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<正>为什么物质丰富了,吃穿不愁了,生活小康了,但心脑血管病、糖尿病、肿瘤等慢性病反而增多了,发病也更早了?许多人即使未得病,也是处于"亚健康";即使不属于"亚健康",心情也是灰蒙蒙的,不是春光明媚、春意盎然、自由自在的。特别是儿童肥胖、高血压,患了成人病;青年动脉硬化、血栓形成,患了老年病。提前得病,提前衰老,"亚健康"倒成了普遍现象、流行病。  相似文献   

近年来,南京市中医院借助博大精深的中医文化传统,融入新时代的特色要求,形成了以“中医文化、和谐文化、服务文化、廉政文化、安全文化、品牌文化”为核心的六大医院文化体系。充分发挥了医院文化的引导、凝聚、激励、规范和塑造作用,为打造和谐医院奠定了坚实的思想基础,为医院发展注入了活力,积累了资源,促进了奋斗目标的实现。  相似文献   

实验物资采购管理新模式的研究及其实现方式   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
研究、设计、建设了一个网络化的设备申购、审批、竟价及后台管理系统,实现全网络化工作方式,大大提高了办事效率,达到了“公平、公正、公开”,节省了大量资金。  相似文献   

家庭病床是为适合在家庭进行治疗和管理而就地建立的病床,它把医、护、患、家庭联系在一起,融预防、保健、医疗、康复四位于一体,是社区护理的主要组成部分.家庭病床的开设,方便了患者,解决了患者住院、陪护、饮食、资金等困难,特别是一些慢性病患者,在脱离不开日常家庭环境和亲人的关怀下,得到了及时的治疗和护理,从而满足了基层群众的卫生服务需求,提高了社会效益.近年来我社区开展家庭病床护理,取得了一些成绩,现总结如下.  相似文献   

张正修  张赛 《健康》2010,(8):26-26
隔壁单元的曹老师退休后,就迷上了电脑,除掉忙三餐就是坐在电脑前看新闻、写博客、网聊、玩游戏……生活倒是充实了,可时间长了落了不少毛病,颈椎病、手臂麻木、眼睛干涩、头晕。于是,曹老师通过做颈椎保健操来缓解病症,颈椎病确实得到了一些改善,可其他症状仍然存在。  相似文献   

郎艳秋  杨玉芹 《现代保健》2009,(36):133-134
目的 通过对142例门诊观察室患者的健康教育,使患者了解了所患疾病的病因、临床表现、发展、转归、治疗及一系列的康复保健知识,增强了患者预防疾病的能力,改变了不良习惯,增强了治愈疾病的信心,减少了医患纠纷,提高了护理质量。方法通过讲解、观看、宣传、教育等方法,对笔者所在医院142例门诊留观患者进行健康教育。结果提高了患者医疗保健知识和自我保护能力,减少了疾病的复发率,缩短了留观天数,促进了患者康复,同时也增强了护士责任心,密切了护患关系。提高了患者医疗保健知识和自我保护能力,减少了疾病的复发频率,缩短了留观天数,促进了患者康复,同时也增强了护士责任心,密切了护患关系。结论系统的健康教育手段,使门诊患者的护理工作由单纯的诊断、治疗服务向预防、治疗、护理、康复、保健的服务功能转变,通过向患者作健康宣教的形式,拉近了与患者之间的距离,改善了护患关系,使患者的满意度明显提高。  相似文献   

张超 《医疗卫生装备》2013,(11):107-108,111
在现有的HIS、LIS、EMR、NIS、短信平台基础上,设计了全新的检验危急值报告、反馈流程和系统结构,开发了检验危急值系统,弥补了传统报告方式的缺陷,实现了危急值实时报告和数据整合,并且提出了系统实施后出现问题的解决方法.以检验为切入点,解决了患者危急值警示信息的及时送达问题,加快了医疗的介入速度,提高了医院的管理水平,保障了患者安全.  相似文献   

