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按照《卫生部关于进一步规范保健食品原料管理的通知(卫法监发[2002]51号)》里列出的"既是食品又是药品的物品名单",这类品种共有87种:丁香、八角茴香、刀豆、小茴香、小蓟、山药、山楂、马齿苋、乌梢蛇、乌梅、木瓜、火麻仁、代代花、玉竹、甘草、白芷、白果、白扁豆、白扁豆花、龙眼肉(桂圆)、决明子、百合、肉豆蔻、肉桂、余甘子、佛手、杏仁(甜、苦)、沙棘、牡蛎、芡实、花椒、赤小豆、阿胶、鸡内金、麦芽、昆布、枣(大枣、酸枣、黑枣)、罗汉果、郁李仁、金银花、青果、鱼腥草、姜(生姜、干姜)、枳子、枸杞子、栀子、砂仁、胖大海、茯苓、香橼、香薷、桃仁、桑叶、桑椹、桔红、桔梗、益智仁、荷叶、莱菔子、莲子、高良姜、淡竹叶、淡豆豉、菊花、菊苣、黄芥子、黄精、紫苏、紫苏籽、葛根、黑芝麻、黑胡椒、槐米、槐花、蒲公英、蜂蜜、榧子、酸枣仁、鲜白茅根、鲜芦根、蝮蛇、橘皮、薄荷、薏苡仁、薤白、覆盆子、藿香.  相似文献   

方健 《家庭药师》2014,(9):33-33
平时烹饪的油有动物油(荤油)和植物油(素油)动物油通常指猪油、牛油、羊油、鸡油、鸭油、鱼油和奶油等;植物油常见的有花生油、菜籽油、大豆油、玉米油、芝麻油、橄榄油、棕榈油、葵花子油、棉籽油、茶油、米糠油等。  相似文献   

<正>《实用医技杂志》为山西省卫生厅主管、山西省医学会主办的专业学术期刊,以医疗卫生单位、医学院校、部队厂矿医院的医疗、医技、管理、护理人员为主要读者对象,报道医疗、医技等领域领先的科研成果和临床诊疗、医疗技术经验,以及对临床有指导作用,且与医疗、医技密切结合的基础理论研究。本刊设有专论、论著、实验研究、综述、讲座、医学影像、医学检验、医学工程、药物与制剂、内窥镜与电生理、核医学、医院管理、康复理疗、医学信息等栏目。  相似文献   

<正>《实用医技杂志》为山西省卫生厅主管、山西省医学会主办的专业学术期刊,以医疗卫生单位、医学院校、部队厂矿医院的医疗、医技、管理、护理人员为主要读者对象,报道医疗、医技等领域领先的科研成果和临床诊疗、医疗技术经验,以及对临床有指导作用,且与医疗、医技密切结合的基础理论研究。本刊设有专论、论著、实验研究、综述、讲座、医学影像、医学检验、医学工程、药物与制剂、  相似文献   

王豪 《家庭医药》2007,(1):21-21
右归丸是常用中成药,由熟地黄,山药、当归、鹿角胶、菟丝子、山茱萸、肉桂、枸杞,附子、杜仲10味中药组方而成,具有补肾助阳、填充精血的功效,适用于肾阳不振、阴寒内盛所致的阳痿、遗尿、水肿,或火不暖土(即肾火不足,脾土虚寒)引起的食少便稀、呕吐腹胀、脾胃虚寒等症.  相似文献   

本刊为中国药学会主办的、国内外公开发行的海洋药物专业性学术刊物。辟有研究报告、研究简报、海药临床、海药鉴定、海药养殖、水产品综合利用、海洋功能食品、新技术介绍、专利介绍、海药人物、科技园地等栏目,可为从事医药、卫生、海洋、水产、营养、化学、信息等方面的专业人员提供帮助和参考。  相似文献   

受《著作权法》保护的作品必须具有以下几个特征:1.具有特定内容的智力创作作品是直接从事文学、艺术、科学作品创作活动的智力劳动的产物,而不是其他智力劳动,如技术发明的产物。作品表达的必须是属于文学、艺术、自然科学、社会科学、工程技术领域内的思想、理论、概念、感情、情节、人物形象等内容,而不是其他智力活动,如商标、专利设计的内容。  相似文献   

