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通过分析当前基层医疗卫生机构提供公共卫生服务中存在的问题,如农村公共卫生服务专业人才缺乏、工作量偏大、开展公共卫生服务的能力偏低、考核和激励机制不完善、日常管理机制不健全、公共卫生服务信息化程度低及不能满足当前农村居民对健康的卫生需求等问题,进而提出加大政府财政投入、加强基层公共卫生服务队伍建设、优化和调整基层卫生服务人才结构、完善公共卫生服务考核机制和激励机制、加强公共卫生服务日常监管及加强基层医疗卫生服务机构信息网络建设等建议。  相似文献   

实施国家基本公共卫生服务项目是促进基本公共卫生服务逐步均等化的重要内容,乡镇卫生院作为基本公共卫生服务的管理主体和执行主体,迫切需要建立一套完善有效的管理模式。本研究从推动人人参与、强化业务培训和明确工作理念等角度实施全员培训,从组建工作团队、制度制定、制度落实和鼓励创新等措施落实工作责任,从绩效考核制度的制定与实施和绩效考核结果应用等方面规范绩效考核,以及完善纠偏机制等方面进行综合分析,全面阐述乡镇卫生院基本公共卫生服务的管理与运行模式。乡镇卫生院实施全员培训是基本公共卫生服务管理的基础,落实工作责任是基本公共卫生服务管理的关键,有效绩效考核是公共卫生服务落实的抓手,完善纠偏机制是保障公共卫生服务管理长效机制的重要保证。只要借鉴这种公共卫生服务管理模式,扎扎实实开展全员培训、落实工作责任、规范绩效考核和完善纠偏机制等管理模式,通过不断完善与创新,抓好落实,就可以走出适合自己特点的路子,全面提高乡镇卫生院基本公共卫生服务质量。  相似文献   

通过对深圳市基本公共卫生服务工作进行现场调查与资料查阅,梳理深圳市基本公共卫生服务工作中存在的问题并提出相关建议,旨在为深圳市基本公共卫生建设提供更全面、更有针对性的指导。分析发现,现阶段深圳市基本公共卫生服务工作中存在的问题包括:基层慢性病管理信息化程度不足,基本公共卫生服务各系统无法互联互通;现有社区健康中心整体布局与居民健康需求存在差距;基本公共卫生项目的考评与服务经费关联机制欠成熟;现行基本公共卫生服务项目年人均补助标准与基本公共卫生服务项目需求不匹配;基层公共卫生机构专业技术人员缺乏并且薪资待遇低。未来工作改进建议:加强基层公共卫生信息系统建设;加强社区健康中心服务能力建设;完善基本公共卫生服务经费保障机制;适当提高基本公共卫生服务经费补助标准;提高基层公共卫生医生待遇。  相似文献   

[目的]通过分析重庆在推进基本公共卫生服务均等化中存在的问题和难点,有针对性地提出政策建议。[方法]查阅并分析重庆市卫生统计年鉴(2003~2007年)、第3次全国卫生服务调查重庆市数据资料。[结果]推进重庆基本公共卫生服务均等化,还面临着政府对公共卫生服务重视不够、公共卫生服务体系不健全以及城乡服务能力和获得服务的机会不均等、投入还存在明显差距等问题。[结论]推进基本公共卫生服务均等化,要从落实政府在基本公共卫生服务上的主导责任、完善基本公共卫生服务体系、建立持续稳定的财政投入机制、基层医疗卫生服务机构的人才引进和激励机制、运行机制、绩效考核评价机制等方面着手。  相似文献   

为推动我国口腔公共卫生工作的发展,对全国14个区县的调研和访谈,分析我国口腔公共卫生服务现状,并指出口腔公共卫生服务体系与机制尚不健全、工作开展不深入不广泛是目前存在的两大问题。经过4个方面的原因分析,提出深入开展口腔健康教育与健康促进活动、建立口腔公共卫生服务体系与机制、制定口腔公共卫生发展规划与工作规范、将口腔公共卫生服务纳入基本公共卫生服务、多种方式提高基层口腔公共卫生服务能力等五项建议。  相似文献   

