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目的 分析广东省非结核病防治机构(简称“非结防机构”)网络直报肺结核患者到结核病防治机构(简称“结防机构”)就诊情况及其影响因素。方法 利用网络直报信息开展患者转诊追踪工作,以2011年广东省医疗机构应报告转诊肺结核或疑似肺结核患者106669例(均为广东省现住址患者)为研究对象、以患者到位率为指标、以logistic回归分析为方法进行分析评价。结果 广东省2011年有89825例已到结防机构就诊,总体到位率为84.2%(89825/106669),追踪到位患者占所有到位患者数的42.5%(38179/89825)。转诊(OR=7.993;95%CI:7.611~8.395)、有身份证号(OR=1.049;95%CI:1.006~1.094)、有电话号码(OR=1.534;95%CI:1.467~1.603)、有单位名称(OR=1.222;95%CI:1.165~1.282)和地址详细(OR=1.360;95%CI:1.297~1.425)是利于患者到位的影响因素。与其他地区相比,粤西地区的患者总体到位率偏低(OR=0.903;95%CI:0.847~0.963)。乡镇卫生院社区卫生服务中心的患者总体到位率比县级及以上人民医院的总体到位率高(OR=1.562;95%CI:1.465~1.666)。疑似患者总体到位率低于实验室诊断患者(OR=10.006;95%CI:9.219~10.861)和临床诊断患者(OR=2.458;95%CI:2.349~2.571)。15~岁组(OR=0.338;95%CI:0.285~0.400)、35~岁组(OR=0.282;95%CI:0.238~0.334)和55~岁组(OR=0.243;95%CI:0.205~0.288)的患者总体到位率均低于<15岁组。结论广东省患者转诊追踪工作仍有提升的空间,需采取综合管理措施以巩固和提高患者到位率,而督促非结防机构转诊患者、确保报告信息的完整准确和提升非结防机构诊断结核病能力等措施是提高患者到位的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨新疆喀什地区综合医疗机构与结核病防治机构合作(简称“医防合作”)过程中肺结核患者和可疑患者转诊不到位的原因及影响因素。 方法 2010年5-7月在喀什地区喀什市、英吉沙县2个地区,经过国家卫生部专家调研分析后,协助新疆维吾尔自治区制定统一调查方案,采取分组随机选择的方法,对60例到位与60例不到位疑似肺结核患者,进行问卷调查。两组调查问卷根据方案均由国家统一设计,内容一致,共调查120例(60例到位,60例不到位),有效回答问卷120例。调查者由经统一培训的结防专业人员共同完成。并由自治区CDC结核病防治人员对被调查对象及每张问卷内容进行审对。统计方法采用直接描述法和单因素、多因素logistic分析方法,采用SPSS 16.0进行分析。 结果 单因素logistic回归模型分析结果显示:到位组中认为自己服药能治愈肺结核的有18例、认为不能治愈的有39例、没考虑的3例;未到位组中认为自己能治愈肺结核有22例、认为不能治愈的有26例、没考虑的12例(OR=1.223,95%CI值为0.700~2.138,Wald χ2=8.40,P=0.015);在到位组中转诊医生告知国家结核病免费诊疗政策的有48例、未告知12例,在未到位组中告知37例、未告知23例(OR=2.486,95%CI值为1.096~5.641,Wald χ2=4.88,P=0.027)。多因素logistic回归模型分析结果显示:认为自己服药不能治愈肺结核(β=-1.871,Waldχ2=7.069,P=0.008,OR=0.154,95%CI值为0.039~0.612)和转诊医生告知国家结核病免费诊疗政策是肺结核患者在非结核病防治机构转诊不到位的影响因素(β=0.886,Wald χ2=4.000,P=0.045,OR=2.424,95%CI值为1.018~5.774)。 结论 喀什地区网络报告肺结核疑似患者不到位的原因在于综合医疗机构的医务人员没有对患者进行耐心、细致的结核病健康教育,使患者对结核病的认识有很多误区而不愿去结核病防治机构就诊,从而导致喀什地区网络报告疑似肺结核患者转诊不到位。  相似文献   

