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通过对上海市工业固体废物、危险废物、电子废物、医疗废物和城市生活垃圾等重要固体废物近几年来的产生量,以及这些固体废物以其资源化、回收和再利用为特征的静脉产业发展现状的调查,表明上海市防治固体废物污染,发展静脉产业方面已作出了相当大的努力,初步形成了静脉产业群,但仍与上海社会经济快速的发展不相适应。文章分析了制约上海静脉产业快速发展的重要问题,包括推进静脉产业发展的配套政策还不到位,缺乏有实力的大企业参与静脉产业的发展和缺乏社会广泛的参与和支持等。针对静脉产业发展所面临的问题,提出了包括提供专项法规和配套政策的支持,积极推进静脉产业园区建设,制定发展静脉产业的专项规划,加大静脉产业关键技术研发力度和争取社会的大力支持等相关对策建议。  相似文献   

分析了杭州市区固体废物处理现状及存在问题,提出利用杭州市北部的天子岭填埋场和西部拟建设的九峰垃圾焚烧厂,采用“一园两点”格局,建设天子岭循环经济产业园区(静脉产业园区),将多种城市固废无害化、资源化、减量化处理设施集中建设,把前端回收与末端处理协同起来,通过物流、能流、信息流传递方式把不同种类城市固废处理工厂或企业连接起来,形成污染集中控制、土地集约利用、循环产业集聚的循环经济产业园区,摆脱杭州固体废弃物处置困境,提高废物资源化、无害化利用水平.  相似文献   

朱德美  周娟 《现代保健》2009,(21):86-86
静脉输液是利用液体静脉压原理,将大量无菌溶液和药液直接滴入静脉,以达到补充能量和水分,维持水电酸碱平衡,增加血容量,治疗疾病的目的。静脉输液是护理人员应掌握的基本技能,从化疗患者血管特点,静脉输液时血管选择,输液技巧等方面的体会进行总结。  相似文献   

经外周置入中心静脉导管(peripherally inserted central catheter,PICC)是新生儿静脉开放的最佳途径。多用于危重和极低出生体重儿,可为其治疗提供有效的静脉通路。PICC常见的静脉穿刺部位为贵要静脉、肘正中静脉和头静脉,但当患儿双上肢肘部静脉不明显或已被破坏无法进行穿刺置管,且病情重、体重轻、预计输液时间在2周以上时,应选择股静脉或大隐静脉置管。我院新生儿重症监护室于2007年8月-12月共为4例早产儿行经大隐静脉置入PICC导管,均获成功,现报告如下。  相似文献   

安辉 《健康大视野》2006,14(7):110-110
静脉输液是治疗疾病的主要手段。建立良好的静脉通路,才能在救治病人过程中使病人得到迅速、快捷的补液及给药。但反复多次的静脉穿刺,既增加了病人的痛苦、又易使浅表静脉受到破坏,使得以后的静脉穿刺更加困难。我院自1997年以来,将美国B—D公司生产的封闭式静脉留置针应用于临床,有效地解决了上述问题,收到良好效果。  相似文献   

“输液就是一次小手术”,比较而言,输液是最危险的给药方式,这是最基本的医学常识,但是输液现今已成为很多医院最常见的医疗方式。由此可见静脉输液是临床护士必须掌握的常规操作技术。其主要原理是利用大气压力和液体静压原理将大量无菌液体、电解质、药物由静脉输入体内的方法,本文笔者将在临床护理实践中积累了的一些经验和几项技巧阐述如下,谨供同行参考。  相似文献   

静脉套管针在临床上得到广泛应用,在静脉输液中应用套管针可以减少静脉穿刺次数,延长了每次静脉穿刺的间隔时间;使静脉输液更加方便,减轻了护士的工作量。为了解病人在使用套管针后的需求,以进一步做好病人护理,对本科58例静脉套管针病人进行了调查,现报告如下:  相似文献   

血液透析患者颈内静脉置管术后感染的防护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
血液透析中颈内静脉置管术后感染的预防及护理十分关键。我院血透室近几年来通过颈内静脉利用单针双腔导管穿刺进行血液透析,由于采取的预防感染护理措施得当,与以往锁骨下静脉穿刺及股静脉穿刺血液透析相比,感染率降到最低,收到满意效果,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

