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自2010年国际上倡导发展监管科学以来的10年间,对监管科学这一新学科的发展及其研究开发新的工具、标准和方法来评估受监管产品的安全性、有效性、质量和性能,为指导药物创新、评估、质量、安全性和有效性产生了积极作用。从6方面回顾和论述:(1)世界药品监管科学10年发展概况;(2)国际政府-产业-科学研究3方面的积极合作,特别是非政府机构推进国家管理部门重视监管科学的发展;(3)结合国情重视中药研发的监管科学建设;(4)推进生物技术药物监管科学的最新发展动向;(5)中国药品监管科学行动计划对提高监管水平的新引擎作用;(6)在疫情特殊时期监管科学为防控新冠肺炎(COVID-19)所获得的成绩和存在的问题。最后,为推进监管科学在我国的发展提出10条建议。  相似文献   

徐赜  楼双凤  李香玉 《中国药事》2023,37(5):513-519
目的:通过分析药品检查合作计划(PIC/S)药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)指南及实时放行检测(RTRT)附录的要求,为我国制药行业实时放行检测技术的发展和应用提供思路和建议。方法:对PIC/S的GMP指南及RTRT附录进行深入研究,并结合国内外RTRT相关法规、文献,探讨RTRT在我国制药行业的可行性及对我国药品监管的启示。结果与结论:建议我国药监部门尽早对标PIC/S相关技术要求,结合参数放行的试点经验及我国制药行业发展特点,出台符合国情的RTRT指南,保障RTRT在我国制药行业落地,为我国加入PIC/S,更好地与国际接轨奠定基础。  相似文献   

王胜鹏  张弛 《现代药物与临床》2020,43(12):2404-2409
新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)公共卫生事件,对满足公共卫生需求带来严重挑战。2020年7月,欧盟更新"COVID-19公共卫生事件期间的人用药品监管期望问答",完善了COVID-19防治用关键药品的行政许可、生产经营、监督检查、药物警戒和包装标签等系列应急管理措施,提出例外变更管理流程、远程评估、豁免检验、差异化不良反应报告制度等灵活监管策略,与药品生产经营企业共同维持药品供应链稳定,保障药品安全、有效、可及。了解欧盟药品应急管理政策,对完善我国药品应急管理体系具有参考价值。  相似文献   

目的:梳理总结当前新型冠状病毒感染肺炎(COVID-19)防控下医院药事管理和药学服务实践,为疫情特殊时期的医院药学工作提供参考。方法:根据疫情防控政策和要求,结合查阅文献,阐述COVID-19疫情防控时期医院药事管理和药学服务的具体实践和探索。结果:COVID-19疫情进入防控的关键时期,医院药学相关工作人员要根据不同岗位工作特点,加强工作防护;从药品供应保障、特殊药品管理、临床试验用药管理、捐赠药品管理、超说明书用药管理等方面加强药事管理工作;积极参与COVID-19诊治医疗活动,重点做好处方审核、药物疗效及不良反应监测工作,参与MDT讨论,提供用药咨询,开展对COVID-19治疗用药的科普宣传。结论:面对COVID-19突发疫情事件,及时调整医院药学工作应对策略,对保障疫情防控期间安全合理用药具有重要意义。  相似文献   

摘要:药物治疗是新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)治疗的重要组成部分,有效的药品管理体系对提高大型公立医院疫情防控能力有着重要意义。本文总结同济医院在COVID-19疫情防控药品管理的探索与实践,阐述突发事件中医院药品管理面临的难点以及应对策略,以期为建立突发事件中大型公立医院药品管理体系提供参考。  相似文献   

随着我国加入WTO以及《药品管理法》、《药品管理法实施条例》、《药品注册管理办法》以及《药物临床试验质量管理规范》(GCP)等法规政策的出台,药品监管政策逐步与国际接轨,加强了对专利的认可和保护,尤其是新药定义的修改可谓是我国药品政策改革的重要一步。这促使国外制药企业更愿意在中国注册新药。目前,诺和诺德、阿斯利康、礼来、施维雅、罗氏等跨国制药企业纷纷在中国设立了研发中心。  相似文献   