目前综合医院等非结核病防治机构(简称“非结防机构”)仍是肺结核患者就诊的首选场所[1]。加强结核病防治机构(简称“结防机构”)与综合医院等非结防机构间的合作,促使非结防机构诊断的肺结核或疑似肺结核患者转诊到结防机构,是提高肺结核患者发现水平的一项有效措施[2]。天津市结核病控制中心采取行政部门推动、细化工作程序、完善培训机制、建立奖惩制度等措施加强与三级综合医院合作,从而提高肺结核患者到位率。本研究对2003-2012年10年间天津市城区三级综合医院可疑肺结核患者转诊追踪情况进行总结,并分析其转诊到位的影响因素。  相似文献   

目的 对2007~2012年周口市非结防机构网络直报肺结核疫情进行分析,探讨非结防机构在结核病防治工作中的作用及加强结防机构与非结防机构在结核病防治工作中的方法.方法 对2007~2012年周口市非结防机构网络直报月报表及肺结核患者转诊追踪情况进行分析.结果 (1)2007~2012年周口市非结防机构网络直报率报告率在20.55~25.81/10万,平均22.14/10万;(2)2007~2012年周口市非结防机构网络直报肺结核疫情转诊到位率61%~65%;(3)2007~2012年周口市非结防机构网络直报肺结核疫情追踪率98.4%,追踪到位率在57.9%~97.9,平均77%;(4)2007~2012年周口市非结防机构网络直报肺结核疫情总体到位率平均91.2%;(5)自2007年起,非结防机构肺结核患者发现率逐年上升,对活动性肺结核患者及涂阳肺结核患者的发现贡献率总体呈上升趋势.结论 非结防机构在肺结核患者发现工作中起到重要作用,规范开展非结防机构网络直报肺结核患者转诊追踪工作,能有效提高肺结核患者发现水平.2010年全国第五次结核病流行病学调查结果显示:93.1%的有肺结核症状的首诊单位为综合医院、乡镇卫生院(社区卫生服务中心)、村卫生所(社区卫生服务站)和私人诊所等各类型的医疗机构,而到结防机构直接就诊的仅占6.9%[1].对综合医疗机构诊断的肺结核及疑似肺结核患者采取转诊与  相似文献   

目的 分析在我国结核病防治规划实施中,县级结核病防治机构登记的初治涂阴肺结核患者诊断质量和影响因素。 方法 按照2006年全国初治涂阴肺结核患者的登记率水平,抽取4个省,每个省选择1个地(市),每个地(市)抽取2个县,采取整群抽样的方法,对各县抽取60例涂阴肺结核患者诊断时的X线胸片和收集患者有关临床资料。各县所有复读胸片经数码摄像后,采用国家级专家个人盲法复读和专家组复读。国家级专家包括结核病防治、结核病临床和放射专家各2位。国家级专家组由结核病防治、结核病临床和放射专家各2位组成。各小组和专家对X线胸片复读认为不符合活动性肺结核患者影像学改变者为过诊。并对所有过诊患者的影响因素(共14个变量)分别进行单因素及多因素logistic回归分析,探讨涂阴肺结核诊断质量与相关的影响因素。
结果 涂阴肺结核总过诊率20.78%(399/1920),8个县X线胸片诊断的平均过诊率为10.83%(26/240)~32.50%(78/240)不等,各专家对胸片复核时,其复核后过诊率在10.21%(49/480)~33.13%(159/480)不等。所有的变量经logistic多因素回归分析,结果显示最终影响过诊的有胸片质量、性别、年龄、病例诊断医生、结核菌素检查、卡介苗接种史及患者来源7个因素。使涂阴肺结核过诊风险增加相关的因素包括:40岁~(OR=2.007,95%CI=1.165~3.535)及60岁以上(OR=1.710,95%CI=1.277~2.940)、女性(OR=1.941,95%CI=1.226~3.102)、门诊医生(OR=2.243,95%CI=1.793~4.27)、结核菌素检查史(OR=1.985,95%CI=1.106~3.564)、卡介苗接种史(OR=2.773,95%CI=1.023~7.515)、胸片质量丙(OR=2.402,95%CI=1.006~6.995)及胸片质量丁(OR=10.694,95%CI=2.348~62.596);涂阴肺结核过诊风险减少的相关的因素包括:诊断小组诊断(OR=0.471,95%CI=0.440~0.643)、转诊(OR=0.521,95%CI=0.313~0.865)、集中推荐(OR=0.437,95%CI=0.206~0.927)。结论 我国涂阴肺结核过诊率较高,过诊的发生与多种因素有关。  相似文献   