赵仲龙 《健康向导》2012,18(1):10-12
健康是1现在,几乎人人认识到:健康是福,健康是富。有人说,健康是1,其他什么知识、金钱、名誉、地位、爱情……都是0。你有了健康,又有了知识,你手里等于有了10,如果还有了地位,就等于手里有了100,如果还有美满的婚姻,那就等于1 000了,再如果有了金钱,那就更多了,是10 000……  相似文献   

生病了,除了吃药、打针、输液、手术,就没有其他的方法了吗?特别针对一些慢性病或疑难杂症,往往我们吃了药、打了针甚至做了手术,多数时候也不能保证疾病完全消除。而且在未来不可预测的某天,可能还会由于此次治疗,给我们的身体  相似文献   

通过调整管理机制促进医院发展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
作者论述了所在医院面临“关”或“转”的时刻 ,全院人员心中出现了生存危机 ,6 6 %的干部提出了转业或调离要求。在关键时刻 ,医院领导层决心率领全院职工闯荡市场 ,并详述了从管理、服务、技术方面进行创新及突破传统生存观、经营观、分工观、人才观、奖惩观、服务观、贡献观 ,使医院不仅走出了困境 ,而且有了突破性发展 ,仅设备总值 1999年比 1993年增加了 14 4倍。住院病房、职工宿舍等全部是新建的。最后阐述了医院经营机制改变后的变与不变、不变中有变和有变中的不变 ,以及变与不变的教训  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of short noncoding RNAs that are widely expressed in mammalian cells and are important in post-translational gene regulation, including regulation of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation processes. miRNAs are involved in cancer initiation and progression and their expression patterns serve as phenotypic signatures of different cancers. Recent evidence suggests that dietary components as diverse as folate, retinoids, and curcumin exert cancer-protective effects through modulation of miRNA expression. miRNAs may be useful as biomarkers of cancer prevention or nutritional status, as well as serve as potential molecular targets that are influenced by dietary interventions.  相似文献   

R Sheffield 《Hospitals》1978,52(9):105-6, 108-10
Increasingly, nurses are being involved in malpractice suits and are being called upon to appear as expert witnesses or as friends of the court. The legal responsibilities of nurses today as well as the complex current and emerging medicolegal issues that are affecting their practice were the subject of a recent conference. The findings and recommendations resulting from that conference are described herein.  相似文献   

Approximately ten percent of the world's population has a disability. In the United States, it is estimated that there are 43 million disabled people and roughly 30% of them are women. There is often limited physical and structural access to health care for disabled women. As young girls, women with disabilities are often told that marriage is not a possibility, which can lead to feelings of asexuality. Barriers to contraception for women with disabilities may be twofold; attitudinal as well as knowledge based. Sexually transmitted disease detection and prompt management interventions may be hampered by a number of factors. Women with disabilities that become pregnant have identical issues in many ways as compared with nondisabled women. Fertility and sexuality are closely intertwined. As a woman with a disability undergoes an infertility evaluation, her sexuality as well as identity as a woman may be threatened. Disabled women are living longer and are reaching the age of menopause while remaining active and involved in their family life, social life, and in the workforce.  相似文献   

该文综述了近年来妇女性传播疾病的发病状况及流行病学特征,其发病特点是性从业者为性传播疾病的高危群体。一般群体中,农村人口集中的西部地区性传播疾病的发病率呈上升趋势,农民工的流动性增大了西部农村妇女感染性传播疾病的几率。有些疾病则难以治愈,甚至产生耐药,如淋球菌的感染即属于此类。国外难治性淋球菌感染的报道资料较多,西欧地区12个国家首次淋球菌联合抗生素敏感性检测及德国、日本等国家和城市均有报道,但目前有的疾病甚至无治愈手段,如艾滋病。因此,研究者从阻断性传播疾病传播环节的预防方面提出设想并进行试验,并从生物、心理、社会三方面考虑出发,提出了妇女性传播疾病的综合防治干预思路。  相似文献   

