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Xia CR  Xu L  Yang Y 《中华眼科杂志》2005,41(2):136-140
目的探讨高眼压性原发性开角型青光眼(POAG)和正常眼压性青光眼(NTG)患者视神经损害的不同特点。方法应用德国Heidelberg公司生产的视网膜断层扫描仪对高眼压性POAG39例(47只眼)和NTG32例(38只眼)进行定量视盘参数和神经纤维层检查,并行眼底立体照相观察视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)缺损类型,检测静态定量视野,并对检查结果进行比较。结果(1)NTG组视盘总体参数和分区(除颞侧外)盘沿面积、沿/盘面积小于高眼压性POAG组,而C/D大于高眼压性POAG组;平均RNFL厚度和RNFL面积在颞下和颞上小于高眼压性POAG组;总体盘沿容积小于高眼压性POAG组,总体平均视杯深度和颞下视杯面积大于高眼压性POAG组,两组差异均有统计学意义(P<005)。两组颞侧视盘各参数比较,差异无统计学意义(P>005)。(2)RNFL缺损类型高眼压性POAG组RNFL弥漫性缺损占5319%,局限性缺损占426%;NTG组弥漫性缺损占2105%,局限性缺损占5526%。两组RNFL缺损类型构成比比较,差异有统计学意义(P<001)。结论NTG较高眼压性POAG具有较大的C/D值、C/D面积比和窄盘沿面积,RNFL丢失严重。高眼压性POAG患者的RNFL以弥漫性缺损为主,NTG患者的RNFL以局限性缺损为主。两者视神经损害具有不同特点,其损害机制可能不同。(中华眼科杂志,2005,41136140)  相似文献   

目的 探讨薄角膜正常眼压性青光眼(NTG)患者视盘周围视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度及视盘结构的OCT特征.方法 采用OCT对21例(42只眼)中央角膜厚度(CCT)低于正常人群范围(<500μm)的正常眼压性青光眼患者进行RNFL及视盘扫描,并根据其CCT值分为:组1(480μm≤CCT<500μm)和组2(460μm≤CCT<480μm),比较分析两组RNFL厚度、视盘参数及30.中心视野指数.结果 两组患者的OCT检测参数包括Avg.Thick、Savg、Iavg、Navg、Tavg差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),Max-Min值差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);视盘参数(垂直盘沿容积值等)、视野参数(MD、MS值)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组患者的RNFL平均厚度与视野平均缺损值MD呈强且负的直线关系(r=-0.602,P=0.000).结论 OCT能对NTG患者视盘及视网膜神经纤维层做出定量测量和分析,且与视野检测指标有良好的相关性,在NTG的早期诊断中有重要意义;薄角膜NTG患者的角膜厚度水平与视网膜神经纤维层缺损程度无明显相关.
Objective To investigate the thickness changes of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in normal tension glaucoma (NTG) with thin cornea measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT).Methods Twenty-one NTG patients (42 eyes) with thin cornea were divided into two groups according to their central corneal thickness (CCT):group 1 (480μm≤CCT<500μm) and group 2 (460μm≤CCT<480μm),and analysis the different results of OCT scan and visual outcome in two groups.Results There were no significant differences in OCT parameters of Avg.,Thick,Savg,Iavg,Navg and Tavg among the two groups (P >0.05),while Max-Min was lower in group 2 (P <0.05);There were also no significant differences in the optic nerve head analysis results,visual field mean defect (MD) and mean sensitivity (MS) among two groups (P>0.05).The average RNFL thickness and MD showed a strong and negative linear relationship(r =-0.602,P =0.000).Conclusions OCT can make quantitative measurement and analysis of optic disc and RNFL for NTG patients,and has a good correlation with vision field.It has important significance in the early diagnosis of NTG.For NTG patients with thin corneas,there is no significant correlation between the level of CCT and extent of retinal nerve fiber layer defect.  相似文献   

