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目的探讨高年资护理人员从事社区老年护理工作情况调查及影响因素。方法采用调查问卷的方法对10所综合医院的260名高年资护士进行调查,对其一般资料、从事社区老年护理工作意愿及相关影响因素进行统计分析。结果愿意从事社区老年护理工作的高年资护士占65.00%,其中84.61%高年资护理人员认为从事社区老年护理工作可发挥其才能。对影响高年资护士从事社区老年护理工作的影响因素调查分析发现,对福利待遇的满意程度、社区护理工作知识的掌握程度、能否胜任护理工作及工作压力的大小是影响其从事社区老年护理工作的重要影响因素(P0.05),且经多因素Logistic回归分析发现,以上各因素均为独立影响因素。结论应加强社区老年护理工作的规范化开展,吸引更多高年资护理人员从事社区护理工作,防止人才流失。  相似文献   

目的 :了解上海市老年护理服务体系人力资源配置现状。方法 :对上海市全市71家老年护理机构进行普查,并抽查全市36家社区卫生服务中心,对其2006-2010年人力配置情况进行调查分析。结果 :提供老年护理服务的机构,平均每机构的护理人员为19.9人,每床位配置人员数为0.67人,低于国家0.8的配备标准要求;仅有39.2%的老年护理机构达到国家护理人员配置标准要求。护士的学历构成以大专和中专与中技为主,而护工的学历构成中最多的是初中及初中以下。结论 :目前上海市老年护理服务人力数量缺乏,素质水平偏低,建议完善相关政策,大力发展老年护理服务人力资源。  相似文献   

目的:通过调查分析黄冈市预防接种门诊护理人员配置现状,为合理地利用护理人力资源提出对策和建议。方法:采用预防接种工作人员备案统计表收集2017年黄冈市从事预防接种的护理人力资源数据,并进行描述性分析。结果:黄冈市预防接种门诊中从事预防接种工作的护理人员为638人,预防接种门诊平均护理人员数为3.17人;高级职称占1.72%,中级职称占42.32%,初级职称占52.82%,无职称占3.13%;本科学历占8.31%,大专学历占68.18%,中专学历占23.51%;40岁以上占39.03%,30~40岁占31.66%,30岁以下占29.31%。黄冈市各地预防接种门诊护理人员职称、学历、年龄构成比较,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:黄冈市预防接种门诊护理人力资源数量与质量不匹配。需着力提升护理人员质量,以适应新时期预防接种工作的需要。  相似文献   

目的了解高职院校护理生从事老年护理工作的意愿,为培养护理专业人员提供依据。方法采用分层抽样法选取宁波市某高校不同护理专业和年级的1 176名高职护理生,采用基于计划行为理论设计的问卷进行调查,分析其从事老年人群护理工作的意愿及行动计划。结果 55.96%的护理生愿意从事老年护理工作,其行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制平均得分为(52.12±9.52)、(16.42±6.21)和(31.54±7.94)分。不同专业、年级、有无照顾老人经验、有无接受老年护理知识的护理生,从事老年护理工作的行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。不同专业、有无照顾老人经验及有无接受老年护理知识的护理生,从事老年护理工作的行为意向差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。从事老年护理工作的行为态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制及行为意向间均呈正相关(P0.01)。行为态度、主观规范和知觉行为控制均进入回归方程,标准化回归系数分别为0.18、0.35和0.25。结论基于计划行为理论调查显示该地区在培养老年护理人才方面成效初显,高职护理生对从事老年护理工作有较好的职业意愿。  相似文献   

上海市老年护理医院基本状况的分析与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 对上海市老年护理医院的基本状况、卫生人力资源配置进行调查和分析,旨在为政府和行政管理部门决策本市老年人群医疗卫生服务提供参考。方法 制定“上海市老年护理医院卫生服务调查表”,由被调查的医院负责按要求全面填写调查内容,如期寄回市卫生工作者协会汇总。结果 本次调查显示,至2002年6月经上海市卫生行政部门审批注册的各类建制的老年护理医院67所,总核定床位5480张,实际开放床位7724张(其中市区开放床位占33.20%),医院的基础设施和卫生人力资源有较大的改观。结论 随着上海市人口老龄化的加剧,社会对适合老年患者医疗护理、生活照料的需求将进一步增大,卫生行政部门应未雨绸缪,合理调整区域内医疗卫生机构的布局和功能定位,设置一定数量的老年护理、临终关怀医院,以满足老年人医疗保健服务的需求。  相似文献   

