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目的探讨婴幼儿辅食添加频率与生长发育之间的相关性。方法采用分层整群随机抽样选取成都、昆明和贵阳地区3644名6~24月龄健康婴幼儿作为调查对象,通过问卷调查收集婴幼儿母乳、配方奶及辅食添加相关资料,应用辅食添加频率综合评价体系进行量化评分和分级;测量婴幼儿身长和体重并计算Z评分以评估生长发育状况;采用Spearman秩相关法分析婴幼儿辅食添加频率与生长发育Z评分的相关性,采用线性趋势χ2检验分析婴幼儿辅食添加频率与生长发育不良率的关系。结果城市、农村母乳/配方奶摄入小于3次/天的婴幼儿,辅食添加频率与身长别体重Z评分(WLZ)、年龄别体重Z评分(WAZ)均呈正相关,相关系数城市分别为0.10和0.11(P0.05),农村分别为0.20和0.14(P0.05)。农村婴幼儿消瘦率随辅食添加频率水平升高而降低。城市、农村母乳/配方奶摄入大于等于3次/天的婴幼儿,辅食添加频率与生长发育Z评分均不存在相关。结论辅食添加频率对婴幼儿生长发育有影响,西南农村地区更为明显,可通过改善婴幼儿辅食添加频率,控制婴幼儿人群的消瘦比例。  相似文献   

目的探讨婴幼儿辅食添加频率与生长发育之间的相关性。方法采用分层整群随机抽样选取成都、昆明和贵阳地区3644名6~24月龄健康婴幼儿作为调查对象,通过问巷调查收集婴幼儿母乳、配方奶及辅食添加相关资料,应用辅食添加频率综合评价体系进行量化评分和分级;测量婴幼儿身长和体重并计算z评分以评估生长发育状况;采用Spearman秩相关法分析婴幼儿辅食添加频率与生长发育z评分的相关性,采用线性趋势χ2检验分析婴幼儿辅食添加频率与生长发育不良率的关系。结果城市、农村母乳/配方奶摄入小于3次/天的婴幼儿,辅食添加频率与身长别体重Z评分(WLZ)、年龄别体重Z评分(WAZ)均呈正相关,相关系数城市分别为0.10和0.11(P〈0.05),农村分别为0.20和0.14(P〈0.05)。农村婴幼儿消瘦率随辅食添加频率水平升高而降低。城市、农村母乳/配方奶摄入大于等于3次/天的婴幼儿,辅食添加频率与生长发育Z评分均不存在相关。结论辅食添加频率对婴幼儿生长发育有影响,西南农村地区更为明显,可通过改善婴幼儿辅食添加频率,控制婴幼儿人群的消瘦比例。  相似文献   

目的探讨辅食添加时间现状及其与婴幼儿生长发育的相关性。方法于2013年采用多阶段群组抽样方法抽取陕西省南部11个国家贫困县的1802名6~12月龄婴幼儿作为基线调查对象,共进行四期调查,每次调查间隔6个月。通过自制问卷收集婴幼儿辅食添加相关资料,利用贝利婴幼儿发展量表测评婴幼儿认知能力发展状况,并利用标准量具衡量婴幼儿身长和体重,生成年龄别身高(HAZ)、年龄别体重(WAZ)以及身高别体重(WHZ)指数。采用方差分析法评估婴幼儿辅食添加时间与生长发育的关系。结果样本地区仅32. 93%的婴幼儿满6月龄开始辅食添加时间,其余样本婴幼儿添加辅食时间过早或过晚。在较长时期来看,辅食添加时间与婴幼儿认知能力得分呈现相关关系,第三和四期追踪调查显示,6月龄以后添加辅食的婴幼儿智力发育指数(MDI)(分别为81. 24和78. 40)更低(F=11. 86,P<0. 05;F=4. 24,P<0. 05),6月龄添加辅食的婴幼儿认知发展优势逐渐显现。辅食添加时间与WAZ、HZA、WHZ均无长期的显著相关关系。结论陕西省南部贫困农村地区仍存在辅食添加不合理的行为。辅食添加时间是影响婴幼儿生长发育的重要变量。  相似文献   

