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小麦品种对赤霉病的抗扩展性,是由核遗传和多基因控制的数量性状,遗传力高低因组合不同而异。杂种一代的发病小穗数与抗病亲本,感病亲本及中亲值呈显著的正相关,回归值达0.01显著水准。杂种一代的抗性偏向抗病亲本,有明显杂种优势。用抗病亲本与F_1回交,其抗病性有明显提高。 F_2单株发病小穗数变异范围较大,随着世代的增高,发病小穗数变异幅度缩小,而且在选择的作用下有所减少。作者还就该性状的选择方法作了初步的研究,认为在F_3以后各世代采用系统选择比混合法要好。  相似文献   

分析了国内外54份燕麦种质资源的遗传多样性,归纳其遗传亲缘关系,为合理利用燕麦品种(系)资源提供理论依据。结果表明:(1) 54份种质资源农艺性状间存在广泛的遗传多样性,5个质量性状(粒色、粒型、穗型、小穗型、抗病性)以抗病性的多样性指数最高,粒色的遗传多样性指数最低;8个数量性状(单株分蘖数、株高、穗长、小穗数、轮层数、单株粒数、单株粒重、千粒重)以单株粒重的遗传多样性指数最高,变异系数最大。(2)聚类分析将54份种质资源的8个数量性状分为4大类群,类群Ⅰ为高秆、大粒型育种目标亲本材料;类群Ⅱ为矮秆育种目标亲本材料,类群Ⅲ的有益性状不明显,为多目标性状育种的亲本材料,类群Ⅳ为增加轮层数、小穗数等育种目标的优良材料。  相似文献   

本文用8个对赤霉病不同抗性的普通小麦双列杂交的试验结果,分析了病小穗数的配合力、遗传力、性状相关及扩展速度等。小麦对赤霉病的抗性主要是由基因加性效应所决定的,非加性效应虽有一定的影响,但不显著。抗赤霉病性的遗传力较低,受环境的影响较大。病小穗数与有效小穗数和小穗密度的表现型和基因型呈正相关,与株高、穗长、无效小穗数和穗粒数呈微弱负相关,对赤霉病抗性与上述性状在遗传上似无明显的关系。高感品种福龙选的潜育期最长(9.2天),高抗品种望水白的最短(5.3天),其余的差异不大(6.2~6.9天)。高抗品种的赤霉病扩展速度较慢,高感品种的较快。  相似文献   

例 1 男 ,13岁 ,农村儿童。因腹痛 1月 ,大便中发现白色节片 4d入院。患儿住院前 1月始脐周出现阵发性隐痛 ,伴粘液便 ,1~ 2次 /d。在当地诊所按“肠炎”予口服“氟哌酸”、“肠炎灵”及中药治疗 ,征象无明显改善。 4d前灌肠治疗排出白色节片数 10余节 ,共 2次。大便常规找到绦虫节片。体检 :T36 .4℃ ,意识清 ,皮下无结节。心肺无异常。腹平软 ,无包块 ,肝脾不大 ,脐周轻度压痛 ,肠鸣音正常。神经系统无病理性体征。诊断为绦虫病。予口服肠虫清 2 0 0mg 2次 /d ,吡喹酮 0 .5 1次 /隔日。每日大便送检找节片及虫卵 ,服药第5d大便…  相似文献   

我们于一九七六年十一月至一九七七年二月对澎波农场二队、七队和煤矿三个单位进行了绦虫病的普查普治。其目的在于了解当地绦虫病的患病率,探索其治疗方法,便于今后防治。现将资料总结如下:一、绦虫病诊断标准1·有经常吃生牛肉、生猪肉史且大便解出绦虫节片或呕吐节片史。2.大便镜检发现绦虫卵或肉眼发现节  相似文献   

以水稻白叶枯病病原细菌(Xanthomonas campestris PU.Oryzas)的41个菌株,对9个水稻品种作抗病性鉴定。利用Tai氏所提供的分析方法,估测和分析各供试品种及病原菌株遗传型稳定性参数。试验结果表明:抗原品种与病原菌株之间存在很显著的互作。根据平均病级及抗病性稳定性程度,把水稻品种划分为8个类型,还根据致病力的强弱及致病性的稳定性的程度,把病原菌株划分为6个类群。本文对水稻白叶枯病抗病性鉴定中的“标准鉴别品种”应具备的条件提出初步意见。还从供试菌株中筛选出一套具有稳定致病力的鉴别菌株。  相似文献   

