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本文介绍了疫苗稳定性是个普遍存在的问题,这个问题受到许多自然和人为因素的影响.面临全球气候变化,疫苗稳定性问题显得格外重要.只有彻底解决这个问题,才能保证达到100%预防疫苗可预防疾病的目标.  相似文献   

目的 对以乳糖作为稳定剂的b型流感嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus influenzae type b,Hib)结合疫苗冻干剂型进行稳定性研究.方法 选取3批冻干Hib结合疫苗,分别于2~8℃保存42个月,20~25℃保存7个月,37℃保存5周.并于考察期内对疫苗进行外观检查、检测回收率(KD <0.2)、游离多糖含量...  相似文献   

本文介绍了疫苗稳定性是个普遍存在的问题,这个问题受到许多自然和人为因素的影响。面临全球气候变化,疫苗稳定性问题显得格外重要。只有彻底解决这个问题,才能保证达到100%预防疫苗可预防疾病的目标。  相似文献   

目的阐述冻干活疫苗中保护剂的作用及研究。方法本文从冷冻干燥对疫苗损伤机理的基础上,对保护剂的保护机理和在生产过程中影响疫苗稳定性的因素进行阐述。结果与结论疫苗是将病原微生物(如细菌、立克次氏体、病毒等)及其代谢产物经过人工减毒、灭活或利用基因工程等方法制成的用于预防传染病的自动免疫制剂。按照生产工艺的不同可分为冻干疫苗、液体疫苗及各类佐剂疫苗。其中,在冻干活疫苗中保护剂的添加和冷冻干燥技术是目前保证活疫苗质量的关键环节,研究冻干活疫苗中保护剂稳定性对于提高疫苗质量及加快新疫苗的开发具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

程驰  赵海  何义国  高荣 《医药导报》2007,26(8):0906-0909
DNA疫苗安全性问题主要来自DNA疫苗元件与疫苗工程菌,包括DNA疫苗与细胞基因组整合、接种后诱导宿主产生免疫耐受和自身免疫疾病、质粒DNA非目的基因编码蛋白所带来的负作用、抗性基因的转移问题、疫苗中内毒素和抗生素及其他有害物质残留问题、宿主菌体内DNA复制与纯化过程中基因稳定性问题。  相似文献   

目的探讨基层疾控中心疫苗冷链管理。方法通过对基层疾控中心疫苗督导检查,对疫苗冷链物流的现状进分析,总结目前疫苗在运输、储存、使用各个环节存在的问题,并提出整改措施。结果基层疾控中心对疫苗储运管理还存在不同程度的问题。结论加强疫苗的冷链管理是控制疫苗安全的重要保障。  相似文献   

目的  观察国产麻腮风联合减毒活疫苗(麻腮风疫苗)的稳定性。方法  取24批上海生物制品研究所有限责任公司(上海公司)2008-2017年生产的麻腮风疫苗,按照国家食品药品监督管理局批准的麻腮风疫苗注册标准和中国药典的要求进行各项检定:在0个月进行热稳定性试验;在0和18个月进行鉴别试验,外观、水分、无菌、异常毒性检查,牛血清白蛋白残留量、抗生素残留量(2010年10月以后)、细菌内毒素(2013年12月以后)、pH值和渗透压摩尔浓度检测(2015年12月以后);在0、6、12、18个月进行病毒滴定。同时对新、老车间生产的各3批疫苗进行加速稳定性与长期稳定性试验,重点考察水分和病毒滴度。结果  麻腮风疫苗在有效期内各项指标检定结果均符合注册标准和药典要求。质量可比性研究结果显示新老车间生产的疫苗质量相似。疫苗中水分都不高于3.0%,麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹病毒滴度分别为3.3~4.3 、4.6~5.6 、3.3~4.3 半数细胞培养感染量/ml。结论  上海公司10年间生产的麻腮风疫苗质量稳定、安全有效。  相似文献   