46个农村贫困县婴幼儿辅食添加现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 分析我国西部农村地区3岁以下儿童辅食添加现状,为政府制定相应的政策提供理论依据。方法 采用分层多阶段抽样的方法。进行横断面调查。以辅食添加率、辅食添加时间和辅食添加频率来分析辅食添加状况,用年龄别身高Z值(HAZ)和年龄别体重Z值(WAZ)判断婴幼儿生长发育水平。结果 所调查婴幼儿谷类辅食的添加率88%,植物蛋白添加率最低为44.7%。五大类辅食的添加率都随着婴幼儿年龄的增加而增加,每一个月龄段各类辅食的添加率都以谷类最高,依次为蔬菜,动物蛋白,蛋类和奶类,植物蛋白最低。辅食开始添加较迟,平均时间在6个月以后,鸡蛋、肉类和蔬菜在8个月左右,豆制品最晚,平均为10个月。4~6月龄每天吃鸡蛋和肉类的比例分别只有16.6%和15.4%,12个月龄以后每天能吃到鸡蛋的比例不到60%,肉类则更低不到50%,6个月龄以后五大类辅食添加组生长迟缓和低体重的发病率都低于未添加,12~24月龄段这种差别最大。结论我国西部农村要幼儿辅食添加存在的主要问题是添加时间不合理,品种单一和实际摄入量低。应该多渠道进行营养知识宣传,大力提倡添加鸡蛋,植物蛋白如豆制品以及蔬菜等,农村地区容易获取的营养丰富的食品,以满足要幼儿生长发育对蛋白质和多种维生素的需求。进而改善农村地区婴幼儿营养状况。  相似文献   

Yan L  Zeng G  Sun Y  Li Z  Dong W  Pan L  Wang Y  Lai J 《卫生研究》2012,41(2):209-214
目的建立6~24月龄中国婴幼儿喂养指数,为综合评价婴幼儿喂养提供有效的工具。方法以2002年Ruel和Menon提出的喂养指数概念为基础,根据世界卫生组织(WHO)喂养建议和中国0~6岁儿童膳食指南,建立喂养指数确定各变量分类及分值,利用四川、河北、黑龙江三地区城乡6~24月龄共1738名婴幼儿年龄别体重(WAZ)、年龄别身长(HAZ)和身长别体重(WHZ),分析喂养指数与婴幼儿Z评分之间的相关性。结果喂养指数由持续母乳喂养、奶瓶使用、过去24小时膳食摄入种类和膳食摄入频率、过去一周辅食添加天数、配方奶首添时间、除配方奶外其他辅食首添时间7部分组成;城市婴幼儿喂养指数评分显著高于农村(P<0.05);城市6~8月龄组婴幼儿喂养指数得分低于9~24月龄组婴幼儿(P<0.05);城市婴幼儿喂养指数与WAZ、WHZ显著负相关(P<0.05),农村喂养指数与HAZ显著正相关(P<0.05),与WHZ显著负相关(P<0.05)。结论本研究建立的喂养指数可有效评价我国6~24月龄婴幼儿的喂养情况。  相似文献   

目的利用中国食物与营养监测数据,描述1992~2005年中国婴幼儿喂养的改善情况。方法以各种辅助食品开始添加的时间和添加频率描述了我国婴幼儿辅助喂养的改善。以logistic回归方法分析了中国儿童各种辅食添加时间和添加频率与生长发育的关系。结果1992年~2005中国婴幼儿,特别是农村婴幼儿辅食喂养的模式有了很大的改善。婴儿6个月龄按时添加奶及其制品、蔬菜/水果、动物性食品与婴幼儿生长迟缓率、低体重率呈负相关。没有按时添加奶及其制品对婴幼儿生长迟缓的相对危险度为1.378,对低体重的相对危险度1.189。每天添加牛奶,动物性食物,蔬菜\水果对婴幼儿身高增长和体重增长有非常重要的作用。结论15年来中国儿童生长发育的改善,与农民收入增加后婴幼儿辅助喂养的改善有关。  相似文献   

