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为研究冠心病(CHD)的发病危险因素,对102例非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)继发CHD病例进行多个配比病例对照研究。通过条件Logistic回归分析,发现胰岛素抵抗及高血糖症是NIDDM继发CHD的危险因素,OR分别为2.56(95%CI1.27~5.16)、4.32(95%CI2.56~7.28),高胰岛素血症增加NIDDM继发CHD的危险性,OR为1.60(1.03~2.47)。  相似文献   

天津市女性糖尿病危险因素初步研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
对天津市区居民121例女性非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)病例进行了1:1配对病例对照研究。经条件Logistic回归模型分析,发现与NIDDM有关的危险因素是:经济收入高(OR一3.48,95%CI=2.02~5.98)、糖尿病家族史(OR=6.37,95%CI=2.92~13.89)、既往相关病史(OR=6.92,95%CI=3.25~14.73)、绝经年龄晚(OR=3,39,95%CI=2.15~5.35)、嗜甜食(OR=3.56,95%CI=2.29~5.54)、肥胖(OR=16.32,95%CI=6.02~44.23)及BMI大(OR=2.08,95%CI=1.52~2.85)。同时还发现,体育锻炼(OR=0.36,=31.47,P<0.01)和蔬菜、水果等是保护性因素。  相似文献   

电解铝厂工人职业性下背痛危险因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨电解铝厂工人职业性下背痛患病情况及其危险因素。方法 采用横断面调查问卷对铝厂工人及对照组的下背痛有关危险因素逐一询问,并依据病史及症状作出下背痛的临床诊断。结果 电解铝厂工人职业性下背痛患病率45-4 % ,不同车间工人患病率差异未见显著性,但均高于对照组(16-4 % ) 。Logistic 回归分析提示下背痛患病与性别、年龄、身高、文化程度、婚烟状况、子女数、吸烟、饮酒、工作紧张感、疲劳感、既往疾病史及劳动姿势有关。结论 提示改善作业方式及有关社会心理状况、降低工作和家庭劳动负荷以及杜绝不良生活习惯是减低下背痛患病率的重要途径。  相似文献   

对某橡胶厂工人进行了23年(1973 ̄1995)的随访调查,应用多因素分析方法,在控制可能的混杂因素下,分别估计了肺癌,肠癌,胰腺癌,缺血性心脏病和脑血管疾病的危险度。结果显示,亚硝胺的肺癌危险增高有统计学显著性(RR=2.71,95%,CI=1.32 ̄5.57);与肠癌有关的橡胶化合物可能是亚硝胺(RR=2.43,95%CI=0.65 ̄9.12)和碳黑(RR=2.30,95%CI=0.64 ̄8.  相似文献   

粤北山区糖尿病流行特点及有关因素研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:摸清奥北山区人群糖尿病的流行特点及有关因素。方法:采用分层束 抽样方法,根据WHO规定的诊断标准,对番北山区2797名20~74岁居住5年及以上的社区人群进行了糖尿病流行特点及有关因素研究。结果:糖尿病(DM)标化患病率为1.18%(95%CI为0.78%~1.58%),糖耐量低减(IGT)标化患病率为1.78%(95%I为1.30%~2.28%),瑶族人群DM及IGT患病率分别为3.03%  相似文献   

地区医院在儿童疾病综合管理中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨地区医院在儿童疾病综合管理(IMCI)中的作用,回顾分析1995~1999年住院的l~5岁的肺 炎、腹泻病、营养不良、麻疹和疟疾(5种疾病)。结果显示肺炎和腹泻病分别占5种疾病的75.50%和21.47%,营养 不良虽占1.76%,但在343例并发病(同时患5种疾病中的2种以上时,第2种以上为并发病)中占67.35%。儿内科 住院的1~5岁患儿中,急性上呼吸道感染占30.77%,仅次于占36.20%的肺炎;病死18例,首位死因是颅内感染。5 种疾病的患儿分别占儿内科、传染病科同期住院总人数的15.36%和1.90%,儿内科住院病例占同期门。急诊总人数的 1.16%。提示除肺炎、腹泻病和营养不良外,本地区应把急性上呼吸道感染和颅内感染列入IMCI。地区医院在IMCI中 的作用是提高疾病的治愈率、提供师资培训和技术指导,应采取的措施是加强门、急诊工作和儿内科与传染病科的合作。  相似文献   