欧洲药品局(EMA)首次召集欧洲及全球学术机构、监管部门(欧美日)及制药行业专家举行研讨会,回顾开发于细胞治疗的机会和困难及监管干细胞治疗所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

李香玉  梅妮  陈桂良 《中国药事》2020,34(7):836-839
目的:研究和借鉴美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)对“新兴制药技术”的监管理念,以促进我国制药业主动迎接新技术挑战,实现创新发展。方法:梳理和分析FDA对“新兴制药技术”的认定、 分类、监管理念、应用考量与实践等。结果与结论:新兴制药技术也将是我国制药业发展的一次重要机遇,监管部门应深入研究并明确监管政策,推动其产业应用。  相似文献   

目的:总结当前新型冠状病毒感染肺炎(COVID-19)疫情下医院药品供应保障实践,为突发公共卫生事件应急药品供应保障提供参考。方法:针对COVID-19期间医院应急药品供应保障的特点、应对措施、难点等方面进行阐述与探讨。结果:COVID-19目前处于防控关键时期,突发公共卫生事件的发生考验医院药事应急管理能力,有效的药品应急保障对医疗救治保障和疫情防控工作发挥重要的作用。结论:本文总结分析医院应急药品供应保障实践工作,为突发公共卫生事件应急药品供应保障管理提供思路。  相似文献   

食品药品监管科学是近十几年发展形成的前沿学科,受到世界科学界和管理界的重视。食品药品监管科学不仅研究制定医药创新产品的监管政策、监管法规构建方法、产品创新技术策略以及各类创新产品的标准等,而且研发评估医药创新产品安全性、有效性、质量及性能和制定科学监管法规具有重要意义,特别在医药产品开发和评价和产品研发、生产、流通监管中具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。分析回顾了国际食品药品监管科学的发展概况,介绍国际药品监管和监管科学发展的情况,希望对该新兴学科发展研究者和管理者获益。  相似文献   

目的:在连续制造技术越来越多地应用在药品领域这一背景下,综述相关法规指南从概念探索、 正式发起至发布的发展历程,介绍全球多个采用连续制造技术生产药品获批上市的概况,探讨促进我国业界和监管机构借鉴全球药品连续制造发展经验。方法:通过对比传统的批量制造技术以分析连续制造具有的优势和面临的挑战,结合对全球监管指南制定过程中各监管机构对策的梳理,研究相关共识的发展考量和意义。结果:药品连续制造监管发展已经进入了新的时代,我国相关法规指南的制定和产业技术水平提升需要借鉴全球发展的经验,特别是国际人用药品注册技术协调会及美、欧、日等国家药品监督管理机构或国际组织的现有指南在批定义、工艺验证、稳定性等方面的监管对策,为该新兴技术的监管科学研究提供理论基础。结论:通过对药品连续制造全球监管发展现状的综述和思考,为我国相关法规、技术指南和标准的制定提供参考,并希望为产业发展发挥促进作用。  相似文献   

随着国际医药产业格局的变化,新药投入风险越来越大。与开发一个新分子实体相比,新剂型的创新路径具有周期短、投资少、风险小、回报高等特点。企业逐步从原料药研发向下游制剂和具有自主品牌的高端制剂创新发展。国家政策鼓励药企创新发展制剂技术和药物释放系统(DDS)等,开发新型制剂、改良型制剂(如创新的给药释药系统),以及鼓励中药“经典名方”向高端中药制剂研发,提高已上市药物的安全性、有效性和临床依从性。高端制剂是新药研发的重要方向,也是应对国际、国内药企竞争的发展战略和策略。本文针对中国药物制剂高质量发展所关注的问题,对比分析国内外药物制剂情况,围绕药物制剂发展的挑战、高端制剂、释药技术与药动学、科学技术问题等方面予以评述。  相似文献   