徐华英  张艳 《中国妇幼保健》2012,27(24):3754-3756
目的:了解资阳市雁江区婴幼儿喂养与辅食添加状况。方法:对2010年11~12月在雁江区人民医院就诊的婴幼儿进行喂养方式的调查。结果:婴幼儿喂养人为母亲占52.3%,喂养人为(外)祖父母占47.7%。月龄内纯母乳喂养率为15.5%,部分母乳喂养率为48.3%,配方奶喂养率为36.2%,86.0%婴幼儿在8月龄后每日奶量低于500 ml,抚养者添加辅食具有随意性。329名婴幼儿中,3月断奶占14.3%,8月龄累计断奶57.6%,11月龄累计断奶95.2%,1岁后断奶占4.8%,平均断奶时间为8.7月。结论:雁江区婴幼儿母乳喂养率低,辅食添加不合理,其他乳类摄入量少。  相似文献   

[目的]了解四川省农村2岁以内婴幼儿喂养与辅食添加状况. [方法]利用2005年10月~2007年10月四川省农村学龄前儿童营养与健康状况相关危险因素调查,获取2岁以内共783名婴幼儿喂养方式与辅食添加状况调查资料,并进行描述性分析. [结果]婴幼儿开奶时间的中位数为5 h,其中出生后2 h内开奶的比例为37.3%;6月龄婴儿母乳喂养率、混合喂养率、人工喂养率分别为58.3%、36.7%和5.0%;婴儿平均断奶时间为7.6个月;27.2%的婴幼儿在出生后4月龄前已经添加辅食;6~8月龄的婴幼儿中还有12.6%尚未添加辅食;1岁时添加婴儿配方奶、普通奶、谷类、蔬果、蛋类、肉类、肝脏及血、豆类及其制品的比例分别为35.9%、65.5%、86.6%、69.8%、65.4%、69%、10.2%、25.9%. [结论]四川省农村婴幼儿母乳喂养率较低、辅食添加不合理,应普及母乳喂养观念,实时添加辅食,转变不良喂养行为.  相似文献   

目的运用重复测量方差分析、混合线性模型、广义估计方程分别拟合生长发育随访资料,对三种统计方法分析的结果进行比较,探讨婴儿体重增长的影响因素。方法采用回顾性出生队列资料,运用SAS9.2等统计软件进行分析。结果重复测量方差分析得到婴儿体重的增长与出生体重、月龄、是否就医有关,且后两者存在交互作用;混合线性模型得到出生体重、月龄、母亲文化水平、喂养方式、睡眠时长,以及月龄与喂养方式的交互作用有统计学意义;广义估计方程分析得到出生体重、月龄、喂养方式、睡眠时长、以及月龄与喂养方式的交互作用具有统计学意义。结论三种统计方法均可应用于生长发育随访资料分析,各有优缺点,但分析结果存在一定差异,应根据具体的适用情况,判断何种方法分析的结果更为可靠。  相似文献   

影响广东省0~18月婴幼儿体格与智力发育的多重回归分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解影响广东省婴幼儿体格与智力发育的有关因素,为促进婴幼儿的生长发育提供科学依据。方法抽样调查广东省城市、城镇、农村3844名0~18月龄婴幼儿的体格发育及749名婴儿的智力发育状况及相关因素,对影响婴幼儿体格与智力发育的指标进行多重回归分析。结果校正混杂因素后,婴幼儿的体格发育与他们的出生地、家庭每月总收入、每月食物开支、父亲学历、母乳喂养时间、纯母乳喂养时间、辅食添加时间、蛋和蔬菜摄入量等因素显著相关;婴幼儿的智力发育与他们的出生地、母亲学历、辅食添加的时间以及配方奶、肉、豆、蛋类摄入量等因素显著相关。结论提高经济发展水平、加强营养教育、促进母乳喂养、适时、合理的添加辅食是改善婴幼儿生长发育的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的:了解10年住院分娩活产儿出生体重变化。方法:回顾性分析该院1998~2007年住院分娩(孕周≥28周)活产儿出生体重,对出生体重变化及相关因素进行分析。结果:10年活产儿平均出生体重(3 143±496)g,年度间差异无统计学意义(F=1.796 3,P=0.064)。各个月份之间出生体重差异有统计学意义(F=2.425,P=0.005)。男婴、女婴体重差异有统计学意义(t=12.621,P<0.001)。孕周间出生体重差异有统计学意义(F=628.105,P<0.001),孕周与体重呈显著正相关(Pearson系数r=0.578,P<0.001)。不同孕次间出生体重差异有统计学意义(F=10.613,P<0.001)。不同产次的活产儿出生体重的差异有统计学意义(F=8.739,P<0.001)。妊娠胎数与出生体重呈负相关(r=-0.285,P<0.001)。产妇年龄与出生体重呈轻度正相关(r=0.043,P<0.001)。年度间巨大儿构成比的差异无统计学意义(2χ=4.392,P=0.884);低体重儿构成比的差异有统计学意义(2χ=23.229,P=0.006),有上升趋势(2χ=15.111,P<0.001);未足月低体重儿构成比呈上升趋势(2χ=0.207,P=0.649)。结论:各年度活产儿出生体重总体无差异;出生体重与分娩月份、胎儿性别、孕周、胎数及产妇孕产次、年龄有关。10年间巨大儿构成比无增加趋势,低体重儿构成比有逐年增加趋势,其中未足月低体重儿构成比逐年明显增加。  相似文献   

