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目的探讨幼年性息肉的临床特点以及内镜下切除的治疗价值。方法回顾性分析河南宏力医院2007年12月至2018年6月经内镜切除及病理证实为幼年性息肉的86例患者的临床资料。结果 86例患者均因大便带血就诊。14岁以下79例,占91. 9%,平均年龄4. 3岁。86例患者共切除92枚息肉,其中单发息肉80人,占93. 0%;直肠息肉61枚,占66. 3%,乙状结肠息肉28枚,占30. 4%。92枚息肉均行内镜下黏膜切除术(EMR),无一例出现穿孔、出血等并发症。结论幼年性息肉好发于学龄前儿童,临床症状多表现为大便带血,发病部位多为直肠,其次乙状结肠,且多为单发息肉; EMR是治疗幼年性息肉安全有效方法。  相似文献   

小儿结肠息肉内镜下特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨小儿结肠息肉内镜下的临床特征、病理特点及复发几率。方法对116例小儿结肠息肉病例的内镜、病理特点及随访结果进行回顾性分析。结果大肠息肉分布主要集中于远端结肠,其中直肠占58.62%、乙状结肠占28.45%、降结肠占6.03%、横结肠占3.44%、升结肠占2.58%、盲肠占0.86%。大肠息肉病理类型中最常见为幼年性息肉占80.17%,其他炎症性息肉、腺瘤性息肉、Peutz-Jeghers息肉、家族性息肉分别占7.75%、6.89%、2.58%、1.72%。复发息肉均为多发性息肉。结论小儿大肠息肉以幼年性息肉为主,分布主要集中于远端结肠,多发性息肉易出现复发。  相似文献   

对142例大肠息肉的临床、内镜及病理特点进行了回顾性分析。现报告如下。1临床资料收集该院2006年5月~2007年5月结肠镜检查患者,镜下发现息肉142例,共198枚。其中男85例,女57例,年龄12~74岁,平均47岁。临床表现为便血(占80.2%)、黏液便、腹痛、腹泻等,部分患者同时存在多种症状。息肉的分布定位为4个主要的解剖部位:①右半结肠:盲肠和升结肠;②横结肠:肝曲、横结肠、脾曲;③左半结肠;降结肠、乙状结肠;④直肠:直肠和肛管。多发性:病变累及上述2个或以上部位。2结果2.1内镜下表现病变部位:右半结肠20枚(10.10%)、横结肠15枚(7.57%)、左半结肠…  相似文献   

目的探讨幼年性息肉(juvenile polyp, JP)及幼年性息肉综合征(juvenile polyposis syndrome, JPS)患儿临床及内镜特征。方法对2012年1月至2017年12月在我院诊断为JP或JPS,年龄≤14岁的83例患儿的临床及内镜资料进行分析。结果 93.98%(78/83)的患儿临床症状表现为便血。结肠镜检查发现,结直肠单发息肉患儿77例(92.77%),其中1例患儿有JP家族史;2~4枚息肉者2例(2.41%),均无JP家族史;≥5枚息肉者4例(4.82%),2例有JP家族史。单发息肉患儿中,息肉形态均为0-Ⅰ型,多分布于左半结肠,其中直径≤3 cm者73例(94.81%)。2~4枚息肉患儿中,息肉形态均为0-Ⅰ型,直径0.8~1.5 cm,主要分布于左半结肠。结直肠息肉≥5枚患儿中,2例有JP家族史;2例有胃多发息肉。5例JPS患儿中,1例患儿检测到BMPR1A基因突变。结论 JP和JPS患儿临床上多表现为便血,息肉多为0-Ⅰ型,对于JPS患儿,应行全结肠镜检查及早期行胃镜检查,以制定个性化监测方案。  相似文献   

大肠镜在小儿外科的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨大肠镜在小儿外科的应用。方法 运用Olympus PCF-20型小儿肠镜诊断与治疗小儿大肠外科疾患776例。结果 共诊治大肠息肉病659例,其中幼年性大肠息肉和幼年性息肉病653例,内镜下YAG激光摘除术或高频电凝切除治疗325例,注射止血剂后镜下摘除法治疗328例,摘除息肉391枚;诊断家庭性息肉病4例;Peutz-Jeghers综合征2例,均在内镜下摘除息肉。诊断先天性巨结肠42例,其中短段型7例,常见型32例,长段型3例,发现合并慢性结肠炎32例,肠息肉6例,肠虫病2例。巨结肠术后随访7例,发现皱譬襞样增生物并盲袋、吻合肉芽肿、肛周脓肿并肛瘘各1例。诊断肠套叠75例,内镜下加压整复70例,失败5例。结论 大肠镜是诊断治疗小儿外科疾患的重要工具。  相似文献   

