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深部子宫内膜异位症基础及临床研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
子宫内膜异位症(内异症)是生育年龄妇女的常见病,其临床病理特点是分布广泛,形态多样。绝大部分内异症病灶位于盆腔,根据病变的部位和浸润的深度分为腹膜型内异症、卵巢内膜异位囊肿和深部浸润内异症(deeply—infiltrating endometriosis,DIE)。DIE是一组浸润到腹膜下深度≥5mm的内异症病变,可以位于盆腔的任何地方,但绝大部分DIE病变位于后盆腔,常常涉及重要器官如结直肠、输尿管及膀胱。常见的DIE病变包括盆腔后部内异症(宫骶韧带、直肠窝或者阴道直肠隔内异症)、膀胱内异症和输尿管内异症等。  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EM;简称内异症)为生育年龄妇女的常见病及多发病,虽然为良性病变,但其生物学行为与恶性肿瘤很相似。根据美国生育学会(AFS)1985年修订的内异症分期法(r—AFS)分为Ⅰ~Ⅳ期。临床治疗多以手术治疗为主,药物治疗、介入治疗为辅。但临床观察发现术后复发率较高,为探讨术后复发的相关因素,本研究对我院妇产科住院行手术治疗的341例内异症患者随访3年的临床资料进行回顾性分析,现将结果报道如下。[第一段]  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症(简称内异症)是一种慢性、复发性疾病,单纯保守性手术难于治愈,药物治疗占据重要地位。治疗内异症疼痛常用而有效的药物除非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)外,还有口服避孕药、孕激素、雄激素衍生物、促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRH-a)和拮抗剂及中医中药等。术后药物维持治疗以控制疼痛和预防复发的长期管理方案已达成中国专家共识,内异症长期管理中的药物治疗要以临床问题为导向,以患者为中心,分年龄阶段选择药物,综合治疗。近年来,倡导对内异症早期预防,推荐对青春期有痛经及月经相关疼痛症状,或临床诊断为内异症但无手术适应证者,推荐经验性药物治疗,以缓解疼痛症状,降低内异症发病率或延缓内异症进展。  相似文献   

深部浸润型子宫内膜异位症(deep infiltrating endometriosis,DIE)是指病灶浸润深度≥5mm的病灶,包括子宫骶韧带、直肠阴道膈、阴道后穹隆及子宫颈后方、输尿管及结直肠等部位的深部异位病灶,其中直肠阴道膈包括两种情况,一种为假性阴道直肠膈内异症,即直肠窝黏连封闭,病灶位于黏连下方,另一种为真性直肠阴道膈内异症,即病灶位于腹膜外,在直肠阴道膈内,直肠子宫陷凹无明显解剖异常。  相似文献   