目的 探讨早期养育理念与行为干预对婴幼儿喂养及生长发育的影响,为医疗机构向家长普及养育照护知识提供依据。方法 选取2019年1-8月在陕西省人民医院儿童保健科健康体检的1月龄健康儿120例,随机分为干预组和对照组,每组各60例。对照组定期进行常规体检及健康指导,干预组在常规体检及健康指导的基础上进行早期养育理念与行为干预;12月龄时比较两组儿童家庭养育环境、婴幼儿喂养指数、辅食喂养行为、体格及智能发育指标。结果 与对照组相比,干预组儿童具有良好的家庭养育环境(χ2=34.48,P<0.001)、较高喂养指数评分(t=5.23,P<0.001)及喂养行为水平(χ2=18.23, P<0.001);干预组儿童的体重(男:Z=-2.12;女:Z=-2.11)、身长(男:Z=-2.50;女:Z=-2.13)及头围(男:t=2.19;女:Z=-2.16)的测量值均高于对照组(P<0.05);干预组大运动(Z=-2.49)、精细动作(t=3.02)、适应能力(Z=-4.75)、语言(Z=-2.81)、社交能力(Z=-3.06)及总发育商(DQ)(Z=-4.28)均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 早期养育理念与行为干预能为婴儿创造良好的家庭养育环境及喂养条件,有利于婴幼儿体格生长,促进其智能发育。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the growth and feeding practices in first-generation Vietnamese infants living in Australia. DESIGN: Cohort study. SETTING: The study was conducted between 1999 and 2002 in Sydney. SUBJECTS: A total of 239 Vietnamese women were recruited randomly from antenatal clinics, and of these 210 were initially seen. During the first year, 20 cases (9.5%) were lost to follow-up. Data were collected at 0.5, 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 months. RESULTS: Vietnamese infants were significantly longer and heavier than reference data (both P<0.0001). The Vietnamese infants had a significant decline in weight growth with age compared with reference data (P<0.001). The Vietnamese infants had marginally higher s.d. score for ideal weight for length than reference data (P=0.044). There was a significant decline in ideal weight for length with age compared with reference data (P=0.0065). Both parents were significantly shorter (mean s.d. height scores: -1.5+/-0.8 (mother) and -1.8+/-0.8 (father)) than reference data (P<0.001). The incidence of breast feeding was 79%, but half of the breast feeding women had stopped breast feeding by 3 months. A total of 162 (79.8%) infants were given infant formula within the first week, of whom 131 (80.1%) were fed infant formula within the first 24 h after birth. CONCLUSIONS: Vietnamese infants in this study had growth comparable with reference data despite their parents being shorter than reference data. Breast feeding duration was short with infant formula being introduced early.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate possible differences in the rate of appearance of the femoral head ossification center (FHOC) in infants according to the type of feeding (exclusive breast-feeding, formula, mixed feeding).MethodsA retrospective study was conducted in a population of 285 healthy infants who consecutively underwent echographic evaluation of the hip as a screening for hip dysplasia from April 1 through October 31, 2008. For each infant, type of feeding, sex, gestational age, weight at birth, and age at the time of echographic examination were recorded. Data analysis was performed in the entire sample population and in a subpopulation of 143 infants after exclusion of preterm or low-birth-weight infants and those who underwent echographic examination outside the scheduled age range. Data were analyzed by chi-square test, Kruskal–Wallis test, and multiple logistic regression analysis.ResultsAn FHOC was present in 48.3% of breast-fed infants, 25.7% of formula-fed infants, and 28% of the mixed feeding group (P = 0.001). In multiple logistic regression analysis, the best regression model included the following variables: age at test (P = 2.23 × 10?7), gestational age (P = 0.0017), and exclusive breast-feeding (P = 0.0003). Similar results were obtained in the selected subpopulation of 143 infants (FHOC in 54.2% of breast-fed group, 28.2% of formula-fed group, and 33.3% of mixed-feeding group, P = 0.01).ConclusionExclusive breast-feeding may be associated to an earlier appearance of FHOC in a population of normal infants compared with formula feeding.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the effect of adding supplementary foods on infant growth 2 to 8 and 12 to 24 months.

