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目的:分析急诊胃镜在Dieulafoy病诊疗方面的作用。方法:回顾性分析16例Dieulafoy病患者的临床资料及急诊胃镜诊疗结果。结果:15例首次急诊胃镜明确诊断并给予止血夹、注射或联合止血治疗,其中14例一次性成功止血,1例2次内镜成功止血,另1例经急诊胃镜治疗后仍有少量出血转外科行贲门下病灶楔形切除术后止血,未出现相关并发症。结论:对Dieulafoy病诊断治疗,急诊胃镜是简便、安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨急诊内镜对Dieulafoy病的诊断与治疗.方法 回顾性分析近4年收治的16例Dieulafoy病患者的临床资料.结果 仅1例患者因年龄大,一般情况差,患者自动出院,其余患者均在内镜下止血成功.结论 急诊内镜是Dieulafoy病诊断与治疗的首选方法.  相似文献   

目的比较Dieulafoy病大出血的内镜治疗效果。方法对国内15家医院自1992~2002年报告的经内镜确诊的152例Dieulafoy病进行分析,并对内镜治疗的2种主要方法———注射治疗和电凝治疗进行比较。结果152例Dieulafoy病患者经内镜治疗144例次,手术治疗29例。内镜治疗包括注射治疗88例,成功72例,止血率81.82%(72/88);电凝治疗32例,止血28例,止血率87.5%(28/32)。结论经内镜治疗现已为一线疗法,主要常用有注射疗法和电凝治疗,2者对本病治疗效果无显著性差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

目的 探讨上消化道粘膜下恒径小动脉破裂出血(Dieulafoy病)的内镜诊断与治疗.方法 对2005-04-2008-02胃镜检查诊断的22例Dieulafoy病住院病例进行分析.结果 22例患者用HLE液内镜粘膜下注射治疗,1次注射止血有效率77.3%,2次注射止血总有效率86.4%,有3例注射治疗后仍有活动性出血行手术治疗.平均住院天数11.7 d.结论 对于Dieulafoy引起的上消化道大出血,内镜FILE液粘膜下注射治疗是有效的;诊断上需与消化性溃疡、肿瘤等引起上消化道出血的原因相鉴别.  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜下钛夹止血治疗Dieulafoy病的临床疗效。方法收集整理我院经胃镜明确诊断上消化道Dieulafoy病并出血的26例患者的症状、胃镜下特点,并对内镜下止血术方法进行分析研究。结果 26例Dieulafoy病患者均表现上消化道出血,病灶位于胃小弯距贲门6cm以内占73.1%(19/26),早期止血成功率为100%,治疗前后的出血率比较,具有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论经胃镜下金属钛夹置放术是目前临床上治疗上消化道Dieulafoy病最常见最重要治疗手段之一。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨Dieulafoy病的诊断、治疗与预后。[方法]对近8年通过急诊胃镜检查发现的Dieulafoy病进行回顾性分析。[结果]Dieulafoy病可导致急性上消化道出血,12例均经急诊内镜下止血或转外科手术治疗后治愈。[结论]Dieulafoy病为少见疾病,易危及生命,急诊内镜及内镜下治疗为首选诊治措施。  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影诊治Dieulafoy病的临床价值。方法我院消化内科2009年1月1日~2010年12月31日共收治Dieulafoy病18例,对其中急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影救治Dieulafoy病所致上消化道大出血4例进行临床分析,通过急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影的协同应用,观察对出血部位、病因的诊断价值和止血效果。结果 4例患者均在就诊1~24h内胃镜检查确诊Dieulafoy病,其中3例给予镜下钛夹止血或药物喷洒止血后仍有活动性出血随即行选择性动脉造影血管栓塞治疗,1例因镜下出血表现为喷射样,并血压下降,给予病灶旁钛夹标记后随即行选择性动脉造影血管栓塞治疗。本组4例在选择性动脉造影同时结合内镜所见均给予相应病变血管弹簧栓或明胶海绵栓塞止血治疗并成功止血。结论急诊内镜联合选择性动脉造影血管栓塞术协同诊治Dieulafoy病所致消化道出血,两者互为补充,是一种安全、有效、可靠的诊治方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Dieulafoy病的内镜下诊断原则及治疗方案。方法 对确诊Dieulafoy病的17例病人,行电极止血后,予5%鱼肝油酸钠注射治疗。结果 17例病人中14例内镜下止血成功,内镜下止血成功率82.3%,3例内镜下止血失败者,转外科手术止血成功。结论 Dieulafoy病可以在内镜下确诊,并首选内镜下止血治疗。  相似文献   