潘国伟  刘铁夫 《卫生研究》1998,27(3):154-157
对鞍钢男工中610例肺癌新发病例及959例对照进行了访问调查。经吸烟、其他肺疾患、家族肿瘤史、食用水果等非职业因素调整后,岗位工龄等于或超过15年的下列工人的肺癌危险度显著增高:冶炼工和轧钢工(QR=1.5,95%CI=1.1~2.2),耐火砖厂工(OR=2.9,95%CI=1.4~5.9),装卸工(OR=2.5,95%CI=1.0~6.1),焦炉工(OR=3.4,95%CI=1.4~8.5)。各种粉尘和B[a]P暴露与肺癌危险性呈显著的剂量-反应关系,但与粉尘的特殊成分未见此种关联。长期暴露于污染物的钢铁工人的肺癌的危险度增加40%。  相似文献   

氯乙烯单体(VCM)是塑料聚氯乙烯的主要原料。为探讨职业性接触VCM对患病状况的影响而进行了此项研究。研究对象为5家聚氯乙烯工厂职业性接触VCM的2224名现职或离职工人。根据医院电脑储存的劳动保险资料,查寻VCM工人1985.01.01~1994....  相似文献   

目的 将橡胶职业暴露人群肺癌死亡率与普通人群比较,估计其肺癌危险度及肺癌在工种间的聚集性。方法 对某橡胶厂工人进行23年(1973-1995年)随访,应用标化死亡率比(SMR)分析。结果 男女性工人肺癌死亡率轻度增高,SMR分别为1.22(95%CI:0.58 ̄2.24)和1.26(95%CI:0.90 ̄1.71)。肺癌死亡率在不同工种间差别有显著意义(一致性检验P=0.002),表现为硫化、胶鞋  相似文献   

四川省抽样人群中高血压危险因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据四川省1991年度高血压抽样调查资料,采用病例-对照的研究方法,结合条件Logistic回归模型,分析了高血压的危险因素。结果表明,影响高血压的主要危险因素是:体重指数(OR=1.661,95%CI:1.529~1.804)、高血压家族史(OR=1.258,95%CI:1.164~1.360)、脉率(OR=1.539,95%CI:1.249~1.898)、卫生知识水平(OR=1.058,95%CI:1.029~1.088)和每日酒精摄入量(OR=1.190,95%CI:1.042~1.359)。从本次调查资料,我们未发现吸烟与高血压有关联。  相似文献   

The objectives of the present work are to determine the prevalence and risk factors of occurrence of occupational dermatoses among workers in a porcelain manufacturing factory. The study included 235 workers (132 males and 103 females). After history taking, dermatological examination was performed at the work place. Cases of contact dermatitis (CD) were patch tested using potassium dichromate 0.5%, Cobalt chloride 1% and Nickel sulphate 5% in petrolatum. Results showed that the prevalence of occupational dermatoses (OD) was 26.8% among exposed workers. The highest percentage of OD was found among workers in the decoration department. It represented 30.2% of all cases. CD was the commonest presentation among the studied group, it represented 27% of all cases of OD. Results of patch testing indicated that out of 17 cases of CD 12 cases (70%) were of the irritant variety and 5 cases (30%) were of the allergic type. The prevalence of OD was found to be affected by age, duration of work, type of exposure and daily bathing after work.  相似文献   

In developing countries, musculoskeletal complaints are considered as main cause of occupational complications and disability. Economic burden of these complications more than workers has impact on organization and society in general. In Iranian aluminum industries, workers are directly involved in production process and physical activities such as manual material handling and awkward postures are very common. The present study was performed for assessment of musculoskeletal complaints prevalence among workers of Iranian aluminum industries. Participants in this cross-sectional study were 493 workers of 3 Iranian aluminum industries with random selection. Data of musculoskeletal complaints were gathered by means of the standardized Nordic self-reporting questionnaire. Demographic and work-related data were collected into the checklist. Findings of this study showed that 65.5% of workers in past week and 77.5% of workers in past year had claimed one of the musculoskeletal complaints in their work places. Lumbar, knee(s), and upper back had the most musculoskeletal complaints prevalence in participants. Musculoskeletal complaints in past week and year had significant association with job duration and age in these workers. Musculoskeletal complaints in Iranian aluminum industries happened in high rate. Ergonomic intervention strategies in the workplaces must be the focus for elimination of environmental hazards such as apposition on the time of work and manual handling of heavy loads.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms from occupational lung hazards among workers in industries of south Tehran, IRAN. METHODOLOGY: This was a cross-sectional study in which by multistage random sampling items on demographic characteristics, cigarette smoking, occupational history and respiratory symptoms were collected of workers. RESULTS: The mean age of the workers was 38.5 (SD = 10.2) yr: age ranged from 19 to 70 yr. Of 880 workers under study, 252 (28.7%) were smoking. Also, it has been observed that workers exposed in the workplace with occupational chemical exposures such as dust, gas and fume pollutants. The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was cough (20.7%), phlegm (41.6%), dyspnea (41.7%), feel tightness (27.4%) and nose irritation (23.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Occupational exposures among workers in industries of south Tehran may cause respiratory symptoms and respiratory disorders, engineering controls and industrial hygiene is recommended.  相似文献   