为了探讨帽状息肉病的临床、内镜特征,并评价其内镜下切除治疗效果,对2017年6月—2021年2月首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院行内镜黏膜下剥离术(endoscopic submucosal dissection,ESD)或内镜黏膜切除术(endoscopic mucosal resection,EMR)结直肠息肉切除治疗,经术后病理证实为帽状息肉病的14例病例(共56枚息肉)进行了回顾性分析。结果显示:男8例,女6例;年龄14岁~74岁,其中<60岁7例,≥60岁7例;7例(50.0%)伴消化道症状;息肉多发4例,单发10例(71.4%);息肉位于直肠42枚(75.0%),乙状结肠13枚(23.2%),横结肠1枚;山田分型Ⅰ型44枚(78.6%),Ⅱ型3枚,Ⅲ型5枚,Ⅳ型4枚;内镜下息肉表面可见明显白色帽状覆盖物41枚(73.2%)、明显充血发红23枚,其中两者均可见8枚;2例行ESD治疗、12例行EMR治疗,均完全切除,均未出现出血、穿孔、感染等并发症;7例伴消化道症状者术后临床症状均获得缓解;11例(78.6%)随访期间完成肠镜复查,均未见息肉复发。由此可见,帽状息肉病无性别、年龄发病差异,息肉多单发,直肠及乙状结肠多见,形态以山田Ⅰ型为主,表面多有白色帽状覆盖物,患者可无明显消化道症状,内镜下切除治疗安全、有效。  相似文献   

目的对比内镜高频电、激光及微波治疗胃肠道息肉的疗效观察.方法选用我院自1985/1998间,在内镜高频电切除食管、胃、十二指肠息肉37例,43枚;切除结肠息肉87例,121枚;内镜下激光切除胃息肉15例,26枚;结肠息肉4例,5枚;内镜下微波切除胃息肉12例,14枚;结肠息肉14例,20枚.共169例,229枚.各组年龄、性别无明显差异.息肉分布在上消化道息肉以鲁多发,在结肠以直肠、乙状结肠多发病理特点以炎性增生性息肉为多见.结果高频电组:一次或分次切除息肉,成功率在98%.15d后复查,118/164枝形成溃疡,占71.95%.激光组:小的息肉一次可切除,大的息肉成功率为50%,15d后复查,18/31枚形成溃疡,占58.06%.微波组:一次切除率1cm以下达100%,2cm以上为50%.15d后复查,18/34枚形成溃疡,占52.94%.结论胃肠道息肉好发部位为胃及直肠、乙状结肠,以炎性增生性息肉为多见.切除方法,对较大、有蒂息肉以高频电凝电切为恰当,较小、无蒂息肉选用激光或微波治疗为宜.  相似文献   

大肠腺瘤性息肉癌变因素的探讨——附245例分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文回顾性的总结分析了我院245例大肠腺瘤性息肉的内镜诊断和病理特点,旨在探讨大肠腺瘤癌变过程的相关因素,以提高大肠癌的早期诊断率。临床资料我院1978年~1996年间进行肠镜检查6807例,检出息肉629例,检出率9.24%。其中腺瘤性息肉245例,检出率3.60%。245例腺癌性息肉中,男167例,女78例。男女之比2.14:1。年龄8~81岁,平均44S岁。临床表现以便血或粘液血便为主,占53.88%(132例)。息肉分布:直肠102例(4。63%),乙状结肠79例(3.24%),降结肠19例(.76%),横结肠20例(.16%),升结肠及盲肠17例(.94%)…  相似文献   