用室内盆栽接种后病圃栽植筛选的方法,对选自华南沿海青枯病病区的5个粗枝木麻黄,10个短枝木麻黄,19个杂种短粗木麻黄残留株无性系的抗病性进行了测定。结果表明木麻黄青枯病流行所需的天气条件与木麻黄生长条件相近,土壤条件的差异对植株的抗病影响不显著,华南地区已知的三个木麻黄青枯病菌菌系对木麻黄的致病性大致相等,不同的残留株苗所具有的抗性不同。综合考虑了残留株无性苗生长速度,挺直度和抗病性等项指标之后,选出了王_3、王_1、中长_4和电_(31)等4个生长较快、树干挺直、抗病性较强的短粗木麻黄优良品系,可供生产单位试用。  相似文献   

脑囊虫病的病原体是猪绦虫,如果人进食含有绿虫卵的食物、水或患者沾染虫卵的手指再经口感染,或由于绦虫病患者肠管的逆蠕动作用将绦虫妊娠节片反流至胃,虫卵中的幼虫在该处释出后即进  相似文献   

湿地松对褐斑病的抗性随植株年龄的增长而提高,一年生以下幼苗的病害症状以叶枯为主,二年生以上幼树则多在针叶上出现病斑。选壮苗和施用混合肥可提高一年生以下幼苗的抗病性。 用高抗、中抗和感病湿地松个体的嫩枝作接穗,一般实生苗湿地松作砧木,无性系植株的抗性和原来母株的抗性相一致,其发病程度还受到砧木感病性的影响。 针叶组织抽提液的缓冲容量与针叶病斑数显著相关。高抗植株和感病植株的抽提液对褐斑病菌的产孢影响有显著的差异。  相似文献   

以9份转ABP9基因春小麦株系UC4-1~UC4-9及其受体亲本宁春4号为材料,在雨养和灌溉条件下,对这些材料的主要农艺性状和部分生化指标进行了测定,采用隶属函数值法和抗旱性度量(D)值法对其抗旱性进行了综合评价,并利用灰色关联度法对相关抗旱性状与抗旱指数之间的关联度进行了分析评价。结果表明:6份转基因小麦的抗旱性较受体亲本宁春4号增强,3份材料的抗旱性较非转基因春小麦品种定西35增强;各农艺性状和生化指标与抗旱指数的关联度从高到低依次分别为株高、单穗粒重、穗长、SOD活性、穗粒数、结实小穗数、有效分蘖数、POD活性、千粒重、脯氨酸含量、MDA含量。  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) causes wheat yield loss and mycotoxin (deoxynivalenol, DON) accumulation in wheat kernel. Developing wheat cultivars with overall resistance to both FHB spread within a spike and DON accumulation in kernels is crucial for ensuring food security and food safety. Here, two relatively novel inoculation methods, bilateral floret inoculation (BFI) and basal rachis internode injection (BRII), were simultaneously employed to evaluate disease severity and DON content in kernels in a segregating population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from Ning 7840 (carrying Fhb1) and Clark (without Fhb1). Under both inoculation methods, four contrasting combinations of disease severity and DON content were identified: high severity/high DON (HSHD), high severity/low DON (HSLD), low severity/high DON (LSHD) and low severity/low DON (LSLD). Unexpectedly, the BRII method clearly indicated that disease severity was not necessarily relevant to DON concentration. The effects of Fhb1 on disease severity, and on DON concentrations, agreed very well across the two methods. Several lines carrying Fhb1 showed extremely higher severity and (or) DON content under both inoculation methods. The “Mahalanobis distance” (MD) method was used to rate overall resistance of a line by inclusion of both disease severity and DON content over both methods to select LSLD lines.  相似文献   