目的:了解基本公共卫生服务在四川省农村地区实施情况与存在问题,分析问题根源并提出对策建议.方法:以四川省经济水平居中的两个农业县为调查现场,对县卫生局、财政局、疾病预防控制中心、妇幼保健院、乡镇卫生院、村卫生室和村民进行深入访谈和专题小组座谈调查.结果:1、自2009年启动基本公共卫生服务项目以来,两县农村基本公共卫生服务状况发生了显著变化,但各项内容发展不均衡;2、基本公共卫生服务由相关部门配合开展,但协调机制尚不健全;3、基本公共卫生服务经费量大,但在合理分配、有效利用方面还存在挑战;4、基本公共卫生服务“绩效”管理尚不成熟;5、基层卫生机构开始将服务重心转向基本公共卫生上,但程度尚不足;6、基本公共卫生服务与新农合、基本药物制度之间协调机制尚不完善.7、针对流动人口的基本公共卫生服务方式还需进一步探索.  相似文献   

通过对国家基本公共卫生服务项目进行面上调查和典型地区调查发现,国家基本公共卫生服务项目已经建立了完善的组织管理体系、明确的分工协作机制和稳定的筹资增长机制,服务内容不断丰富,服务提供更加精细化,居民获得感得到提升。建议进一步完善相关政策,建立以需求为导向的基本公共卫生服务项目动态调整机制;研究以成本为基础的服务标准测算方法并制定操作手册;提供精细化与个性化服务;加快发挥智慧化手段的助力作用。  相似文献   

农村公共卫生服务人才的数量和质量是保障农村居民健康的关键所在,目前存在人才数量及专业能力不足、人才流失严重、农村公共卫生服务水平低下的现状。主要原因是财政投入不足、薪酬体系不完善、绩效考核机制不健全、资源分配不均衡等多种因素导致人才缺失所致。2023年国家卫生健康委等多部门在联合开展医药领域反腐的同时进行深化医药卫生体制改革,要求健全公共卫生体系,把工作重点放在农村和社区,深化基层薪酬改革,强调绩效与业务收入脱钩,但尚无明确的农村卫生人才财政保障具体措施。为引进及留住农村卫生人才,需完善财政保障机制。建议加大财政投入,增加财政编制;实施“建档立卡”,工资由市县级财政直达个人账户;完善薪酬体系,改革绩效机制,提高总体薪酬;合理配置资源,充实卫生人才,鼓励退休医生回乡定居。通过逐步完善农村公共卫生服务人才的财政保障机制,实现农村公共卫生事业的持续发展。  相似文献   

目的:了解常州市基本公共卫生服务现状,为完善农村公共卫生服务体系和保障机制提供科学依据。方法:通过座谈,利用相关统计报表和现场观察等方法,收集农村基本公共卫生服务组织体系、服务状况、经费投入等资料,并进行分析。结果:2008年全市农村基本公共卫生服务指标全部完成,服务工作基本规范,服务网络基本形成,财政保障基本到位。但农村基本公共卫生服务还存在不少问题,如农村人均筹资标准有待进一步提高,乡村医生的保障需要认真关注。结论:常州市农村基本公共卫生服务尚需健全组织体系和工作机制,提高筹资标准,明确工作内容,完善项目管理和建立科学考评机制。  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实全国卫生工作会议精神,更好地总结公共卫生投入政策与管理的有益经验,为公共卫生领域的改革提出具有参考价值的政策建议,中国卫生经济学会公共卫生经济专业委员会拟于2006年第四季度在浙江召开公共卫生专题研讨会。现向全国征集研讨会论文,征文的参考选题如下:1.公共卫生的范畴、内涵、补偿机制与实践探索;2.政府购买公共卫生服务的机制和模式研究;3.公共卫生服务投入与补偿政策研究;4.公共卫生的财政投入政策研究;5.公共卫生系统服务规范研究;6.建立健全突发公共卫生事件应急机制的规划及措施研究;7.疾病预防控制系统绩效评价…  相似文献   

我国公共卫生服务系统(PHs)是一个极其复杂的大系统,研究运用系统动力学建模技术构建我国公共卫生服务系统的系统动力学模型,揭示我国公共卫生系统各子系统的运行规律,为政策干预试验打下基础。  相似文献   