背景:结直肠息肉特别是腺瘤性息肉为结直肠癌前病变,结肠镜检查检出并切除息肉对结直肠癌的预防具有重要意义。目的:对上海市嘉定区1 613例结直肠息肉患者进行回顾性分析,为结直肠息肉的内镜监测管理提供依据。方法:2013年1月—2014年8月上海瑞金医院北院内镜中心检出的2 652枚结直肠息肉纳入研究,对息肉临床病理特征、活检与内镜切除标本病理诊断符合率以及随访期间息肉再次检出情况进行统计分析。结果:2 652枚结直肠息肉中75.3%(1 996枚)为远端结肠息肉,腺瘤性息肉占77.5%(2 056枚),其中39.1%(804枚)发生上皮内瘤变。447枚息肉同时取活检并在切除后送病理检查,两次病理诊断总体符合率为60.4%,其中腺瘤性息肉符合率为68.1%。术后1.5年复查结肠镜再次检出息肉并送病理检查共218枚,腺瘤性息肉占74.3%,近端结肠和直径≤1.0 cm的息肉再次检出率分别显著高于远端结肠和直径1.0 cm者(12.3%对6.9%,9.0%对4.5%,P均0.01)。结论:腺瘤性息肉在结肠镜检查检出的息肉中占比较高;应重视息肉切除后标本的病理检查和定期随访。  相似文献   

小儿结肠息肉的内镜诊断及治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨结肠镜检查对小儿下消化道出血的诊断及经内镜高频电凝切除术对小儿结肠息肉的治疗价值,23例下消化道出血的小儿接受了肠镜检查并应用内镜高频电凝切除术切除所有结肠息肉,结果显示:23例小儿下消化道出血的病因均为结肠息肉.本组病例中共发现并切除结肠息肉29个,其中直肠、乙状结肠息肉占72.4%(21/29);单发息肉占87.0%(20/23).病理学检查显示:幼年性息肉占69.2%(20/29);炎性息肉占20.7%(5/29);脉瘤性息肉占10.3%(3/29).所有病例均未发生出血、穿孔等严重并发症.作者认为:明确小儿下消化道出血的原因最好的方法是结肠镜检查,经内镜高频电凝切除术是治疗小儿结肠息肉安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

Eighty-four colorectal polyps of up to 3.3 cm in diameter were removed with the diathermy snare during 48 colonoscopies on 42 children, aged 2 to 18 years (mean, 7.4 years). Most polyps were juvenile and the majority were located in the sigmoid colon (55%) or rectum (37%). No complications related to medication, colonoscopy, or snare polypectomy were observed. The two presenting symptoms, rectal bleeding and anemia, disappeared soon after polypectomy in all but one patient with adenomatous polyposis coli, subsequently operated upon. Follow-up examinations, including total colonoscopy, performed 4 months to 7 years (mean, 25 months) later did not reveal abnormalities in any of the 37 children whose previously removed polyps were juvenile. The authors conclude that endoscopic snare polypectomy is an effective and safe treatment for colorectal polyps in the pediatric age group.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of follow-up study after colorectal polypectomy, 156 patients with symptomatic stalked adenomas with light to severe dysplasia were allocated at random to colorectal examination every 6 (A) and 24 (B) months after colonoscopic polypectomy. No high-risk group could be identified. Twenty-one of the 23 new polyps were located above the rectum, but 15 could have been removed during examination with the flexible sigmoidoscope. The risk of new adenomas was similar at all 6-month examinations, during the first 4 years of the study. A small carcinoma (Dukes A) was found at 24 months in group B. A fatal colonic perforation was seen in group A after seven previous colonoscopies without complications. The new polyps caused no symptoms other than minimal bleeding in some of the patients, and because increasing the rate of colonscopies increases risk of complications, it was considered justified to prolong the intervals to 24 and 48 months, at random.  相似文献   

Objectives  The optimal treatment for large colorectal polyps (LCPs) is still a controversial issue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of endoscopic polypectomy (EP) of colorectal polyps ≥2 cm in size. Patients and methods  One hundred fifty-one EP LCPs were performed over a period of 7 years. Diathermal snare was used for pedunculated and pseudopedunculated polyps and endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or biopsy forceps polypectomy for sessile and flat polyps. The resected polyps were recovered and collected for histology. At scheduled follow-up visits 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after polypectomy, complications and recurrences were recorded in all patients. Results  Fifteen polyps were located in the rectum, 84 in the sigmoid colon, 11 in the descending colon, four in the splenic flexure, 11 in the transverse colon, 11 in the hepatic flexure, seven in the ascending colon and eight in the cecum. Fifty-six polyps were sessile, 54 pedunculated, 25 pseudopedunculated, and 16 flat. At histology, most of polyps (131) were adenomas (nine with adenocarcinoma in situ). Five were invasive polypoid carcinomas and required colonic resection. Immediate bleeding occurred in ten patients (7.6%) and it was stopped by endoscopic hemoclips (7), epinephrine injection (1), or surgery (2). There were three perforations (2.3%; all polypoid carcinomas), managed endoscopically (1) or surgically (2). Delayed bleeding occurred in two patients (1.5%) and was treated by endoscopic diathermy and hemoclips (1) or surgery (1). During follow-up, six (4.6%) incompletely excised polyps and three (2.3%) relapses in the site of previous EP were detected and endoscopically removed. Conclusion  EP is relatively safe and effective for benign-appearing LCPs.  相似文献   

