。  相似文献   

激光汽化活体生物组织的传热过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究激光汽化生物活体组织的传热过程及其影响因素,方法:基于血液灌注率温度依赖型Pennes生物传热方程,建立激光与生物活体组织热相互作用的一般模型,研究组织表面发生汽化相变,中间组织出现热凝结,内层组织发生温升的过程,由此探讨组织中的激光传输特性,以及血液灌注率和边界冷却等因素的影响情况。结果:通过数值计算,得出活体组织表面汽化速度及内部温度分布,研究表明,活体组织对不同激光的吸收能力,血液灌注率与边界冷却放松择组织汽化速度,组织凝结过程及温度分布有显著影响。结论:该模型可用于预测激光汽化蚀除组织的过程,分析结果对激光临床应用具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

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