对我院10年来收治的15例杜氏病(Dieulafoy disease)进行回顾性分析。结果显示11例内镜下治疗成功止血,3例行DSA治疗,1例手术治疗。急诊内镜检查是杜氏病主要的诊断手段,内镜下治疗是目前杜氏病首选的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的观察Dieulafoy病内镜下钛夹止血的临床效果。方法对11例Dieulafoy病患者在内镜下确诊后即行钛夹止血,其中胃大部切除毕氏II术后吻合口4例,胃底1例,胃窦1例,胃底体交界2例,十二指肠球部2例,回肠末段1例。其中1例肝癌晚期合并重度食管静脉曲张。结果所有病例均在内镜下行钛夹止血,一次成功11例,其中1例第2天,1例第25d再次出血,行急诊胃镜见钛夹脱落再行钛夹止血成功。平均随访90d,未见复发。结论内镜下钛夹止血治疗Dieulafoy病疗效确切,组织损伤小,复发率低,值得开展推广应用。  相似文献   

Dieulafoy's disease: endoscopic treatment and follow up.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
B Baettig  W Haecki  F Lammer    R Jost 《Gut》1993,34(10):1418-1421
The findings from 480 patients who had emergency endoscopy for acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding of non-variceal origin at our institution were analysed. Twenty eight patients (5.8%) had a Dieulafoy lesion. In 27 patients (96.4%) bleeding could be successfully managed by injection of norepinephrine and polidocanol, in repeated sessions if needed. Two patients had to be treated surgically: one because of uncontrollable bleeding from the Dieulafoy lesion and one despite endoscopic control of the bleeding Dieulafoy lesion because of a concomitant bleeding from an anastomosal ulcer after gastric resection. Three patients died during hospital stay from causes unrelated to bleeding from Dieulafoy lesion. Out of the 25 patients discharged from the hospital 21 treated by endoscopy and two treated with surgery were followed up for a mean of 28.3 and 22.5 months, respectively. Twenty endoscopically treated patients (95%) had no recurrence of Dieulafoy's bleeding. One patient experienced severe rebleeding from the original site after a transient endoscopy confirmed complete disappearance. He had emergency operation without a further attempt to control bleeding by endoscopy. It is concluded that bleeding from Dieulafoy's disease can be successfully managed by endoscopic injection treatment. The longterm outcome is favourable.  相似文献   

Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a frequent condition worldwide. The most common causes of acute nonvariceal UGIB include ulcers and nonulcer etiology, such as mucosal erosive disease, Mallory-Weiss tear, Dieulafoy, and other vascular lesions. Today patients are older and more likely to have comorbidities and concomitant treatments: anticoagulants, antiplatelet agent, low dose aspirin or steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In these patients with UGIB the rebleeding risk, need for surgery, and mortality rates are higher. Mechanical therapy using through-the-scope clips leads to a substantially reduced rebleeding risk and requirement for surgery compared with injections alone. The addition of injection therapy to mechanical treatment confers no further clinical advantage; clip compared with thermocoagulation had no improvement in definitive hemostasis, surgery or death, alone or in combination with injection. In patients with Dieulafoy or angiodysplasia or both, clipping and endoscopic band ligation are more effective and successful in achieving hemostasis when compared to injection. The available data are insufficient to consider over-the-scope clip as second-line therapy after the failure of conventional endoscopic treatment.  相似文献   

Dieulafoy lesion is an unusual but important cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The study retrospectively reviewed 29 patients (2.1%) with Dieulafoy lesions of 1393 acute nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding episodes from October 1999 to May 2001. Nineteen patients (66%) were male and the median age was 62 years (range, 19 to 86 years). Two patients underwent emergent surgery after endoscopic diagnosis. The other patients were allocated to four therapeutic endoscopic groups: group I, epinephrine injection (11 patients); group II, epinephrine injection plus heater probe coagulation (10 patients); group III, histoacryl injection (4 patients); and group IV, hemoclipping (2 patients). Initial treatment failure ocurred in three patients (all in group I) and they received surgery, hemoclipping, or band ligation as salvage therapy, respectively. Among those who achieved initial hemostasis, recurrent bleeding developed in two patients (all in group I) and was successfully controlled by endoscopic injection plus thermal therapy. No complication was noted after endoscopic treatment. Group II had a significantly higher successful hemostasis rate than group I (100 vs 54%; P = 0.02). One patient in the therapeutic endoscopy groups died during admission, for a mortality rate of 3.7%. Patients were followed up from 6 to 36 months and no further bleeding was noted. The results suggest that epinephrine injection plus heater probe coagulation was significantly superior to epinephrine injection alone in achieving hemostasis. Histoacryl injection, hemoclipping, and endoscopic band ligation were safe and effective alternate therapies.  相似文献   