目的对上海市老年护理医院的基本状况、卫生人力资源配置进行调查和分析,旨在为政府和行政管理部门决策本市老年人群医疗卫生服务提供参考。方法采用调查问卷表方式收集本市53所老年护理医院2004~2006年的相关资料。结果53所老年护理医院的总核定床位6811张,实际开放床位8478张,床位数量明显不能满足社区老人需求。医院的人力资源不足,平均每张开放床位医生数为0.27,护士数为0.21。经营状况堪忧。结论随上海市人口老龄化的加剧.老年患者对医疗护理、生活照料的需求将进一步增大,卫生行政部门应未雨绸缪,合理调整区域内医疗卫生机构的布局和功能定位,设置一定数量的老年护理、临终关怀医院,以满足老年人医疗保健服务的需求。  相似文献   

目的了解护理新生入学动机和将来从事老年护理的意向,为老年护理教育及护理新生老年护理就业提供依据。方法 2011年9月自制问卷对647名护理新生进行调查。结果愿意从事老年护理87人,占13.4%;可以考虑从事老年护理175人,占27.0%;不愿意从事老年护理385人,占59.5%;不同家庭经济状况护理新生在老年护理就业意向方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。愿意从事老年护理工作的新生中对老年护理主观了解程度很了解的17人,占19.5%;对老年护理前景看好的67人,占77.0%。结论学校应从入学开始对护理新生进行老年护理专业辅导,引导护理新生正确认识并计划自己的专业发展,选择对老年护理有意向的学生进行老年护理专业的学习。  相似文献   

目的 :了解上海市老年护理服务机构设施设备配置现状。方法 :对上海市全市71家老年护理机构进行普查,并抽查全市36家社区卫生服务中心2006—2010年科室设置及设施设备配置进行调查分析。结果 :被调查老年护理机构老年护理相关科室整体独立开展率为75.8%,相关仪器及基本设施总体配置率分别为74.8%及81.2%。结论 :提供老年护理服务的机构科室设置及设施设备配置整体状况尚可,部分设施设备不足有待发展。建议政策及资金倾斜,支持并开展多样化老年护理服务设施设备配置。  相似文献   

目的 为更好的了解基层医院现有护理人力资源状况,找出存在问题,寻求合理解决方式,最大程度的为科学合理使用护理资源提供可行性决策依据.从而提高基层医院护理质量,满足患者需求.方法 调查我县基层医院护理人力资源状况,包括年龄状况、学历水平、护理人员分布结构、护理岗位工作等方面.结果 我县基层医院护理现状仍存在护理人员年龄、文化水平、人员结构不均等、护理人员从事非护理工作等状况,有需进一步改进合理使用护理资源的必要.结论 通过改进,我县基层医院护理资源大大改善,得到了有效的利用,护理人员素质有了较大提高.  相似文献   

通过对太仓市第一人民医院卫生人力资源配置现状进行调查、分析,从人员分类、职称、年龄、学历构成等方面阐述卫生人力资源配置中存在的问题,对卫生人力资源发展提出几点建议,为县市医院的卫生人力资源配置提供依据。  相似文献   

