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 目的:探讨正品细辛与非正品细辛、细辛地上部分与地下部分及正品细辛间挥发油中主成分含量的差异,为建立中药细辛的质量评价体系提供资料?方法:首次用内标法对国产药用细辛12个种共24个样品挥发油中甲基丁香酚(methyleugenol)和黄樟醚(safrole)的含量进行了气相色谱分析?结果与结论:正品细辛中甲基丁香酚和黄樟醚的含量远高于非正品细辛;正品细辛地下部分和地上部分挥发油中两种成分的含量差异不大;三种正品细辛的挥发油中甲基丁香酚的含量依次为汉城细辛>北细辛>华细辛,黄樟醚的含量依次为华细辛>北细辛>汉城细辛。  相似文献   

目的:探讨正品细辛与非正品细辛、细辛地上部分与地下部分及正品细辛间挥发油中主成分含量的差异,为建立中药细辛的质量评价体系提供资料。方法:首次用内标法对国产药用细辛12 个种共24 个样品挥发油中甲基丁香酚(methyleugenol)和黄樟醚(safrole) 的含量进行了气相色谱分析。结果与结论:正品细辛中甲基丁香酚和黄樟醚的含量远高于非正品细辛;正品细辛地下部分和地上部分挥发油中两种成分的含量差异不大;三种正品细辛的挥发油中甲基丁香酚的含量依次为汉城细辛> 北细辛> 华细辛,黄樟醚的含量依次为华细辛> 北细辛> 汉城细辛  相似文献   

目的:调查近年我国麻黄的资源分布和市售品情况,为麻黄的资源保护和品种整理研究提供依据.方法:采用实地调查、委托调查和访问调查等相结合的方法.结果:由于20世纪末对麻黄资源的掠夺式开发,生态环境和野生资源遭严重破坏,正品麻黄的资源急剧减少,内蒙古中、西部已少见草麻黄,宁夏和甘肃西北部曾有的数万公顷中麻黄资源已完全消失,尤其是木贼麻黄资源已濒临灭绝,仅见零星分布于新疆阿勒泰山脉一带.全国市场七的主流品种为草麻黄(33/38份商品药材),中麻黄次之(5/38份商品药材),但中麻黄在分布区(青海和新疆)的小规模诊所中常见,未见木贼麻黄商品药材.结论:应大力发展麻黄的栽培技术,尤其是推广中麻黄和木贼麻黄的栽培,同时也要积极采取措施保护并恢复麻黄的野生资源(如采用适当的采收方法).  相似文献   

毛茛科升麻属植物资源概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
升麻属植物为多年生草本,在我国分布广泛且品种甚多,同属品种或变种由于在植物形态或功效上与正品升麻类似,故在很多地区作替代品。我国药用正品升麻主要包括升麻、兴安升麻、大三叶升麻;我国升麻属非正品主要包括小升麻、单穗升麻、云南升麻、南川升麻、短果升麻、批针升麻。同时以日本药用升麻资源为例,简要介绍国外升麻使用情况,提示我们可以扩大本国非正品升麻的使用价值(如出口),为我国广阔的非正品升麻资源开辟新的市场。  相似文献   

细辛(Herba Asari)始载于《神农本草经》列为上品。为马兜铃科植物北细辛Asarum heterotropoides Fr.Schmidt var.mandshuficum(Maxim).Kitag.汉城细辛Asarum sieboldii MiqVar.seoulense Nakai或华细辛Asarum Sieboldii Miq.的干燥全草。前二者习称“辽细辛”。近年来,由于资源的逐年减少,加之临床和医药工业需求量增大,价格上扬,在药材市场上出现了不少伪品,这些品种的功效与正品细辛不尽相同,  相似文献   

