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Dr. Kerr was born on November 30th, 1824, in Adams County, Ohio, U.S.A. The grandfather said, "We will call his name John" and he prayed that the child might so follow the Savior that the world would be made better by his life. When he was but five years old his father died and he was taken into the home of his uncle in Virginia where he remained until he was fourteen. Here he went to school, a happy, industrious boy, kind and generous; always ready to do a favor for others. He always stood high in his studies. His generous nature and sense of justice led him to take a firm stand against slavery as he saw it practiced about him, At the age of sixteen he entered Denison University and during his course of study decided to become a physi- cian, entering Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia and graduating in 1847.  相似文献   

Anthony Traill was born into a Scotch-Irish family at Ballylough House near Bushmills in county Antrim in November 1838. At the age of twenty he entered Trinity College Dublin to study engineering, but he was a professional student who passed through all the faculties and took legal and medical degrees in 1864-1870. He applied his knowledge of physics when advising his brother William who was building the Portrush-Bushmills electric railway. Though he took time off to indulge his athletic abilities, he steeped himself in College affairs and became Provost in March 1904, a post he held until his death in October 1914. His outstanding contribution whilst holding that post was to welcome women with university training into graduation.  相似文献   

ZHAO Jian-xiong, was born in Yulin City on November 1, 1942, Shaanxi Province. He graduated from Lanzhou Medical College in 1965, and practiced Western medicine after his graduation while learning traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In 1980, Dr. ZHAO was one of the first students who graduated from the TCM graduate program at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a master's degree. From 1983 to 2004, Dr. ZHAO was the associate president of Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Vice President and the President of Lanzhou Medical College. In 1992, Dr. ZHAO was promoted as a professor. Prof. Zhao is now the adviser of graduate students, and the Director of the Research Institute of Integrative Medicine, Lanzhou University. In addition, Prof. ZHAO is a council member of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine and the President of Gansu Association of Integrative Medicine.  相似文献   

近代各医祝味菊史实访查记   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
祝味菊 (1884~ 195 1) ,幼秉家学 ,博览历代医书 ,青年入军医学校学习西医 ,后东渡日本考察西医 ,主张融会科学知识以改革中医 ,发展仲景之学创“五段八纲”学说。临床上好用附子 ,人称“祝附子”。中年在上海行医、办学 ,因善以温热大剂起危候而有力冲击了上海素喜“清轻之风”的温病学派 ,一时在上海地区形成了善用温热剂的“祝氏学派”。其学术思想集中体现在代表作《伤寒质难》中 ,入室弟子主要有陈苏生、徐仲才、王兆基等。  相似文献   

傅山是中国近代很有影响的一位大学者。傅山生逢民族危难之时,在社会剧变的时代洪流中度过了富有传奇色彩的一生;他学识渊博,在许多领域有精深造诣,被誉为“学海”;他研治医学,更成为一位罕见的医学全才;他的哲学理念深深地影响了他的医学理论和实践,形成了独特的医学哲学观;他医德高尚,是中国17世纪一位最为人民所敬爱的医生;无论是在思想上、学术上还是实践上,他都是具有近代精神的一位杰出的先驱者。文章对傅山的生平和学术成就进行详细的论述。  相似文献   

Dr. SHI Zai-xiang was born in TengzhouCity of Shandong Province on June 18, 1942.He was graduated from Nanjing University of TCM in 1965. From 1965 to 1978, he has been working in Nantong Municipal TCM Hospital, where he learnt from and followed Prof. ZHU Liang-chun, a well-known veteran TCM doctor. After that he finished his Master's degree courses in cardiovascular field of integrative Chinese and Western medicine (ICWM) in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1981, and has been holding the post in Beijing China-Japan Friendship Hospital until now.  相似文献   

介绍张香南诊治皮肤病经验。张香南出生于四代中医世家,执教于河北中医学院,晚年工作于保定地区第一医院(现河北大学附属医院),为20世纪保定市名老中医。为了传承老中医经验,多年来收集整理张香南医著,选出部分皮肤病经验反映张香南学术特色,供临床参考。  相似文献   

Henry Halford (formerly Vaughan) (1766-1844) was president of the Royal College of Physicians for an unprecedented 24 years. A successful physician, he had to resign his post at the Middlesex Hospital because of his growing private practice. He was physician to four reigning monarchs and had many famous patients including Geogiana Duchess of Devonshire in whom he correctly diagnosed a liver abscess when other physicians had failed. He was also involved in the exhumation of King Charles I, and the fourth cervical vertebra, through which the King had been executed, came into his possession.  相似文献   

伊希巴拉珠尔 170 4年诞生于青海省海晏县 ,青少年时代在塔尔寺学习医药学、佛学与语言学 ,2 8岁返回故乡贡龙寺 ,并在此终生。一生从事临床治疗及蒙医学研究 ,代表著作为《甘露四部》。在此著作中 ,提出“六基症”学说与寒热理论。  相似文献   

