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A case of McArdle''s syndrome is described in which an epileptiform seizure was followed by acute reversible renal failure with hypercalcaemia in the diuretic phase.  相似文献   

We describe a patient with rapidly progressive pneumonia and a high level of serum lactate dehydrogenase, in whom postmortem study revealed the presence of a diffuse, small and large-cell multicentric non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma, together with an invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Aspergillosis is rare as a presenting feature of a lymphoproliferative disease; only one previous case has been reported to the best of our knowledge. Invasive aspergillosis and lymphoma should be considered in patients presenting with pneumonia and high level of lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

广东省人民医院中医科通过参与治疗广州地区确诊病例,逐步形成了基于卫气营血辨证和脏腑辨证相结合治疗广州地区新型冠状病毒肺炎患者的院内中医诊疗方案。文章介绍了该院收治的1例新型冠状病毒肺炎的患者。该患者的中医病机和证候演变呈现典型的层次性,基本按照经典温病的卫气营血辨证和脏腑辨证的传变规律发展,经中西医结合治疗后,患者第4天体温恢复正常,第7天广州疾病预防控制中心新型冠状病毒核酸检测结果阴性,取得了良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

A case of scurvy presenting in a patient with Crohn''s disease is reported. A normal response to replacement therapy is seen. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency was found in 7 out of 10 patients with clinically quiescent Crohn''s disease, 4 of whom had an adequate oral intake of vitamin C. There was no significant difference in oral intake between patients with Crohn''s disease and matched controls but there was a significant difference (P less than 0.001) in leucocyte ascorbic acid levels. It is recommended that patients with Crohn''s disease be screened for vitamin C deficiency and receive prophylactic vitamin C supplements daily.  相似文献   

Spontaneous rupture of a spleen enlarged as a result of pre-existing clisease is not too uncommon. For a normal spleen to rupture spontaneously is, however, -a rare abdominal catastrophe, which so far has not been satisfactorily:explained; Careful review of the iiterature reveals that the first case of s:pontaneous "nrptute''of the normal spleen was described and reported by Shorton (1) in 1919. Since then, Connors (2) and Metcalfe and Fletcher (3 and 4) reported single cases. Susman (5) in 1927 collected and summarized from the litera ture six cases and added one of his own. Two of the six cases were regarded doubtfulbecause their cIinical notes were very briefly re- corded. Patey (6) reported a case in 1929 and Harvey (7) added another case in the same year. Byford (8) in ig30 reviewed six cases, the same cases incIuded in Susman''s paper, from the literature and added one of his own. Bailey (9) reported a case in 1930 and Nixon (10) in 1931 added another case. Dardinski (11) reported a case in 1932 and Black (12) and Halliwell (13), each added a case in 1933. Zuckerman and Jacobi (14) in 1937 reported a case of spon- taneous rupture of the normal spleen, but their case showed the absence of the diaphragmatico-lienalligament and the spleen weighed 355 gms which is about twic. the weight of an average normal spleen. Recently, Coleman (15) in 1939 reported a case but their specimen showed a cavity in the sharp anterior margin filled with old blood clot the size of a walnut, which appeared to be partly organized and that there was well marked arterioIar sclerosis. Whether or not these two cases are to be considered as authentic normal spleens, I would leave  相似文献   

大动脉炎是一种慢性进行性非特异性炎性疾病,以抗炎、抑制免疫、扩血管等内科治疗为主,由于大动脉炎具有反复发作的特点,因此如何控制病情发展、减少受累血管、控制血压、缓解症状成为治疗的重点与难点。文章系统分析翁维良教授应用活血通络法治疗大动脉炎长时医案1则(治疗33 a),通过对其诊治思路、用药经验进行分析,总结出翁教授在活血通络基础上,根据疾病不同发展阶段本虚标实的偏盛,运用搜风通络、清热解毒、清肝平肝治疗大动脉炎的临证经验。  相似文献   

A case of Whipple''s disease, initially presenting with abdominal symptoms and later with neurological manifestations, is reported. The diagnosis was not made in life, but on post-mortem examination of the brain. This case emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of this uncommon disorder.  相似文献   

