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结果:术后6mo,两组具有同时视患者、一定融合范围患者、远立体视功能患者和近立体视正常者(40″~60″)所占比例均较术前明显升高(P<0.05),但组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后6mo,两组患儿下斜肌亢进程度、5m斜视度与术前相比得到明显改善(P<0.05),组间比较均无统计学差异(P>0.05); 术后1~3d,1a随访显示,两组患儿正位率、过矫率和欠矫率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

结论:对儿童复杂斜视采取共同性外斜视矫正手术治疗时,联合下斜肌减弱术可能不会影响外斜视矫正效果,进行手术设计时,可忽略下斜肌减弱术对患儿水平斜视度产生的影响。  相似文献   


方法:回顾性分析137例已行斜视手术的间歇性外斜视和恒定性外斜视患者并分为3组。组1:74例间歇性外斜视; 组2:38例有间歇期的恒定性外斜视; 组3:25例无间歇期的恒定性外斜视。分析比较3组患者术后残余斜视度及立体视恢复情况。平均随访2.2a。

结果:组1、组2、组3的眼位矫正成功率分别为78%、68%、64%(组1 vs 组2,P=0.249; 组1 vs 组3,P=0.153; 组2 vs 组3,P=0.716)。组1、组2、组3术后获得双眼视者分别有57例(77%)、5例(13%)、1例(4%)(组1 vs 组2,P<0.001; 组1 vs 组3,P<0.001; 组2 vs 组3,P=0.440)。组1、组2、组3分别有66(89%)、27(71%)、8(32%)例获得粗糙立体视(组1 vs 组2,P=0.015; 组1 vs 组3,P<0.001; 组2 vs 组3,P=0.002)。获得远立体视者组1、组2、组3分别有29例(56%)、5例(24%)、1例(7%)(组1 vs 组2,P=0.013; 组1 vs 组3,P=0.001; 组2 vs 组3,P=0.366)。

结论:曾有间歇期的恒定性外斜视患者术后远期粗糙立体视的恢复优于无间歇期的恒定性外斜视,与间歇性外斜视相比,双眼视、粗糙立体视和远立体视的恢复均较差。有间歇期的恒定性外斜视可能错失了最佳治疗时机,早期手术可优化术后感觉功能结果。  相似文献   



方法:电子检索1970-01/2018-01的PubMed数据库、EMBASE、Cochrane library、Web of Science、Clinical Trial,中国生物医学文献数据库、万方医学网。纳入比较双眼外直肌后徙与单眼一退一截手术对基本型间歇性外斜视手术疗效的随机对照研究。由两名评价员独立收集数据并对所得数据及试验质量进行评价,采用STATA14版进行统计分析。

结果:共有5项试验、529例患者符合纳入标准。Meta分析结果提示:与单眼一退一截手术相比,双眼外直肌后徙术术后远期正位率(RR:0.85; 95% CI:0.72~0.99,P=0.043)、术后欠矫(RR:3.975; 95% CI:2.097~7.537, P<0.01)方面差异有统计学意义,远期术后正位率Meta分析的P值随着纳入文献增多逐渐接近0.05。而在术后过矫(RR:0.336; 95% CI:0.049~2.294, P=0.266)差异无统计学意义。

结论:双眼外直肌后徙术相比于单眼一退一截手术对基本型间歇性外斜视手术成功率略低,术后欠矫较明显。  相似文献   





结论:直肌边缘切开术治疗斜视安全有效,且术后双眼视觉功能较术前均有明显改善,在术后1mo左右双眼视觉恢复基本稳定。间歇性外斜视双眼视觉功能的恢复优于恒定性外斜视以及外斜V征,而恒定性外斜视及外斜V征对术后双眼视觉恢复的影响一致,因此手术时机选择应考虑斜视类型,更有效地恢复和重建双眼视觉。  相似文献   




结果:术前,A组与B组各观察指标均无差异(P>0.05)。术后6mo,间歇性外斜视患者术后眼位得到矫正的同时,双眼视功能获得明显改善; A组在融合范围、近立体视功能方面均优于B组(P<0.05),两组同时视、同视机立体视功能均无差异(P>0.05)。