经颈外与锁骨下途径中心静脉置管的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:寻找一种操作简单,并发症少,又具有常规中心静脉置管优点的中心静脉导管置入法。方法:将病人随机分成两组:经颈外静脉中心静脉置管组80例经锁骨下静脉中心静脉置管组83例,分析两种置管途径的效果。结果:经颈外静脉组未发现并发症,但有4例导管不能插入上腔静脉。经锁骨下静脉组有2例动脉损伤,5例穿刺失败。两组并发症和策的差异无统计学意义。结论:经颈外静脉中心静脉置管是一种方法简单,并发症少的中心静脉管途径,应在临床推广应用。  相似文献   

静脉输液拔针方法的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李芝 《工企医刊》2008,21(4):53-55
静脉输液是临床上静脉给药最常见,也是最基本的方法之一。如何拔针是保护患者的血管及保证下一次穿刺顺利的前提。不当的拔针会造成血管出血、瘀血和静脉闭塞等并发症,不仅给患者带来不必要的紧张、疼痛和表浅静脉的缺失,而且也影响了血管的清晰度,给下一次静脉穿刺带来困难。为此,许多护理工作者做了大量的探讨和改进,现综述如下。  相似文献   

佛山市医疗废物污染现状及管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了佛山市医疗废物产生及处理处置现状,并预测其产生量。剖析其在收集、分类、贮存、运输、处理处置过程中存在的问题,并且提出相应的管理措施。  相似文献   

The potential risk of soil, surface and ground water contamination by trace metals leached from highway construction solid wastes is a major environmental concern. The objectives of this study were to evaluate trace metal leachability, toxicity of the leachate to aquatic organism and environmental impacts of highway construction solid waste (HCSW). Potential leachability, defined as the maximum metal pool that may become available for leaching at a constant pH 4 decreased in the following order: Zn > Ni > As > Pb > Cu. Potential metal leachability was controlled mainly by solid phase distribution of metals in wastes. The kinetics of metal release were determined using the cascade leaching test (CLT) with water at pH 4. With the exception of zinc in the first fraction, metal concentrations in all consecutive leaching fractions remained below the maximum permissible level in water for human consumption. The result of toxicity test showed that the leachates were in concentrations that did not exceed toxic concentrations for aquatic toxicity tests. The results indicate low risk of surface and ground water contamination resulting from highway construction solid wastes.  相似文献   

Leaching tests, CEN prEN 12457-2, CEN PrEN 12457-3, and NEN 7349, were conducted for varnish residue and urea resin waste, two industrial wastes containing organic chemicals. The leaching test eluates were analyzed for solvent concentrations and total organic carbon. Aqueous leaching tests were found to be suitable for both chemical and biological testing. Ecotoxicity was assessed by luminescent bacteria, plant root growth, reverse electron transport, and ToxiChromopad. The eluates were highly toxic but the toxicity decreased in later stages of the multistep leaching test (NEN 7349). Urea resin eluates were significantly less toxic than varnish residue eluates. The solid wastes markedly inhibited plant seed germination before and after the leaching test (CEN prEN 12457-3). The solid wastes were not biologically degradable in the standard test (ISO 14593), whereas the eluates from the CEN prEN 12457-3 test degraded slowly.  相似文献   

The total amount of solid waste generated in Alexandria is 2820 tons/d which increases to 3425 tons/day during summer. In the past, 77% of the collected solid wastes was open dumped. The open dumping sites did not have the minimum requirements for pollution control. Following the exacerbation of the problem, the Alexandria Governorate contracted a company to carry out the solid waste management. The contracted company transferred 75% of the daily generated solid wastes to a new constructed sanitary lanfill. The site receives a daily average of 1910 tons. The landfilling is performed by trench method in the form of cells. The produced leachate is discharged into two lined aerated lagoons. The biogas formed from biodegradation of landfilled solid wastes is burned and the produced heat is used for drying the lagoons leachate. The remaining residues are relandfilled. The study aims at assessment of the solid waste sanitary landfill leachate characterization and its impacts on the groundwater. The analysis of the collected data confirms that leachates from the landfill are severely contaminated with organics, salts, and heavy metals. The fluctuations in concentration levels of the different parameters were attributed to aging and thickness of waste layers, stage of decomposition, and re-landfilling of the concentrated residues from the drying lagoons. The concentrations of NH4-N (600 mg/l) indicated that the process of stabilization was still in the initial stages and attributed to the compaction process. The high BOD5 results (28,833 mg/l) indicated that the process of stabilization was in the initial stages which were very slow. The high COD results (45,240 mg/l) can be attributed to the compaction of the wastes which also retards the degradation of the solid wastes. The BOD and COD values indicated clearly severe contamination. The BOD5/COD ratio measured in the current study (0.64) indicated that the leachate of the present study was biodegradable and unstabilized, and required time and favourable conditions for anaerobic biodegradation. Heavy metals were lower compared with what have been observed in other countries. Re-landfilling of the residue after drying the leachate in lagoons and the short time of biodegradation in the landfill site were factors which effected the high strength of most of the parameters concentrations of the leachate. Assessment of groundwater contamination through piezometer wells around the active cells indicated that there was no contamination from the leachate to the groundwater surrounding the site. The study recommended emphasizing the importance of adjusting the biodegradation factors, the monitoring program, the prohibition of disposing heavy metals, determination of the leachate generation rate, and treatment of leachate.  相似文献   

