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目的 探索不同制备工艺对格列美脲片溶出行为的影响。方法 以溶出度及在pH (7.20±0.05)缓冲液中溶出曲线为检测指标,并结合流动性和可压性,考察粉末直接压片、干法制粒压片、湿法制粒压片对格列美脲片溶出行为的影响。结果 采用粉末直接压片、干法制粒压片、湿法制粒压片工艺制备的格列美脲片溶出行为存在一定差异。结论 采用空白辅料湿法制粒,外加原料药混合压片制得格列美脲片与参比制剂溶出行为一致,且产品质量稳定,为格列美脲片一致性评价工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的 优化以乳糖为辅料的苯磺酸氨氯地平片生产工艺,以适应中国药典2015年版对苯磺酸氨氯地平片有关物质的控制要求。方法 采用正交试验法对粉末直接压片处方的工艺进行优化,并将优化后工艺与直接压片工艺产品同时进行加速试验,比较有关物质和溶出度。结果 优化工艺如下:将苯磺酸氨氯地平粉碎为100目,与微晶纤维素混合,以2% HPMC制粒并包裹颗粒,干燥,再与原处方中辅料混合,压片。经工艺优化的苯磺酸氨氯地平片,考察期内有关物质明显低于粉末直接压片工艺,溶出度符合中国药典2015年版规定。结论 该技术方案可为处方中含乳糖的苯磺酸氨氯地平片的制备提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

氢氯噻嗪口腔速崩片的制备工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的制备氢氯噻嗪口腔速崩片。方法采用粉末直接压片工艺,以崩解时限、压缩度、流动性常数a和填充性常数b为指标筛选处方。结果以优选处方制备的氢氯噻嗪口腔速崩片在口腔20S内能完全崩解,粉末流动性和填充性较好,而且20min内药物的累积溶出度达100%。结论采用国内现有的简单设备,选择合适的处方和辅料,采用粉末直接压片工艺可制出流动性和充填性较好的氢氯噻嗪口腔速崩片。  相似文献   

黄朝霞  吴晓春 《中南药学》2008,6(2):184-185
目的建立粉末直接压片法制备制霉素片的新工艺,解决生产过程中含量下降的问题。方法选用新型直接压片用辅料,采用正交实验法筛选处方。结果以流动性和可压性均好的Celldone102CG的微晶纤维素作为填充剂与药物混合后压成的片,生产过程中含量未下降,片重差异符合要求,素片脆碎度为0,包衣后崩解时间24min结论该处方工艺制备的制霉素片符合质量要求,且稳定性好。  相似文献   

刘海蓉 《中国药业》2011,20(8):46-48
目的 对氟康唑片粉末压片工艺进行研究,以提高氟康唑的稳定性和溶出度.方法采用粉末直接压片工艺制备,选择适合粉末直接压片的辅料制备片剂.结果经溶出度测定,制剂可达到药典中氟康唑的溶出度要求,初步稳定性研究表明样品稳定性较好.结论粉末压工艺制备的氟康唑片稳定性好,溶出度符合各项要求.  相似文献   

谢向阳  廖祥茹  陈晨  韩亮  陈鹰  符旭东 《中国药师》2011,14(9):1276-1278
目的:建立粉末直接压片法制备阿卡波糖的处方工艺,解决阿卡波糖片湿法制粒过程中的降解、变色问题。方法:采用正交设计筛选处方工艺,制备样品并进行质量考察。结果:经加速稳定性试验,产品质量符合国家药品标准要求。结论:粉末直接压片可避免湿颗粒在干燥过程中因高温及水分造成的阿卡波糖降解、变色,工艺简单,质量稳定,适合于工业化生产  相似文献   

王阿强  吴海燕  凌飒  兰芳 《中国药师》2006,9(3):251-252
目的:采用粉末直接压片工艺制备多司马酯分散片。方法:以粉末流动性、片荆分散均匀性和溶出度为考察指标。筛选多司马酯分散片的处方及制备工艺。结果:所选处方粉末流动性较好,粉末直接压片法制得的多司马酯分散片溶出快于湿法制粒工艺制得的多司马酯分散片。结论:粉末直接压片工艺制得的分散片不仅溶出较湿法制粒更快,而且省去了湿法制粒工艺过程的烦琐操作。  相似文献   