目的 Tg2576转基因小鼠与阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer''s disease,AD)患者的病理改变相近,本文动态研究了Tg2576小鼠在AD发病不同阶段的血清代谢物特征,为临床AD的早期诊断提供代谢依据。方法 收集Tg2576小鼠在AD发病初期(6个月)和末期(12个月)时的血清样本,采集样本的1HNMR谱并运用多变量分析方法进行代谢特征的分析。结果 结果显示Tg2576与C57小鼠分别在6和12个月时的血清代谢特征有明显差异,且不同AD发病阶段的Tg2576小鼠具有明显的代谢差异。与C57小鼠相比,在AD出现的初期阶段,Tg2576小鼠血清中乳酸、肌醇和氨基酸(如亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、丙氨酸)的含量升高,而脂质、胆碱、磷脂酰胆碱/甘油磷脂酰胆碱、甜菜碱、甘氨酸和葡萄糖含量降低;在AD发病的末期,血清中乳酸、肌醇和丙氨酸的含量继续上升,脂质、胆碱、磷脂酰胆碱/甘油磷脂酰胆碱、甜菜碱和甘氨酸含量持续降低,同时谷氨酸和肌酸含量初步显示出下降趋势。通过比较AD的初期和末期血清代谢物,我们能够发现疾病末期血清中乳酸、肌醇和丙氨酸含量升高,脂质、胆碱、磷脂酰胆碱、甘油磷脂酰胆碱含量降低。在这些代谢物中,乳酸、脂质、胆碱、磷脂酰胆碱和甘油磷脂酰胆碱在AD发生初期已具有显著性变化,且与AD发生的严重程度密切相关。结论 结果表明Tg2576小鼠中乳酸与阿尔茨海默病程度的加重呈正相关变化,而脂质、胆碱、磷脂酰胆碱和甘油磷脂酰胆碱呈负相关改变,且这些代谢物随着疾病的发展呈动态进行性变化,可能是AD早期诊断的重要代谢标志物。  相似文献   

A case of acquired von Willebrand''s disease is reported in which the patient developed a swelling on the dorsum of the tongue. Histology of this lesion closely resembled that described in angiodysplasia of the colon.  相似文献   

华氏巨球蛋白血症(Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia,WM)是一种以骨髓或肝、脾、淋巴结内浆细胞样淋巴细胞浸润和血清中存在大量单克隆Ig M为特征的恶性浆细胞病。Bing-Neel综合征是华氏巨球蛋白血症的一种罕见的疾病表现,由恶性浆细胞样淋巴细胞浸润中枢神经系统引起。本文报道1例Bing-Neel综合征并结合相关文献就其临床表现、辅助检查及治疗原则等进行讨论。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同运动疗法对糖尿病患者糖脂代谢水平的影响。方法选取2012年6月至2014年3月期间广东省第二人民医院确诊并治疗的糖尿病患者140例,依据随机分配原则分为运动组和对照组,每组70例,对照组患者均给予用药、饮食指导等常规治疗,运动组患者在此基础上给予运动疗法治疗,依据疗法类型分为有氧组(有氧运动疗法)和有氧抗阻组(有氧抗阻运动疗法),随访1年,比较两组患者治疗前后的空腹、餐后血糖和血脂的差异。结果1年后,运动组患者运动后空腹血糖为(5.59±1.64) mmol/L、餐后血糖为(5.93±2.48) mmol/L、甘油三酯为(1.42±0.38) mmol/L、胆固醇为(3.96±1.28) mmol/L,对照组患者运动后空腹血糖为(6.72±1.86) mmol/L、餐后血糖为(7.86±2.62) mmol/L、甘油三酯为(1.79±0.54) mmol/L、胆固醇为(5.68±1.46) mmol/L,前者明显低于后者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。有氧抗阻组和有氧组患者1年后的空腹血糖分别为(5.36±1.02) mmol/L和(6.02±1.35) mmol/L,餐后血糖分别为(5.87±2.16) mmol/L和(6.36±2.43) mmol/L,有氧抗阻组明显低于有氧组;有氧组和对照组1年后的空腹血糖分别为(6.02±1.35) mmol/L和(6.72±1.86) mmol/L,餐后血糖分别为(6.36±2.43) mmol/L和(7.86±2.62) mmol/L,有氧组明显低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论有氧运动疗法可有效改善患者糖脂代谢水平,结合抗阻运动康复疗法能更效降低血糖,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

Central pontine myelinolysis was found histologically in a young man who died with Hodgkin''s lymphoma. Clinically he had developed a progressive peripheral sensory deficit, ataxia, quadriparesis, dysarthria, incontinence and drowsiness. This is the fifth case reported in the British literature. The pathogenesis and aetiology of this primary demyelinating disease are considered.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 70 year old man who presented with physical and biochemical features suggestive of Addison''s disease, but had a normal short tetracosactrin (Synacthen) test. Six months later he re-presented with similar clinical features but with an abnormal response to tetracosactrin confirming the diagnosis of Addison''s disease. We recommend that if adrenal insufficiency is strongly suggested further investigation should be performed to exclude this diagnosis.  相似文献   