研究初步分析了公共卫生服务系统的行为特征和运行枷制。提出了优化公共卫生服务体系结构、理顺公共卫生监督执法运行机制、提高公共卫生服务人员的工作积极性等加强公共卫生服务系统的建议。  相似文献   

The conclusion of the United States Surgeon General's Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health in 1964 that excessive cigarette smoking causes lung cancer is cited as the major turning point for public health action against cigarettes. But the surgeon general and US Public Health Service (PHS) scientists had concluded as early as 1957 that smoking was a cause of lung cancer, indeed, "the principal etiologic factor in the increased incidence of lung cancer." Throughout the 1950s, however, the PHS rejected further tobacco-related public health actions, such as placing warning labels on cigarettes or creating educational programs for schools. Instead, the agency continued to gather information and provided occasional assessments of the evidence as it came available. It was not until pressure mounted from outside the PHS in the early 1960s that more substantive action was taken. Earlier action was not taken because of the way in which PHS scientists (particularly those within the National Institutes of Health) and administrators viewed their roles in relation to science and public health.  相似文献   

The growth in the public's concern over a variety of environmental health risks has placed new requirements and demands on U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) agencies for information that describes and explains the nature of risk in clear and comprehensible terms. Experience has shown, however, that merely disseminating information without reliance on communication principles can lead to ineffective health messages and public health actions. This article presents the findings of a study conducted by the Subcommittee on Risk Communication and Education of the Environmental Health Policy Committee (EHPC), PHS, on how PHS agencies are communicating information about health risk; how effective these communications have been; and what specific principles, strategies, and practices best promote effective health risk communication. The purpose of the Subcommittee's study was to develop specific recommendations that would help PHS decision makers and health risk communicators improve the effectiveness of health information provided to, and received from, the public. The study suggests fundamental principles drawn from a series of case studies from PHS agencies abouthow bestto plan and carry outrisk communication activities.  相似文献   



This paper describes the lessons learned from operation and maintenance of the public health surveillance (PHS) component of five pilot city drinking water contamination warning systems (CWS) including: Cincinnati, New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Dallas.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed a program to pilot multi-component contamination warning systems (CWSs), known as the “Water Security initiative (WSi).” The Cincinnati pilot has been fully operational since January 2008, and an additional four pilot utilities will have their own, custom CWSs by the end of 2012. A workshop amongst the pilot cities was conducted in May 2012 to discuss lessons learned from the design, implementation, operation, maintenance, and evaluation of each city’s PHS component.


When evaluating potential surveillance tools to integrate into a drinking water contamination warning system, it is important to consider design decisions, dual use applications/considerations, and the unique capabilities of each tool. The pilot cities integrated unique surveillance tools, which included a combination of automated event detection tools and communication and coordination procedures into their respective PHS components. The five pilots performed a thorough, technical evaluation of each component of their CWS, including PHS.


Four key lessons learned were identified from implementation of the PHS component in the five pilot cities. First, improved communication and coordination between public health and water utilities was emphasized as an essential goal even if it were not feasible to implement automated surveillance systems. The WSi pilot project has helped to strengthen this communication pathway through the process of collaborating to develop the component, and through the need to investigate PHS alerts.Second, the approximate location of specific cases associated with PHS alerts was found to be an essential feature that allowed a cross-comparison to water pressure zones when attempting to locate the source of possible contamination. More specific location data (e.g., latitude and longitude) leads to a more efficient investigation, however, just narrowing the case location down to a specific hydraulic region within the water distribution system is extremely useful.Third, the ability to quickly visualize spatial distribution of cases via a visual interface was reported to be valuable to investigators during alert investigations. Most pilots implemented a CWS dashboard, in the form of a central graphical display, which presents the alerts and was used by the water utility and public health to obtain an understanding of geospatial relationships between cases, alerts and water pressure zones.Finally, public health and water utility representatives from several of the WSi pilots acknowledged that their automated surveillance tools currently have limited capabilities for detection of chemical contaminants (which may result in a sudden onset of symptoms), with the main deficiency being the timeliness of the alerts relative to the window of opportunity to respond in a meaningful and effective manner. While they currently focus on detection of traditional waterborne diseases, these tools could potentially be adapted to also detect chemical contaminants.