Authors report data about microbiological characterization of solid wastes and aerosol in the municipal solid waste landfill site in Poiatica (RE). In solid waste samples high values of total coliform and fecal coliform were observed (10(5)-10(6) CFU/g): total bacterial counts at 22 degrees, at 36 degrees and at 44 degrees ranged from 10(7) to 10(9) CFU/g. Aerosol samples collected during waste movement in the landfill site showed values of total and fecal bacterial ranging from 10(3)-10(4) CFU/m3. Staphylococci and fungi reported the same values while streptococci, total and fecal coliform and spore evidenced lower values. Municipal solid wastes and aerosol have to be considered as an infective substrate: it is necessary to adopt protective barriers in occupationally exposed subjects.  相似文献   

The solid waste management scenario in the recent years has shifted towards a more sustainable approach. This paper brings in to focus the waste management methods that can be adopted using Bangalore as case study, in order to achieve economic viability and explores the sustainable options that conserves both natural and man-made resources and averts ecological risks. Bangalore, the Garden City of India with a population of 6 million is facing the daunting task of handling 3613 tonnes of municipal solid waste per day. Added to this are the constraints that are faced by the authorities such as poor political back up, inadequate infrastructure, insufficient funds and lack of public support. Attempts have been made to clear wastes by door to door collection method, introduction of push carts, which separate biodegradable wastes from non biodegradable wastes, deployment of auto tippers to clear slum wastes etc. under the guidance of Bangalore Agenda Task Force (government appointed body) and Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (city municipal corporation). Integrated waste management system is proposed as an option, which include collection, transport and processing of wastes in an environmentally sound way. The methods to overcome constraints in waste management and the future plans and actions that will bring about a significant change in the current waste management practices are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

选取了山东省1981—2012年环境经济数据,比较3种计量模型的显著性,并拟合"三废"的环境库兹涅茨曲线。在此基础上通过灰色关联度分析评价"三废"环境库兹涅茨曲线的影响因子。通过分析比较得出,山东省环境库兹涅茨曲线并不必然呈现倒"U"型,还有直线、"U"、"N"、倒"N"型;山东省目前处于"局部改善,整体恶化"的境地,虽然空气质量有所改善,但生活污水、工业污水以及工业固体废物的排放量仍在增长,有恶化的趋势;经济发展水平以及城镇化率不是导致环境污染的惟一因素,产业结构、能源生产、交通运输以及环境效力都对其有影响,只是作用程度不同。  相似文献   

目的 通过调查与测量掌握医用回旋加速器固体废物的放射性水平。方法 采用γ辐射剂量率仪测量废物在带屏蔽的暂存状态下以及废物裸露状态下周围环境的周围剂量当量率H*(10),采用便携式高纯锗γ能谱仪及无源效率刻度软件对废物进行核素分析及活度测量,并对结果进行评价。结果 4家医院废物在带屏蔽暂存状态下,表面5 cm处周围剂量当量率H*(10)测值范围为80.6 μSv/h~1.32 mSv/h;能谱分析结果显示医用回旋加速器放射性固体废物中含有的放射性核素主要为56Co、54Mn、57Co,其中56Co活度最高,单次换下来的靶膜及固定圈等废物中56Co活度达到107Bq级别。结论 医用回旋加速器放射性固体废物的放射性水平较高,所含放射性核素半衰期较长,其辐射防护问题需得到足够重视。  相似文献   

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