目的 分析赤峰市2009-2012年非结核病防治机构(简称“非结防机构”)网络直报肺结核或疑似肺结核患者到结核病防治机构(简称“结防机构”)就诊及诊断情况,探讨提高患者发现效果.方法 利用结核病专报系统中2009-2012年赤峰市非结防机构报告的10 812例肺结核或疑似肺结核患者转诊、追踪及核查报表信息,对实际报告与转诊的7981例患者的转诊到位率、追踪到位率、总体到位率、到位后肺结核患者检出率及非结防机构对肺结核患者发现的贡献率进行分析.结果 2009-2012年赤峰市非结防机构网络直报肺结核或疑似肺结核患者的转诊到位率分别为34.1%(648/1900)、30.4%(613/2017)、32.0%(632/1976)和33.4%(698/2088);结防机构追踪到位率分别为85.5 %(1071/1252)、95.8%(1345/1404)、95.8 %(1288/1344)和94.2 %(1310/1390),结防机构转诊加非结防机构追踪的总体到位率分别为91.3%(1734/1900)、97.4%(1965/2017)、97.4%(1924/1976)和96.6%(2017/2088);到位活动性肺结核检出率为59.7 %(4563/7640),涂阳肺结核患者检出率为24.0%(1833/7640);非结防机构对活动性肺结核及涂阳肺结核患者发现的贡献率分别为29.0%(4563/15 736)和27.7%(1833/6625).结论 2009-2012年赤峰市非结防机构网络直报肺结核患者的转诊到位率仍有很大提升空间,追踪到位率及总体到位率均维持在较高水平.  相似文献   

曹红 《中国防痨杂志》2011,33(5):303-306
目的 分析巢湖市非结防机构网络直报肺结核患者转诊追踪情况,评价结核病防治机构与非结防机构的合作和协调情况,为提高患者发现率提供依据。 方法 收集全市5县(区)疾控中心上报的2007-2009年结核病控制工作月报表,统计分析非结防机构肺结核网络直报肺结核患者的转诊、追踪到位情况。 结果2007-2009年巢湖市非结防机构网络直报应转诊肺结核患者及疑似患者数分别是1 697例、1 793例和1 738例,转诊到位患者数分别是688例、677例和543例,转诊到位率分别为40.5%、37.8%和31.2%;经结防机构追踪后到结防机构就诊患者数分别是785例、957例和961例,追踪到位率分别为80.4%、87.2%和82.2%,每年追踪到位率均显著高于转诊到位率(P<0.05)。 结论 非结防机构网络直报的肺结核患者转诊到位尚存在一定的问题,需要加强结防机构与医疗机构的合作,提高肺结核患者的总体到位率。  相似文献   

目的 了解医疗卫生机构工作人员结核病患病情况及影响因素。 方法 于2010年10月至12月,采用《医务人员结核感染控制调查问卷》,按照目的抽样方法,对抽取的北京市、内蒙古自治区和上海市22家医疗卫生机构的5235名医疗卫生机构工作人员进行调查,收集相关信息并分析。 结果 参加调查的5235名医疗卫生机构工作人员肺结核的年均患病率为664.76/10万(174/26 175),涂阳肺结核的年均患病率191.02/10万(50/26 175)。经多元素分析,可认为男性(调整OR=1.9, 95%CI=1.3~2.7, P<0.05)、单位为结核病防治机构(调整OR=1.8, 95%CI=1.1~2.8,P<0.05)或专科医院(调整OR=2.5,95%CI=1.1~3.6,P<0.05)、科室为结核门诊(调整OR=2.3, 95%CI=1.3~4.1,P<0.05)、与结核病患者近距离接触时间15 h及以上(调整OR=2.2, 95%CI=1.1~4.3,P<0.05)、科室无结核病感染控制制度(调整OR=1.7, 95%CI=1.2~2.3,P<0.05)、吸烟(调整OR=2.8, 95%CI=1.2~2.9,P<0.05)可增加医疗卫生机构工作人员患结核病风险。 结论 所调查医疗卫生机构工作人员结核病患病率高,结核感染控制工作不到位,需加强落实结核病感染控制措施,减少结核分枝杆菌感染。  相似文献   