Fusarium graminearum is responsible for Fusarium head blight (FHB), which is a destructive disease of wheat that makes its quality unsuitable for end use. To understand the temporal molecular response against this pathogen, microarray gene expression analysis was carried out at two time points on three wheat genotypes, the spikes of which were infected by Fusarium graminearum. The greatest number of genes was upregulated in Nobeokabouzu-komugi followed by Sumai 3, whereas the minimum expression in Gamenya was at three days after inoculation (dai). In Nobeokabouzu-komugi, high expression of detoxification genes, such as multidrug-resistant protein, multidrug resistance-associated protein, UDP-glycosyltransferase and ABC transporters, in addition to systemic defense-related genes, were identified at the early stage of infection. This early response of the highly-resistant genotype implies a different resistance response from the other resistant genotype, Sumai 3, primarily containing local defense-related genes, such as cell wall defense genes. In Gamenya, the expression of all three functional groups was minimal. The differences in these molecular responses with respect to the time points confirmed the variation in the genotypes. For the first time, we report the nature of gene expression in the FHB-highly resistant cv. Nobeokabouzu-komugi during the disease establishment stage and the possible underlying molecular response.  相似文献   

This study comprises analyses of contents of mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol and zearalenone, as well as the level of oxidative stress in ears of a susceptible wheat cultivar Hanseat and cv. Arina, resistant to a pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. Starting from 48 h after inoculation, a marked increase was observed in the contents of these mycotoxins in ears of wheat; however, the greatest accumulation was recorded in the late period after inoculation, i.e., during development of disease. Up to 120 h after inoculation, in ears of both wheat cultivars, the level of deoxynivalenol was higher than that of zearalenone. The susceptible cultivar was characterized by a much greater accumulation of deoxynivalenol than the resistant cultivar. At the same time, in this cultivar, in the time from 0 to 72 h after inoculation, a marked post-infection increase was observed in the generation of the superoxide radical (O2•−). Additionally, its level, at all the time points after inoculation, was higher than in the control. In wheat cv. Arina, a markedly higher level of O2•− generation in relation to the control was found up to two hours after inoculation and, next, at a later time after inoculation. In turn, the level of semiquinone radicals detected by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) increased at later culture times, both in cv. Hanseat and Arina; however, in infested ears of wheat, it was generally lower than in the control. Analysis of disease symptoms revealed the presence of more extensive lesions in ears of a susceptible wheat cv. Hanseat than resistant cv. Arina. Additionally, ergosterol level as a fungal growth indicator was higher in ears of susceptible wheat than in the resistant cultivar.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of a number of regenerative strategies in recent years for curing heart disease represents a paradigm shift away from conventional approaches which aim to manage heart disease. Effective administration of pharmaceutical agents targeted directly to the diseased tissue is the key to unlocking the potential of regenerative strategies, which could augment current conventional treatments. OBJECTIVE: The authors review recent advances in targeted drug delivery to diseased cardiac tissue. METHODS: Various therapeutic methodologies designed to selectively deliver pharmaceutical agents to diseased cardiac tissue are discussed in this review. CONCLUSION: Targeted delivery of survival and engraftment promoting factors to damaged cardiac tissue can be an important strategy, for example, in creating a suitable microenvironment encouraging the engraftment of stem cells. Further progress in this emerging field is contingent on the discovery of new biomarkers that are upregulated in damaged cardiac tissue and can be targeted for selective drug delivery. Once fully realized, breakthroughs in this field will have direct applications in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease through more effective tissue-specific drug delivery and improved imaging modalities.  相似文献   

《Toxin reviews》2013,32(2-3):313-325
The development of Aspergillus flavus inoculation techniques has played an important part in developing corn (Zea mays L.) germplasm resistant to aflatoxin contamination. Corn genotypes evaluated for aflatoxin resistance in field studies must be artificially inoculated due to the sporadic nature of aflatoxin contamination from year to year. A number of different inoculation techniques are used by researchers in the South and Midwest. Field inoculation techniques either wound developing kernels or leave the kernels intact. Non‐wounding techniques apply A. flavus conidia to exposed silks or silks inside the husks without damaging kernels. Wounding techniques deliver A. flavus conidia onto kernels that have been mechanically damaged. Inoculation techniques utilizing ear feeding insects to vector conidia have also been used in field studies. Environmental conditions such as ambient temperature and drought stress appear to have a significant impact on artificial inoculations. Laboratory evaluation techniques have been developed to confirm aflatoxin resistance identified in corn genotypes in the field. Color mutants and transformants of Aspergillus spp. have been used in field and laboratory studies to identify resistant genotypes. More efficient, less labor intensive, and less costly inoculation techniques need to be developed to aid in the production of aflatoxin resistant corn hybrids.  相似文献   

