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郭冬梅  赵静 《中国药房》2010,(21):1928-1930
目的:为提高突发性公共卫生事件中的药品安全性提供参考。方法:通过对突发性公共卫生事件中用药需求特点的分析,明确事件发生期间药品安全的特点,以此为基础探讨有效的保障策略。结果与结论:保障突发性公共卫生事件中的药品安全需要进行专门的制度设计和对策研究,其立足点主要围绕充分的事前保障、迅速的事中响应以及及时的事后完善3个层次。  相似文献   

影响输血安全的因素及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安全输血就是指从采血到将血液或血制品输入患者体内的整个过程中的安全保障。目前,安全输血已成为医疗工作中备受关注的重要的公共卫生问题并已引起全社会的关注。本文就影响输血安全的因素、保障安全用血的对策探讨如下。  相似文献   

 脑膜炎球菌是引起流行性脑脊髓膜炎的主要病原菌,是全球重要的公共卫生问题。目前仍缺少安全有效的疫苗用于控制和预防B群脑膜炎球菌引起的感染。此文对B群脑膜炎球菌疫苗研究进展及存在问题进行综述。  相似文献   

党中央、国务院高度重视传染病防治工作,关心爱护防治人员的职业安全和身心健康。为进一步加强传染病防治人员安全防护,维护防治人员健康权益,调动防治人员工作积极性,保障国家公共卫生安全,经国务院同意,现提出以下意见:充分认识加强传染病防治人员安全防护的重要意义;加强传染病疫情调查处置的卫生防护;加强传染病患者转运  相似文献   

目的探讨针对农村、城镇集贸街头食品安全的防治安全策略。方法以街头、公共场所生产经营的直接入口的食品进行检查和调差分析。结果街头摊点食品是发生食源性疾患的源头,同时也是卫生监督管理薄弱环节,因此需加强街头食品安全,保障人民及公共卫生安全。结论基层公共卫生职责重大,基层群众公共卫生安全意识薄弱,基层卫生监督管理部门需加大管理力度,保证人民群众健康安全。  相似文献   

王俊华  蔡力民  刘维洁  王莎 《河北医药》2011,33(10):1572-1573
卫生监督系统是公共卫生体系中确保社会公共卫生安全、人民身体健康的职能部门,承担着食品卫生、公共场所卫生、医疗卫生、职业卫生等与人民群众健康安全、  相似文献   

公共卫生监测是疾病预防控制的重要组成部分,合理有效的公共卫生监测,可尽快找到危害人们健康的环境因素,从而制定有针对性的解决或干预措施,保障人们的生命财产安全。由此可见,以疾病预防控制为核心进行的公共卫生检测在维护生存环境质量与人们健康方面有着极为重要的作用,是提高生活质量与生活水平的重要方式之一。如何做好公共卫生监测是疾病预防控制监督的重点内容,也是其核心任务。在公共卫生监测的支持下,相关部门才可明确疾病传染的原因和流行趋势,所以,公共卫生监测对疾病防控有着极为重要的作用。基于此,文章以公共卫生检测的作用和指标为基础,对公共卫生监测进行了进一步的探索与分析,希望在明确公共卫生监测作用的同时,为疾病预防与控制提供有意义的借鉴。  相似文献   

预防接种疫苗是控制传染病流行的最有效的途径,而安全,有效的预防接种,对我国公共卫生事业具有非常重要的作用。所谓安全注射,就是使用疫苗和药物进行注射时,必须使用灭菌的注射器进行规范操作,并对使用的注射器具进行安全处理。如果违反了上述要求,即为不安全注射,将造成严重危害。必须加强接种安全的实施与推广并重点关注预防接种实施注意事项。  相似文献   

依据相关报告,我国70%以上的突发公共卫生事件一般都发生在学校。因此做好学校突发事件的应急防范对于保障师生安全有着十分重要的作用。本研究主要结合实践,就学校突发性公共卫生事件类型、分布以及相关的预防措施进行了探讨分析。  相似文献   

本研究着重阐述高校公共卫生管理的主要职能,分析高校公共卫生管理工作普遍存在的问题,提出了几点个人建议,目的是让高校进一步意识到加强公共卫生管理工作的重要性,以促进高校公共卫生管理工作科学、有序地发展。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To define the issues surrounding patient privacy, examine the political context in which debate is taking place, and present a novel technology model for addressing privacy, confidentiality, and security in 21st century health care. SUMMARY: The discussion of privacy addresses one of the basic issues in health care today--the tension between the needs of the individual patient for privacy and confidentiality and the needs of society to effectively manage health care practices and control health care costs. Patient concerns for privacy, confidentiality, and security are legitimate, and can usually be reduced to issues that potentially affect an individual's employment, ability to get and maintain health coverage, and have control over his or her records and care. These concerns, combined with several precipitating events, are forcing the issue of privacy into the political arena, where new health policy decisions will be made. The debate must be framed within a principle-centered approach that focuses on boundaries, security, consumer control, accountability, and public responsibility. A global, distributed electronic health record management model that provides location-independent, secured, authenticated access to relevant patient care records by qualified health care professionals on a need-to-know basis provides solutions. Information asset considerations should be designed to equitably represent the ownership needs of corporate entities, society, and the individual. CONCLUSION: A secure electronic health record structure that systematically ensures a high level of accountability combined with thoughtful dialogue among key stakeholders in the public policy development process can offer the privacy outcomes we seek.  相似文献   

