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分析医院图书馆的现状与困境,探讨信息大数据时代医院图书馆建设和发展策略。提出应更新观念,运用信息生态系统平衡理念;利用图书馆资源优势以及新兴媒体技术;加强信息和人才队伍建设,促进资源流动、提高信息利用,实现资源保值、增值和生态平衡。创新服务模式,拓展延伸服务,使医院图书馆对未来的医院、社会有新的作用。  相似文献   

网络环境下军队医院图书馆信息需求与服务模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了网络环境下军队医院图书馆的用户信息需求特点,针对目前军队医院图书馆数字资源信息服务的主要问题,提出需要更新的观念和工作方向。  相似文献   

21世纪,随着医院图书馆现代化信息服务的发展,信息咨询工作的重要性日趋显著。因而在图书馆与用户之间必须架起一座中介桥梁,使馆藏资源的价值得到最大程度的体现,有效利用各种信息技术对各类信息搜集、加工、整理、分析、传递,向读者提供解决问题的方案、策略、建议、规划、措施等信息。医院图书馆信息咨询工作不仅要从多种角度满足读者,以多种方式发挥馆藏文献资源,还需加强对图书馆员业务素质及能力的培养。  相似文献   

网络环境下医院图书馆的个性化服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱佳敏 《现代医院》2012,12(3):129-131
目的探讨在网络环境下个性化服务在医院图书馆发展的新趋势。方法通过对医院图书馆个性化服务实践中关键问题的解析,探究提高个性化服务有效率的途径。结果利用新的技术手段、提高医院图书馆馆员的素质和个性化服务在用户中的知名度以及收集用户对个性化服务的反馈,及时改进提供服务的内容、渠道和方式等方法,提升个性化服务的有效率。结论医院图书馆开展个性化服务对医院图书馆可持续发展有重要意义,是医院图书馆信息服务的方向。  相似文献   

医院图书馆是医学科技创新的重要组成部分,是开展医疗、教学和科研工作的信息支撑体系。医院图书馆主要通过加强用户培训教育,开展编制二次文献工作;加强信息导航,开展定题服务,在临床科研中发挥着信息保障作用。  相似文献   

网络环境下医院图书馆的信息服务工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析网络环境下医院图书馆信息服务的特点,提出医院图书馆应增强信息服务意识,为用户提供全方位医学文献信息服务。  相似文献   

随着网络化、数字化信息资源体系的日趋完善,医学信息的获得、交流方式与传统图书馆的信息服务比较,具有多样化、个性化和知识化的特点。这就要求医学信息服务人员及时掌握用户需求,随时调整服务方向,加强资源开发利用,借助网络化的传输手段,提高服务质量。  相似文献   

医院图书馆个性化信息服务探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖曼群 《现代医院》2007,7(8):144-146
个性化信息服务体现了以用户为中心的服务理念,对图书馆提出了新的服务内容和新的服务方式。医院图书馆应根据医院图书馆读者的需求特点,克服目前存在的困难,解决目前存在的不适应读者需求的问题,开展多种个性化信息服务,探讨、寻求图书馆创新服务的新途径。  相似文献   

王芳  闵司晨 《现代医院》2013,13(3):131-132
个性化信息服务是一种以用户为中心的新型图书馆服务模式,医院图书馆只有利用丰富的信息网络资源优势和计算机技术,开展个性化信息服务,才能不断提高图书馆的服务水平。笔者探讨了医院图书馆开展个性化信息服务的必要条件以及开展个性化信息服务的主要方式。  相似文献   

网络环境下医院图书馆信息资源的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 网络环境下医院图书馆信息资源开发利用的概况 1.1 医院图书馆信息资源开发利用的含义 所谓医院图书馆信息资源开发利用就是指医院图书工作者将收集到的信息资源,根据用户的不同需要,按照不同的目的和要求,进行不同方式、不同深度的整序和加工,使其增值,并以各种信息产品的方式提供给读者使用.它包括两个层次的含义:一是信息资源的开发;二是信息资源的利用.开发是为了利用,开发的产品越多,越合乎用户的需求,资源利用率就越高;而用户的信息需求,强烈的利用欲望和行动,又促进开发工作的深入开展.  相似文献   