目的探讨海德堡视网膜断层扫描仪(Heidelberg retinal tomography,HRT)检测青光眼性视盘改变是否与视野损害的部位相一致,了解正常眼压性青光眼(normal tension glaucoma,NTG)与原发性开角型青光眼(primary open angle glaucoma,POAG)早或中期视盘形态是否异同.方法对64例(64只眼)仅有半侧视野异常的开角型青光眼(POAG27只眼、NTG37只眼)患者进行HRT检测,将Humphery视野与HRT的检测结果以0°~180°为界,分成上下两部分进行对应分析.结果与正常半侧视野对应的1/2视盘比较,显示异常半侧视野对应的1/2视盘HRT参数中,杯盘面积比、视杯形态测量值显著增大,而盘沿面积、视网膜神经纤维层厚度及视网膜神经纤维层横断面积值显著减少 (t=-2.625~3.025,P=0.003~0.05);NTG眼和POAG眼对应与异常半侧视野的HRT视盘参数差异无显著性(t=-0.98~1.511,P=0.14~0.97).结论 HRT参数能较准确反映与视野损害相一致的视盘变化,其中尤以杯盘面积比、盘沿面积、视杯形态测量、平均视网膜神经纤维厚度及视网膜神经纤维层横断面积测量值较为准确.NTG和POAG眼的视盘形态相似,可能具备某些相似的视神经损害发生机制.  相似文献   

正常眼压性青光眼(NTG)几乎是青光眼领域里最难以诊断的疾病,难点在于青光眼性视神经病变(GON)的症状和体征缺乏特异性,因此对NTG的重新认识实际上是对GON的重新认识。NTG虽然具有GON的表现,但其发病机制与眼压并无明确的关系,而一些病理因素引起的放射状视盘周围毛细血管网(RPCs)血流异常或轴浆流异常等所导致的...  相似文献   

OCT在正常眼压性青光眼患者中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨正常人、NTG患者、可疑NTG患者视盘周围视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)的变化特点并分析光学相干断层扫描成像仪(optical coherence tomography,OCT)检查各参数诊断(normal tension glaucoma,NTG)的能力。方法:用OCT检查46例(80眼)NTG患者,43例(80眼)可疑NTG患者,40例正常人(80眼)视盘周围RNFL厚度,对OCT参数进行受检者操作特性曲线(ROC曲线)分析。结果:OCT参数(average.Thick,Avg.Thi)等在NTG患者、可疑NTG患者和正常人3组间差异有统计显著性意义(F=14.17-123.03,P<0.05)。区分NTG和正常人时OCT检查诊断准确性最高的参数Avg.Thi的受检者操作特性曲线下面积(AUC)明显大于区分可疑NTG和正常人时OCT检查诊断准确性最高的参数Avg.Thi的AUC(P<0.01)。结论:NTG患者视盘周围RNFL的厚度较正常人和可疑NTG患者变薄。OCT检查能够帮助诊断NTG,OCT检查区分NTG和正常人的能力要高于区分可疑NTG和正常人的能力。  相似文献   

正常眼压性青光眼的诊断和病因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
眼压在青光眼的发病中是一个极其重要的因素 ,对于有些青光眼患者 ,眼压虽然在正常范围内 ,却发生了典型的青光眼视神经及视野损害 ,称为正常眼压性青光眼 (norm al tension glaucoma,NTG或 normal pressureglaucoma,NPG)。本文就正常眼压性青光眼的有关诊断及病因问题作一综述。  相似文献   

正常眼压性青光眼临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨正常眼压性青光眼的临床特点和早期诊断。方法 我院眼科确诊或怀疑经上级医院眼科确诊的正常眼压性青光眼患者 2 2例 ,对其眼压、房角、眼底、视野、色觉等进行回顾性系统分析。结果  2 4小时眼压曲线各时间点总体平均眼压为 (1 6 .5 1± 2 .91 ) m m Hg。房角均为宽角。眼底表现视盘盘沿形态改变 ,引入盘沿宽度比概念 ,以下方盘沿宽度 I和鼻侧盘沿宽度 N作比较 ,I/ N≤ 1者为阳性指标 ,检出 I/ N≤者 36只眼 (81 .82 % )。检出视网膜神经纤维层缺损 (RNFL D) 39只眼 (88.6 4 % ) ,其中局限性缺损 31只眼 ,弥漫性缺损 8只眼。视野情况 :平均缺损 MD为 (1 0 .2 3± 2 .37) d B,平均视野敏感度 MS为 (1 5 .82± 3.1 5 ) d B。检出不同程度视野形态缺损 32只眼 ,阳性率为 72 .73%。检出色觉障碍 8例 (36 .36 % )。结论 眼底视盘盘沿形态改变和 RNFL D为诊断正常眼压性青光眼的主要客观依据  相似文献   