目的 探讨输尿管子宫内膜异位症(内异症)的诊断和治疗策略.方法 1983年至2010年在北京协和医院住院且经手术证实为输尿管内异症的46例患者,分析其临床表现、辅助检查、手术方式、手术发现、病理结果、术后药物治疗、复发的处理及相关因素.结果 46例患者在本院接受了 1~2次的手术治疗,其中48%(22/46)的患者术前没有能够诊断输尿管内异症,46%(21/46)的患者没有症状或仅有痛经表现.输尿管粘连松解术和开腹手术是最主要的手术类型和手术路径,分别为72%(33/46)和63%(29/46).64%(25/39)的患者仅左侧输尿管受累,80%(37/46)为外生型输尿管内异症.87%(40/46)的患者合并盆腔内异症和子宫腺肌病.总计15%(7/46)的患者复发,术后至复发时间的中位数为24个月(13~49个月);复发后均接受再次手术治疗.仅术后是否使用促性腺激素释放激素激动剂与复发有显著相关性,与术后用药的患者相比,术后没有用药的患者复发的OR值为23.2(95%CI为2.4~221.7,P=0.002).结论 输尿管内异症与生殖道内异症关系密切,发病隐匿,早期诊断困难.手术切除后盆腔深部内异症及处理卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿,对预防内异症进一步累及输尿管有意义.术后积极治疗盆腔内异症是防止复发的关键.
Objective To investigate strategies of diagnosis and treatment of ureter endometriosis. Methods From 1983 to 2010, the cases registered in Peking Union Medical College Hospital and confirmed as ureter endometriosis by surgery were enrolled in this study. Clinical manifestatios, preoperative examinations, surgical categories and routes, surgical and pathological findings, post-operative medical treatment, relapse and relating factors were collected and studied. Results Totally 46 patieuts with ureter endometriosis underwent one or two surgeries. Forty-eight per cent (22/46) of patients were not be diagnosed with ureter endometriosis pre-operatively, and 46% (21/46) only presented dysmenorrhea or even no symptoms. Ureterolysis (72%, 33/46) and laparotomy (63%, 29/46 ) were the most common surgical category and surgical approach. There were 64% (25/39) of patients had left ureter involved and 80% (37/46) had extrinsic ureter endometriosis. Fifteen per cent (7/46) of patients had relapsed disease with median recurrent time of 24 months (13 -49 months), and they all received second surgeries. Logistic regression analysis showed that only gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue agents were related with recurrence when compared with those patients without medical treatment post-operatively significantly ( OR =23.2, 95% CI:2. 4 -221.7, P =0. 002). Conclusions Ureter endometriosis was related with reproductive tract endometriosis. It has insidious process resulting in difficulty for early diagnosis. It's important to treat pelvic deep infiltrating endometriosis and ovarian endometrioma to prevent ureter from further involvement. Post-operative treatment of pelvic endometriosis is the key point of preventing relapse of ureter endometriosis.  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症(内异症)多伴随盆腔粘连、病灶隐匿、病变多样等问题, 明确病灶与正常组织的分界并完整切除病灶, 减少正常组织的损伤已成为内异症手术的技术要点。近红外荧光成像可以通过影像示踪技术显示病灶与周围解剖结构, 评估组织血流灌注, 为术中决策提供了新的手段。目前以吲哚菁绿(ICG)为示踪剂的荧光成像技术已初步应用于识别内异症隐匿性病灶、指导手术范围、判断器官血流灌注等方面, 更有望为临床上复杂难治性内异症的手术提供帮助。本文旨在对ICG在内异症显影中的病理生理学基础、不同类型内异症的诊断定位及手术决策等方面进行综述, 以期为临床医师指导手术范围及手术方式。总之, ICG荧光成像可以辅助隐匿性内异症病灶的显影, 提高内异症的诊断率;术中使用ICG可以区分正常组织与内异症病灶, 指导手术范围和手术方式;ICG荧光成像通过判断组织血流灌注, 可预防肠管及输尿管瘘、吻合口瘘等并发症的发生;未来可以实现精准识别并切除病灶, 减少复发及手术并发症, 实现内异症的精准和安全的手术目标。  相似文献   

摘要:子宫内膜异位症(内异症)疼痛的机制可能是病灶内周期性出血、腹腔内慢性炎症以及病灶神经出芽生长导致外周与中枢神经敏化诱发痛觉过敏。虽然手术彻底切除内异症病灶是内异症疼痛治疗的先决条件,但术后药物长期治疗也是必须的。选择兼顾炎症性、伤害性及神经病理性作用的药物是获得有效治疗内异症疼痛的关键。  相似文献   