医学信息学的现状与未来   总被引:40,自引:7,他引:40  
医学信息学是研究生物医学信息、数据和知识的存储、检索并有效利用,以便在卫生管理、临床控制和知识分析过程中作出决策和解决问题的科学。它是信息技术学与医疗卫生科学的交叉学科,前者是其方法学,后者是其应用领域。该文通过对医学信息学历史的透视、当前状况和未来面临挑战的分析,探讨了我国医学信息学发展的战略。要使中国的医学信息学的发展尽快与国际接轨,适应现代社会发展的需要,必须加快培养一支医学信息学专业的人才队伍,加强国际和国内合作交流,重点开展一些医学信息学基础的理论和应用研究,建立和完善一系列的相关标准和规范。  相似文献   

Objectives  The ability to innovate new solutions in response to daily workplace challenges is an important component of adaptive expertise. Exploring how to optimally develop this skill is therefore of paramount importance to education researchers. This is certainly no less true in health care, where optimal patient care is contingent on the continuous efforts of doctors and other health care workers to provide the best care to their patients through the development and incorporation of new knowledge. Medical education programmes must therefore foster the skills and attitudes necessary to engage future doctors in the systematic development of innovative problem solving. The aim of this paper is to describe the perceptions and experiences of medical students in their third and fourth years of training, and to explore their understanding of their development as adaptive experts.
Methods  A sample of 25 medical students participated in individual 45–60-minute semi-structured interviews. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and entered into NVivo qualitative data analysis software to facilitate a thematic analysis. The analysis was both inductive, in that themes were generated from the data, and deductive, in that our data were meaningful when interpreted in the context of theories of adaptive expertise.
Results  Participants expressed a general belief that, as learners in the health care system, exerting any effort to be innovative was beyond the scope of their responsibilities. Generally, students suggested that innovative practice was the prerogative of experts and an outcome of expert development centred on the acquisition of knowledge and experience.
Conclusions  Students' perceptions of themselves as having no responsibility to be innovative in their learning process have implications for their learning trajectories as adaptive experts.  相似文献   

上海卫生系统学科人才建设成效分析与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张勘 《中国卫生资源》2008,11(5):236-238
评估了上海医学学科人才建设计划的工作绩效,着重对学科人才建设工作模式创新的探索和工作绩效的成因进行分析,提出了整合各种有效资源,形成新的活力和合力、加大公共卫生领域学科人才建设,增强疾病预防控制能力、增强临床医学中心和重点学科辐射力,提升卫生事业软实力、构筑人才高地,组建全行业多层次的优秀团队等政策建议,同时还对未来全行业医学学科建设与人才培养发展的美好愿景进行了前瞻。  相似文献   

Medical students will influence future health care considerably. Their professional orientation while at medical school will be related to their future professional development. Therefore, it is important to study this group's view of the role of medical doctors, especially because Swedish health care is currently undergoing major changes and financial cut backs. Here, the theoretical framework was contemporary theories of competence development, which has shown that people's understanding of their work influences their actions. The aim of this study was to describe medical students' views of their future professional role in health care. In total, 57 fourth-year medical students at a Swedish university were asked to write a short essay about how they conceptualised their professional role in future health care. Fifty-three students (93%) replied. The essays were analysed qualitatively in three steps and four themes were subsequently identified: the professional role in change, organisation of health care, working conditions and the possibilities of having a balanced life. Some factors mentioned that would strongly influence the professional role were being team leader, increased specialisation, supporting the patient and computer science and technology. The students expressed ambiguous feelings about power and leadership. The results indicate that the students share a rather dark view of both the medical profession and health care, which seems to be related to stress and financial cut backs. Mentoring, time for reflection and changes in the curricula might be needed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨新医改背景下医院数据中心建设的现状与发展。方法:通过对医院计算数据的分类,结合国家新医疗体制改革的背景下医院信息化建设的趋势,提出了数据中心建设的新技术路线:应用前沿的虚拟化计算技术实现数据分类集中管理;建设灵活、实用和可操作性强的应急灾备机制。结果:医院数据中心建设能够提高数据存储的集中性和可管理性,以满足医院7×24 h业务连续性和数据完整性的要求。结论:医院信息系统可满足未来电子病历、区域医疗等软件系统运行的硬件需求及数据保护等安全需求。  相似文献   