Methods: Length (cm/month) and weight (kg/month) of white infants (n = 94) were measured five to nine times from 2 to 24 months of age. Mothers reported birth weights, infants’ ages at first introduction of supplementary food, illnesses and information sources about infant feeding. Simple linear regression equations were used to compute slopes for each child (unit changes in length and in weight by age). Stepwise linear regression was used to determine the effect on weight and length slopes by the introduction of supplementary foods (e.g., an infant’s age when cereal, fruit, juice, vegetables and a meat cluster were first added) to the diet. Breast feeding (months duration or ever fed), illness scores and gender were covariates in the regression models.

Results: A significant model (F = 10.09, p = .002) for weight gain (2 to 8 months) showed that gender explained 10% of the variance; for length slope, the model was non-significant and gender explained 3% of the variance. Females had a slower weight gain compared to that of males. None of the covariates or supplementary foods were retained in the models. Weight prior to 12 months was the best predictor (p = .0001, 54% of the variance) of weight gain 12 to 24 months.

Conclusions: Unit changes in weight or length for an infant’s age were not statistically associated with the timing of when supplementary foods were first added to the diet 2 to 8 or 12 to 24 months. Weight prior to 12 months was a significant predictor of weight gain 12 to 24 months.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of adding supplementary foods on infant growth 2 to 8 and 12 to 24 months. METHODS: Length (cm/month) and weight (kg/month) of white infants (n = 94) were measured five to nine times from 2 to 24 months of age. Mothers reported birth weights, infants' ages at first introduction of supplementary food, illnesses and information sources about infant feeding. Simple linear regression equations were used to compute slopes for each child (unit changes in length and in weight by age). Stepwise linear regression was used to determine the effect on weight and length slopes by the introduction of supplementary foods (e.g., an infant's age when cereal, fruit, juice, vegetables and a meat cluster were first added) to the diet. Breast feeding (months duration or ever fed), illness scores and gender were covariates in the regression models. RESULTS: A significant model (F = 10.09, p = .002) for weight gain (2 to 8 months) showed that gender explained 10% of the variance; for length slope, the model was non-significant and gender explained 3% of the variance. Females had a slower weight gain compared to that of males. None of the covariates or supplementary foods were retained in the models. Weight prior to 12 months was the best predictor (p = .0001, 54% of the variance) of weight gain 12 to 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: Unit changes in weight or length for an infant's age were not statistically associated with the timing of when supplementary foods were first added to the diet 2 to 8 or 12 to 24 months. Weight prior to 12 months was a significant predictor of weight gain 12 to 24 months.  相似文献   