目的 评估24h眼压测量在正常眼压性青光眼中的意义,以更好地指导临床应用.方法 于2008年1月至2011年2月正常眼压性青光眼(NTG)患者共86例(86只眼)入选本研究,应用非接触眼压计自清晨8:00开始至第二天清晨8:00,每两小时测量一次,共12次;采用A型超声波角膜测厚仪对中央角膜厚度进行测定.结果 所有86只眼的24h眼压测量值中,29只眼(33.7%)在正常范围内且昼夜眼压波动小于5 mm Hg,而57只眼(66.3%)出现异常.所有患者昼夜眼压曲线中眼压低谷值为(13.78±1.39) mm Hg眼压高峰值为(18.52±1.81) mm Hg,分别出现于18:00~20:00和夜间2:00.根据24 h最高眼压是否高于21 mm Hg分为高眼压组和低眼压组,两组年龄差异显著有统计学意义,而中央角膜厚度无明显差异.结论 24 h眼压测量应作为正常眼压性青光眼患者诊断的常规检查,能提高夜间眼压高峰及昼夜波动过大的检出率,避免漏诊误诊的发生.  相似文献   

正常眼压性青光眼(normal tension glaucoma,NTG)长期以来是一备受争议的话题.关于其发病机制,各学说均提出了有利证据,如NTG患者跨筛板压增大;筛板较为薄弱,对眼压的耐受力较差;氧化应激反应导致小梁网退行性改变及视网膜神经节细胞凋亡;眼部血流动力学异常;颈内动脉对视神经的机械压迫等.各因素之间既...  相似文献   

目的探讨眼压依赖型与非眼压全依赖型青光眼患者视盘损害的形态异同。方法用回顾性配对设计研究。选择具有青光眼性视野缺损(MD〈10dB)的慢性闭角青光眼(CACG)和正常眼压青光眼(NTG)患者各20例20眼,年龄、视野平均偏差(mean deviation,MD)一对一相匹配。应用海德堡视网膜断层扫描仪(HRT-Ⅱ)进行定量视盘参数检查,并对检查结果进行比较。结果CACG组视盘总体和颞下、鼻下、鼻上分区的盘沿面积大于NTG组;差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);CACG组视盘总体和各分区(除颞侧外)视杯容积小于NTG组,两组间差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05);CACG组视盘总体和各分区(除颞侧及颞下外)视杯平均深度及视杯形态测量值小于NTG组,两组间差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论CACG与NTG在疾病早中期视盘形态明显不同,提示眼压依赖型与非眼压全依赖型青光眼可能具有不同的视神经病变发生机制。  相似文献   



To evaluate the relationship between optic disc and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) measurements obtained with the optical coherence tomography (OCT) and the Heidelberg retina topography (HRT) in normal, normal tension glaucoma (NTG), and high tension glaucoma (HTG).


Normal, NTG and HTG subjects who met inclusion and exclusion criteria were evaluated retrospectively. One hundred seventy eyes of 170 patients (30 normal, 40 NTG, and 100 HTG) were enrolled. Complete ophthalmologic examination, HRT, OCT, and automated perimetry were evaluated.


Disc area, cup area and cup/disc area ratio measured with HRT were significantly different between NTG and HTG (all p<0.05). Mean RNFL thickness measured by OCT with ascanning diameter of 3.4 mm was larger in NTG than HTG (84.97±24.20 µm vs. 73.53±27.17 µm, p=0.037). Four quadrant RNFL thickness measurements were not significantly different between NTG and HTG (all p>0.05). Mean deviation and corrected pattern standard deviation measured by automated perimetry was significantly correlated with mean and inferior RNFL thickness in both NTG and HTG (Pearson''s r, p<0.05). Mean RNFL thickness/disc area ratio was significantly larger in HTG than NTG (35.21±18.92 vs. 31.30±10.91, p=0.004).