刘晓宁  李晔 《临床肺科杂志》2020,25(9):1419-1423
目的了解青年肺结核患者形成重症的风险因素,为控制重症肺结核提供依据。方法回顾性分析2017-2018年安徽省胸科医院确诊的青年肺结核患者临床资料,采用非条件Logistic回归模型分析重症肺结核的风险因素。结果共收取2017年1月-2018年12月在我科住院的青年肺结核患者444例作为研究对象,多因素Logistic分析显示:转诊[OR=3.505; 95%CI (1.854~6.627)]、就诊延误[OR=7.944; 95%CI (3.799~16.609)]、文化低[OR=3.496; 95%CI (1.903~6.424)]、低蛋白[OR=9.099; 95%CI(4.840~17.106)]、贫血[OR=3.047; 95%CI (1.714~5.416)]、病原学阳性[OR=3.477; 95%CI (2.053~5.888)]形成重症肺结核的危险性高。结论就诊类型、就诊时限、病原学、是否低蛋白、是否贫血、文化水平是青年肺结核患者形成重症的影响因素;其中转诊、就诊延误、文化水平低、病原学阳性、低蛋白、贫血形成重症肺结核的风险较高。  相似文献   

目的 分析黑河市2009-2011年非结核病防治机构(简称“非结防机构”)网络直报肺结核患者的转诊与追踪情况,提高患者发现效果。 方法 利用结核病管理信息系统中2009-2011年黑河市非结防机构网络报告肺结核转诊、追踪及核查报表,对4991例需转诊患者的转诊到位率、追踪到位率、总体到位率、到位后肺结核患者检出率及非结防机构对肺结核患者发现的贡献率进行分析。 结果 2009-2011年黑河市非结防机构网络直报肺结核及疑似肺结核患者转诊到位率分别为45.4%(870/1918)、47.8%(762/1594)和61.1%(904/1479),呈逐年上升趋势(χ2趋势=78.711, P=0.000);追踪到位率分别为91.7%(961/1048)、94.2%(784/832)、86.6%(498/575);总体到位率分别为95.6%(1834/1918)、97.1%(1547/1594)、94.8%(1402/1479);到位活动性肺结核患者检出率为43.0%(2057/4783),涂阳肺结核患者检出率为23.9%(1144/4783);非结防机构对活动性肺结核患者发现的贡献率为50.1%(2057/4107),对涂阳肺结核患者发现的贡献率为46.8%(1144/2446)。 结论 2009-2011年黑河市的非结防机构网络直报肺结核患者的转诊到位率呈逐年递增趋势,追踪到位率及总体到位率均维持在较高水平。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe our initial experience with treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) for close contacts of infectious TB cases in Singapore, an intermediate TB burden country with mass BCG (re)vaccination since the 1950s. METHODS: Screening of 5699 contacts of 1374 index cases notified in 1998 was carried out at the TB Control Unit. RESULTS: Seventy-five per cent (4239) completed tuberculin skin testing (TST). Fifty-three cases of TB disease were detected (0.9% yield). Twenty-one per cent (895/4239) of the TST-screened contacts were started on LTBI treatment, comprising 92% (810/883) of contacts with TST > or = 15 mm, 5% (64/1195) of those with TST 10-14 mm and 1% (21/2161) of those with TST < 10 mm. The regimen utilized was isoniazid for 6 months in adults and 9 months in children. Eighty-one per cent completed treatment. The incidence of isoniazid-induced hepatitis was 0.45%. Over the ensuing 4 years, one case of active TB was reported among those treated for LTBI, and 10 cases (five without TST readings) were notified among contacts who did not receive treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Where good case-finding and treatment of TB disease exist, and where resources permit, LTBI treatment for close contacts is feasible as a complementary TB control strategy in an intermediate TB burden country with a BCG-vaccinated population.  相似文献   

目的调查和分析固定剂量复合剂(FDC)治疗肺结核的患者依从性,为FDC在我国推广应用提供参考。方法选择4省17县结防机构登记的966例初治涂阳肺结核患者,随机分为研究组和对照组,使用统一调查问卷,调查患者不同治疗时期依从性。结果在治疗前调查961例患者回答问题,899例(93.5%)自愿接受治疗;研究组选择每日服药比例86.8%,高于对照组的42.1%,组间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。强化期末,261例(28.3%)感到坚持治疗有困难,213例(23.1%)认为医生督导是坚持治疗的原因。疗程末,138例(15.5%)认为坚持治疗的关键是医生。结论采用固定剂量复合剂患者依从性优于对照组,药片数量减少是提高依从性原因之一,应加以推广;随疗程进展,医生督导作用下降,应加强对患者强化期的管理和督导。  相似文献   

