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妇女产褥期饮食行为及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究产褥期妇女的饮食行为现状及其影响因素。方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法,抽取湖北省城、郊、乡共2100名经历过产褥期的妇女作为研究对象,逐一进行入户问卷调查。结果:妇女有在“坐月子”期间吃鸡蛋、鲫鱼、鸡汤、红糖等的习惯,肉禽鱼蛋类食品摄取较丰富,蔬菜水果类、奶类的摄取量则较少。有18.00%的妇女在产褥期从不吃蔬菜、78.79%从不吃水果、75.66%从不喝牛奶。Logistic回归分析结果表明,蔬菜、水果和奶类的摄入与传统饮食观念、妇女或其丈夫受教育程度、是否接受营养指导、相关营养知识知晓情况、家庭经济收入等因素有关,其中传统饮食观念是主要的负性影响因素。结论:妇女产褥期存在饮食结构不合理、某些食物的摄取量过多或过少的现象。有针对性地在产妇及其家人中开展多种形式的营养宣教,以纠正错误的传统饮食行为习惯是非常必要的。  相似文献   

土豆是世界上公认的营养丰富的食物.美国人认为,每餐只吃全脂奶粉和土豆,就可以得到人体所需的全部营养.土豆的蛋白质中含有18种人体所需的氨基酸,是一种优质的蛋白质.其蛋白质中含有大量的黏体蛋白质,能预防心血管类疾病.土豆中维生素B1的含量,也居常食蔬菜之冠.  相似文献   

目的了解社区医护人员饮食行为习惯和营养摄入状况,为医务人员制定有针对性的健康教育计划。方法在广州市白云区各社区卫生服务中心招募符合条件的志愿者,采用定量食物频数问卷的方法,对调查对象每日摄入食物种类和数量以及膳食行为习惯进行调查并评价。结果社区医护人员饮食行为习惯:73.0%的医务人员每天吃早餐,47.8%自评饮食偏咸,40.3%自评日常饮食偏油腻,50%以上的人每周摄入奶及奶制品,70%的人每天吃蔬菜,35%的人每天吃水果。社区医务人员膳食摄入情况:粮谷类为181.01 g/d,水果为175.47 g/d,奶及奶制品为129.33 g/d,大豆类及坚果为91.62 g/d,畜禽类为148.40 g/d,平均用油量为28.05 g/d。社区医务人员膳食能量为7 623.37 kJ/d(1 822.03 kcal/d),碳水化合物摄入量为223.12g/d,供能比为48.98%;蛋白质摄入量为79.71 g/d,供能比为17.50%;脂肪摄入量为72.20 g/d,供能比为35.66%。结论社区医务人员饮食行为习惯和膳食摄入情况具有较大的改善空间,因此加强对社区医务人员营养知识行为的宣教,对慢病预防及营养干预具有意义。  相似文献   

大量摄入水果和蔬菜可降低癌症和心血 管疾病的危险。对所选择的人群进行短期强 化饮食干预,增加水果和蔬菜的摄入,可提 高血浆抗氧剂浓度并降低血压,但对普通人 群的长期干预效果还不清楚,本文对此进行 了评估。 共进行了为期6个月的随机对照试验, 鼓励690名年龄在25~64岁间的健康参与 者每日水果和蔬菜食用量至少增加5份。结 果在干预组血浆中α 胡萝卜素、β 胡萝卜素、 脂色素、β 玉米黄质和抗坏血酸浓度的增加 高于对照组(两组间的差异范围从P=0.032 ~0.0002)。两组在番茄红素、视黄醇、α 生 育酚、γ 生育酚或总胆固醇浓度方面…  相似文献   

[目的]了解汉源地区哺乳期妇女营养相关知识、态度、行为及食物摄入频率的现状,为哺乳期妇女营养教育工作的开展提供科学依据。[方法]采用自制问卷对汉源县100名哺乳期妇女进行面对面问卷调查。[结果]汉源县哺乳期妇女营养相关知识、态度及行为总体水平较差,合格率为20;营养K、A、P之间有明显正相关性;营养态度普遍较好;营养行为中的主要问题是:哺乳期特殊需要食物如奶类、蛋类、豆类、动物内脏等摄入不足,谷类、蔬菜、水果类食物的摄入频率较为合理。[结论]目前当地哺乳期妇女人群的营养知识和饮食模式有待改善,可利用营养态度普遍较好的有利条件,开展系列营养健康教育干预活动,加强哺乳期妇女及家人的营养教育,以促进母子健康。  相似文献   