<正>《实用医技杂志》为山西省卫生和计划生育委员会主管、山西医药卫生传媒集团有限责任公司主办的专业学术期刊,以医疗卫生单位、医学院校、部队厂矿医院的医疗、医技、管理、护理人员为主要读者对象,报道医疗、医技等领域领先的科研成果和临床诊疗、医疗技术经验,以及对临床有指导作用,且与医疗、医技密切结合的基础理论研究。本刊设有专论、论著、影像诊断、综述、讲座、医学检验、临床研究、医学工程、药物与制剂、内窥镜与电生理、核医学、医院管理、康复理疗、医学教育、临床护理、病例报告等栏目。  相似文献   

双黄平喘方的平喘祛痰和抗炎作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双黄平喘方系由麻黄、黄芩、杏仁、银杏叶、桃仁、侧柏叶、地龙等中药组成;具有清热宣肺、平喘止咳、活血化瘀之功效,治疗哮喘急性发作有较好的疗效.本文对其进行了平喘、祛痰、抗炎作用的实验研究,以探讨其可能的药理作用和可能的基础药理学作用基础.  相似文献   

现代研究发现,豆腐中含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、钙、磷、铁、维生素及人体不能合成的8种必需氨基酸.豆腐低热量、低脂肪、高蛋白、不含胆同醇,不仅是老年人的理想食品,也是一些疾病患者(如心血管、肥胖、糖尿病患者)的理想食品.正是"清淡素雅延年寿,-钵豆腐敌八珍."  相似文献   

We report herein the condensation of 4,7-dichloroquinoline (1) with tryptamine (2) and D-tryptophan methyl ester (3) . Hydrolysis of the methyl ester adduct (5) yielded the free acid (6) . The compounds were evaluated in vitro for activity against four different species of Leishmania promastigote forms and for cytotoxic activity against Kb and Vero cells. Compound (5) showed good activity against the Leishmania species tested, while all three compounds displayed moderate activity in both Kb and Vero cells.  相似文献   

Clinical and in vitro investigations were carried out to test the efficacy of gut lavage, hemodialysis, and hemoperfusion in the treatment of poisoning with paraquat or diquat. In a patient suffering from diquat intoxication 130 times more diquat was removed by gut lavage 30 h after ingestion than was removed by complete aspiration of the gastric contents.Determination of in vitro clearances for paraquat and diquat by hemodialysis showed that, at serum concentrations of 1–2 ppm, such as are frequently encountered in poisoning in man, toxicologically relevant quantities of herbicide cannot be removed from the body. At a concentration of 20 ppm, on the other hand, hemodialysis proved to be effective, the clearance being 70 ml/min at a blood flow rate of 100 ml/min. The efficacy of hemoperfusion with coated activated charcoal was on the whole better. Especially at concentrations around 1–2 ppm, the clearance values for hemoperfusion were some 5–7 times higher than those for hemodialysis.In a patient suffering from paraquat poisoning, both hemodialysis as well as hemoperfusion were carried out. The in vitro results could be confirmed: At serum concentrations of paraquat less than 1 ppm no clearance could be obtained by hemodialysis while by hemoperfusion with activated charcoal quite high clearance values were measured and the serum level dropped down to zero.
Zusammenfassung Klinische Untersuchungen und Laboratoriumsversuche wurden durchgeführt, um die Wirksamkeit von Darmspülung, Hämodialyse und Hämoperfusion bei Paraquat- und Deiquat-Vergiftungen zu prüfen.Bei einem Patienten wurde 30 Std nach Deiquat-Aufnahme durch Darmspülung 130mal mehr Deiquat entfernt als durch vollständige Aspiration des Mageninhaltes. In vitro-Versuche ergaben, daß bei Blutserumkonzentrationen von 1–2 ppm, die bei Vergiftungen oft gemessen werden, durch Hämodialyse keine toxikologisch relevanten Paraquat- oder Deiquat-Mengen entfernt werden können. Dagegen erwies sich die Hämodialyse bei 20 ppm und einer Blutumlaufgeschwindigkeit von 100 ml/min mit einer Clearance von 70 ml/min als wirksam. Die Hämoperfusion mit beschicheter Aktivkohle war in diesen Versuchen aber eindeutig überlegen, denn insbesondere bei Konzentrationen um 1–2 ppm waren die Clearance-Werte 5–7mal höher als bei der Hämodialyse.Die in vitro-Ergebnisse wurden bei einem Patienten mit einer Paraquat-Vergiftung bestätigt: Bei Konzentrationen unter 1 ppm war die Hämodialyse wirkungslos, während durch Hämoperfusion relativ hohe Clearance-Werte erreicht wurden, so daß der Serumspiegel rasch unter die Nachweisgrenze abfiel.