目的:研制关白附薄膜包衣片,为临床提供服用方便、疗效明显的抗房颤口服新药。方法:使用新型的直接压片辅料,筛选可压性和流动性良好的处方,运用全粉末直接压片技术制备关白附总碱盐片,并对其进行薄膜包衣。结果:优化后的处方流动性良好,片剂外观色泽均匀,硬度、片重差异、崩解时限等指标均符合《中华人民共和国药典》2010年版的要求,包衣后药物的引湿性有明显的改善。结论:采用全粉末压片技术制备关白附总碱盐片并用欧巴代进行包衣,有效地降低了药物的吸湿性,该工艺操作简单可行,适合工业化生产。  相似文献   

研究符合全粉末压片工艺的新辅料,是促进这一工艺发展的前提。自1980年以来,我们将膨化粉用于片剂辅料,经过两年多的实践,采用全粉末直接压片工艺,制备了维生素C、阿斯匹林、四环素、碳酸氢钠、泡腾片等品种。膨化粉作为全粉末直接压片法的辅料有独特的优点,性能好,工艺上也是可行的,符合片剂辅料的技术要求。  相似文献   

杨敏茹  林瑶  王荣  顾宜  郭飞燕  王晓娟 《中国药师》2011,14(9):1281-1283
目的:优选安宫牛黄片粉末直接压片法最佳制备工艺。方法:采用全粉末直接压片法,以粉末流动性和有效成分溶出度为评价指标选择最优处方并验证。通过稳定性试验,对安宫牛黄片的性状、含量、溶出度进行考察。结果:所选处方粉末流动性好,有效成分溶出速率高,各项指标均符合规定,稳定性良好。结论:该工艺简便、易行,可为工业化生产提供依据。  相似文献   

片剂因剂量准确、服用方便、质量稳定被广泛应用.粉末直接压片工艺是制备片剂较为简便的方法.然而,受粉体流动性、可压性、稀释潜力等性质的影响,目前只有不到20%的活性药物成分(API)可通过粉末直接压片工艺制备成片剂.应用颗粒工程学,通过共处理技术将两种或多种辅料在颗粒水平上相结合,可改善辅料的性能,进而满足直接压片法对粉体性质的要求.本文讨论了共处理技术制备直接压片高功能辅料的优势、共处理技术常规方法并例举了已经上市的直接压片高功能辅料及其应用前景,为共处理技术制备高功能辅料应用于粉末直接压片工艺提供思路.  相似文献   

目的:优选甲磺酸多沙唑嗪片粉末直接压片法最佳制备工艺。方法:采用粉末直接压片法,以粉末休止角、片子脆碎度及溶出度为评价指标,制备样品并进行质量考察。结果:所选处方粉末流动性良好,有效成分溶出速率高,各项指标均符合规定。经6个月加速及室温留样考察,样品的外观、含量、有关物质及溶出度均未发生明显变化。结论:优选的处方工艺操作简便、经济、生产周期短,制备的产品质量稳定,适合产业化生产。  相似文献   

A new cellulose-based tabletting excipient, hereinafter referred to as UICEL, has been developed by treating cellulose powder with an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (conc. > or = 5N) and subsequently precipitating it with ethyl alcohol. UICEL is similar in structure to Avicel PH-102, a commercial direct compression excipient commonly referred to as microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). It, however, shows the cellulose II lattice, while Avicel PH-102 belongs to the cellulose I polymorphic form. As produced, UICEL consisted of a mixture of aggregated and non-aggregated fibers. The degrees of polymerization (DP) and crystallinity (DC) of UICEL, determined by the viscosity and powder X-ray methods, were 189-207 and 47-58%, respectively. Avicel PH-102, by comparison, showed an aggregated structure with DP and DC values corresponding to 248 and 76.9%, respectively. Compared to Avicel PH-102, UICEL shows higher true density, bulk density, tap density, Carr's index and Hausner ratio values. The mean deformation pressure (P(y)) values calculated from the linear portion of the Heckel plots for UICEL and Avicel PH-102 were about 104 and 87 MPa, respectively, suggesting that UICEL is less ductile than Avicel PH-102. The hardness values of UICEL tablets increased nearly linearly with increasing compression pressures. Comparatively, Avicel PH-102 formed stronger tablets. Irrespective of the compression pressure used, all UICEL tablets disintegrated within 15 s, whereas Avicel PH-102 tablets of comparable strengths remained intact for over 12 h. In conclusion, the results show that UICEL can be used as a direct compression excipient, especially in the design and development of fast-disintegrating tablets.  相似文献   