The global competitiveness of the European pharmaceutical industry is under threat. Technology currently available for the development of new medicines is unable to match the pace of drug discovery and design; and the ever-growing demand for safety, efficacy and quality documentation has increased the cost and time involved in getting new medicines on the market. Although the pharmaceutical industry is one of the strongest in Europe in terms of research, innovation, exports and employment, there are severe restrictions on its ability to create wealth and launch safe drugs for the treatment of common and rare afflictions. The present situation should not be allowed to continue. For this reason, the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) has proposed a key action under the title "New safe medicines faster" for the forthcoming EU 6th RTD framework programme. The key action has three main objectives: to seek new technologies capable of more effective selection of potential drug candidates for innovative medicines while accommodating safety demands; to use such technologies to speed up the pharmaceutical development process and eliminate bottlenecks created by initial exploratory drug research; and to cultivate a pan-European interdisciplinary network that bridges the gap between industry, academia and regulatory authorities. By involving regulatory authorities early on and fuelling research and innovation with EU money it should be possible to create a new set of recognised European standards whereby new safe medicines can be brought onto the market faster and cheaper.  相似文献   

Abstract: The global competitiveness of the European pharmaceutical industry is under threat. Technology currently available for the development of new medicines is unable to match the pace of drug discovery and design; and the ever‐growing demand for safety, efficacy and quality documentation has increased the cost and time involved in getting new medicines on the market. Although the pharmaceutical industry is one of the strongest in Europe in terms of research, innovation, exports and employment, there are severe restrictions on its ability to create wealth and launch safe drugs for the treatment of common and rare afflictions. The present situation should not be allowed to continue. For this reason, the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) has proposed a key action under the title “New safe medicines faster” for the forthcoming EU 6th RTD framework programme. The key action has three main objectives: to seek new technologies capable of more effective selection of potential drug candidates for innovative medicines while accommodating safety demands; to use such technologies to speed up the pharmaceutical development process and eliminate bottlenecks created by initial exploratory drug research; and to cultivate a pan‐European interdisciplinary network that bridges the gap between industry, academia and regulatory authorities. By involving regulatory authorities early on and fuelling research and innovation with EU money it should be possible to create a new set of recognised European standards whereby new safe medicines can be brought onto the market faster and cheaper.  相似文献   

 创新药物研发能力是一个国家医药产业发展能力的航标。在建设自主创新型国家的背景下,我国医药产业也将走过从“仿制为主—模仿创新—自主创新”的转变历程。文中通过构建创新药物研发能力评价指标体系,将我国与美国、欧盟、印度创新药物研发能力进行量化分析,评价我国创新药物研发的比较优势和比较劣势,并分析其深层次政策原因。并建议政府适时调整与完善药品专利、药品规制、财政与人才政策,更好地激励医药企业加大创新投入,以提升我国创新药物研发的总体水平。  相似文献   

This article analyses 3 areas of policy that could reduce the fragmentation and improve the competitiveness of the European pharmaceutical sector. It argues that a potential solution to the issue of fragmentation of pharmaceutical research, development and innovation may be the development of policies at the European level, in those areas that European institutions have a competence. These areas may not necessarily rely exclusively on solving the issue of pricing and reimbursing pharmaceuticals as European Union (EU) Member States invoke the subsidiarity principle to claim policy exclusivity in this area. By contrast, policy areas where European institutions have a competence may include: i) a more intensified collaboration in science and technology policy (supporting the science base, identifying education needs for the future, collaborating in the development of new technologies and fostering university-industry collaboration); ii) support of research and development (R&D) by means of directly channelling funds into basic pharmaceutical research, avoiding duplication of the research effort, developing a set of research priorities, tackling the issue of technology transfer, promoting university-industry and cross-border collaborations or providing incentives that would induce private R&D activities in areas with large socioeconomic impact; and iii) an improvement in the environment for the financing of innovation in the EU, by means of selective use of tax policy at the national level (and where applicable, at the EU level), institutional reform in order to widen the pool of available funds for private investment, and the introduction of schemes that would encourage individuals and institutions to hold equity in innovative companies. The article identifies specific research, regulatory, medical and financing needs that require policy intervention, evaluates the possible dynamic implications of such interventions and highlights the benefits that may accrue from their implementation.  相似文献   