Objective:To determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with drug resistance tuberculosis(TB) at facility-base level in Tanga,Tanzania.Methods:A total of 79 Mycobacterium tuberculosis(MTB) isolates included in the study were collected from among372(312 new and 60 previously treated) TB suspects self referred to four TB clinics during a prospective study conducted from November 2012 to January 2013.Culture and drug susceptibility test of the isolates was performed at the institute of medical microbiology and epidemiology of infectious diseases,University hospital,Leipzig,Germany.Data on the patient's characteristics were obtained from structured questionnaire administered to the patients who gave informed verbal consent.Unadjusted bivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the risk factors for drug resistant-TB.The significance level was determined at P0.05.Results:The overall proportions of any drug resistance and MDRTB were 12.7%and 6.3%respectively.The prevalence of any drug resistance and MDRTB among new cases were 11.4%and 4.3%respectively,whereas among previously treated cases was 22.2%respectively.Previously treated patients were more likely to develop anti-TB drug resistance.There was no association between anti-TB drug resistances(including MDRTB) with the risk factors analysed.Conclusions:High proportions of anti TB drug resistance among new and previously treated cases observed in this study suggest that,additional efforts still need to be done in identifying individual cases at facility base level for improved TB control programmes and drug resistance survey should continuously be monitored in the country.  相似文献   

《AIDS alert》1995,10(7):88-91
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are using Connecticut as a model for how AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) control programs share information. The two registries have been sharing information since 1986 and find that the match helps both programs monitor recent infection trends and target screening efforts. The law in Connecticut assures that providers will report the HIV status of TB patients and increase the chances that the patients receive proper treatment. By making latent TB a reportable condition in HIV-positive patients, officials also are able to offer preventive therapy and directly observed therapy (DOT) to patients who otherwise may develop active TB. Many civil rights groups have opposed sharing HIV or AIDS reporting with other health agencies because of potential breaches in confidentiality. Although the public health need for identifying co-infection cases is easily justified, confidentiality issues are politically sensitive. In urging TB and AIDS programs to create methods for facilitating detection of co-infection cases, the CDC used a co-infection survey of Chicago. Chicago has a confidentiality law prohibiting the direct reporting of co-infected people to the TB control program. However, the city health department has recently required cases to be reported to both the TB and AIDS registries, facilitating investigation and preventive therapy to contacts.  相似文献   

Objective  To understand barriers to tuberculosis (TB) care among migrant TB patients in Shanghai after the introduction of the TB-free treatment policy which has applied to migrants since 2003, and to provide policy recommendations to improve TB control in migrant populations in big cities.
Methods  In-depth interviews were conducted with 34 migrant patients who registered on the Shanghai TB programme as new bacteria positive pulmonary TB cases. Patients were purposively selected across six districts of Shanghai to give a balance of gender and TB treatment phase.
Results  Financial constraints were reported as the biggest barriers to TB service among migrant patients. Many migrant patients experienced high medical costs both before and after their TB diagnosis. The government free treatment policy only covered a small fraction of patients' total costs. However, respondents tended to stay in Shanghai for treatment because their families were in Shanghai, they were more confident with the quality of medical care there or they felt they could not earn cash at home. Migrant patients had a limited knowledge of TB and the free TB treatment policy, and reported being laid off from work or avoided after having TB.
Conclusions  Health system problems caused the biggest barrier to migrant patients' access to TB care. The free treatment policy alone has little, if any, effect in reducing migrant patients' financial stress: it is also essential to provide social welfare, including living subsidies, for poor migrant TB patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: After decades of improved tuberculosis (TB) control in Russia, notification rates started to rise in 1992. Russia also faces a fast growing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic. OBJECTIVE: To document the extent and characteristics of HIV co-infection in TB patients in St Petersburg, Russia. DESIGN: A prospective cross-sectional study of HIV coinfected culture-positive TB cases. Between 15 June 2002 and 31 March 2003, TB cases at the St Petersburg City TB hospitals and dispensaries were screened for HIV infection. At the HIV Prevention and Treatment Center, HIV-infected individuals were offered TB screening. RESULTS: Forty-nine HIV-infected culture-positive TB cases were identified, mainly at TB hospitals and dispensaries. Most were new pulmonary TB cases. The majority were young (69% < or = 30 years of age), male (84%), unemployed (94%) individuals with a history of injection drug use (IDU) (92%), and, in 35% of cases a history of incarceration. Active case finding was high among contacts of cases (9%), but was not successful in HIV-infected IDUs. CONCLUSION: Although the HIV seroprevalence rate is rising among TB patients, HIV does not yet appear to be driving the St Petersburg TB epidemic. Aggressive collaborative TB-HIV control efforts may still avert adverse effects of HIV on the TB epidemic.  相似文献   