The results of the pilots have demonstrated that it is important to construct and formalize standard operating procedures, so that public health personnel and water utilities have a standard communication protocol. As a basic step to a PHS component, it is important to establish a relationship between utilities and public health. In addition to the efforts of the WSi pilots, research is currently being conducted by the U.S. EPA to analyze health seeking behavior of symptomatic individuals, because all PHS tools rely on data generated from behavior pursued by the affected population during a public health incident. Results from analysis of both emergency department data and poison control center follow-up phone data are currently underway.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of evaluation in the Public Health Service (PHS) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The kinds of evaluation activities are outlined with illustrations of recently completed studies. The overview includes information on resources, policies, and management of evaluations conducted by the various PHS agencies and programs. In particular, the department's new efforts to better disseminate evaluation results through the Internet are described. The article concludes with a discussion of future prospects of how PHS evaluations will play a role in implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA).  相似文献   

Over the past seven years, Providence Health System (PHS) in Portland, Oregon, has used an outcomes research paradigm to study treatment of back pain, coronary artery disease, total joint replacement, and cancer. In presenting case studies of each of these areas, the authors chronicle the evolution of clinical practice evaluation at PHS, beginning with early studies in the 1960s, to the establishment of the Center for Outcomes Research and Education (CORE), to the formation of a new systemwide strategy that is responsive to the evolving health care marketplace.  相似文献   

The growth in the public's concern over a variety of environmental health risks has placed new requirements and demands on U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) agencies for information that describes and explains the nature of risk in clear and comprehensible terms. Experience has shown, however, that merely disseminating information without reliance on communication principles can lead to ineffective health messages and public health actions. This article presents the findings of a study conducted by the Subcommittee on Risk Communication and Education of the Environmental Health Policy Committee (EHPC), PHS, on how PHS agencies are communicating information about health risk; how effective these communications have been; and what specific principles, strategies, and practices best promote effective health risk communication. The purpose of the Subcommittee's study was to develop specific recommendations that would help PHS decision makers and health risk communicators improve the effectiveness of health information provided to, and received from, the public. The study suggests fundamental principles drawn from a series of case studies from PHS agencies about how best to plan and carry out risk communication activities.  相似文献   

The Public Health Service (PHS) is the second oldest uniformed service of the United States; its tradition commenced with the establishment of the Marine Hospital Service in 1798. Congress, in 1889, established the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps under the aegis of the Treasury. The Corps was created as a uniformed nonmilitary service with a distinct uniform, insignia, and with titles, pay, and retirement protocols that corresponded to those of the uniformed military services (the Armed Forces). Initially the health care system of the country, and Commissioned Corps members, were concerned with infectious and vitamin-deficiency diseases; more recently the nation's medical community has focused on cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and AIDS. A comprehensive revitalization of the Commissioned Corps began in April 1987. The intent was to restore the Commissioned Corps to its traditional leadership role as a cadre of mobile, compassionate experts ensuring the nation's health. The revitalization activities have been successful. The Commissioned Corps has approximately 5,500 active duty officers. The Surgeon General directed the development of career tracks for 11 categories of commissioned officers to increase the opportunities for professional development within the PHS and thus increase retention and professional growth. The theme for the 1989 celebration of the centennial of the Commissioned Corps is "a century of service with distinction." A hundred years from now, at the bicentennial of the Commissioned Corps, the current Surgeon General would like it to be said that the Public Health Service has had "two centuries of service with distinction."  相似文献   

综合性医院应对突发公共卫生事件应急预案的体系研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
目的探讨综合性医院应对突发公共卫生事件应急预案的基本框架. 方法以国家相关法律、法规为依据,参照国际预案模板,比较分析综合性医院应对突发公共卫生事件的预防体系的基本构成及各部分功能. 结果预防体系应主要由中枢指挥体系、监测预警体系、应急响应体系组成;综合性医院应建立应对突发公共卫生事件的预警等级标准;及长期连续的常规性监测、分析和预警机制,进而形成相应的应急响应体系. 结论综合性医院应对突发公共卫生事件的预防体系建设至关重要,建立监测预警体系、规范流程及明确各有关部门的职责和有效配合机制是急需解决的关键问题.  相似文献   

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