Lung disease and PKCs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lung offers a rich opportunity for development of therapeutic strategies focused on isozymes of protein kinase C (PKCs). PKCs are important in many cellular responses in the lung, and existing therapies for pulmonary disorders are inadequate. The lung poses unique challenges as it interfaces with air and blood, contains a pulmonary and systemic circulation, and consists of many cell types. Key structures are bronchial and pulmonary vessels, branching airways, and distal air sacs defined by alveolar walls containing capillaries and interstitial space. The cellular composition of each vessel, airway, and alveolar wall is heterogeneous. Injurious environmental stimuli signal through PKCs and cause a variety of disorders. Edema formation and pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) result from derangements in endothelial, smooth muscle (SM), and/or adventitial fibroblast cell phenotype. Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer are characterized by distinctive pathological changes in airway epithelial, SM, and mucous-generating cells. Acute and chronic pneumonitis and fibrosis occur in the alveolar space and interstitium with type 2 pneumocytes and interstitial fibroblasts/myofibroblasts playing a prominent role. At each site, inflammatory, immune, and vascular progenitor cells contribute to the injury and repair process. Many strategies have been used to investigate PKCs in lung injury. Isolated organ preparations and whole animal studies are powerful approaches especially when genetically engineered mice are used. More analysis of PKC isozymes in normal and diseased human lung tissue and cells is needed to complement this work. Since opposing or counter-regulatory effects of selected PKCs in the same cell or tissue have been found, it may be desirable to target more than one PKC isozyme and potentially in different directions. Because multiple signaling pathways contribute to the key cellular responses important in lung biology, therapeutic strategies targeting PKCs may be more effective if combined with inhibitors of other pathways for additive or synergistic effect. Mechanisms that regulate PKC activity, including phosphorylation and interaction with isozyme-specific binding proteins, are also potential therapeutic targets. Key isotypes of PKC involved in lung pathophysiology are summarized and current and evolving therapeutic approaches to target them are identified.  相似文献   

This study explored gender-related symptoms and correlates of alcohol dependence in a crosssectional study of 150 men and 150 women with a lifetime diagnosis of alcohol use disorders (AUD). Participants were recruited in equal numbers from treatment settings, correctional centres and the general community. Standardized measures were used to determine participants' use of substances, history of psychiatric disorders and psychosocial stress, their sensation seeking and family history of substance use and mental health disorders. Multivariate analyses were used to detect patterns of variables associated with gender and the lifetime severity of AUD. Men had a longer history of severe AUD than women. Women had similar levels of alcohol dependence and medical and psychological sequelae as men, despite 6 fewer years of AUD. More women than men had a history of severe psychosocial stress, severe dependence on other substances and antecedent mental health problems, especially mood and anxiety disorders. There were differences in family history of alcohol-related problems approximating same-gender aggregation. The severity of a lifetime AUD was predicted by its earlier age at onset and the occurrence of other disorders, especially anxiety, among both men and women. The limitations in the generalizability of these findings due to sample idiosyncrasies are discussed.  相似文献   


The uptake of metals from food and water sources by insects is thought to be additive. For a given metal, the proportions taken up from water and food will depend both on the bioavailable concentration of the metal associated with each source and the mechanism and rate by which the metal enters the insect. Attempts to correlate insect trace metal concentrations with the trophic level of insects should be made with a knowledge of the feeding relationships of the individual taxa concerned. Pathways for the uptake of essential metals, such as copper and zinc, exist at the cellular level, and other nonessential metals, such as cadmium, also appear to enter via these routes. Within cells, trace metals can be bound to proteins or stored in granules. The internal distribution of metals among body tissues is very heterogeneous, and distribution patterns tend to be both metal and taxon specific. Trace metals associated with insects can be both bound on the surface of their chitinous exoskeleton and incorporated into body tissues. The quantities of trace meals accumulated by an individual reflect the net balance between the rate of metal influx from both dissolved and particulate sources and the rate of metal efflux from the organism. The toxicity of metals has been demonstrated at all levels of biological organization: cell, tissue, individual, population, and community. Much of the literature pertaining to the toxic effects of metals on aquatic insects is based on laboratory observations and, as such, it is difficult to extrapolate the data to insects in nature. The few experimental studies in nature suggest that trace metal contaminants can affect both the distribution and the abundance of aquatic insects. Insects have a largely unexploited potential as biomonitors of metal contamination in nature. A better understanding of the physico-chemical and biological mechanisms mediating trace metal bioavailability and exchange will facilitate the development of general predictive models relating trace metal concentrations in insects to those in their environment. Such models will facilitate the use of insects as contaminant biomonitors.  相似文献   

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