目的:进行不同产地的北细辛和华细辛镇痛抗炎药效学评价。方法:以醋酸扭体试验、热板试验对细辛进行镇痛作用评价;以二甲苯致鼠耳肿胀试验对细辛进行抗炎作用评价。结果:12个不同产地的北细辛和华细辛样品均有镇痛和抗炎作用,疼痛抑制率7个北细辛样品在27%~61%,5个华细辛样品在40%~59%。6个产地北细辛的炎症抑制率(50%~70%)强于5个产地的华细辛炎症抑制率(34%~48%)。不同产地同一品种的细辛镇痛抗炎作用差异显著。北细辛:醋酸扭体实验结果显示4个吉林产细辛镇痛作用(38%~57%)均强于黑龙江产细辛(34%);热板实验结果显示黑龙江产细辛镇痛作用(43%)强于2个辽宁产细辛(29%~36%)。华细辛:醋酸扭体实验显示3个陕西产细辛镇痛作用(47%~49%)均强于湖北产细辛(40%);热板实验显示3个陕西产细辛镇痛作用(45%~59%)强于重庆产细辛(40%)。鼠耳肿胀实验结果显示北细辛4个吉林产细辛抗炎作用(51%~63%)均优于黑龙江产细辛(50%)。道地性分析表明,北细辛及华细辛道地药材的镇痛作用有强于各自非道地药材的趋势;北细辛道地药材的抗炎作用较非道地药材强,但华细辛道地药材和非道地药材在抗炎作用方面无明显差异。结论:不同产地的细辛均有镇痛抗炎作用,但作用强度明显不同,显示细辛具有一定程度的道地性。  相似文献   

细辛的本草考证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过考证,认为历代本草记载的传统药用细辛是正品细辛,其主要品种应为细辛(Asarum sieboldii),药用部位应为根部;而中国药典1985年版记载的细辛全草并非传统药用细辛,其主要品种、药用部位、采集季节、加工方法等均与传统药用细辛不同,其用量标准亦与目前临床实际用量不符,建议将其另立一药,定名为细辛草。  相似文献   

甘肃细辛的植物资源调查兼论细辛的产区变迁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
细辛为常用中药材,古今药用品种较混杂,本草记载的正品细辛主产于陕西及辽宁,前者来源于马兜铃科华细辛Asarum Sieboldii Miq.药用历史悠久,品质优良;后者为同属辽细辛A.heterotropoides Fr.Schm var.mandshuricum(Maxim)Kitag和汉城细辛A.sieboldii Miq var.Seoulense(Nakai)C.YCheng et.C.S.Yang为现代细辛的重要产区和植物来源;这是目前有关细辛考证较为一致的结论[1,2],上述品种为<中国药典>所收载[3].  相似文献   

细辛类药材挥发油薄层层析比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为给细辛类药材的鉴别提供依据,采用薄层层析法比较了细辛类药材挥发油的化学成分。发现正品细辛地上部分与对应地下部分挥发油的薄层层析图谱仅稍有差异;汉城细辛挥发油的薄层层析图谱与北细辛相似,与华细辛区别较大;细辛类药材挥发油的薄层层析图谱在种内有较好的稳定性,种间差别明显。表明正品细辛地上部分与相应地下部分挥发油的化学成分组成相似;该方法可用于细辛类药材的种间鉴别。  相似文献   

细辛始载于《神农本草经》,列为上品。具有祛风散寒、温肺化饮、通窍止痛的功效。据《本草别说》、《本草衍义》、《名医别录》等诸家所论[1],细辛的药源广泛,"处处有之",但以华阴(陕西省华阴县)、华州(陕西省华县)和高丽(今辽宁省东部及吉林省南部至朝鲜半岛)产者为好,即今之华细辛和北细辛为细辛之正品。细辛发挥功效的成分及毒性均来源于挥发油[2],故2005年版《中国药典》规定北细辛、华细辛、汉城细辛的挥发油不得少于2%[3]。  相似文献   

中药细辛商品药材的基源研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从中国28省市收集到细辛商品药材158份,发现其中仅3/4来源于中国药典品种,其余1/4来源于非中国药典品种。11l份来源于北细辛,在26省市使用;25份来源于单叶细辛,在10省区使用;另22份来源于华细辛、杜衡等9种植物。  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Several medicinal plants are traditionally traded in open-air markets in Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil) to treat tuberculosis (TB) and related symptoms.

Aims of the study

Conduct a survey in the open-air markets of 20 cities of Rio de Janeiro State to find medicinal plants that are popularly used to treat tuberculosis and other related diseases and assess their in vitro antimycobacterial activity.

