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代孕技术的伦理学思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人类辅助生殖技术(assistedrep roductive technique,ART)已成为治疗不孕不育夫妇的常规手段。其迅猛发展对揭示人类生命的奥秘指日可待。代孕技术是ART的一项衍生技术,代孕母亲的社会地位、随之而来的商业化、地下化、子代的归属问题引发社会激烈的争论,如何使之最大限度地造福于人类,在一定程度上可归结为如何处理好代孕技术所涉及的伦理法规等方面的问题。合理利用ART技术和制定相应的法律法规是避免出现伦理和社会混乱的有效途径。  相似文献   

代理母亲是指代人妊娠的妇女,根据胎儿与孕母之间有无遗传关系,可将代理孕母分为“遗传代孕”及“妊娠代孕”两种方式.在其作为一种解决不孕问题的方法带给不孕夫妇好处的同时,也引起了许多伦理争论.本文概括了当前代理孕母支持者和反对者的主要观点,并引述了部分学者为代理孕母所进行的伦理学辩护,他们认为:代理孕母制度本身并不存在剥削,没有将妇女的身体物化、商品化;代理孕母并不一定必然会破坏家庭和婚姻,相反出于仁慈帮助她人的、非商业化的代孕技术的合理使用会促进家庭的幸福,代理孕母与买卖婴儿也存在本质上的差别.全面禁止代理孕母的政策需要重新考虑.  相似文献   

关于克隆人的社会伦理问题再思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
克隆技术分为治疗性克隆和生殖性克隆,即克隆人。克隆人已经从酝酿进入实质研究、生产阶段,克隆人似乎成为必然,但本身存在着很多社会、伦理、法律问题,诸如伦理上的尊严、自主、和谐问题、社会上的家庭问题、社会身份与歧视、人口问题等。但这些并不能成为阻止克隆人研究的屏障,克隆人一旦技术上成熟,就会面世,我们要做的不仅要对生殖性克隆人进行道德控制,更要进行法律控制。  相似文献   

张珺  杨菁  张瑜 《广西医学》2016,(1):140-142
代孕是继辅助生殖技术( ART)诞生后的一项新型高效助孕技术,而无主胚胎是不孕夫妻经辅助生殖技术成功生育后的剩余胚胎。辅助生殖技术推动了生殖医学的发展,给不孕家庭带来了福音。但其与人类自然生殖方式以及传统伦理、道德、法律观念产生重大冲突。本文对代孕和无主胚胎的现状及产生伦理问题进行总结,并对辅助生殖技术引发的伦理问题提出建议。  相似文献   

关于现代辅助生殖技术的伦理思考   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
史济纯 《医学与社会》2002,15(3):37-38,41
人类的生殖方式属于有性生殖 ,这是一个复杂的自然生殖过程。辅助生殖技术是通过科技人为辅助或改变自然生殖过程的某一环节或全部过程来完成生育的技术 ,是不孕、不育诊治及优生优育的重要手段。生殖技术与其它科学技术一样 ,是一把双刃剑 ,在给无数个不育夫妇带来了福音 ,使生产移植器官、治疗顽固性疾病成为可能的同时 ,也可能祸害无穷 ,尤其是生殖技术直接触及人类道德生活最保守的领域 ,因而引发许多伦理难题 ,其中主要包括 :人工授精、体外授精 (即试管婴儿技术、胚胎冷藏技术、显锻接箱技术、着床前遗传诊断技术 )、代孕母亲和无性生…  相似文献   

代孕行为自普遍化以来,一直备受社会关注。它给患有生殖功能障碍的育龄夫妻带来了希望,满足他们拥有与自己有血缘关系的下一代的渴望。此外,由于代孕行为的复杂性和不可控性,集中体现了代孕存在较为广泛、深远的伦理争议。本文试图理清代孕伦理争议的焦点以及论证代孕的合理性。旨在使代孕行为能够减少伦理纠纷,发挥其综合效能和造福社会。  相似文献   

代孕行为自普遍化以来,一直备受社会关注。它给患有生殖功能障碍的育龄夫妻带来了希望,满足他们拥有与自己有血缘关系的下一代的渴望。此外,由于代孕行为的复杂性和不可控性,集中体现了代孕存在较为广泛、深远的伦理争议。本文试图理清代孕伦理争议的焦点以及论证代孕的合理性。旨在使代孕行为能够减少伦理纠纷,发挥其综合效能和造福社会。  相似文献   

辅助生育技术的伦理聚焦   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
辅助生育技术是利用现代医学手段代替人类自然生殖过程中的某一步骤或全部步骤,尽管目前辅助生育技术已经得到大多数社会公众的认可,但是由此引发的伦理争论并未停歇,主要伦理难题表现为生育与婚姻的分离、传统家庭模式的崩溃,亲子关系的破裂,代孕母亲的利弊,精子库的功过和血亲通婚的危险。  相似文献   

代孕技术作为人类辅助生殖技术之一,在积极服务于不孕不育人群的同时,也引发了社会对伦理道德和现有法律之间的激烈争议。通过介绍我国代孕技术应用和立法现状,借鉴国外有关代孕技术在法律实践方面的经验,从法学、医学、社会学等角度进行理论分析,论证代孕技术在我国合法化的可行性,并从代孕技术实施条件、代孕子女归属和代孕母亲法律地位等方面,提出构建我国代孕技术立法规范化的设想。  相似文献   