Endoscopic Removal of Large Colorectal Polyps   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
PURPOSE: Because of the potential risk of malignancy and technical difficulties in achieving complete removal, large colorectal polyps represent a special problem for the endoscopist. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capabilities and risks of endoscopy in complete removal of large colorectal polyps. METHODS: Endoscopic polypectomy of 186 colorectal polyps larger than 3 cm in diameter (range, 3-13 cm) was performed; 141 were sessile and 45 pedunculated. Most of the polyps were located in the rectum (n = 88), sigmoid (n = 63), and cecum (n = 9). The remaining adenomas were situated in other parts of the colon. Sessile polyps were removed using the piecemeal technique. RESULTS: Histology results showed an adenoma in 167 cases, and invasive carcinoma was present in the adenoma in 19 patients. Of the adenomas, 29 were tubulous, 118 tubulovillous, and 20 villous; adenoma with severe dysplasia was found in 49 cases. Complete endoscopic removal was achieved in all sessile and pedunculated polyps. None of the patients with invasive carcinoma who underwent surgical resection (n = 10) had any evidence of tumor in the resected specimen. Bleeding occurred in 4 patients after polypectomy (2 percent). Perforation occurred in 1 patient (0.5 percent), who had an invasive carcinoma of the cecum. There was no procedure-related mortality. During a mean follow-up period of 40 (range, 3-87) months, 6 patients presented with recurrence of a benign adenoma (3 percent), which was treated endoscopically, and 1 patient presented with a recurrent invasive carcinoma, which was treated surgically. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic polypectomy is a safe and effective method of treating large colorectal polyps.  相似文献   

Fifty-five patients with colorectal sessile adenomas and adenomas with the severest dysplasia were followed up every 6 months with colonoscopy and/or double-contrast enema during 4 years, after a clean colon had been obtained, by repeated colonoscopy within 3 months after piecemeal polypectomy. The repetition at 3 months resulted in detection of two cancers. An overlooked cancer was detected at 1 year, and another cancer was diagnosed between examinations. Risk of new adenomas (19 patients) was related to original size, number, and glandular structure of the polyps. Twelve of the 19 patients had new polyps above the rectum. The 336 colonoscopies were complicated by 3 laparotomies, made necessary by perforation and bleeding. The results suggest that intervals between examinations of patients with the present type of adenomas may be prolonged, and patients are now allocated at random to colorectal follow-up examination every 6 and 12 months.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic-assisted coloscopic polypectomy   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
PURPOSE: Patients with colorectal polyps often display a large kink or distinct mucosal fold in the area where the polypectomy is to take place. As a result, there is a higher risk of perforation or partial ablation during an endoscopic polypectomy. Is it safer to perform an endoscopic polypectomy using the control and assistance of a laparoscope? Can a segment resection of the colon that would otherwise be necessary be avoided? METHODS: An endoscopic polypectomy using a laparoscope was conducted on six patients whose colorectal polyps were in an anatomically unfavorable location. The need for an open or laparoscopic segment resection or colotomy was indicated in all cases. The growth was located in the rectosigmoidal transition in five patients and in the region of the left flexure in one patient. We decided that an endoscopic polypectomy using the assistance of a laparoscope would be the most comfortable and technically elegant method, as well as easy. Except the well-known risks of laparoscopy and endoscopic polypectomy, no other risks have been seen in our patients. The affected area of the colon, the sigma, and the left flexure were mobilized and stretched as much as possible to enable a simultaneous and low-risk endoscopic polypectomy. In one case, we had to conduct a fractionated ablation because of a very wide-based finding. RESULTS: The operation averaged 57 minutes, and no operation-specific complications were observed. Postoperative recovery in the hospital was very short and averaged 2.5 days. The histopathologic findings were benign in all cases, but a serious dysplasia was diagnosed in one patient. CONCLUSIONS: The laparoscopic-assisted polypectomy is a safe method to remove even complicated polyps in anatomically unfavorable locations.  相似文献   



Colonoscopic polypectomy is highly efficient in preventing colorectal cancer, but polyps may not always be completely removed. Improved knowledge of the risk factors for incomplete polyp resection after polypectomy may decrease the cancer risk and additional costs. The aim of this study was to investigate the conditions that can cause incomplete polyp resection (IPR) after colonoscopic polypectomy.