Materials and methods

We used direct observation and semi-structured interviews and asked herbalists to list species (free listing) in order to gather data about the plant species most commonly used for lung problems. We calculated a Salience Index and acquired two species of “erva-de-passarinho” (mistletoe), Struthanthus marginatus and Struthanthus concinnus (Loranthaceae), commonly used to treat tuberculosis for a bioassay-guided isolation of the antimycobacterial active principles. Extracts, fractions and isolated compounds of both species were assayed in vitro against susceptible (H37Rv) and rifampicin-resistant (ATCC 35338) Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains.


From the interviews, we generated a list of 36 plant species belonging to 12 families. The mistletoes Struthanthus marginatus and Struthanthus concinnus showed high Salience Index values among plants used to treat tuberculosis. Bioassay-guided fractionation of hexane extracts from both species led to the isolation and/or identification of steroids and terpenoids. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the extracts and isolated compounds ranged from 25 to 200 μg/mL. Some of the isolated compounds have been previously assayed against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, others are reported here for the first time (obtusifoliol: MIC H37Rv 50 μg/mL, MIC ATCC 35338 12.5 μg/mL; 3-O-n-acil-lup-20(29)-en-3β,7β,15α-triol: MIC H37Rv 200 μg/mL, MIC ATCC 35338 100 μg/mL).


This study demonstrated the importance of ethnobotanical surveys in markets as a source for new drugs and also for scientific validation of folk medicine.  相似文献   

该文考证中药材"金钗"、"金钗石斛"的植物基原,以正本清源。结合本草描述,查阅湖北、四川、重庆、河南和陕西等5省市部分地方志及文史资料,对老河口、利川、房县、西峡、内乡、安康、万源等20余个县市的老药工和老中医进行走访调查,并采集调查区域的少量金钗植株进行活体保存和鉴定。"金钗"和"金钗石斛"之名在川东北、渝东、鄂西、鄂北、陕东南、豫西的民间应用广泛,地方志及文史资料多有记载,在民间歌谣和故事传说中亦有体现;调查和鉴定结果表明,历史上中药材名称"金钗"和"金钗石斛"为中国特有种曲茎石斛Dendrobium flexicaule,并有龙头金、人字金、环字金、龙头凤尾金等别名,所加工的干燥金钗药材称金耳环。中药材"金钗"、"金钗石斛"的植物来源为曲茎石斛D. flexicaule,而不是《中国植物志》(19卷)和《中国植物志》(英文版)(25卷),以及自1977年以来历版《中国药典》中所使用的名称石斛(D. nobile,别名金钗石斛)。尽管植物的中文名称不受植物分类学者对植物命名所必须遵循的规章《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》的制约,但为避免中文名称使用混乱,特别是中药材行业药材名称的混乱,建议将石斛D. nobile的中文别名更改为扁草石斛,而D. flexicaule的中文名改为金钗石斛,别名中增加金钗、曲茎石斛。  相似文献   


Aim of the study

Based on the authors’ collection of specimens used as Jie-Ji in local Tibetan areas, China, and taxonomic determination, this paper aims to give a list of medicinal plants as Jie-Ji, formally identify the ones recognized as Jie-Ji Ga-Bao or Jie-Ji Na-Bao and to offer basic data for further studies on these Tibetan herbs.

Materials and methods

Local herbalists were visited in Tibetan areas, China to observe which plants were being used as Jie-Ji. Samples of the indigenous plants were collected at the same time. Also, the medicinal plants as Jie-Ji were taxonomically identified.


A list of medicinal plants including 10 species of Jie-Ji in local Tibetan areas is given, including their morphological pictures used for identification.


The origin of Jie-Ji is from 10 species of the Section Cruciata, Genus Gentiana (Gentianaceae). five species with dark blue flowers are used as Jie-Ji Na-Bao, the other five with white flowers are used as Jie-Ji Ga-Bao. Also, Gentiana macrophylla Pall. with dark blue flowers in the Section Cruciata, Genus Gentiana is not the original plant of Jie-Ji Na-Bao. The species endemic to the province are used as the original plants of Jie-Ji only in local Tibetan area of the province. Finally, the drug use of Jie-Ji in Traditional Tibetan Medicine is reasonable and it is efficacious.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Li N  Gao W  Man S  Yin S  Liu C 《Journal of ethnopharmacology》2012,142(3):789-794

Ethnopharmacological relevance

The rhizoma of Paris polyphylla var. yannanensis or P. polyphylla var. chinensis called Rhizoma Paridis as a traditional Chinese medicine has an effect of heat-clearing and detoxicating, detumescence and acesodyne in folk for a long time. The increasing application of Rhizoma Paridis resulted in the shortage of wildlife resources. Here, we compared the major activities of other species of genus Paris to find the replacement plants.