腹壁子宫内膜异位症的临床特点及复发相关因素分析   总被引:93,自引:1,他引:92  
目的 探讨腹壁子宫内膜异位症 (内异症 )的临床特点及复发相关因素。方法 回顾性分析我院 1983~ 2 0 0 2年收治的 5 7例腹壁内异症患者的临床特点、治疗方法及复发情况。结果腹壁内异症占同期内异症的 1 0 4 % (5 7/5 4 78) ,我院剖宫产术后腹壁内异症发生率为 0 0 4 6 %。 5 7例腹壁内异症患者中 ,1例为原发脐部内异症 ,5 6例有下腹部手术史 ,其中 5 5例继发于剖宫产术后。发病潜伏期与发病年龄呈正相关 (P <0 0 0 1)。 5 7例腹壁内异症患者中 ,5 5例接受了手术治疗 ,2例采用药物姑息治疗。术后随诊 1 1~ 2 35个月 ,5例复发 ,其中 1例恶变。复发者的初发病灶往往较大、较深。结论 腹壁内异症根据典型的症状、体征常可正确诊断 ;对无典型症状者 ,超声诊断可辅助排除腹腔内病变。手术是惟一确实有效的治疗方法。对较大、较深的病灶 ,适当扩大切除范围 ,达到切缘干净 ,是防止复发的关键。  相似文献   

<正>子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EM)简称内异症,其形态学表现为异位种植的子宫内膜随卵巢激素的变化发生周期性出血,出现紫褐色斑点或小泡,病灶局部反复出血和缓慢吸收导致周围纤维组织增生、粘连,最后形成囊肿或实质性瘢痕结节。根据病灶部位,内异症分为卵巢型、腹膜型以及深部浸润型(deep infiltrating endometriosis,DIE)[1]。盆腔疼痛是内异症患者的主要临床表现,超过45%的患者存在不同形式的盆腔痛,包括  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症(简称内异症)是一种妇科常见病,虽然其属于雌激素依赖性慢性免疫炎症性良性疾病,但具有侵袭与转移等恶性生物学行为。临床上内异症手术后的高复发率与内异症本身手术病灶切除的不彻底性存在明显的相关性。因此,如何执行内异症手术的无瘤防御对于降低患者术后复发率具有重要的临床实践意义。为此,文章从内异症的手术方式、手术途径以及手术相关切口保护的视角探讨卵巢型内异症、深部浸润型内异症以及瘢痕切口内异症等目前主要手术类型的无瘤防御具体措施,旨在为临床内异症的手术提供线索。  相似文献   

Both laparoscopic techniques (excision and ablation) for the treatment of superficial peritoneal endometriosis are equally effective (EL2). For the treatment of ovarian endometriomas larger than 3 cm, laparoscopic cystectomy is superior to drainage and coagulation (EL1). Excision of deep rectovaginal endometriosis with or without rectal invasion significantly reduces endometriosis-associated pain (EL4). Laparoscopic partial bladder cystectomy is easier for dome endometriosis than vesical base lesions (EL4). Hysterectomy with ovarian conservation is associated with a high risk of pain recurrence (EL4). Despite bilateral oophorectomy, pain recurrence can occur with hormonal treatment (EL2). Rates of major (ureteral, vesical, intestinal or vascular) complications of endometriosis surgery range from 0.1 to 15% of patients. Higher rates are more common with deep endometriosis surgery (EL2). Patients should be aware of these specific major complications. It is advisable to explain that pain improves, either partially or completely, in about 80% of patients.  相似文献   

Research questionHow effective is medical hormonal treatment in preventing endometriosis recurrence and in improving women's clinical symptoms and quality of life?DesignThis observational cross-sectional study evaluated the effects of hormonal medical treatment (progestins, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues or continuous oral contraceptives) on endometriosis recurrence, current clinical symptoms and quality of life in three groups of patients: Group A (n = 34), no hormonal treatment either before or after the first endometriosis surgery; Group B (n = 76), on hormonal treatment after the first endometriosis surgery; and Group C (n = 75), on hormonal treatment both before and after the first endometriosis surgery.ResultsGroup C patients were characterized by a lower rate of endometriosis reoperation (P = 0.011) and a lower rate of dysmenorrhoea (P = 0.006). Women who experienced repetitive endometriosis surgery showed worse physical (P = 0.004) and mental (P = 0.012) status than those who received a single surgery, independent of the treatment.ConclusionHormonal treatments represent a valid cornerstone of endometriosis management and may be useful as an alternative to surgery, but also before surgery, to plan better, and after surgery in order to reduce the risk of recurrence. Medical counselling is very helpful in choosing the correct and individualized endometriosis treatment. In fact, the gold standard for modern endometriosis management is the individualized approach and surgery should be considered, depending on the clinical situation and a patient's symptoms.  相似文献   