目的 研究预灌封注射器装灭菌注射用水(注射器装灭菌水)作为水痘减毒活疫苗(水痘疫苗)稀释剂的质量及稳定性,用以取代原有的安瓿瓶装灭菌注射用水.方法 连续生产并分装3批注射器装灭菌水,依据《中华人民共和国药典》2010年版二部(药典二部)附录XIXC“原料药与药物制剂稳定性试验指导原则”,对注射器装灭菌水的质量和稳定性进行研究;同时将注射器装灭菌水作为水痘疫苗的稀释剂,观察水痘疫苗的质量及稳定性.结果 3批注射器装灭菌水在相对湿度(60±10)%的条件下分别于(40±2)℃放置6个月和(25±5)℃放置42个月,各项检测结果均符合药典二部“灭菌注射用水”标准.3批以注射器装灭菌水作为稀释剂的水痘疫苗的加速和长期稳定性试验结果均符合“水痘减毒活疫苗注册标准”的要求,疫苗的病毒滴度≥3.3 lg噬班形成单位/0.5 ml,牛血清白蛋白残留量<50 ng/ml,抗生素残留量<50 ng/剂.结论 注射器装灭菌水可作为水痘疫苗的稀释剂.  相似文献   

目的 对乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗(乙脑疫苗)的稳定性进行评价.方法 选取2种规格(1、5次人用剂量)的成品乙脑疫苗进行(25±2)、(37±2)℃条件下保存的加速稳定性试验,以及2~8℃条件下的长期稳定性考察,检定关键质量指标,并对长期稳定性数据进行回归分析.结果 4批1次人用剂量、2批5次人用剂量疫苗于(25±2)℃、相对湿度(60±5)%存放3个月,(37±2)℃、相对湿度(75±5)%存放14d,其外观、病毒滴度、水分、pH值均符合质量标准.9批1次人用剂量、7批5次人用剂量疫苗在2~8℃存放24个月的检定结果均符合质量标准.回归分析显示,在2~8℃存放时间每增加1个月,1、5次人用剂量疫苗的病毒滴度分别平均降低0.020和0.017 lg蚀斑形成单位/ml,水分分别平均增加0.055%和0.047%.根据回归方程因变量均值95%置信区间计算出的乙脑疫苗有效期远长于现行注册标准规定的18个月.结论 被检乙脑疫苗质量稳定性良好,产品安全可靠.  相似文献   

本文分析了脊髓灰质炎、麻疹和乙型肝炎疫苗的热稳定性,提出了世界卫生组织(WHO)对疫苗热稳定性的要求,介绍了几种旨在改善脊髓灰质炎疫苗热稳定性的新方法。  相似文献   