Materials and methods

Six species (P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis, P. delavayi var. delavayi, P. fargesii var. Fargesii, P. bashanensis Wang et Tang, P. polyphyllar var. minora, and P. polyphylla var. pseudothibetical) were collected from three Provinces in China, and compared the hemostatic, cytotoxic and hemolytic activities by different assays.


For the hemostatic activity, all the plants except Paris fargesii var. Fargesii could significantly shorten the tail bleeding time and blood clotting time (P<0.05). For further mechanism study, they reduced the prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), but they had no significant effect on thrombin time (TT). P. fargesii var. Fargesii showed the similar cytotoxicity to P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis (IC50: 18.21 and 15.73 μg/mL, respectively). HD50 was used as the index of hemolytic activity. P. delavayi var. delavayi and P. bashanensis Wang et Tang were the last to have this activity as the values were 3.027 and 1.222 mg/mL.


The different species of genus Paris have different activities. Paris delavayi var. delavayi and Paris bashanensis Wang et Tang could be used as the resources of hemostatic drugs and P. fargesii var. Fargesii as the antitumor medicine.  相似文献   

云南地区三七和草果上真菌污染的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解云南地区主产的中药材三七和草果上污染真菌的主要类群,分析这2种常用药材上潜在的真菌毒素污染的可能性。方法:采集来源于云南不同地区市售的三七、草果药材,使用稀释平板法分离药材表面真菌,依据形态学特征结合分子生物学方法对主要分离菌株进行鉴定。结果:三七污染真菌以淡紫拟青霉和橘青霉为优势菌;草果污染菌中的优势菌为淡紫拟青霉和黄曲霉。结论:根据三七和草果上污染菌的情况,在云南地区三七存在橘青霉毒素污染的风险,草果存在黄曲霉毒素污染的风险。  相似文献   

The genus Caragana is a member of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae and is native to arid and semi-arid areas of the temperate zones of Asia and Eastern Europe. Many species are cultured for dune-fixation, livestock forage and biological resources for fuel energy and fiber production. More than 10 species in this genus have a long history of use in traditional Chinese, Mongolian and Tibetan medicines and are believed to “nourish yin, invigorate the spleen, temper the blood and promote blood flow”. They have been used for the treatment of a wide range of ailments including fevers, inflammation, wounds and infections, dizziness, headache, hypertension, female disorders, arthritis and cancer. Over 100 phytochemicals have been identified with flavonoids and stilbenoids being the major constituents of this genus. Clinical studies have demonstrated the pharmacological activities of different Caraganum species, e.g. Caragana sinica for the treatment of hypertension, and in vivo and/or in vitro studies have provided some support for other traditional uses, e.g. anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, phytoestrogenic, immunostimulant and immunosuppressant activities. However, further studies to identify the active components and further verify the pharmacological activities are warranted. This review presents a comprehensive analysis of the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of the genus Caragana.  相似文献   

中药地龙的药源调查与商品鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经对我国地龙药材的药源调查与商品鉴定,结果表明,地龙的原动物主要有13种和变种。分别隶属于钜蚓科和正蚓科的3个属。其中90%以上的商品地龙来源于药典收载品种参环毛蚓Pherctimaaspergillum(E.perrier)和威廉环毛蚓P.guillelmi(Michaelsen)、栉盲坏毛蚓P.pectinifera(Michaelsen)及通俗环毛蚓P.vulgaris(Chien)。其它品种如背暗异唇蚓Allolobophoracaliginosatrapezoides(Ant.Duges)、湖北环毛蚓P.hypeiessis(Michaelsen)、秉前环毛蚓P.praepinguis(Gates)等9种蚯蚓仅在少数地区使用。  相似文献   

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