A total of 12,970 polyps that were removed by colonoscopic polypectomy were investigated. Among them, we identified 228 cases with a positive resection margin and 228 controls with a clear resection margin that were matched for age, gender, and polyp size. We investigated the location, morphology, and histological type of the polyps and evaluated the skills of the endoscopist and assisting nurse.


Multivariate analysis revealed that the polyps, which were located in the proximal part of the colon and rectum, were at significant risk of IPR. Histologically, an advanced polyp and an inexperienced assistant were also independent risk factors for IPR.


Polypectomy should be performed more carefully for polyps suspected to be cancerous and polyps located in the proximal part of the colon or rectum. A systematic training program for inexperienced assistants may be needed to decrease the risk of IPR.  相似文献   

Colonic Polyps: Experience of 236 Indian Children   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Objective: We studied the clinical spectrum, histology, and malignant potential of colonic polyps in Indian children (≤12 yr).
Methods: Two hundred thirty-six children with colonic polyps were studied from January 1991 to October 1996. They were evaluated clinically and colonoscopic polypectomy was done. Children with five or more juvenile polyps were labeled as having juvenile polyposis and serial colonoscopic polypectomies were done every 3 wk. Colectomy was performed when there were intractable symptoms or clearing of the polyps by colonoscopy was not possible. Histological examination of the polyps was done. Follow-up colonoscopy was done in children with juvenile polyposis only.
Results: The mean age of these children was 6.12 ± 2.7 yr, with a male preponderance (3.5:1). Rectal bleeding of a mean duration of 14 ± 16 months was the presenting symptom in 98.7%. Solitary polyps were seen in 76%, multiple polyps in 16.5%, and juvenile polyposis in 7% (  n = 17  ) of the children. A majority (93%) of the polyps were juvenile and 85% were rectosigmoid in location. Adenomatous changes, seen in 11%, were more common in juvenile polyposis (59%) than in juvenile polyps (5%). Among those with juvenile polyposis, colon clearance was achieved in eight, six required colectomy for intractable symptoms, and three were still on the polypectomy program. Polyps recurred in 5% of children with juvenile polyps and 37.5% of those with juvenile polyposis. Conclusions: Juvenile polyps remain the most common colonic polyps in children. A significant number of cases of polyps are multiple and proximally located, which emphasizes the need for total colonoscopy in all. Juvenile polyps should be removed even if asymptomatic because of their neoplastic potential. Colonoscopic polypectomy is effective even in juvenile polyposis. Surveillance colonoscopy is required in juvenile polyposis only.  相似文献   

大肠息肉部位、大小、形态等与病理分型的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨大肠息肉部位、大小、形态、数目部与病理类型的关系。方法经结肠镜检查诊断200例结肠息肉情况与病理检查进行分析。结果在≤1cm的息肉中以炎性息内较多见,在〉lcm的息肉中以腺瘤性息肉较多见。息肉恶变均发生在1cm以上,尤其是〉2cm的息肉。在有蒂息肉中以炎性较多见,均为良性,无蒂息肉中以腺瘤性较多见。最常发生于直肠和乙状结肠的息肉以炎性较多见;近端结肠的息肉,腺瘤性相对较多。单发息肉中多数是炎性息肉,多发息肉中多数是腺瘤性息肉。结论大肠息肉的部位和大小与病理类型有关。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童结肠镜检查的临床应用价值及安全性。方法对北京军区总医院2008年1月-2012年12月192例因腹痛、便血、腹泻、腹胀等症状就诊的患儿行结肠镜检查,并对患儿的临床资料进行分析。结果共129例患儿首次结肠镜检查完成全结肠镜检查,结肠镜检查完成率67.2%。32例患儿进镜过程中发现病变后退镜。病变部位主要为乙状结肠及直肠。病变主要为结肠息肉、结肠炎、过敏性紫癜、嗜酸粒细胞性肠炎、移植物抗宿主病、炎症性肠病等。91例便血患儿中61例发现大肠息肉。结论结肠镜检查及内镜下治疗对小儿肠道疾病诊断安全有效,并发症发生率低。小儿结肠病变常见部位为乙状结肠及直肠。小儿便血最常见原因为结肠息肉。  相似文献   

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