目的:以百日咳疫苗、人用狂犬病疫苗的改良情况为例,分析监管政策对预防用生物制品技术改良的影响。方法:通过数据分析和文献研究,对我国已批准疫苗的技术改良情况进行分析。结果:技术改良是促进疫苗产业发展的重要手段。结论:监管机构需要通过政策的引导和鼓励促进疫苗的技术改良。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Fluid-bed spray-coating process is widely used to prepare non-protein pharmaceutical solid dosage forms using macro-size seed particles (200-1000 microm) at kilogram batch sizes. In this study we developed a small-scale fluid-bed spray-coating process (20 g) to produce micro-sized vaccine powder formulations (40-60 microm) for epidermal powder immunization (EPI) METHODS: A bench-top spray coater was used to spray two vaccines, diphtheria toxoid (dT) and alum-adsorbed hepatitis-B surface antigen (Alum-HBsAg), onto crystalline lactose particles of 40-60 microm in diameter. Particle properties such as particle size, surface morphology, and degree of particle agglomeration were determined. Protein stability was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The immunogenicity of the vaccine was evaluated in vivo by needle injection and epidermal powder immunization (EPI) of mice or guinea pigs. RESULTS: Coating feasibility was demonstrated for both vaccine formulations containing different excipients. However, the nature of the vaccine antigen appeared to affect coating feasibility in terms of particle agglomeration considerably. Delivery of spray-coated dT and alum-HBsAg through EPI to mice and guinea pigs, respectively, generated significant antibody responses, at a level comparable to liquid formulation delivered subcutaneously through needle/syringe injection. CONCLUSIONS: The new spray-coating process represents an important technical advance and may provide a useful tool for developing high-valued biopharmaceutical powder formulations for novel applications. The strong in vivo performance of the coated dT and alum-HBsAg powders by EPI further demonstrated that spray-coating is a viable dry powder formulation process and the skin's epidermal layer presents an efficient vaccine delivery route.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a spray-freeze-drying (SFD) process for preparing an influenza vaccine dry powder formulation suitable for epidermal powder immunization. After preformulation of two types of flu vaccines, their dry-powder formulations were prepared by SFD. Powder properties and physical stability were determined using particle size analysis, tap density measurement, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, and moisture content analysis. Chemical and biochemical stability of vaccine antigens was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, single radial immunodiffusion assay, and in vivo immunogenicity in a mouse model. We demonstrated that SFD could produce high-density particles-a critical parameter for effective skin penetration. From the stability perspective, the stress posed by SFD was mild because the antigen in the dry powder retained its stability, potency, and immunogenicity. Among several formulations screened, we noted that formulation composition has a significant role in the powder's long-term physical and biochemical stability. One formulation, in particular, containing sub-unit vaccine (45 microg of antigen in 1 mg of powder) with a tertiary mixture of trehalose, mannitol, and dextran, exhibited excellent overall stability, including acceptable biochemical stability after being exposed to a highly humid environment. After all, we have not only demonstrated the suitability of SFD to prepare powders for epidermal powder immunization but also developed a systematic formulation development strategy that allowed the optimization of an influenza vaccine dry powder formulation. More important, this study led to the selection of a formulation system that had been successfully tested in a human clinical study.  相似文献   

病毒性疫苗种子批及成品的遗传稳定性与疫苗有效性、安全性密切相关.RNA病毒的高突变率和高重组率更易造成其遗传不稳定,因此,在RNA病毒疫苗的研发和生产中,毒株遗传稳定性的检测十分重要.随着分子生物学技术的发展,遗传稳定性的检测方法日渐丰富,同时也出现了很多能控制或提高疫苗遗传稳定性的方法.此文对RNA病毒疫苗株遗传稳定性及其影响机制、检测和提高疫苗株遗传稳定性方法的研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   

Dong C  Wang J  Liu L  Zhao H  Shi H  Zhang Y  Jiang L  Li Q 《Human vaccines》2010,6(12):1028-1037
Enterovirus type 71 (EV71) is one of the main etiologic agents responsible for periodic epidemics of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD). The prevention and control of EV71 epidemics with effective anti-viral agents and vaccines is very important for public health. Because the pathogenesis of EV71 in the human body is not completely clear and genetic variations in the virus during its replication are difficult to control, we have focused on the development of an inactivated whole-virus vaccine. In this study, we screened 16 strains isolated from different areas of China and selected one strain for the development of an inactivated EV71 vaccine. The results of our study suggest that the FY-23K-B strain, which is a candidate strain for an EV71 inactivated vaccine, satisfied the requirements of vaccine production in terms of genetic stability, biological activity, and good immunogenicity. The experimentally inactivated vaccine produced using this strain was capable of inducing an immune response and offered protection to rhesus monkeys against future virus attacks.  相似文献   

A number of product development partnerships are actively developing new vaccines to combat infectious diseases in developing countries. To be effective, the products under development should not only be safe, efficacious, and affordable, but they should also have additional desirable technical attributes, including enhanced stability, efficient packaging, and improved ease of delivery. New technologies are now available to achieve these attributes; however, many of the technologies have yet to be adopted by the vaccine industry. This commentary discusses the opportunities and challenges associated with advancing such attributes, especially vaccine thermostability and dose sparing strategies, and the critical issues that must be addressed to bridge the gap between technology development and product development.  相似文献   