These findings suggest that optic disc and RNFL damage pattern in NTG may be different from those of HTG.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the pattern of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) damages in high-tension and normal-tension primary chronic open-angle glaucoma using optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS: Age- and refractive error-matched patients with normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) (n = 38) and high-tension glaucoma (HTG) (n = 48) and normal subjects (n = 48) were recruited. All subjects underwent complete eye examinations and OCT RNFL assessments. RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was found between eyes with HTG and NTG for any OCT RNFL thickness parameters (p > 0.05). Inferotemporal thickness values were significantly lower than the superotemporal thickness values in both glaucoma groups (p < 0.001), but no difference was observed in the normal group. Compared with the results from normal subjects, several OCT parameters, including average, superior, inferior, inferotemporal, and superotemporal values, were significantly lower in patients with HTG and NTG (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: A mixture of diffuse RNFL damage (superotemporal and inferotemporal regions) and local damage in inferotemporal region was observed in patients with HTG and NTG, suggesting that HTG and NTG may undergo same pathological process.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To use optical coherence tomography (OCT) to investigate the qualitative and quantitative differences in the defects of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) in subjects with high tension primary open angle glaucoma and subjects with normal tension glaucoma. METHODS: RNFL was assessed with OCT in 21 eyes with high-tension glaucoma (HTG) and 20 eyes with normal-tension glaucoma (NTG). Regression analyses were performed to investigate the interaction of disease group and location for localized RNFL loss, and to predict diffuse and localized RNFL loss as a function of age, mean defect, spherical equivalent, disease group, and location. Local RNFL thicknesses for superior clock-hour regions were estimated after adjustment for the thicknesses of symmetrically opposed locations. RESULTS: There were no differences in mean age, visual field defect mean deviation, and refractive error between subjects in HTG and NTG groups. Diffuse RNFL thickness was not significantly different between the two groups [mean RNFL for NTG > HTG by 3.48 mum, 95% confidence interval (CI) -3.9 to 10.9 microm, p = 0.092]. There was no significant interaction of group and location for localized RNFL loss (p = 0.916). Local RNFL thickness at superior regions was not significantly different in the two groups, after adjustment for RNFL thickness at corresponding inferior locations (mean RNFL for NTG > HTG by 6.30 microm, 95% CI -1.08 to 13.7 microm, p = 0.34). RNFL thickness decreased, on average (1.88 microm/dB mean deviation, 95% CI 1.21 to 2.55 microm, p < 0.0001) and locally (1.37 microm/dB mean deviation, 95% CI 0.79 to 1.96 microm, p < 0.0001), with increasing severity of glaucoma. CONCLUSION: There is no difference in the spatial pattern of RNFL defects, as assessed by the OCT, between HTG and NTG.  相似文献   

目的 通过光学相干断层成像术(OCT)检测视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度及视盘结构参数,结合视野改变,探讨OCT在青光眼早期诊断中的应用价值.方法 采用OCT对34只眼疑似闭角型青光眼(SG)患者、36只眼慢性闭角型青光眼(CACG)早中期患者、10只眼正常人行RNFL及视盘扫描,观察各组的RNFL厚度及视盘结构的图像特征;将各象限RNFL厚度和平均RNFL厚度的均数进行总体比较及任意两组间比较;将视乳头水平、垂直杯盘比及杯/盘面积比的均数进行比较;将平均RNFL厚度与视野指数进行相关分析.结果 三组间各象限RNFL厚度、平均RNFL厚度、视盘参数差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);正常人与SG组下方、上方及平均RNFL厚度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);正常人与CACG早中期组各象限RNFL厚度及平均RNFL厚度差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);CACG早中期组与SG组上方、下方、鼻侧及平均RNFL厚度差异有统计学意义(P相似文献   