结论:间歇性外斜视术后患者双眼视功能较术前明显改善。配戴角膜塑形镜能够有效改善间歇性外斜视合并近视患者术后的双眼视功能。  相似文献   

小度数间歇性外斜视手术方式探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

方法:观察我院2013-09/2014-09期间-10°~-15°间歇性外斜视(intermittent exotropia,IXT)手术的患者206例,术前均行视力、屈光状态、主导眼、主斜眼、单眼遮盖1h后33cm及6m三棱镜加遮盖法检查最大斜视度、同视机和Titmus立体视图查近立体视。其中,基本型132例,集合不足型61例(33cm和6m三棱镜加遮盖法检查>10~20者40例,>20者21例),分开过强型13例(33cm和6m三棱镜加遮盖法检查>10~20者7例,>20者6例)。手术方式:基本型132例分3组:52例行主斜眼(非主导眼)一退一截术(nondominant eye unilateral recess-resection,ndR& R),40例行主导眼一退一截术(dominant eye unilateral recess-resection,dR& R),40例行双眼外直肌后徙术(bilateral lateral rectus recession,BLR-rec)。集合不足型和分开过强型33cm和6m斜视度相差>10~20的47例患者,均采用dR& R。集合不足型和分开过强型斜视度相差>20的27例患者,分别采用双眼内直肌缩短术(bilateral medial rectus amputation,BMR-amp)和BLR-rec。术后随访1、6、12、24mo,观察术后正位率、欠矫及过矫情况,对各型组内和组间的手术方式进行比较和评价。观察-10°~-15° IXT的临床特征、手术前后同视机及立体视的变化。

结果:所有206例-10°~-15° IXT患者的临床特征:年龄集中在5~12岁,主斜眼为左眼且多为裸眼视力较差眼,双眼屈光状态以单纯近视、散光和屈光参差多见,基本型为最常见类型,斜视度以>40~60者为多,可存在一定程度的同视机三级功能和近立体视。手术方式的比较:(1)基本型132例比较:在术后12mo和24mo,ndR& R组和dR& R组与BLR-rec组正位率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)集合不足型两组术后正位率在1、6、12、24mo比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。(3)分开过强型两组手术疗效确切。基本型和集合不足型ndR& R组术后6、12、24mo正位率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。患者术后随访中,同视机和近立体视得到部分改善。

结论:-10°~-15° IXT患者临床特征明显,应根据具体检查结果制定个性化的手术方案。手术治疗有利于双眼单视功能的恢复和立体视的建立,成人外斜手术可改善外观,减轻视疲劳。206例患者中,采用等量或不等量dR& R治疗各型-10°~-15° IXT手术效果明确; 33cm和6m斜视度相差>20的集合不足型和分开过强型-15°~-20° IXT,采用BMR-amp和BLR-rec疗效确切。  相似文献   




结论:斜视手术有助于改善共同性外斜视的生存质量。临床上,应重视运用生存质量评估指导斜视的治疗。  相似文献   

曾俊  刘陇黔 《国际眼科杂志》2020,20(8):1448-1451



结果:本研究纳入患者术后中远期眼位正位者47例(60%),其中术前集合不足型患者43例,术后中远期眼位正位者18例(42%); 基本型患者31例,术后中远期眼位正位者26例(84%); 分开过强型患者4例,术后中远期眼位正位者3例(75%)。单因素分析结果显示,术后中远期眼位正位者与无效者斜视类型、术前视近斜视度具有差异(P<0.05); 多因素Logistic回归分析显示,斜视类型(基本型)是影响间歇性外斜视患者术后中远期眼位的危险因素(OR=5.769,95%CI:1.790~18.595,P<0.05)。

结论:斜视类型是间歇性外斜视患者术后中远期眼位的独立影响因素,临床应引起足够重视。  相似文献   



方法:循证医学研究。系统检索Medline、Embase、Web of Science、the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials等数据库,检索日期2011-08/2021-08。纳入符合入选标准的研究。主要结局指标为成功率和术后斜视度。优势比(OR)和均数差(MD)及95%置信区间(CI)作为计量资料及连续变量统计量进行统计分析。

结果:共纳入2篇随机对照研究和5篇回顾性队列研究,Meta分析结果显示:RP组与RR组相比,手术成功率相似(OR=0.65,95%CI:0.39~1.07,P=0.09); 两组之间不良预后发生率(欠矫率和过矫率)无差异(OR=1.59,95%CI:0.92~2.74,P=0.10; OR=4.43,95%CI:0.69~28.18,P=0.12); RP组与RR组比较,术后斜视度与外斜漂移量亦无差异(MD=0.75,95%CI:-0.27~1.76,P=0.15; MD=-0.34,95%CI:-1.30~0.63,P=0.50)。

结论:RP与RR手术成功率与术后不良预后发生率接近,且两种手术术后斜视度与外斜漂移量无显著差异,RP手术是一个有效的治疗外斜视的手术方式。  相似文献   





结论:单眼直肌手术对于成人知觉性外斜视患者有较好的治疗效果; 离断眼直肌继发的眼压下降现象值得术者警惕; 单眼离断2条直肌手术后并发症的发生率较低; 超常量眼直肌斜视矫正术治疗知觉性外斜视可能出现术后眼球极度外转的功能受限。  相似文献   