清代温病学家吴鞠通,名瑭、字配珩,鞠通实乃其号。生于1758年,卒于1836年。故里乃今江苏淮安市。温病名著《温病条辨》并非著成于落笔的1798年,而是经过15年艰辛努力,成书于1813年。力矫医界时弊的《医医病书》成书于1831年。1833年又将医案整理成册,嘉惠后学。吴氏一生不仅精究医学,勇于创新,而且居心忠厚,医德高尚。其治学反对门户之见,能虚心而师百氏,博采诸贤之长,并正确对待成就,从不居功自傲,给后人树立了楷模,值得很好地学习和永远怀念。  相似文献   

近代卫生学家全绍清生平和早年成就   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
全绍清从天津北洋医学堂毕业后 ,入藏两年 ,把现代医学介绍给西藏 ,同时以照片的形式把西藏介绍给全世界。早期曾任天津医学堂医学教授 ,1910~ 1911年东北三省发生鼠疫时 ,协助伍连德做好防疫。后主持 1918年内蒙古、山西鼠疫的扑灭工作 ,做出突出贡献。曾多次代表我国出席国际医学卫生会议 ,是我国近代颇有影响的卫生学家  相似文献   

Dr.LUFu -er,MD,wasborninDuchangCounty,JiangxiProvinceinMarch 1 96 1.Nowhehasthepositionsofprofes sor,chief physician,deputydirectorof  相似文献   

After graduating from the University of British Columbia (UBC) Dr. Gibson entered McGill University to study medicine but interrupted his studies to go to Oxford University (as a demonstrator in physiology), where he received his doctorate. He resumed his medical studies at McGill University, graduating in 1941. After serving in the clinical investigation units of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) he became deputy director of medical research at the RCAF headquarters in Ottawa. This was the post he held when he wrote the editorial "Medical education for 1980," which is reprinted as our Encore selection for this issue, starting on page 665. After the war Dr. Gibson worked at the Montreal Neurological Institute until 1948 and then by a circuitous route went on to UBC as Kinsmen professor of neurologic research. Following a sabbatical year in Marseille in 1958, he was appointed professor of the history of medicine and science at UBC, a post he held until 1975. His "retirement" has hardly been quiet. He has been chairman of the Universities Council of British Columbia and from 1985 to 1991 chancellor of the University of Victoria.  相似文献   

全国著名中医学家、中医教育家李振华,1924年出生于河南洛宁一中医世家,幼承庭训,习医活人,临床经验丰富,学术思想深厚,教坛桃李满园,成就硕果累累.现已从医60余年,从事教学和研究50余载,值84岁高龄,仍佚枥奋蹄,壮心不已.  相似文献   

The relative frequency of cases of Pernicious Anaemia in China is something I have no opportunity to ascertain. In Szcchwan I know the disease to be rather rare and since I can ftnd no trace of a case being reported I think it worth while to report one occurring recently under Dr. Anderson''s service which came under my observation. CASE REPORT The patient is a mak twenty-eight years of agp whose puffy face has an icteric tinge. He is a tailor Ioy trade and a native of Shansi, having been some years in Szechwan. He comes complaining of dizziness and weakness the commencement of which he can not defintely remember but says "More than a month:''. He is well nourished, slow of cerebratiort and movement and apprehensive concerning his condition.  相似文献   

SJV Chelvanayakam (1898-1977), a ranking civil lawyer and legislator, was probably the well known Parkinson disease victim in the 20th century Sri Lanka. He was born in Ipoh, Malaya, where his father had moved in the last decade of the 19th century for professional advancement. Ipoh was then an attractive location for migrants from China and the Indian subcontinent since it was in the Kinta valley--touted then, as the world's richest single tin field. Chelvanayakam was brought to Jaffna peninsula when he was aged four (in 1902 or 1903) by his mother, who returned to her native Tellipalai town partly due to indifferent health during her stay in Kinta region. In this communication, I present a hypothesis that organotin exposure as a foetus or during infancy at his place of birth is likely to have been a contributing factor to Chelvanayakam's Parkinsonism. It seems to fit the available circumstantial evidence.  相似文献   

褚澄先生是南齐时河南阳翟人,著有《褚氏遗书》,该书仅二千二百余字,分十篇,发挥了人身中气血阴阳之奥秘。该文就褚澄的生平及对胚胎形成、平脉、五体、阴阳精血、婚育保健、传染病、用药等方面的学术观点作以研究阐述。  相似文献   

嘉惠霖医生出生于美国费城 ,宾夕法尼亚大学医学博士。 190 9年来到中国广州 ,直到退休之年才离开广州 ,前后近 4 0年。开始他在岭南学堂当西医学教师 ,同时在东方最古老的西医院———博济医院当医生。他是民国时期在华著名的外国医生 ,岭南大学医学院内科教授。他是《博济医院百年史》的作者 ,他在书中详细记述美国传教医生在博济医院的工作 ,特别是开拓者伯驾、嘉约翰的贡献。该书至今仍是研究中国西医史及近代中外医学交流史重要的参考文献。  相似文献   

简述民国时期黄山名士陈无咎的传奇经历,分析其医学思想。治学宗从《内经》,实践崇尚揆度;弘扬丹溪学说,创办中医院校;主张取长补短,融汇中西医学,旨在发展中医。  相似文献   

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