A short history of the pharmaceutical science and technology, postwar 50 years is divided into nine sections for the purpose of discussion. 1. Japan's postwar rehabilitation, Japanese pharmaceutical industries and newly developed pharmaceutical sciences and technologies. In 1945, the Japanese pharmaceutical industry was reconstructed. Production of penicillin was carried out with the strong support of the U.S. Occupation Forces. New sciences in pharmacy (biochemistry, biopharmacy, pharmacology, microbiology, physical chemistry, etc.) were introduced in this period. 2. Introduction age of foreign new drugs and technology (1951 to 1960s). Japan gained independence in 1951. Japanese pharmaceutical companies imported many new drugs and new pharmaceutical technologies from the U.S.A. and European countries in this period. Then, these companies were reconstruction rapidly. However, consequently Japanese pharmaceutical companies were formed as an imitation industry. 3. Rapid economic growth period for pharmaceutical companies (1956 to 1970s). In this period, many Japanese pharmaceutical companies grew rapidly at an annual rate of 15-20% over a period of 15 years, especially with regard to the production of active vitamin B1 analog drugs and some OTC (public health drugs). Some major companies made large profits, which were used to construct research facilities. 4. Problems for the harmful effects of medicines and its ethical responsibility. In the 1970s, many public toxic and harmful effects of medicines were caused, especially SMON's disease. In this time, many pharmaceutical companies changed to its security got development of ethical drugs. 5. Self development of new drugs and administration of pharmaceutical rules (1970s). During the 1970s, many pharmaceutical laws (GLP, GCP, GMP, GPMSP etc.) were enacted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. In 1976, the Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law was revised, which set forth standards regarding the efficacy and safety of ethical drugs and re-evaluation of drugs. Many facilities were built for the purpose of ensuring efficacy and safety, as shwon in Table 1. 6. Problems of Intellectual Property and followed the revisionist line of research and development for new ethical drugs. In 1976, Japanese pharmaceutical companies ceased to be an imitation industry, and increased research for the development of new drugs. 7. Pharmaceutical science and technology innovation (After 1985). Many of the pharmaceutical innovations during this period were as follows: 7.1) Technology innovation for evaluation of drug efficacy; 7.2) 1st to 3rd medical diagnostic technology innovations; 7.3) medical analytical methods and spectrometry technologies; 7.4) Computer-aided drug-design technology and drug information technology innovation; and 7.5) Drug delivery system and treatment drugs. 8. Recent research and development of new ethical drugs in Japan (1970 to 1995). Cephalosporine type beta-lactams (cefazolin, cefametazole, furomoxef, cefdinir), new quinolones (norfloxcin, ofloxacin, tosfloxcin), H1-Blockers (famotidine), Ca-antagonists (diltiazem, nicardipine), and other new drugs (pravastatine, taclolimus, leuprine) etc. came onto the market. 9. International Harmonization Age and Review toward 21 century. The rapid development and globalization of the pharmaceutical market has promoted international harmonization and rationalization of pharmaceutical regulatory affairs. In 1990, the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association published a report toward 21 century, which described practical plans.  相似文献   

目的:促进药品上市许可持有人(MAH)制度在我国持续发展,为医药行业高质量发展提供借鉴。方法:系统梳理药品MAH制度实施以来,2020-2022年全国药品申请及抽样的相关数据,并随机抽取150家药品生产企业现场检查相关数据,汇总药品MAH质量管理现状及存在问题,分析总结药品MAH制度对我国药品创新、审评审批及质量监管等重点环节带来的影响,提出参考性建议。结果与结论:药品MAH制度在激发药品创新积极性、优化行业资源配置方面已初见成效,建议持续强化药品MAH主体责任,全面提高药品监管能力,提升检查员整体素质,持续深化药品审评审批制度改革,构筑符合中国国情的药品MAH制度。  相似文献   

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