Response-dependent and stimulus-dependent lateral inhibitory networks may be distinguished by differences in their net response vs net excitation functions. It is shown that the net response of a stable, response-dependent network is a monotonically increasing function of the net excitation. By contrast, the response of a stimulus-dependent lateral inhibitory network can either increase, decrease or remain constant as the net excitation of the network is increased, depending on the relation of the inhibition to the excitation. These differences make it possible to determine that the inhibition produced by a lateral inhibitory network is stimulus-dependent if the net response of the network declines as the network excitation increases.  相似文献   

This is a rare presentation of brain tumour in the region of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) presenting as a homonymous horizontal sectoranopia (HHS). The case highlights that subtle field defects can be asymptomatic and only detected by formal perimetry. Although homonymous sectoranopia is a rare form of visual field defect, it should be recognised as a potential manifestation of potentially significant intracranial pathology.  相似文献   

目的:分析侧脑室三角区脑膜瘤患者的眼部表现特点,探讨导致视功能损害的可能相关因素,以及在临床诊治中的注意事项。方法:回顾分析2011-10/2015-10在首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院诊治的45例90眼侧脑室三角区脑膜瘤患者病例资料,对患者术前视力、视野、视乳头改变、肿瘤大小、肿瘤周围组织变化等进行分析。结果:患者年龄12~68(平均41.7±13.7)岁,男女比例1∶4.6;视力下降18眼,视乳头水肿24眼,视乳头色淡6眼,视野缺损47眼,其中视野缺损类型以双眼对侧同向性缺损为主;肿瘤最大径2.1~9.6(平均4.8±1.7)cm;肿瘤体积3.02~193.2(平均48.3±47.8)cm3。 Spearman分析显示肿瘤体积、肿瘤最大径和脑中线结构移位与术前出现视野缺损呈正相关。而患者年龄、性别、病程、脑室是否扩大、肿瘤周围组织是否水肿与术前出现视野缺损无明显相关性。经Mann-Whitney U检验,术前视野受损组和视野正常组之间肿瘤体积、肿瘤最大径、脑中线移位值均有显著性差异。结论:较多三角区脑膜瘤患者存在眼部症状和体征,患者视功能损害的原因主要是由于肿瘤对周围视放射的破坏导致。肿瘤大小、生长方向、对周围视放射压迫的具体位置决定了患者是否出现视野缺损以及视野缺损的类型和程度。对于靠近视放射等后视路的颅脑占位,眼科医生和神经外科医生要重视其神经眼科学检查,注意肿瘤与周围视路等功能区的位置关系,这对于手术时机选择、手术方案制定及改善预后具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 比较双眼外直肌后徙术(bilaterallateralrectusrecession,BLR-rec)与单眼一退一截术(unilateralrecess-resect,R&R)治疗儿童基本型或假性外展过强型间歇性外斜视的疗效。方法 研究对象为2013年至2015年在我院进行手术治疗的基本型或假性外展过强型间歇性外斜视患者,其中38例行BLR-rec,48例行R&R。采用三棱镜加交替遮盖法测量患儿戴镜注视6m及33cm调节性视标第一眼位斜视度。分析两组术后1d、1个月、6个月、12个月及末次随访时的手术成功情况。记录比较两种术式的疗效,并分析影响手术成功率的因素。结果 术后1d、1个月、6个月、12个月及末次随访时,BLR-rec组与R&R组手术成功率差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05),术后1个月开始,两组手术成功率均不断降低。两组最大外斜视度数漂移均发生在术后1d至术后1个月之间,术后1d至术后1个月外斜漂移量BLR组为5.3Δ ±4.4Δ,R&R组为5.0Δ ±4.1Δ(P=0.88)。BLR组术后1d到术后1a外斜漂移量为7.9Δ ±5.1Δ,R&R组为11.5Δ ±8.3Δ(P<0.01)。两组手术年龄和术前斜视度对末次随访手术成功率无明显影响。BLR-rec组和R&R组术后1d不同斜视度范围的末次随访时手术成功率差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。结论 BLR-rec与R&R治疗基本型或假性外展过强型间歇性外斜视有相同的远期手术成功率,随随访时间增加,两组手术成功率不断降低,主要原因为外斜回退。两种术式对间歇性外斜视外斜回退的影响明显不同,R&R能引起更多的外斜漂移量。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES To investigate, by means of microsatellite analysis, regions of chromosome 11 involved in the genesis of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) localized to the orbit. METHODS Microsatellite analysis was carried out on seven cases of orbital ERMS by comparing the electrophoretic migration patterns of PCR-amplified microsatellites of chromosome 11 from both constitutional (blood) and tumor genotypes. Five of the tumors analyzed were samples frozen at the time of surgery, and two were paraffin embedded. RESULTS Overall, microsatellites D11S1396 (11q13.1-q22.3) and D11S976 (11q) showed loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in all tumor samples, thus indicating the presence, on the long arm of chromosome 11, of one or more tumor suppressor genes with a possible role in the genesis of the disease. CONCLUSION While the role of genes on the short arm of chromosome 11 in the genesis of ERMS is well established, much less is known of the possible involvement of tumor suppressor genes on the long arm of the same chromosome. This is the first report showing the possible involvement of tumor suppressor genes in this portion of the chromosome in ERMS localized to the orbit.  相似文献   