目的: 探究Ⅲ~Ⅳ期子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMs)患者术后复发的影响因素,为预防复发和术后管理提供参考。方法: 选取2016年1月—2019年1月于安徽医科大学附属省立医院接受腹腔镜保守性手术治疗的Ⅲ~Ⅳ期患者538例,结合其临床病历和随访信息,运用SPSS 26.0软件分析复发的影响因素及术后妊娠状况。结果: 全部患者术后随访16~53个月,中位时间为35.1个月,随访期间共77例患者出现复发。单因素分析表明,r-AFS评分、术前痛经、术后促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRHa)治疗时间和术后妊娠对Ⅲ~Ⅳ期EMs患者术后复发有影响(均P<0.05)。多因素Cox回归分析表明,术前痛经和r-AFS评分≥77.5是EMs患者术后复发的独立危险因素(P<0.05);术后GnRHa治疗6个月和术后妊娠是EMs患者术后复发的保护性因素(P<0.05)。相较于术后第2年(27.27%)和第3年(18.75%)的自然妊娠率,术后第1年妊娠率(45.90%)最高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.016 7)。结论: Ⅲ~Ⅳ期EMs患者保守性手术后复发率较高,术前痛经和r-AFS评分是术后复发的独立危险因素,应量化后纳入复发风险预测模型;术后GnRHa治疗6个月和妊娠可以降低术后复发率,应鼓励有生育要求的患者术后在GnRHa治疗后积极备孕。  相似文献   

Endometriosis, defined as the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, is a challenging condition associated with substantial morbidity. Management of endometriosis must be individualized according to the desired treatment outcome, whether it is relief of pain, improvement of fertility, or the prevention of recurrence. For alleviation of endometriosis-associated pain, medical treatment is generally successful, with no medical agent being more efficacious than another in spite of significantly differing side-effect profiles. Surgical therapy has also been demonstrated to reduce pain scores in comparison with expectant management, although conservative surgery has been frequently associated with recurrence. The efficacy of combination therapies still remains to be clarified. For treatment of endometriosis-associated infertility, suppressive medical treatment has been proven to be detrimental to fertility and should be discouraged, while surgery is probably efficacious for all stages. Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with intrauterine insemination is recommended in early-stage and surgically corrected endometriosis. Combined surgery with GnRH analog treatment has been proposed to be first-line therapy, followed by IVF as second-line therapy in advanced cases. More rigorously designed randomized clinical trials focusing on the endocrinological, immunological, and genetic aspects of endometriosis are necessary to refine conclusions regarding the etiopathogenesis and therapeutic innovations of this perplexing disease.  相似文献   

The high rate of disease recurrence after surgery is critical and frustrating for women with endometriosis. Adjuvant treatments using a 3- to 6-months course of hormone therapy after surgery have been extensively investigated during the last 2 decades; however, results have been unsatisfactory, primarily because the benefits of hormone therapy rapidly vanish once treatment is discontinued. The protective effect is limited to the period of use. Accordingly, it is recognized that suppressive hormone therapy after surgery markedly prevents recurrent episodes only if given over the long term. The emerging view is that estroprogestins do not ameliorate the effects of surgery but demonstrate tertiary prevention of the disease. They prevent ovulation and reduce retrograde menstrual flow, two crucial events in the pathogenesis of endometriosis. The available literature strongly supports the benefits of prolonged administration of estroprogestins after surgery in preventing recurrence of endometriomas and dysmenorrhea. In contrast, data on dyspareunia and nonmenstrual pelvic pain remain scanty and unconvincing, and there is no information about recurrence of other forms of endometriosis such as peritoneal implants and adhesions. Overall, estroprogestin therapy after surgery to treat endometriosis should be recommended in women who do not seek to become pregnant. Further evidence is warranted to better delineate the beneficial effects of this emerging but convincing strategy.  相似文献   