The standard treatment of tuberculosis (TB) is the key to its control. Here we report the statistics of treatment history and the initial regimen for treating TB in 2009. In 2009, 24,170 TB patients were newly notified. Of those, 1751 cases were reported as having had previous treatment and 410 cases were reported as having an unknown treatment history. The proportion of patients receiving retreatment was 7.4%, excluding those of unknown treatment history. The proportion of those receiving retreatment among newly notified TB patients increased with age from those at 20-24 years old (3.2%) to those at 80-84 years old (9.3%). The frequency of retreatment among newly notified TB patients might be partly an indicator of previous insufficient treatment. Regarding the year of previous treatment, the greatest number of cases reported having received previous treatment in 2008 (n=194). The total number of cases whose previous treatment had begun in 2008 or 2009 was 224, i.e. 12.8% of all retreatment cases in 2009. On the other hand, the number of cases having received previous treatment in the 1950s was also significant (n=219, 12.5%). As the initial treatment regimen, the combination of INH (isoniazid), RFP (rifampicin), PZA (pyrazinamide)+EB (ethambutol) or SM (streptomycin) is recommended by the Japanese Society for Tuberculosis. This regimen was initially used in 80.8% of all forms of TB patients aged 15-79 years old, excluding those cases whose treatment regimen was unknown. The data on duration of having actually received PZA was added to the central TB surveillance database starting in 2007. The number of cases who started TB treatment including PZA in 2008 was 15,146. Of those, 11,997 cases had completed TB treatment by the end of 2009, but 9.9% of them could not take PZA fully for 2 months.  相似文献   

We aimed to assess the incidence and clinical characteristics of patients with HIV infection with concurrent Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and tuberculosis (TB). We carried out a retrospective record review of HIV infected patients admitted with pulmonary TB and PCP during the same hospital admission at a large county hospital in Miami, from 1995 to 2004. 2651 patients with HIV infection and possible TB or PCP were identified. There were 99 cases of PCP (81 presumptive and 18 confirmed) and 35 were new cases of TB. There were 17 patients who had a new, concurrent diagnosis of pulmonary TB and PCP. Approximately half of these patients were unaware of their HIV infections and half of them had a negative AFB in sputum. Most were men and had a CD4 count less than 100 cells/mm(3). Chest X-ray disclosed bilateral infiltrates in most of the cases. All but 2 survived the hospital admission. Thus, concurrent TB and PCP in HIV infected patients were not uncommon in this large county hospital in Miami, Florida in the studied period, but its diagnosis was challenging.  相似文献   

目的分析转诊后未到位肺结核可疑者未到位原因,探讨进一步提高转诊到位率的措施。方法采用统一培训调查员,入户填写调查问卷方法对315例转诊后未就诊肺结核可疑症状者进行调查,使用SPSS10.0软件包进行统计分析。结果完成有效调查问卷181份,未就诊者多为低收入(94.1%)、低学历(80.7%)的社会弱势人群,已在其他医院就诊除外肺结核(54.5%)、自觉症状消失/好转(17.4%)、经济困难(6.6%)、行动不便(6.0%)、交通困难(4.8%)、药店自购药(4.2%)等为患者未就诊的主要原因。结论结核病防治专业机构加大工作的积极性和主动性、在全社会强化健康促进工作、特别是强化免费诊治政策的宣传,不断提高与医疗机构的合作程度、提高医务人员传染病报告卡填写质量,加强对抗结核药品的管理力度等措施以提高转诊患者的到位率。  相似文献   

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