A case of Whipple''s disease in a female is described. Malabsorption of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid and fat was present. These abnormalities reverted to normal after introduction of co-trimoxazole therapy. The patient''s humoral immune system was normal, in contrast to impairment of cell-mediated immunity, which has not improved in spite of co-trimoxazole treatment for 2 years, and a therapeutic trial of levamisole. These findings are further evidence that there may be a primary immune deficiency in patients with Whipple''s disease.  相似文献   

Behçet''s disease is associated with vascular complications. Aortic regurgitation associated with this condition has never previously been described. A case is now reported in which this occurred and which was followed postoperatively by a false aneurysm of the ascending aorta.  相似文献   

Investigation of a patient complaining of exercise-induced dark urine, pain, stiffness and tenderness of skeletal muscle revealed findings characteristic of McArdle's disease. The dark urine was attributable to the excretion of myoglobin, and an ischemic exercise test failed to demonstrate the usual rise and fall in blood lactate and pyruvate. Enzyme assays of skeletal muscle showed an absence of phosphorylase, a slight increase in phosphorylase b kinase and a slight decrease in phosphoglucomutase. Chemical and histochemical analyses demonstrated an increase in the skeletal muscle glycogen content and an enlargement of the muscle cells. No abnormality of liver glycogen metabolism was found. In the absence of specific therapy, an effective and practical form of treatment is reduction of exercise below the threshold of symptoms.  相似文献   

A patient with homozygous sickle cell disease presented with sickle crisis complicated by hepatic and pulmonary sequestration and required intensive therapy. During the recovery phrase she developed a rapid rise of haemoglobin concentration, unrelated to blood transfusion, followed by hypertension, congestive cardiac failure and catastrophic intracerebral haemorrhage. This serious haemodynamic disturbance was considered to be caused by a reversal of the sequestration process. Careful monitoring of a sickle cell patient''s blood pressure, blood counts, haematocrits, haemoglobin S level and plasma viscosity, even after the end of a sequestration crisis, is recommended.  相似文献   

目的 报告 1 例以“转氨酶升高”为首发表现的飞行员干燥综合征,并讨论体检鉴定及航医工作。方法 报告 1 例以“转氨酶升高”为首发表现的飞行员干燥综合征的诊治过程及后续体检鉴定工作,讨论体检鉴定及航医工作。结果 该飞行员因“常规年度大体检发现转氨酶升高”入院,白细胞总数偏低;肝功能受损,抗“O”偏高、类风湿因子偏高。自身抗体谱:ANA、抗SSA、抗SSB、抗RO-52(+);EBV壳抗原IgA、IgG(+):巨细胞病Ig抗体(+)。结合唇腺活检结果,干燥综合征诊断明确,给予“暂时飞行不合格,地面观察1个月”结论。经过规范治疗后,抗“O”及类风湿因子降低,血液指标恢复正常,肝功能恢复正常。规范治疗和健康指导3个月后,血常规、肝肾功能均无异常。考虑其为青年男性,既往体健,飞行意愿强烈,无口干眼干、无腹痛黄疸等症状,予“飞行合格”结论。结论干燥综合征能够引起全身多器官免疫性损伤,早期诊断和治疗存在较多困难,常导致病情迁延难愈,累及各器官系统并造成功能损害,可能影响到飞行员飞行安全。全面的康复指导、细心的病情观察是预防并发症、决定患者预后的关键。规范治疗和健康指导后,若复查血常规、肝肾功能均无异常,无特异性症状,可予“飞行合格”结论。  相似文献   



Hyperoxia due to hyperbaric conditions influences lactate metabolism. Previous studies on lactate levels in hyperbaric conditions have reported varied results depending on the depth of evaluation and breathing gas mixture used.


This study compared post-exercise blood lactate levels of Indian professional male divers (breathing ambient air under normobaric conditions) with their post-exercise blood lactate levels measured under simulated hyperbaric conditions.


In the present study, blood lactate levels in divers were found to have decreased significantly during recovery phase of exercise in hyperbaric conditions of dry diving at 2.8 Atmospheres Absolute (ATA) as compared to normobaric conditions. A significant improvement was observed in physical performance in terms of HR max and duration of exercise.


This study revealed that hyperoxia due to moderate hyperbaric condition leads to improvement in lactate metabolism in muscles and organs (liver and heart) for its removal.  相似文献   

美尼尔氏综合征在中医归属“眩晕”范畴,殷克敬教授总结该病为本虚标实之疾,以本虚为主,并兼杂风火痰瘀上扰清窍,治疗上重视辨证与针刺手法的重要性。殷教授古法今用以经典“发蒙针法”为基础,并融合补泻、吐纳之道。该针法可通调耳窍气血,调整内耳状态,改善内耳膜迷路水肿,解决眩晕、耳鸣之症,治疗美尼尔氏综合征疗效较为显著,具有较高的临床价值。  相似文献   

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