目的  比较乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗病毒滴度单瓶平行检测与多瓶混样检测之间的差异性,为进一步完善中国药典中相关技术要求奠定基础。方法  1人份和5人份乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗各抽取20批,同一批次疫苗样品随机取样6瓶,3瓶用于病毒基础滴度检测,3瓶用于病毒热稳定性滴度检测。检测方式分别为3瓶单瓶平行检测与3瓶混样检测:单瓶平行检测是从3个单瓶中取样分别检测,所得结果取几何均值;混样检测是从相同的3瓶疫苗中分别取样至适宜的容器中进行混合,再取样进行病毒滴度检测。对采用单瓶平行检测的几何平均滴度值和混样检测滴度值进行配对t检验,判断两者之间的差异是否存在统计学意义。结果  两种滴度检测方式得到的疫苗基础滴度值间的t值为0.72,P值为0.48;热稳定性滴度值间的t值为0.34,P值为0.73。两种检测方式的结果差异无统计学意义。结论  单瓶平行检测与多瓶混样检测方式的差异无统计学意义,均可用于乙型脑炎减毒活疫苗病毒滴度的检测。  相似文献   

目的考察风疹减毒活疫苗的稳定性和最佳保存条件。方法将风疹减毒活疫苗在 - 6 0℃、- 2 0℃、4℃和 37℃存放 ,在不同时间采用 2 4孔细胞板组织培养法进行风疹病毒滴度测定。结果 - 2 0℃或 - 6 0℃保存风疹减毒活疫苗比在 2℃~ 8℃保存更稳定。结论低温有利于保持风疹病毒的高滴度  相似文献   

As mRNA vaccines became the frontrunners in late-stage clinical trials to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, challenges surrounding their formulation and stability became readily apparent. In this commentary, we first describe company proposals, based on available public information, for the (frozen) storage of mRNA vaccine drug products across the vaccine supply chain. We then review the literature on the pharmaceutical stability of mRNA vaccine candidates, including attempts to improve their stability, analytical techniques to monitor their stability, and regulatory guidelines covering product characterization and storage stability. We conclude that systematic approaches to identify the key physicochemical degradation mechanism(s) of formulated mRNA vaccine candidates are currently lacking. Rational design of optimally stabilized mRNA vaccine formulations during storage, transport, and administration at refrigerated or ambient temperatures should thus have top priority in the pharmaceutical development community. In addition to evidence of human immunogenicity against multiple viral pathogens, including compelling efficacy results against COVID-19, another key strength of the mRNA vaccine approach is that it is readily adaptable to rapidly address future outbreaks of new emerging infectious diseases. Consequently, we should not wait for the next pandemic to address and solve the challenges associated with the stability and storage of formulated mRNA vaccines.  相似文献   

The combination of dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA) and the synthetic cord factor trehalose dibehenate (TDB) with Ag85B-ESAT-6 (H1 fusion protein) has been found to promote strong protective immune responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The development of a vaccine formulation that is able to facilitate the requirements of sterility, stability and generation of a vaccine product with acceptable composition, shelf-life and safety profile may necessitate selected alterations in vaccine formulation. This study describes the implementation of a sterilisation protocol and the use of selected lyoprotective agents in order to fulfil these requirements. Concomitantly, close analysis of any alteration in physico-chemical characteristics and parameters of immunogenicity have been examined for this promising DDA liposome-based tuberculosis vaccine. The study addresses the extensive guidelines on parameters for non-clinical assessment, suitable for liposomal vaccines and other vaccine delivery systems issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA). Physical and chemical stability was observed following alteration in formulations to include novel cryoprotectants and radiation sterilisation. Immunogenicity was maintained following these alterations and even improved by modification with lysine as the cryoprotective agent for sterilised formulations. Taken together, these results outline the successful alteration to a liposomal vaccine, representing improved formulations by rational modification, whilst maintaining biological activity.  相似文献   

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