20多年来 ,人类生殖辅助技术取得了突飞猛进的发展 ,经历了从常规体外受精一胚胎移植一单精子卵细胞胞浆内注射一着床前遗传诊断一细胞核移植 (克隆 )技术和胚胎干细胞培养技术的过程 ,但这一医学技术是一把“双刃剑” ,它既为不孕患者带来了福音 ,也产生了法律、伦理、道德、遗传病等一系列问题 ,而倍受关注。1790年 ,医学上首例助孕技术获得成功 ,JohnHunter为严重尿道下裂者的妻子施行丈夫精子人工授精获得妊娠。1884年WilliamPancoast报道了首例供精人工授精获得妊娠。此后的一个世纪助孕技术无重大突破 ,直至…  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术对社会、伦理道德观带来的巨大冲击日益加深。由于其导致生育和婚姻的分离,进而引发了一系列的伦理问题。如何协调医学科学和伦理道德的关系,使其不仅有利于生命技术的发展,也有利于维护人类社会伦理秩序,需要在伦理的框架下寻求相应的技术规范和法律制度的支持。  相似文献   

本产就人工授精、配子和胚胎捐赠、借腹怀胎和替代母亲、孕母年龄、配子与胚胎保存以及选择性杀胚等方面的伦理问题进行了讨论.并呼吁我国尽快立法使这些新技术的科研和医疗能在法律规范的范围内进行.  相似文献   

S Elias  G J Annas 《JAMA》1986,255(1):62-68
A review is provided of social issues posed by the reproductive technologies of artificial insemination by donor, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, surrogate motherhood, surrogate embryo transfer, and the implantation of previously frozen embryos. These issues include possible use unrelated to infertility, status of the embryo, identification of parents, donor screening and anonymity, and commercialization. The policy recommendations of Great Britain's Warnock Committee and Australia's Waller Committee are briefly discussed, as is the current absence of a comparable commission in the United States. Prompt state legislative action is proposed to establish the gestational mother as legal mother and to forbid the sale of human embryos. Action by professional organizations and a national advisory commission are recommended to formulate social policy protecting the interests of children resulting from reproductive technologies.  相似文献   

Hill EC 《JAMA》1987,258(16):2276-2277
Hill provides a brief overview of the past year's developments in obstetrics and gynecology, concentrating on ethical issues in human reproduction. Among the topics mentioned are abortion, sex education for adolescents, artificial insemination by donor (AID), surrogate motherhood, in vitro fertilization, and the American Fertility Society's 1986 report on the ethical considerations of the new reproductive technologies.  相似文献   

Many new reproductive methods such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation, freezing of human embryos, and surrogate motherhood were at first widely condemned but are now seen in Western society as not just ethically and morally acceptable, but beneficial in that they allow otherwise infertile couples to have children. The idea of human cloning was also quickly condemned but debate is now emerging. This article examines cloning from a Jewish perspective and finds evidence to support the view that there is nothing inherently wrong with the idea of human cloning. A hypothesis is also advanced suggesting that even if a body was cloned, the brain, which is the essence of humanity, would remain unique. This author suggests that the debate should be changed from "Is cloning wrong?" to "When is cloning wrong?".  相似文献   

The ethical implications of human clones have been much alluded to, but have seldom been examined with any rigour. This paper examines the possible uses and abuses of human cloning and draws out the principal ethical dimensions, both of what might be done and its meaning. The paper examines some of the major public and official responses to cloning by authorities such as President Clinton, the World Health Organisation, the European parliament, UNESCO, and others and reveals their inadequacies as foundations for a coherent public policy on human cloning. The paper ends by defending a conception of reproductive rights of "procreative autonomy" which shows human cloning to be not inconsistent with human rights and dignity.  相似文献   

目的探讨本科护生对人工辅助生殖技术的认同度及相关影响因素,分析本科护生思想中存在的伦理误区。方法自行设计人工辅助生殖技术认同度调查问卷,包括学生的一般资料、一个典型案例及所附带的6个伦理问题,对372名本科护生进行问卷调查。结果本科护生对人工辅助生殖技术伦理问题持较为宽容的态度;70%的本科护生对"名人精子库"持否定态度;16.3%的本科护生对"名人精子库"诞生的孩子必然成为名人的说法持否定态度;54.1%的本科护生对告知由人工辅助技术出生的孩子其真实身世的态度上是否定的。不同性别本科护生在"名人精子库"、"单身母亲"、"代孕母亲"等问题的态度上存在显著差异(p﹤0.05);不同家庭收入的本科护生在"单身母亲"态度上存在显著差异(p﹤0.05)。结论大部分本科护生对人工辅助生殖技术持有较为理性的态度,少数本科护生存在伦理误区,教学中要开展有针对性的教育,同时需健全和完善相关法律法规。  相似文献   

After years of failure, in November 2007 primate embryonic stem cells were derived by somatic cellular nuclear transfer, also known as therapeutic cloning. The first embryo transfer for human reproductive cloning purposes was also attempted in 2006, albeit with negative results. These two events force us to think carefully about the possibility of human cloning which is now much closer to becoming a reality. In this paper we tackle this issue from two sides, first summarising what scientists have achieved so far, then discussing some of the ethical arguments in favour and against human cloning which are debated in the context of policy making and public consultation. Therapeutic cloning as a means to improve and save lives has uncontroversial moral value. As to human reproductive cloning, we consider and assess some common objections and failing to see them as conclusive. We do recognise, though, that there will be problems at the level of policy and regulation that might either impair the implementation of human reproductive cloning or make its accessibility restricted in a way that could become difficult to justify on moral grounds. We suggest using the time still available before human reproductive cloning is attempted successfully to create policies and institutions that can offer clear directives on its legitimate applications on the basis of solid arguments, coherent moral principles, and extensive public consultation.  相似文献   

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