The use of multifunctional excipients is gaining interest as it simplifies formulations by replacing the need of multiple monofunctional excipients. In previous work, coprocessed chitin-calcium carbonate (CC) showed to have good potential as a multifunctional excipient for fast disintegrating tablets produced by direct compression. It allowed for good tablet strength, enhanced powder flowability, and higher true and bulk densities with fast disintegrating properties. The objective of this work is to gain insight on CC tableting properties under different tablet manufacturing conditions (different lubrication levels, compression speeds, and dwell times) and in formulations with drug models: ibuprofen and paracetamol. Results showed that CC exhibited good tabletability, compressibility, and compactibility profiles. CC does not require the addition of lubricant and can be used at high compression speeds and different dwell times. When included in formulations with ibuprofen and paracetamol at different percentages, CC enhanced tablets strength and promoted fast disintegration and drug dissolution. In conclusion, this study shows that CC can be used as a multifunctional excipient (filler-disintegrant-binder) for fast disintegrating tablets produced by direct compression.  相似文献   

分别采用不同型号的微粉硅胶或β-环糊精制备了维生素E固化颗粒,并以载药量、维生素E利用率和颗粒收率为评价指标进行筛选。结果表明,采用S80型微粉硅胶可制得载药量达60%的维生素E颗粒,明显优于β-环糊精颗粒(约6%)。用其直接粉末压片,所得片剂各项指标均符合中国药典2010年版标准。该片在高温(60℃)条件放置10 d,外观和含量未见明显变化;但在高湿[相对湿度(90±5)%、25℃]环境下片剂会吸潮,强光[(4 500±500)1x]条件下含量下降。  相似文献   

The use of UICEL-A/102 and UICEL-XL, the cellulose II powders, as a multifunctional direct compression excipient in the design of tablets containing hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) or ibuprofen (IBU), the model low and high dose drugs, respectively, has been reported. Commercial Oretic and Advil tablets containing HCTZ and IBU, respectively, and tablets made using Avicel PH-102 - the most commonly and widely used commercial direct compression excipient, were used in the study for comparison purposes. Tablets were made by first blending drug with the excipient and then with stearic acid, a lubricant, in a V-blender, followed by compressing into a tablet on a hydraulic press using 105 MPa of compression pressure and a dwell time of 30 s. The crushing strengths of HCTZ tablets decreased in the order Avicel PH-102>UICEL-XL, UICEL-A/102>Oretic and of IBU tablets in the order Avicel PH-102 > or = UICEL-XL approximately UICEL-A/102>Advil. The friability values for all tablets were well below the maximum 1% USP tolerance limit. UICEL-A/102 and UICEL-XL tablets containing HCTZ disintegrated rapidly (<25 s). Oretic tablets disintegrated in about 60 s, while Avicel PH-102 tablets remained intact during 1 h test period. The IBU tablets made using UICEL-A/102 disintegrated the fastest, UICEL-XL and Advil tablets the next, and Avicel PH-102 tablets remained intact. All tablets, except for those of Avicel PH-102, conformed to the USP drug release requirements. These results conclusively show that UICEL-A/102 and UICEL-XL have the potential to be used as filler, binder, and disintegrant, all-in-one, in the design of tablets containing either a low dose or high dose drug by the direct compression method.  相似文献   

摘 要 目的:优选盐酸丙哌维林片粉末直接压片法最佳制备工艺,并考察其稳定性。方法: 采用粉末直接压片法,以粉末休止角、片剂脆碎度及溶出度为评价指标,制备样品并进行质量考察。结果:所选处方粉末流动性良好,有效成分溶出速率高,各项指标均符合规定。经6个月加速及室温留样考察,样品的外观、含量、有关物质及溶出度均未发生明显变化。结论:优选的处方工艺操作简便、经济、生产周期短,制备的产品质量稳定  相似文献   

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