饮食控制对糖尿病患者的血糖控制具有重要作用,为了获得更好的疗效,糖尿病患者应当对食物的主要成分有初步的了解。人类的食物中的营养成分主要有糖类、脂类、蛋白质、矿物质、维生素和水六种。人体必须不断获得能量才能维持生存,这些能量主要来自葡萄糖的氧化分解,此外,脂肪和蛋白质也产生一部分能量供人体利用。维生素和矿物质虽然不能产生能量,但却在机体的新陈代谢中必不可少,如果人体缺少了它们,新陈代谢就无法正常进行。饮食中的糖主要来自米、面、粉皮、土豆等主食,此外,水果、豆类、奶类及一些蔬菜也可提供一部分糖。  相似文献   

妇女产褥期饮食、行为的营养保健宣教干预研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:评价妇女产褥期饮食、行为的营养保健宣教干预效果。方法:选择湖北省城乡地区孕晚期妇女作为研究对象,随机分为干预组和对照组,在干预组中开展产褥期营养保健知识宣教。采用宣教前后知识水平测试,干预组和对照组产褥期饮食、行为及健康状况比较的方法来评价干预效果。结果:干预组对象的营养保健知识水平较宣教前有显著提高;产褥期蔬菜、水果、大豆类等食物摄入量,钙、维生素C等营养素摄入量,做产后体操、洗澡洗头等行为的发生率均明显高于对照组;便秘、手足抽搐、关节痛、恶露时间延长等的发生率均显著低于对照组。结论:多途径、针对性强的宣教方法能有效提高妇女营养保健知识水平,并改善其产褥期饮食、行为及健康状况。  相似文献   

土豆是世界上公认的营养丰富的食物。美国人认为,每餐只吃全脂奶粉和土豆,就可以得到人体所需的全部营养。法国人称土豆为“地下苹果”。俄罗斯人称土豆为“第二面包”。土豆的蛋白质中含有18种人体所需的氨基酸,是一种优质的蛋白质,其蛋白质中含有大量的黏体蛋白质,能预防心血管类疾病。土豆中维生素B_1的含量,也居常食蔬菜之冠。成年人每天吃一个中等大小的土豆,即可满足身体对维生素C的需要。  相似文献   

山西省出生缺陷高发地区微量营养素摄入量的总膳食研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的分析山西省出生缺陷高发地区微量营养素的摄入情况。方法在山西省实施强化面粉干预出生缺陷项目的吕梁地区进行总膳食研究,通过膳食调查了解当地居民食物摄入情况,并对膳食中与出生缺陷相关的微量营养素进行测定,将结果分别与中国营养协会推荐的RNI值或AI值进行比较。结果各组人群的膳食结构仍以粮谷类和蔬菜类为主。其中蔬菜、水果、乳类、肉类及水产类食物的摄入量,与中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的推荐量相比,还存在很大的差距。从总体来看,各组人群锌和维生素E的摄入量基本达到要求,但是铁、硒、铜、抗坏血酸、视黄醇、叶酸及维生素B12等营养素的摄入明显不足。结论山西省出生缺陷高发地区育龄妇女微量营养素摄入不足问题比较严重。  相似文献   