Background: Body burdens of persistent bioaccumulative contaminants estimated from the cross-sectional biomonitoring of human populations are often plotted against age. Such relationships have previously been assumed to reflect the role of age in bioaccumulation.Objectives: We used a mechanistic modeling approach to reproduce concentration-versus-age relationships and investigate factors that influence them.Method: CoZMoMAN is an environmental fate and human food chain bioaccumulation model that estimates time trends in human body burdens in response to time-variant environmental emissions. Trends of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener 153 concentrations versus age for population cross sections were estimated using simulated longitudinal data for individual women born at different times. The model was also used to probe the influence of partitioning and degradation properties, length of emissions, and model assumptions regarding lipid content and liver metabolism on concentration–age trends of bioaccumulative and persistent contaminants.Results: Body burden–age relationships for population cross sections and individuals over time are not equivalent. The time lapse between the peak in emissions and sample collection for biomonitoring is the most influential factor controlling the shape of concentration–age trends for chemicals with human metabolic half-lives longer than 1 year. Differences in observed concentration–age trends for PCBs and polybrominated diphenyl ethers are consistent with differences in emission time trends and human metabolic half-lives.Conclusions: Bioaccumulation does not monotonically increase with age. Our model suggests that the main predictors of cross-sectional body burden trends with age are the amount of time elapsed after peak emissions and the human metabolic and environmental degradation rates.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: It is a classical question of infant nutrition whether fatty acid composition of human milk differs in mothers of preterm as compared to those of full-term infants. AIMS AND METHODS: The authors analysed fatty acid composition of milk samples obtained five times during the first month of lactation from mothers of preterm (n = 8, gestational age: 28.0 [4.2] weeks, birthweight: 1235 [420] g, median [IQR]) and full-term (n = 10, gestational age: 38.5 [2.7] weeks, birthweight: 3375 [282] g) infants with high-resolution capillary gas-liquid chromatography. RESULTS: Maternal age, body mass index and eating habits of the mothers did not differ between the two groups. Neither did fat contents of human milk differ between the two groups. Values of linoleic (C18:2omega-6) and alpha-linolenic (C18:3omega-3) acid did not differ. Values of arachidonic acid (C20:4omega-6) and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6omega-3) were significantly higher following preterm as compared to full-term delivery. Values of the intermediary metabolites g-linolenic acid (C18:3omega-6), dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (C20:3omega-6), octadecanotetraenoic acid (C18:4omega-3) and eicosatrienoic acid (C20:3omega-3) were also significantly higher in human milk samples of mothers of preterm as compared to those of full-term infants. CONCLUSION: Significantly higher contribution of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in breast milk of mothers giving birth to preterm as compared to full-term infants supports the concept, that preterm infants would benefit more from feeding their own mothers milk than from receiving donor milk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Iron supplements are often recommended for older breast-fed infants, but little is known about factors affecting iron absorption from human milk or supplements. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effects of age, iron status, and iron intake on iron absorption in healthy, term, breast-fed infants. DESIGN: Twenty-five infants were randomly assigned to receive either 1) iron supplements (1 mg x kg(-1) x d(-1)) from 4 to 9 mo of age, 2) placebo from 4 to 6 mo and iron supplements from 6 to 9 mo, or 3) placebo from 4 to 9 mo. Infants were exclusively breast-fed to 6 mo and partially breast-fed to 9 mo of age. Iron absorption was assessed by giving (58)Fe with mother's milk at 6 and 9 mo. Blood samples were obtained at 4, 6, and 9 mo, and complementary food intake was recorded at 9 mo. RESULTS: At 6 mo, mean (+/-SD) fractional iron absorption from human milk was relatively low (16.4 +/- 11.4%), with no significant difference between iron-supplemented and unsupplemented infants. At 9 mo, iron absorption from human milk remained low in iron-supplemented infants (16.9 +/- 9.3%) but was higher (P = 0.01) in unsupplemented infants (36.7 +/- 18.9%). Unexpectedly, iron absorption at 9 mo was not correlated with iron status but was significantly correlated with intake of dietary iron, including supplemental iron. CONCLUSIONS: Changes in the regulation of iron absorption between 6 and 9 mo enhance the infant's ability to adapt to a low-iron diet and provide a mechanism by which some, but not all, infants avoid iron deficiency despite low iron intakes in late infancy.  相似文献   

Kazy Z  Czeizel E 《Orvosi hetilap》2005,146(46):2359-2361
OBJECTIVE: To study human teratogenic potential of oral broncho-vaxom treatments during pregnancy. AIM: Pair analysis of cases with congenital abnormalities and matched population controls without congenital abnormalities. PATIENTS AND METHOD: The large population-based data set of the Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormalities, 1980-1996. PARTICIPANTS: Of 38.151 pregnant women who had babies without any defects (control group), and 22.865 pregnant women who had newborn infants or fetuses with congenital abnormalities (case group). RESULTS: In the control group 58 (0,15%), while in the case group 22 (0,10%) pregnant women were treated with broncho-vaxom (OR with 95% CI: 0.6, 0.4-1.1). The case-control pair analysis concerning the use of broncho-vaxom during the second-third months of pregnancy did not show any human teratogenic potential in the different groups of congenital abnormalities. The mean gestational age was longer in control infants born to mother with broncho-vaxom treatment during pregnancy compared with the figure of control infants without this treatment (40 +/- 1.3 vs. 39.4 +/- 2.1, t = 2.28, p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: Teratogenic risk for congenital abnormalities was not detectable in the children born to women treated with broncho-vaxom during pregnancy. The possible gestational age promoter effect of broncho-vaxom needs further studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We undertook a lung cancer mortality analysis of 1528 German carbon black workers, followed between the years of 1976-1998, who produced furnace black, lamp black, and gas black. METHODS: We used Cox modeling across age with time-dependent covariates, ie, cumulative and mean carbon black exposure, duration of work in departments, adjusting for calendar time, a smoking indicator, and age at hire. Exposures were lagged up to 20 years. Analyses were performed with the full cohort and after restriction to an inception cohort. RESULTS: A total of 50 lung cancer deaths occurred. No positive association was found with carbon black exposure indices. Some models indicated an increasing risk across duration of work in the lamp black producing department. CONCLUSIONS: Our results do not suggest that carbon black exposure is a human lung carcinogen. The lamp black results, if no artifact, may point at historical exposures to gaseous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