Alcohol consumption is the number one public health concern in the university student population. The heterogeneous nature of university students’ consumption has recently been highlighted. Thus, the aim of the current research was to use latent class analysis to employ a person centred approach to describe alcohol consumption among university students with particular reference to gender. Questionnaires were distributed to students attending lectures in randomly selected degrees in one university. A total of 2332 self-completed questionnaires were obtained, yielding a response rate of 84%. Latent class analysis was conducted. In total, 830 men and 1367 women were analysed separately to uncover latent class structures. Harms, attitudes and consumption patterns were included in a model totalling to 26 variables. A 3-class structure best described men, while a 4-class structure best described women. Both men and women reported a class of “Guarded Drinkers”, “Responsible Conformers” and “Realistic Hedonists”. The remaining class of women was described as “Peer-influenced drinkers”. Identifying consumption typologies provides those working on tackling excessive alcohol consumption with profiles to implement tailored health promotion strategies. Additional research is required to confirm these results, develop screening tools and tailor motivational interventions which incorporate these profiles.  相似文献   

目的:了解广州市社区护士对社区卫生护理服务制度的认知情况。方法:按照社区卫生服务中心服务内容和制度要求制定社区护理服务制度调查表,对广州市12家社区卫生服务中心的194名护理人员(其中民营机构109名,公立机构85名)进行调查和比较分析。结果:社区卫生服务中心的194名社区护士对安全护理制度知晓率最高,对质量管理的一些规章制度知晓率最低;不同性质社区卫生服务中心的护士对各种制度的知晓程度比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.00),公立社区卫生服务中心护士得分(23.0700±0.2048)分高于民营社区卫生服务中心(21.1600±0.3806)分。结论:社区卫生服务中心应进一步完善护理服务制度,特别是民营社区卫生服务中心,应努力加强护士各项制度的培训,提高社区护理质量。  相似文献   

高校实验室在创新人才培养和提升师资水平方面发挥着重要作用。介绍以凯斯西储大学医学院为代表的美国医学类院校生物技术实验室的管理措施,包括PI制度、安全管理措施、仪器及物品管理、公共技术平台及学术活动等方面的情况,以期为我国高校实验室的建设与管理提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

This paper describes a programme, conducted over a 5-year period, that effectively reduced heavy drinking and alcohol-related harms among university students. The programme was organised around strategies to change the environment in which binge drinking occurred and involved input and cooperation from officials and students of the university, representatives from the city and the neighbourhood near the university, law enforcement, as well as public health and medical officials. In 1997, 62.5% of the university's approximately 16,000 undergraduate student population reported binge drinking. This rate had dropped to 47% in 2003. Similar reductions were found in both self-reported primary and secondary harms related to alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

目的评价医院制剂临床使用情况,提高制剂生产和使用安全性。方法采用专家访谈和发放患者调查问卷的方式开展调研。结果现存医院制剂产品结构稳定,有一定市场需求,患者对于安全、疗效问题关注度提高。结论调整医院制剂产业结构,保留特色制剂,是医院制剂未来发展趋势;提高药剂师临床参与程度,加大与医师、患者交流是保证医院制剂安全用药的关键;医院制剂安全工作重点在于把好生产关和为患者提供安全的信息。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis article extends the risk environment framework to understand the factors that universities identify as influencing university students’ risky drinking behaviours and universities attempts at managing risky alcohol use on their campuses.MethodsThis article examines data collected as part of qualitative fieldwork on university corporate security services, and others involved in university alcohol policy implementation (e.g., residence services), conducted at five Canadian universities. Interviews (n = 56), fieldnotes from 246 h of observations of university corporate security personnel, and university policy documents (i.e., codes of student behaviour, residence policies) were analysed to understand the influence of risk environments on high-risk alcohol use.ResultsWe identify three risk environments on university campuses in relation to the use and regulation of alcohol: the physical, social, and policy environments. Residence buildings and abutting spaces (physical risk environment) and the university “party” culture (social risk environment) are principal contributors to risk within their risk environments. University policies and practices (policy risk environment) attempt to modify these environments in order to manage risky alcohol use.ConclusionWe suggest current approaches to regulating student alcohol use may not be the best approach to preventing harms (e.g., health problems, legal troubles) to students. Given university policies and practices have the potential to shape and influence risky alcohol use and associated harms we argue it is necessary for university administrators to adopt the best practices of “harm reduction” and seek new ways to address on-campus alcohol use.  相似文献   

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