In endometriosis, surgical removal of manifestations of the disease is considered the state-of-the-art treatment for both symptom control and infertility. While whenever possible, laparoscopic surgery should be employed, both persistence and recurrence are unsolved problems of the disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the risk of recurrence after administration of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) among women who have had endometriosis and who underwent bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO). DESIGN: Prospective randomized trial (115 women receiving HRT and 57 not receiving HRT). SETTING; Public university hospital. PATIENT(S): Women with a histologic diagnosis of endometriosis in whom BSO was performed; 91.8% had a total hysterectomy. INTERVENTION(S): Periodical clinical examination, vaginal ultrasound, and CA-125 levels; surgical evaluation and histologic study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Recurrence rate, prognostic factors, and a mean follow-up time of 45 months. RESULT(S): There was no recurrence among women who did not receive HRT, versus a 3.5% rate (4 out of 115), or 0.9% per year, in women who received HRT. Two recurrences required abdominal surgery. There was one additional patient who required surgery, but the relationship to the endometriosis recurrence was controversial. Among women receiving HRT, the following risk factors were detected: peritoneal involvement > 3 cm (2.4% recurrence per year vs. 0.3%) and incomplete surgery (22.2% per patient vs. 1.9%). CONCLUSION(S): Patients with a history of endometriosis in whom total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy have been performed have a low risk of recurrence when HRT is administered. In those patients, HRT is a reasonable option. However, in cases with peritoneal involvement > 3 cm, the recurrence rate makes HRT a controversial option; if HRT is indicated, it should be monitored closely.  相似文献   

From the literature, the crucial knowledge were drawn among endometriosis related infertility. Endometriosis is an important factor of infertility in minimal or light stages and a major one in mild or moderate stages. Thus, a laparoscopy must be performed to confirm endometriosis when suggestive clinical or biological signs exist. In absence of them, laparoscopy can be delayed after intra-uterine inseminations (IUI). The first line treatment is laparoscopic surgery. Its efficacy is proven. It is useless to prescribe a post-operative medical treatment (GnRH analogues). Surgery leads to 25 to 40% of deliveries. It is dependant on age, infertility duration, tubo-ovarian adhesion and tubes involvement. But, surgery can be avoided and the patient is directly referred to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) when the lesions extension is so important that surgery exposes to complications or when there is a permanent other indication for IVF (severe male infertility). When infertility persists 6 to 12 months after surgery and without patent recurrence, ovulation stimulations and IUI are performed as the second line treatment. After IUI failure, or in case of recurrence, IVF must be applied. A second surgery is not recommended. The IVF results are not impaired by the presence of endometriosis and even of endometriomas. Thus, it is useless to operate again endometriosis before IVF. In opposition, in severe stages or in cases of recurrence, a pre-IVF medical treatment (GnRH analogues) improves the results. IVF do not increased the risk of endometriosis acute growth. In case of infertility and pain, infertility is considered as the first target. But medical treatment can be prescribed between the IVF attempts.  相似文献   

The results of second-look laparoscopy were compared with subjective symptomatology and findings at pelvic exploration in 36 patients who had received conservative treatment for endometriosis. In the 14 patients given pharmacologic treatment, second-look laparoscopy demonstrated active endometriosis in 57.1%, whereas pelvic pain was present in 64.3% and gynecologic examination was positive in 28.6%. In the 22 patients who underwent surgery, active endometriosis was detected by second-look laparoscopy in 31.8%, whereas 40.9% reported pelvic pain and pelvic examination was positive in 31.8%. Thus clinical signs and symptoms were unreliable in the diagnosis of endometriosis recurrence, whereas laparoscopy was indispensable. It should be programmed for 6 months from the end of medical treatment and 12 months after surgery; however, if the pain symptomatology recurs, then laparoscopy is performed immediately.  相似文献   

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