Host range and emerging and reemerging pathogens   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An updated literature survey identified 1,407 recognized species of human pathogen, 58% of which are zoonotic. Of the total, 177 are regarded as emerging or reemerging. Zoonotic pathogens are twice as likely to be in this category as are nonzoonotic pathogens. Emerging and reemerging pathogens are not strongly associated with particular types of nonhuman hosts, but they are most likely to have the broadest host ranges. Emerging and reemerging zoonoses are associated with a wide range of drivers, but changes in land use and agriculture and demographic and societal changes are most commonly cited. However, although zoonotic pathogens do represent the most likely source of emerging and reemerging infectious disease, only a small minority have proved capable of causing major epidemics in the human population.  相似文献   

Rickettsiae are strictly intracellular bacteria belonging to the Rickettsiaceae family. They are transmitted by various arthropods species, which are either vectors or reservoirs for the bacteria. The specific association between Rickettsieae and the vector are extensively studied, moreover Rickettsieae associated diseases are part of a continuously evolving field. Nevertheless, some rickettsiosis, such as epidemic typhus, have been described since the 16th century. Emerging diseases related to these bacteria are being investigated as well as new species, the implication of which is not always clear in human pathology when they are discovered. Some of these diseases are benign, others may be potentially fatal. Clinicians must therefore be aware of them. These issues are reviewed.  相似文献   

Polyols or sugar alcohols, a group of reduced calorie sweeteners, are the natural and nutritive sweeteners. These are neither sugars nor alcohols; rather they are a group of low-digestible carbohydrates which can be used instead of sucrose. They occur naturally in foods and come from plant products such as fruit and berries. They are used in food as sweeteners and bulking agents. Polyols have slightly reduced sweetness and caloric values compared to sucrose. Polyols available as either in solid crystalline form or syrups are emerging as a sugar replacer as well as a sugar substitute. Low sugar or low calorie is a top ranked market trend for bakery sector. Polyols offer the baker a versatile range of ingredients to boost the available portfolio of products. They would provide the functional benefits to bakery goods when the sugars used are replaced with polyols. This review focuses on some recent studies carried out on sucrose replacement with polyols in baked products.  相似文献   

In June 2003, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released new county-based designations of Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs), replacing Metropolitan Statistical Area designations that were last revised in 1990. In this article, the new designations are briefly described, and counties that have changed classifications are identified. The new designations identify 2 categories of counties or county clusters within CBSAs: Metropolitan Statistical Areas and Micropolitan Statistical Areas. Counties designated as neither are simply referred to as "outside Core Based Statistical Areas." Among counties classified as metropolitan in 1999, 94% are still classified as such, 5% are now micropolitan, and 0.7% are outside CBSAs. The majority of counties that were nonmetropolitan in 1999 remain outside CBSAs (60%), while 28% are now classified as micropolitan and 12% have become metropolitan. The percentage of counties classified as metropolitan has increased from 27.2% to 34.7%, and the population identified as residing in these areas increased from 81% of the total US population to 83%. Some interpretation difficulties may arise in the future, as the naming system lends itself to lumping metropolitan and micropolitan together because of their common designation as CBSAs. The central problem to this classification scheme is that it tracks the urban growth of the nation and its tendency toward agglomeration of markets but pays little attention to the places that are outside CBSAs altogether.  相似文献   

Alkaloids are a very diverse group of compounds occurring naturally in plants. In general, they are basic in nature, are nitrogen containing, and act on the central nervous system. They have been used throughout history for medicinal purposes as well as feeding deterrents to animals. Some examples of alkaloids include poisons, neurotoxins, social drugs (such as nicotine and caffeine), and psychedelic drugs. This article will focus specifically on three phytonutrients: caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline from the methylxanthine family also known as “purine alkaloids.” They are readily available to consumers in foods and have many benefits when not taken in excess.  相似文献   

Information required for the medical examination of sport, commercial, and military divers is provided. The paper adheres to an outline format and covers the diver's medical history as well as specific points to look for in the physical and laboratory examination. Numerous disqualifying conditions are listed and they are divided into absolute contraindications and relative contraindications. Physical work capacity standards are also included as well as pressure and oxygen testing. References have been drawn from the international literature, and sources of additional medical information are provided.  相似文献   

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