当孩子出现感染性腹泻时,除了需要对症、对因处理,饮食上也需要稍有注意。不建议喝糖分过高的饮料、进食过甜的食物;脂肪含量高的食物不易消化,因此也应该回避;在腹泻期间,没有必要只吃流食或白粥,因为这对腹泻并没有帮助。推荐继续食用碳水化合物,如米饭、小麦、土豆、面包,也可以继续食用瘦肉、酸奶、水果和蔬菜。  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in dietary patterns, there have been few longitudinal investigations. The objective of the present study was to extend an earlier method of dietary pattern assessment to longitudinal binary data and to assess changes in patterns over time and in relation to socio-demographic covariates. A prospective national cohort of 1265 participants completed a 5 d food diary at three time-points during their adult life (at age 36 years in 1982, 43 years in 1989 and 53 years in 1999). Factor analysis identified three dietary patterns for women (fruit, vegetables and dairy; ethnic foods and alcohol; meat, potatoes and sweet foods) and two patterns in men (ethnic foods and alcohol; mixed). Trends in dietary pattern scores were calculated using random effects models. Marked changes were found in scores for all patterns between 1989 and 1999, with only the meat, potatoes and sweet foods pattern in women recording a decline. In a multiple variable model that included the three time-points, socio-demographic variables and BMI time-dependent covariates, both non-manual social class and higher education level were also strongly associated with the consumption of more items from the ethnic foods and alcohol pattern and the mixed pattern for men (P < 0.0001) and the fruit, vegetables and dairy pattern and the ethnic foods and alcohol pattern for women (P < 0.01). In conclusion, longitudinal changes in dietary patterns and across socio-economic groups can assist with targeting public health initiatives by identifying stages during adult life when interventions to improve diet would be most beneficial to health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize the relationships between selected socio-demographic factors and food selection among Canadian households. DESIGN: A secondary analysis of data from the 1996 Family Food Expenditure survey was conducted (n=10,924). Household food purchases were classified into one of the five food groups from Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating. Parametric and non-parametric modelling techniques were employed to analyse the effects of household size, composition, income and education on the proportion of income spent on each food group and the quantity purchased from each food group. RESULTS: Household size, composition, income and education together explained 21-29% of the variation in food purchasing. Households with older adults spent a greater share of their income on vegetables and fruit (P<0.0001), whereas households with children purchased greater quantities of milk products (P<0.0001). Higher income was associated with purchasing more of all food groups (P<0.0001), but the associations were nonlinear, with the strongest effects at lower income levels. Households where the reference person had a university degree purchased significantly more vegetables and fruit, and less meat and alternatives and 'other' foods (P<0.0001), relative to households with the lowest education level. CONCLUSIONS: Household socio-demographic characteristics have a strong influence on food purchasing, with the purchase of vegetables and fruit being particularly sensitive. Results reinforce concerns about constraints on food purchasing among lower income households. Furthermore, the differential effects of income and education on food choice need to be considered in the design of public health interventions aimed at altering dietary behaviour.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This exploratory study examined how estimates of one's fruit and vegetable intake in childhood are related to 3 current dietary behaviors among African American women: intake of fruits and vegetables, exposure to and preference for fruits and vegetables, and preference for trying new foods. DESIGN: Baseline data from a randomized dietary intervention trial. Setting: Ten urban public health centers in St. Louis, Missouri. PARTICIPANTS: 1227 African American women. Variables Measured: A 33-item fruit and vegetable food frequency questionnaire, items measuring estimates of childhood fruit and vegetable intake, adult fruit and vegetable intake, exposure to and preference for fruit and vegetable, and preference for trying new foods. ANALYSIS: Linear regression evaluated the association between predictors and continuous measures; logistic regression determined the association between predictors and categorical measures. RESULTS: Estimates of one's vegetable intake as a child were significantly related to exposure and preference for both fruits and vegetables, trying of new foods, and intake of both fruits and vegetables in adulthood. Estimates of eating fruit as a child were not significantly associated with these adult dietary behaviors. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Developmental influences on adult dietary patterns may be stronger for vegetables than fruits among African American women. Additional emphasis is needed regarding exposure to and preference for vegetable intake in childhood.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate trends in nutrients and sources of dietary intake for Taiwanese people from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) 1993-1996 to 2005-2008. Twenty-four hour dietary recall data were obtained from the 2005-2008 NAHSIT. The results showed that intake of cereals and grains, and dietary fiber has decreased, whereas intake of carbohydrate rich convenience foods has increased. As a result, 10-20 g of dietary fat is now obtained from carbohydrate rich foods. A greater proportion of Taiwanese are choosing low-fat meat products, however, excessive intake of meat by men and women aged 19 to 64 years is resulting in excessive intakes of protein, cholesterol and saturated fat. Men and women aged 19 to 30 years had insufficient intakes of fruit and vegetables. Consumption of fruit, dairy/products, and nuts was low in all age groups. We recommend strengthening public nutrition education and changing diet related environment to improve dietary quality and food group distributions. Issues of concern include excessive intakes of energy and the soybean/fish/meat/eggs food group in all subjects, high amount of processed foods and refined-carbohydrate rich foods in men aged 19 to 64 years and women aged 19-30 years, as well as intakes below the DRI for a variety of nutrients in elderly persons.  相似文献   

This study used two-day diet records to examine dietary behaviours in 504 Australian 18 year-olds in relation to gender, socio-economic status (SES) and national dietary guidelines. Fat intake exceeded 30% of energy in about 80% of subjects and was greater than 40% in about one-quarter. Saturated fat provided more than 10% of dietary energy in more than 90% of participants; less than 1% achieved a polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio of at least one. The major food groups contributing to fat intake were convenience foods (32% in men, 28% in women) and meat (27% in men, 25% in women). Fibre intake was less than 30 g/day in 93% of women and 77% of men. Intakes of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C and A, as a ratio of energy consumption, were greater in women than men, while sodium intake was significantly higher in men. Convenience foods were the greatest contributors to sodium intake (27% in men, 22% in women) followed by meat, bread, and soups and sauces. Greater consumption of cereals, fruit, vegetables and low-fat foods in young women of higher SES was reflected in their nutrient profile with higher intake of fibre and vitamin C and lower intake of fat. Men ate more cereals, meat and sugary foods and less fruit, vegetables and low-fat foods. Only 2.5% of men and 4.1% of women conformed with the health promotion message, widely publicised locally, to eat two fruits and five vegetables daily. Not eating breakfast was associated with lower calcium intake in men and women, and lower iron and fibre intake in women. Achieving behavioural changes in young adults must take into account differences in dietary behaviour related to gender and SES.  相似文献   