Sugiyama K 《Nippon Ganka Gakkai zasshi》2012,116(3):233-67; discussion 268
Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), including normal-tension glaucoma (NTG), is reported by the Tajimi Study to afflict 3.9% of the total population, and this represents about 80% of all total glaucoma cases which, in total, afflict 5.0% of the population. We tried to analyze the clinical problems relating to POAG by looking at the pathogenesis, intraocular pressure (IOP), therapy, neuroprotection and surgery of the disease. To elucidate the pathogenesis of glaucoma progression, we measured retinal nerve fiber layer defect (RNFLD) angles', and divided the NTG cases into 2 groups, enlarged RNFLD and stable RNFLD. Disc hemorrhages were found to be significantly more frequent in the enlarged group than in the stable group. RNFLD was enlarged in the direction of disc hemorrhage in over 80% of the eyes. In the majority of the eyes of the enlarged group, the enlargement of RNFLD was toward the fovea. The enlargement of RNFLD in NTG was closely associated with disc hemorrhage and the deterioration of the visual field. We developed a simultaneous structure and function evaluation technique combining spectral-domain (SD) optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus-oriented perimeters for the detection of visual field abnormalities in the RNFLD area. We superimposed the ganglion cell complex map obtained by SD-OCT on the fundus-oriented perimeter image. We observed very early or preperimetric normal pressure glaucoma as well as disc hemorrhage adjacent to the borders of the RNFLD. The borderline of the RNFLD seemed to be the thinnest RNFL and had the lowest retinal sensitivity (Active site for RNFLD progression). To clarify the role of the circadian clock genes in the generation of a 24-hour IOP rhythm, we used the microneedle method to measure the IOP at eight time points daily, both in wild type mice and Cry-deficient (Cry 1-/-Cry 2-/-) mice. In the wild-type mice living in light-dark conditions, the pressure measured in the light phase was significantly lower than in the dark phase. This biphasic daily rhythm was maintained under dark-dark conditions. In contrast, the Cry-deficient mice did not show significant circadian changes in their IOP, regardless of the environmental light conditions. These findings demonstrate that clock genes are essential for the generation of the circadian rhythm of IOP. We evaluated the relationship between the genetic polymorphisms of the adrenergic receptor (ADR) and the diurnal IOP in untreated NTG patients. For Del 301-303 in α2B-ADR, De1322-325 in α2C-ADR, and S 49G (A/G) in βl-ADR, the major homozygotes and minor carriers had parallel diurnal IOP curves, but significantly different diurnal IOP levels. Polymorphisms of the ADR gene may predict the diurnal IOP level of patients with NTG. Looking toward the future, tailor-made medicine in glaucoma therapy, we evaluated the relationship between the polymorphisms of the prostaglandin F2α, receptor (FP receptor) gene and the effectiveness of topical latanoprost treatment in 100 normal volunteers. One SNP(rs3753380) was located in the promoter region of the FP receptor gene and was significantly correlated with % IOP reduction. Two SNPs, rs3753380 and rs3766355 (an SNP in intron 1), were associated with the degree of response to latanoprost. The genotype of these SNPs may be an important determinant of variability in response to latanoprost. To investigate the predictability of IOP response of the fellow eye in a one-eye trials, we compared the correlation of the fellow-eye's IOP response in one-eye trials performed separately for each eye with that of bilateral treatment in 41 normal subjects. Correlation of mean diurnal IOP reduction between 2 one-eye trials was poor (r2 = 0.102), even after subtracting the nontreated eye IOP fluctuations from the treated eye IOPs (r2 = 0.097), but that between fellow eyes in bilateral treatment was excellent (r2 = 0.849). Therefore, we examined the effects of multiple IOP measurements on the correlation of response to glaucoma medication between fellow eyes. Latanoprost was applied to the first eye and then to both eyes of POAG or ocular hypertension patients. IOP measurements were performed twice on different days at baseline, during treatment of the first eye only and for both eyes. No significant correlations of ΔIOP 1 (IOP at baseline-IOP after treatment) between fellow eyes were found. ΔIOP 2 (ΔIOP 1-IOP fluctuation of the contralateral eye) was significantly correlated between the fellow eyes using two post-treatment IOP measurements. Using multiple IOP measurements may improve the prediction of a fellow eye's response to glaucoma medication in one-eye trials. We used a scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) for in vivo imaging and counting of rat retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). RGC survival decreased gradually after crushing the optic nerve. RGC counts by SLO were comparable to those in retinal flat mounts. We developed OCT system for rat eyes. The mean retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thicknesses in the circumpapillary OCT scans were unchanged 1 week after crushing the optic nerve, but then decreased significantly and progressively after the second week. RNFL thicknesses in OCT images correlated significantly with thicknesses determined histologically. SLO and OCT will be useful for evaluating the effects of neuroprotective drugs. We developed a new glaucoma filtration surgery system using a thin honeycomb-patterned biodegradable film in rabbits. The film had a honeycomb-patterned surface that faced the subconjunctival Tenon tissue, while the other side was smooth. Postoperative IOPs of the film-treated eyes were significantly lower than those of the control eyes, but were not significantly different from those of the MMC-treated eyes. The thin honeycomb-patterned film that was attached to the inner bleb wall worked as an adhesion barrier in glaucoma filtration surgery in rabbits.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To quantitatively evaluate retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in the fellow eyes of normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) patients with unilateral visual field defect. DESIGN: Observational case-control study. METHODS: Twenty-nine NTG patients with unilateral visual field defect were enrolled in this study. All 29 fellow eyes showed normal visual field. Thirty-one normal eyes of 31 subjects served as controls. The RNFL thickness around the optic disk was determined using Fast RNFL thickness (3.4) of optical coherence tomography. Average and segmental (4 quadrants and 12 clock- hours) RNFL thickness measurements were compared among the three groups. RESULTS: RNFL thicknesses were significantly different among the three groups in the average, superior quadrant (11 and 12 clock-hour segments), and inferior quadrant (6 clock-hour segment) (P = .00, one-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests). CONCLUSIONS: RNFL thickness reductions are already present in the fellow eyes of NTG patients with unilateral visual field defect.  相似文献   