外用制剂微生物限度检查方法研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
应国红  邓颖  冯丰凑 《中国药业》2008,17(21):32-33
目的选择提高外用制剂微生物检出率的检查方法。方法采用直接接种法、培养基稀释法及薄膜过滤法对5种外用制剂进行活菌回收率检查及控制菌的阳性检出情况分析。结果有2个品种采用直接接种法,其活菌回收率均大于70%,控制菌可检出;其他3个品种采用培养基稀释法或薄膜过滤法结合直接接种法,其活菌回收率可迭到70%并检出控制菌。结论2个品种的外用制剂可采用直接接种法进行微生物限度检查;其他3个品种需结合直接接种法、培养基稀释法及薄膜过滤法进行微生物限度检查。  相似文献   

目的观察胰岛素抵抗、糖化血红蛋白及血糖与冠状动脉病变之间的关系。方法回顾性分析本院179例因怀疑为冠心病而行冠状动脉造影患者的临床资料,根据冠状动脉病变支数,分为无病变组、单支病变组、双支病变组和多支病变组。根据Gensini积分评估冠状动脉病变的严重程度,空腹静脉血测定血浆胰岛素(FINS)、血糖(FPG)、总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL)、载脂蛋白A(ApoA)及载脂蛋白B(ApoB),餐后2h静脉血测定餐后2h血糖(2hPPG),采用HOMA-IR来评估机体的胰岛素抵抗程度。结果①Gensini积分与FPG、LDL、HbA1c及2hPPG成显著正相关(P〈0.01),与年龄、ApoB及HOMA-IR成正相关(P〈0.05),与DBP成负相关(P〈0.01);②病变支数与年龄、FPG、LDL、HbA1c及2hPPG成显著正相关(P〈0.01),与UA、ApoB及HOMA-IR成正相关(P〈0.05);③年龄与DBP成显著负相关(相关系数-0.224,P〈0.01),与ApoB成负相关(相关系数-0.193,P〈0.05);④HOMA-IR与FPG、2hPPG、FINS、ApoB及HbA1c成显著正相关(P〈0.01),与LDL成正相关(P〈0.05)。校正性别、年龄、SBP、DBP、UA、TG、HDL、TC、LDL、ApoA及ApoB影响后,HOMA-IR、FPG、HbA1c、2hPPG与病变支数、Gensini积分仍成正相关(P〈0.05)。结论胰岛素抵抗、HbA1c及血糖水平的升高是冠心病的危险因素,应该早期干预。  相似文献   

Jianbo Qiu  Jianrong Shi 《Toxins》2014,6(8):2291-2309
Members of the Fusarium graminearum species complex (FGSC) are important pathogens on wheat, maize, barley, and rice in China. Harvested grains are often contaminated by mycotoxins, such as the trichothecene nivalenol (NIV) and deoxynivalenol (DON) and the estrogenic mycotoxin zearalenone (ZEN), which is a big threat to humans and animals. In this study, 97 isolates were collected from maize, wheat, and rice in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in 2013 and characterized by species- and chemotype-specific PCR. F. graminearum sensu stricto (s. str.) was predominant on maize, while most of the isolates collected from rice and wheat were identified as F. asiaticum. Fusarium isolates from three hosts varied in trichothecene chemotypes. The 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3ADON) chemotype predominated on wheat and rice population, while 15ADON was prevailing in the remaining isolates. Sequence analysis of the translation elongation factor 1α and trichodiene synthase indicated the accuracy of the above conclusion. Additionally, phylogenetic analysis suggested four groups with strong correlation with species, chemotype, and host. These isolates were also evaluated for their sensitivity to carbendazim and mycotoxins production. The maize population was less sensitive than the other two. The DON levels were similar in three populations, while those isolates on maize produced more ZEN. More DON was produced in carbendazim resistant strains than sensitive ones, but it seemed that carbendazim resistance had no effect on ZEN production in wheat culture.  相似文献   

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