The food sources for the macro-nutrients and the antioxidant vitamins in the diets of non-manual and manual occupational groups were assessed. Nearly 10,000 men and women aged 40–59 years completed food frequency questionnaires as part of a study of risk factors for coronary heart disease (the Scottish Heart Health Study). Twenty-five food groups are identified and their percentage contribution to each of the nutrients are reported. Clear differences in the nutrient sources occur between both the sexes and the social class groups. Quantitatively, the top four food items for men are alcoholic drinks, milk, potatoes and bread, and for women are milk, bread, fresh fruit and potatoes. Meat products (as distinct from carcass meat) and hard margarines are responsible for most of the differences in total fat, and saturated fat intake between the social class groups. Key differences occur in the percentage of vitamin C and fibre from fruit juice, fresh fruit, green vegetables and potatoes. The importance of carrots to carotene intake varies by social class and, in the manual groups, a greater percentage of vitamin E is derived from eggs and hard margarine than from soft margarine and vegetable oils. These data complement the findings that nutrient intakes differ between social class groups by highlighting the foods which bring this about. The information is relevant to dietitians and health educators who may wish to bring about dietary change in populations.  相似文献   

We examined the relation of fruit and vegetable intake with dietary fat intake under conditions in which individuals consume recommended number of portions of dairy, meat and grain foods, using 24-hour dietary recall data from the NHANES II of 1976–80. Only recalls that included at least 2 servings each of dairy foods and meat and 4 servings of grains, but variable servings of fruits and vegetables (ranging from 0 to 2 or more) were examined, yielding a total of 9 food group patterns (possible combinations of food group servings) as reported by 1,490 respondents. In patterns ranging from 0 to 2 servings each of fruits and vegetables, the mean percent of energy as fat varied from 39% to 36%. We observed a slight trend for decreasing energy from fat with increasing number of fruit-but not vegetable-servings. Consumption of fruits and vegetables was not associated with selection of lower-fat foods in the meat, dairy or grain groups. The percent of daily fat contributed by the miscellaneous food group (containing visible fats, sweeteners, and baked products with a high fat or sugar content) increased with increasing vegetable-but not fruit-servings. These results suggest that without conscious effort to reduce fat intake, an increase in fruit and vegetable intake may have a relatively minor impact on reduction of dietary fat.  相似文献   

The world-wide rise in obesity parallels growing concerns of global warming and depleting natural resources. These issues are often considered separately but there may be considerable benefit to raising awareness of the impact of dietary behaviours and practices on the food supply. Australians have diets inconsistent with recommendations, typically low in fruit and vegetables and high in energy-dense nutrient-poor foods and beverages (EDNP). These EDNP foods are often highly processed and packaged, negatively influencing both health and the environment. This paper describes a proposed dietary assessment method to measure healthy and sustainable dietary behaviours using 4-days of food and beverage images from the mobile food record (mFR) application. The mFR images will be assessed for serves of fruit and vegetables (including seasonality), dairy, eggs and red meat, poultry and fish, ultra-processed EDNP foods, individually packaged foods, and plate waste. A prediction model for a Healthy and Sustainable Diet Index will be developed and tested for validity and reliability. The use of the mFR to assess adherence to a healthy and sustainable diet is a novel and innovative approach to dietary assessment and will have application in population monitoring, guiding intervention development, educating consumers, health professionals and policy makers, and influencing dietary recommendations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A simple, reliable, and valid food questionnaire is needed in clinical dietary assessments, community health education, and multi-purpose epidemiologic studies to obtain a crude measure of dietary intake. METHODS: To assess the validity and reproducibility of a simple 4-point scale food intake and behavior checklist, it was compared to two 3-day weighed dietary records. The FBC was administered to 47 students of a dietician course and their parents (n = 94) over a 9-month interval to assess the reproducibility. The mean intakes of selected food groups assessed by the two dietary records completed between food intake and behavior checklists were compared to the responses to the food intake and behavior checklist to assess its validity. RESULTS: The kappa statistics for reproducibility ranged from 0.25 for confectionaries to 0.63 for a preference for fatty foods (median, 0.39). There was a reasonable level of correlation between the dietary record and the food intake and behavior checklist in the intake of eggs, milk, and fruits (r = 0.53, 0.56, and 0.50, respectively). There was a weaker but still significant correlation in the intake of vegetables, and alcohol (r = 0.31 and 0.45, respectively). No significant correlation was observed in the intake of meat, fish, confectionaries, and soft drinks. However, those who reported consuming mainly fish rather than meat were found to eat significantly less meat and animal fat. Similarly, those who did not prefer fatty foods consumed significantly less meat, animal fat, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. CONCLUSIONS: This simple food checklist was useful in collecting data on egg, milk, and fruit consumption. Assessing intake frequency of vegetables, meat or fish with the FBC may be useful in screening high- or low-intake individuals.  相似文献   

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