Objectives Infant birth weight is influenced by modifiable maternal pre-pregnancy behaviors and characteristics. We evaluated the relationship among pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), gestational weight gain, and infant birth weight, in a prospective cohort study. Methods Women were enrolled at ≤20 weeks gestation, completed in-person interviews and had their medical records reviewed after delivery. Infant birth weight was first analyzed as a continuous variable, and then grouped into Low birth weight (LBW) (<2,500 g), normal birth weight (2,500–3,999 g), and macrosomia (≥4,000 g) in categorical analysis. Pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain were categorized based on Institute of Medicine BMI groups and gestational weight gain guidelines. Associations among infant birth weight and pre-pregnancy BMI, gestational weight gain, and other factors were evaluated using multivariate regression. Risk ratios were estimated using generalized linear modeling procedures. Results Pre-pregnancy BMI was independently and positively associated with infant birth weight (β = 44.7, P = 0.001) after adjusting for confounders, in a quadratic model. Gestational weight gain was positively associated with infant birth weight (β = 19.5, P < 0.001). Lower infant birth weight was associated with preterm birth (β = −965.4, P < 0.001), nulliparity (β = −48.6, P = 0.015), and female babies (β = −168.7, P < 0.001). Less than median gestational weight gain was associated with twice the risk of LBW (RR = 2.04, 95% CI 1.34–3.11). Risk of macrosomia increased with increasing pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain (P for linear trend <0.001). Conclusions These findings support the need to balance pre-pregnancy weight and gestational weight gain against the risk of LBW and macrosomia among lean and obese women, respectively.  相似文献   

目的 探讨深度水解蛋白配方奶(extensively hydrolyzed protein formula,EHF)在早产极低出生体质量儿生后3周院内喂养的有效性和安全性,建立适宜的早产儿肠内营养方式.方法 选取2013年7月—2016年7月收治住院的60例胎龄<32周且出生体质量<1500 g的早产儿为研究对象,根据...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to compare growth, morbidity incidence and risk factors for undernutrition between infants receiving complementary feeding early, before 3 months of age, with those receiving complementary foods after 3 months in a poor rural Malawian community. METHODS: A cohort of babies was enrolled at birth for follow-up to 12 months of age. Weight, length, morbidity and feeding patterns were recorded at 4 weekly intervals from birth to 52 weeks. RESULTS: Mean age at introduction of water was 2.5 months (range 0-11.8), complementary foods 3.4 months (range, 1.0-10.7) and solids 4.5 months (range 1.2-13.8). Over 40% of infants had received complementary foods by 2 months and 65% by 3 months. The proportion of exclusively breast-fed infants, which included those receiving supplemental water, was 13% at 4 months, 6.3% at 5 months and 1.5% at 6 months. Infants with early complementary feeding had lower weight for age at 3 and 6 months (P<0.05), and at 9 months (P=0.07) and at 2 months they were approximately 200 g lighter. Early complementary feeding was significantly associated with increased risk for respiratory infection (P<0.05), and marginally increased risk for eye infection and episodes of malaria. Maternal illiteracy was associated with early complementary feeding (OR=2.1, 95% CI 1.3, 3.2), while later complementary feeding was associated with reduced infant morbidity and improved growth. CONCLUSION: Breast-feeding promotion programmes should target illiterate women. Greater emphasis is required to improve complementary feeding practices.  相似文献   

目的 分析小于胎龄儿婴儿期胰岛素敏感性的变化及早期不同喂养方式对其胰岛素敏感性的影响,为临床上对小于胎龄儿(SGA)早期营养干预提供了依据和线索。方法 收集2011年6月-2014年6月在北京大学第三医院产科出生的小于胎龄儿为SGA组,正常对照(NC)组为同期同一家医院出生的健康适于胎龄儿(AGA)。两组新生儿进入本院儿童保健中心随访,进行常规体格测量,以及空腹血浆血糖(FPG)和空腹血清胰岛素(FINS)水平的测定,根据公式计算胰岛素抵抗指数(IRI)。根据生后4个月内的喂养方式不同,分为母乳喂养组、人工喂养组和混合喂养组,然后根据SGA组的IRI是否高于NC组的中位数将SGA又分为对胰岛素不敏感和对胰岛素敏感两组。结果 SGA组在1岁内生长发育速度快于NC组,但在1岁时仍未能追赶上NC组。在1岁时,SGA组婴儿的IRI值显著高于NC组(t=3.715,P<0.05)。生后早期母乳喂养较人工喂养和混合喂养的SGA胰岛素敏感性更高(χ2=7.02,P<0.05)。结论 SGA在婴儿期生长发育速度快于正常体重儿,但未能追赶上正常体重儿。SGA在婴儿期末已经表现出胰岛素敏感性的差异。生后早期喂养方式不同对SGA的胰岛素敏感性可能有一定的影响。  相似文献   

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