目的 探讨合并近视的原发性开角型青光眼(primary open-angle glaucoma with myopia,M-POAG)视盘形态和视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)改变的特点及其临床意义。 方法 对38例63只合并近视[(-6.92±3.79)D]、高眼压性[(32.00±9.36) mm Hg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa)原发性开角型青光眼(primary open-angle glaucoma,POAG)作眼底彩色照相,利用计算机图像分析设备分析视盘形态及RNFL 缺损的变化,并与单纯原发性开角型青光眼(simple primary open-angle glaucoma,S-POAG)的相应临床检查资料进行比较。 结果 M-POAG视盘形态和RNFL萎缩除具有与S-POAG相同的一般表现外,尚有其特征性改变:视盘呈椭圆形(垂直或水平)、斜入及部分缺损形,色泽苍白;视杯形态各异,呈碟形(28.6%)、垂直形(25.4%)、倾斜形(23.8%)、锅形(9.5%)及局限与同心圆形等;盘沿面积及杯/盘横径比值显著低于S-POAG组(P<0.05,P<0.001)。视盘凹陷偏心 多向下方。RNFL局限性萎缩主要出现在下方视网膜;弥漫性RNFL萎缩与合并高度近视的中后期POAG视野缺损密切相关(P<0.005)。 结论 M-POAG的视盘形态特征以及RNFL改变特点有助于在合并高度近视的POAG中的临床诊断。(中华眼底病杂志,2000,16:81-84)  相似文献   

目的:用光相干断层扫描(OCT)连续观测大鼠慢性高眼压模型视 盘神经纤维层(RNFL)厚度的变化。 方法:选用Wistar大鼠48只,随机分为3组,每组16只鼠32只眼 ,右眼为激光光凝眼,左眼为对照眼。用波长为532 nm氩激光在全麻下光凝右眼小梁网,引 起眼压 慢性、中等程度升高并观测眼压变化。眼压升高后第3、6、9周时用OCT做视盘线性扫描, 计算机自动测量视盘RNFL厚度,然后处死大鼠,将每组8只大鼠右眼做光学切片行组织学 测量RNFL厚度,将另外8只大鼠右眼做全视网膜铺片甲苯胺蓝染色,记数视网膜神经元细胞 密度,将结果进行比较分析。 结果:激光光凝后大鼠眼压缓慢、中等程 度升高,在第3、6、9 周时光凝眼眼压分别比对照眼眼压为显著升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。 OCT检查结果显示在3、6、9周时大鼠光凝眼视盘RNFL厚度分别小于对照眼,差 异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。处死大鼠后组织学测量RNFL厚度,在3、6、9周时,光 凝眼为(64.38±6.54)、(51.47±6.4)、(42.10±6.10)μm,对照眼厚度为(76.23±6.78)、(78.64±6.15)、(77.64±6.63)μm。将两种方法测 得RNF L厚度值进行回归分析,两者变化趋势一致,相关系数(R=0.932,P<0.001)。全视网 膜铺片甲胺蓝染色结果显示两组视网膜神经元细胞(RGC)密度值差异有统计学意义(P<0.0 5)。 结论:激光光凝大鼠小梁可以成功建立大鼠慢性高眼压模型;OCT对大鼠慢性高眼压模型视盘RNFL厚度的测量与 在光学显微镜下的测量值变化趋势一致,相关性好;OCT可以连续活体监测大鼠慢性高眼压 模型视盘神经纤维厚度变化,从而了解大鼠青光眼视神经病变的进展。  相似文献   

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