A study to determine the appropriate surveillance of health appraisal for communities was made using individual data for deaths in 1992-1996 in Maniwa County (population 51,000), individual data of medical examinations from 1995 to 1997 in Maniwa and other county (population 24,000), rate for people receiving medical examinations from 1983 to 1996 in Maniwa County and life table data for Japanese males in 1995. The results obtained were as follows: (1) The total YPLL (Years of Potential Life Lost) rate was reversely correlated with the proportion of people who had a medical examination as compared to the total population, with a time lag of about 6 years (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that past health appraisal may influence future indicators of death with a time lag of about 6 years. (2) In the case of calculation of Years of Potential Life Lost rate (YPLL rate = sum of ?target age - (death age + 0.5) between n1 and n2 ages?/population), if the target age is close to the n2, the number of deaths close to the n2 have a possibility of very small evaluation to influence of number of these near to n1. Therefore a target age must be set up some years above n2. (3) There is a peak point (about 90 years) among 0 and 99 years old for the YPLL rate in life tables for Japanese males in 1995 using the target age of 100. On the other hand, using a target age of 120 there was a linear increasing from about 75 age with no peak. Then, if YPLL rate with a target age of 100 is used, there may be big different values among n2 before peak age and after peak age. (4) To perform appropriate surveillance of health appraisal for communities (population size: 1000-2000), two indicators must be used. One is a simple rate for number of death peoples of some diseases to total population or of peoples who have an abnormal indicator on some medical examinations to total number of peoples who have a medical examination, in which case that person's age is not be considered. The other is Age-Adjusted YPLL or YPHL (Years of Potential Health Lost) rate not using a data of standard population that have been showed next equation. A target age should be set at 120, as a maximum age of human life rather than 80 or 100. Age - Adjusted T(n1 - n2) YPLL rate(by Inoue) [formula: see text] T: A target age (value of 120 is appropriate), n1: youngest individual age, n2: oldest age, i; individual age between n1 and n2, pi: population (in the case of YPHL rate, it shows a number of peoples receiving medical examination) at age of i, Qi: number of death on some disease (number of peoples who have an abnormal indicator on some item of medical examination) at age of i.  相似文献   

目的:了解广州地区无偿献血者HHV-8的感染情况,为制定预防策略提供依据。方法:采用ELISA法检测3135名无偿献血者血浆HHV-8IgG抗体。结果:3135名献血者中6名血浆标本被检出HHV-8IgG抗体阳性,均为汉族、男性献血员,总阳性率为0.19%。不同年龄和性别组HHV-8感染率差异无统计学意义。结论:广州地区无偿献血人群HHV-8的感染率较低。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Asbestos exposure is the only cause of epidemiological relevance for pleural malignant mesothelioma (MM), but the mechanism of action is not entirely understood. A causal role was suggested for SV40 since viral DNA and proteins were detected in pleural MM and SV40 caused MM in hamsters. SV40 proteins (Tag) interact with oncogenes P53 and Rb. OBJECTIVES: To review evidence on the association of SV40 with MM, bearing in mind laboratory and epidemiological studies. METHODS: The review on SV40 was based on scientific papers published since 1990 on association of SV40 with human cancer. RESULTS: Studies researching SV40 DNA in MM tissue observed a wide range of prevalences (0% to 70%); causes of variability were not convincingly identified. An association of MM with SV40 was suggested but confounding factors and biases were not considered. Cohort studies on humans inoculated with contaminated vaccines did not show an increased incidence but their statistical power was limited. Diffusion of SV40 in humans is linked to polio vaccines produced in 1955-63 from SV40-infected monkeys. A 11-12% prevalence of SV40 in adults were reported in the USA, 2-6% in Europe and Africa. The age pattern of MM does not suggest a cohort effect related to contaminated vaccines. DISCUSSION: Association of SV40 with human MM is suggested from laboratory observations but still lacks confirmation in well designed epidemiological studies. Other putative co-factors in MM occurrence are mutations in genes involved in repair of damage caused by asbestos, notably DNA-repair genes. Preliminary observations are available but epidemiological studies are needed to test this hypothesis.  相似文献   

目的:了解海南省农村卫生建设扶贫项目实施前后的人力资源状况。方法:采用分层抽样的方法对海南省农村卫生机构建设的基本情况进行统一调查。结果:乡镇卫生院2007年和2010年人力资源构成性别分布女性多于男性,年龄分布中以35~45岁比例最高,项目实施后本科/大专学历人员比例有所提高(P0.05),卫生院无高级职称人员,项目实施前后职称构成差异无统计学意义;村卫生室医生年龄平均为41.80岁,较基线调查的43.36岁有所下降,但差异无统计学意义(P=0.581 6);83.33%的村医持有乡村医生资格证,16.67%持有全国认可的职业医师资格证。结论:项目实施前后乡镇卫生院和村卫生室人力资源状况改变不明显,但整体素质有明显的改善;要稳定现有单位的人力资源,同时也应注重自身人才的培养,制定人才培养计划和规划。  相似文献   

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