Management and long-term prognosis of Dieulafoy lesion   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
BACKGROUND: The Dieulafoy lesion is an important cause of gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage. Optimal treatment and long-term outcome are unknown. This study aimed to characterize the presentation of the Dieulafoy lesion and to summarize the results and report the long-term outcome of endoscopic therapy. METHODS: Data regarding diagnosis, treatment and outcomes were derived from our GI Bleed Team database, patient records and follow-up correspondence. RESULTS: Ninety Dieulafoy lesions were identified in 89 patients after a mean of 1.9 endoscopies. Their mean age was 72 years. Thirty-four percent of lesions were extragastric. Median transfusion requirement was 5 units. Two patients exsanguinated and 3 required surgery; all others were initially successfully treated endoscopically (with or without epinephrine injection): heat probe (71 patients), band ligation (3), hemoclip (1), laser (2), bipolar probe (4), sclerotherapy (2) and epinephrine alone (2). Gastric perforation occurred in 1 patient following sclerotherapy. Thirty-day mortality was 13%, 4 related to hemorrhage and 5 related to comorbidity. During median follow-up of 17 months, 34 patients (42%) died. One patient had recurrent bleeding 6 years after operation. CONCLUSIONS: Dieulafoy lesion is relatively common and often extragastric. Endoscopic therapy is safe and effective. Long-term recurrence was not evident following endoscopic ablation. Follow-up after ablative therapy appears unnecessary.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dieulafoy ulcer was defined based on endoscopic findings as an ulcer (1) of 10 mm or less in diameter, (2) of grade Ul-ll or less and (3) showing vascular protrusion in its floor. We evaluated the clinical background and endoscopic findings of Dieulafoy ulcer and studied the usefulness and problems of endoscopic hemostasis. Patients with Dieulafoy ulcer accounted for 8.7 % of 321 patients with diseases treated by endoscopic hemostasis excluding sclerotherapy. The patients were predominantly males, and their average age was 61 years. An association with other diseases was noted in 21 patients (75%). Therefore, more than 50 % of the patients were treated with NSAIDs such as aspirin. The most frequent site of this disease was the posterior wall of the upper gastric body. In particular, the ulcer was located in the superior duodenal angle. In six of the 28 patients, the ulcer and the exposed vessel were similar in size. Endoscopic hemostasis was successful in 25 patients (89%). Hemostasis was acheived by emergency surgery in two and by transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) in one. No patient showed recurrence. Most Dieulafoy ulcers can be conservatively treated by endoscopic hemostasis. However, a few cases can not be managed conservatively and shock develops due to fatal massive bleeding. In such patients, the timing of TAE or surgery must be carefully considered.  相似文献   

目的探讨Dieulafoy病的发病情况、临床特征、诊断与治疗。方法收集我院1996年~2008年7月间收治的上消化道出血病人1 470例,对其中检出的19例Dieulafoy病病例的临床特征、内镜下表现及治疗方法进行回顾性分析。结果Dieulafoy病约占上消化道出血的1.3%,19例Dieulafoy病中,病灶位于胃底5例,胃体10例,胃窦部2例,贲门部1例,十二指肠球部1例,其中17例均于胃镜下可直接见破裂血管,有10例可见活动性出血。病灶直径1.0~3.0 mm。于内镜下行病灶黏膜下局部注射5%鱼甘油酸钠,1例因再出血予手术治疗。结论Dieulafoy病是上消化道大出血的少见而重要的病因,该病诊断主要依靠胃镜检查,通过内镜早期诊断和治疗可以取得很好的疗效。  相似文献   

Endoscopic treatment of Dieulafoy's disease   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The "exulceratio simplex Dieulafoy" is an uncommon and dangerous cause of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. In all patients admitted to our hospital with signs of acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage in whom Dieulafoy's disease was diagnosed at emergency endoscopy, an attempt was made to stop the bleeding or to prevent further hemorrhage by local injection of polidocanol, or by bipolar electrocoagulation, or by a combination of both. Since 1979 an exulceratio simplex has been diagnosed in 22 patients. All patients were treated endoscopically, 18 of them with satisfactory results. Four patients had to be operated on after emergency endoscopy had failed. Knowing the location of the bleeding site, the operations could be planned exactly and performed quickly. All patients, whether they had undergone endoscopic or surgical treatment, made an uncomplicated recovery and none had a further bleeding episode after discharge from the hospital.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Esophageal variceal hemorrhage is the most dreaded complication of liver disease. Prevention or emergency therapy of bleeding is important. METHODOLOGY: A group of 217 patients underwent endoscopic esophageal variceal therapy including endoscopic ethanol injection, endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation, or a combination of the two. RESULTS: Esophageal varices were eradicated by endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation with the least sessions required, and associated complications with endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation therapy were lower than with the other two approaches. However, the cumulative recurrence-free period of esophageal varices was significantly higher after endoscopic ethanol injection than after endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation and in some cases F3 varices were observed post-endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation hemorrhage. A combined endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation and endoscopic ethanol injection therapy had no advantage with respect to cumulative recurrence-free rate, session number, or complication frequency, relative to either therapy alone. CONCLUSIONS: While the combined observations indicate that endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation is safe and simple, we should consider additional therapy to achieve complete mucosal fibrosis of the esophagus after endoscopic esophageal variceal ligation.  相似文献   

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