Disseminating health and medical information on the Internet can improve knowledge transfer from health professionals to the population, and help individuals to maintain and improve their health. There are currently several medical information websites that directly target the general population with the aim of providing information about health problems, self-care and prevention. However, this new technology also hides several shortcomings, such as: (i) uneven quality of medical information available on the Internet; (ii) difficulties in finding, understanding and using this information; (iii) lack of access for the unconnected population; and (iv) the potential for harm and risks of over-consumption. To be able to overcome these dangers, it is important that public health practitioners and health professionals be involved in the design, dissemination and evaluation of Web-based health and medical information.  相似文献   

The task of preparing doctors to respond optimally to present and future health needs requires that medical education be consonant with these needs but also that medical practice find its proper place in a changing world.
To ensure that their graduates can practise medicine to the satisfaction of health authorities, health consumers and the graduates themselves, medical schools should see their responsibility as extending beyond the provision of appropriate educational programmes and learning processes. Their involvement in the improvement of health care organization and delivery in partnership with other major constituencies in the health sector is seen as an important requirement to ensure better coordination in the development of medical education and medical practice.
Because changes in medical education and medical practice should go hand in hand, joint action is recommended, particularly in assessing quality and testing strategies for institutional change.  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展,使各医疗卫生服务平台产生的海量数据呈指数级大爆发。大数据技术的开发应用和“互联网+医疗”战略行动的实施,能从大体量、高复杂的数据中提取堪比石油、黄金的高能资源,加速从医学猜想、发现到医疗实践的转化,催生传统医疗向个性化、远程化、云医院等新兴医疗服务模式转型升级,开拓医疗行业一个新的黄金时代。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Research shows that physicians who model prevention are more likely to encourage preventive behaviors in their patients. Therefore, understanding the health of medical students ought to provide insight into the development of health promotion programs that influence the way these future physicians practice medicine. A university-based General Clinical Research Center (GCRC) provides a venue well suited to the health assessment and education of medical students. This research explores the utility of a GCRC in a program measuring the prevalence of clinical risk factors and related health behaviors in first-year medical students. METHODS: A 6-year cross-sectional study of first-year medical students measured clinical and behavioral variables associated with metabolic syndrome. Statistical testing was used to determine the prevalence of risk factors and the influence of gender in these variables. RESULTS: This group of medical students displayed better health indicators than did the general young adult population; however a small proportion of medical students exhibited early risk factors for chronic disease. There were significant gender differences in mean values for clinical risk factors, with males displaying higher cardiovascular risk overall. Males and females demonstrated significant differences in dietary intake and exercise programs. DISCUSSION: A GCRC can be used to provide a health assessment of medical students. Moreover, some students may benefit from health promotion programs incorporated into medical school curricula. This study provides a foundation for further research on the health of future physicians and the development of health promotion programs for this population. It also begins to explore the use of a GCRC as a teaching resource for medical students.  相似文献   

The media coverage given to occupational health studies in the field of ionizing radiation has, on occasion, been the cause of very real distress to radiation workers and their families. In response to this situation the Chief Medical Officers of the major UK nuclear companies developed an ethical policy for future involvement in research, based on the duty of care which researchers owe to a key customer of such studies: the worker. The policy consists of four principal elements: medical confidentiality; worker information; worker consent and the guarantee of the availability to the workers of pre-publication knowledge of the results. The policy issued in 1991/92 has achieved growing acceptance among researchers and medical journals, though the medical officers involved have been aware of some scepticism, particularly in relation to the practicalities of the dissemination of pre-publication information. The Record Linkage Study published in November 1997 marked a major piece of research work involving data from 120,000 radiation workers that had been carried out since the development of the policy. This paper reports on the successful compliance arrangements to meet the ethical requirements of that study within a single UK nuclear company, and is published to demonstrate that with commitment from researchers, the journal and occupational health staff such ethical requirements, and particularly the need for pre-publication information can be met in full.  相似文献   

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