This article examines the effectiveness of skin-muscle flap excision in conjunction with a lateral tarsal strip for the treatment of involutional entropion. Ninety-six eyelids in 83 consecutive patients with involutional entropion were treated using a standardized surgical procedure. All patients underwent lower eyelid tightening with a lateral tarsal strip, dissection of a skin-muscle flap inferiorly through a subciliary incision and excision of redundant skin as well as orbicularis muscle. Follow-up data was obtained by retrospective chart review and telephone interviews. 80 patients were included in this study. The only exclusion criteria was failure to attend the 1 week follow-up appointment, n = 3. There was only one recurrence which was mild and revised under local anesthesia. Two patients had overcorrection with mild ectropion but did not require additional surgery. In those that completed their initial post-operative visit, the average time follow-up time was 502 days. Excision of a skin-muscle flap is a useful addition to lateral tarsal strip surgery in the treatment of involutional entropion and is a quick procedure producing excellent functional and cosmetic results. To our knowledge, this is the first cohort of patients to be reported using this technique where all patients had a standardized surgical approach. Additional studies are needed to compare long-term outcomes of this technique against other surgical treatments.  相似文献   

AIM—Changes in saccade velocity/amplitude characteristics (main sequence) and attenuation of distance esotropia in response to botulinum toxin (BTX-A) chemodenervation of the antagonist medial rectus were studied in a group of nine patients with chronic lateral rectus palsy.
METHODS—Serial measurements of ocular deviation and infrared oculograms of saccadic eye movements to targets at 5°-20° of lateral gaze were made before injection and at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 20 weeks after injection.
RESULTS—At 2 weeks after injection, the ocular deviation changed by a mean of 34.5 prism dioptres and the 5° and 10° adduction saccades were significantly slowed (p<0.02 Wilcoxon signed rank test). By the second examination, however, the adducting saccade peak velocity had returned to normal while the mean ocular deviation remained significantly changed (p=0.01 Wilcoxon matched pairs). By 20 weeks the mean ocular deviation was not significantly different from that before injection (p=0.14 matched pairs).
CONCLUSIONS—The ocular realignment caused by BTX-A may persist after saccadic function has been restored. This may be because toxin may have a more profound and long lasting effect on the orbital singly innervated fibres which are active tonically at rest to hold gaze whereas there is relative sparing of the additional motor units recruited during fast eye movements.

Keywords: lateral rectus palsy; botulinum toxin; saccades  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the surgical outcomes between bilateral lateral rectus muscles (BLR) re-recession and bilateral medial rectus muscles (BMR) resection in recurrent exotropia. METHODS: The medical records of patients with recurrent exotropia who underwent surgery for intermittent exotropia during the 6 years from January 2001 to December 2006 and followed up for more than 6 months were reviewed retrospectively. RESULTS: In group A, BLR recessions was performed at the first surgery and BLR re-recession was performed at the second surgery. In group B, BLR recession was performed at the first surgery and BMR resection at the second surgery. Success rates at the last follow-up after the second operation were 81.9% in Group A and 83.3% in Group B, showing no statistical difference between the two groups. In group A, no significant underaction of the BLR was noted. Success rates were not statistically different between the 2 mm re-recessed subgroup and 3 mm re-recessed subgroup. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the notion that BLR re-recession successfully corrects recurrent exotropia without producing significant limitation of abduction.  相似文献   

Damage to the lateral geniculate body by diffuse axonal injury in brain trauma is uncommon. The authors present the clinical case and in vivo fibre tractography using diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging of this lesion in a patient presenting with homonymous sectoranopia after a traumatic head injury.  相似文献   

目的:观察Jensen术(直肌联结术)治疗外直肌全麻痹的临床效果.方法:回顾分析1999-05/2006-09采用Jensen术治疗15例外直肌全麻痹患者的手术效果.结果:一次手术后正位14例、欠矫1例二次手术后正位.所有患者外观满意,复视消失、代偿头位消失、第一眼位正位、眼球可外转10°~20°,未发现眼前节缺血现象.结论:Jensen术是治疗外直肌全麻痹的理想方法.  相似文献   

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