某造船厂工人肌肉骨骼疾患调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查某造船厂工人肌肉骨骼疾患的现况,探讨工种、年龄和工龄与职业性肌肉骨骼疾患(OMSD)的关系.方法 选取某造船厂1570人为调查对象,以其中的技术人员作为参比,采用经修改的北欧国家标准调查表进行肌肉骨骼疾患横断面流行病学调查.结果 造船厂工人肌肉骨骼疾患以腰部、颈部和肩部疾患为主,年患病率分别为58.0%、54.6%和44.3%.不同工种工人腰痛患病率由高到低依次为起重工(69.6%)、行车工(65.2%)、管工(63.6%)、装配工(62.7%)和电焊工(61.0%),而钳工最低(40.3%);参比组颈、肩痛患病率较高.女性颈和肩痛年患病率明显高于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).随年龄增长,各部位OMSD患病率呈现递增趋势.工龄≤5年工人各部位OMSD年患病率最低,颈、肩、腰OMSD年患病率随工龄增长呈递增的趋势.结论 造船厂工人OMSD患病率较高,工种、工龄、年龄和性别是其危险因素,应积极采取工效学手段进行干预.
Objective To study the prevalence of occupational musculoskeletal disorders (OMSDs)in a shipyard and explore the relationship between type of work, age, length of service and OMSDs by cross sectional epidemiological survey. Methods 1570 workers from a shipyard were selected as survey objects,and a revised Northern Europe Standardized Questionnaire was used to investigate OMSDs. 253 technicians and clerks in the shipyard were selected as controls. Results OMSDs in these workers primarily located in waist, neck and shoulder, prevalence were 58.0%, 54.6% and 44.3% respectively; There were significant differences among workers of different types of work (P<0.05) in prevalence and the cumulative parts number of OMSDs. The control group in this study also showed a higher prevalence of neck, shoulder and waist OMSDs. Female workers had higher prevalence of OMSDs in neck and shoulder compared with male workers (P<0.05). As well there was significant correlation between age and OMSDs prevalence except the wrist and ankle disorders (P<0.05), OMSDs prevalence increased with years. In addition, there was correlation between length of service and OMSDs prevalence, the group of ≤5 years had the lowest prevalence and the prevalence of low-back, neck and shoulder increased with service years. Conclusion The OMSDs in workers engaged in shipyard are serious, the length of service, age, gender and type of work seem to be the risk factors, and it seems reasonable that the ergonomics intervention in the above aspects should be necessary for the prevention of OMSDs.  相似文献   

A prevalence study of HBV serologic markers was carried out among hospital employees of ten departments of the Second School of Medicine in Naples, an urban area with a high prevalence of HBV infection.Departments and occupational categories were selected to represent a spectrum of different exposure to B virus infection. Workers in a large electronic plant in the same geographical area were screened as controls. HBsAg prevalence was 4.8% in the hospital community and 4.0% in control group. It rises to 4.3% in the Campania Region, where all screened workers live, and in some specific areas of the same region it rises to 12%. But no significant difference among seropositivities for at least 1 marker of HBV, considered to be a better indicator of occupational hazard, was found among personnel of different departments or belonging to different occupational categories. None of the occupational and non-occupational risk factors studied was found to be significantly associated with HBV infection.Two years later, an incidence study was carried out among susceptible subjects. Seropositivity for 1 marker was 2.2% among hospital workers and 2.8% in the control group. These figures are lower than the annual attack rate (5%) required for an acceptable cost-benefit ratio of vaccination against hepatitis B.Our results indicate that in a geographical area with HBV endemicity the occupational hazard for B virus infection is low in hospital workers because of the high number of immunized subjects and the contacts with infected people out of the hospital.  相似文献   

目的 探讨劳动密集型企业流水线作业工人职业紧张水平及其影响因素。方法 2019年8—9月,采用方便抽样方法选取佛山市5家劳动密集型企业的1 420名流水线作业工人作为研究对象,采用《工作付出-回报失衡紧张量表》进行职业紧张测评,采用二分类logistic回归分析其影响因素。结果 回收有效问卷1 228份,有效回收率为86.48%。研究对象职业紧张检出率为42.02%(516/1 228)。回归分析结果显示:铝材制造业组出现职业紧张的风险是电子制造业组的2.199倍(P <0.01);轮班作业组出现职业紧张的风险是白班作业组的1.745倍(P <0.01);本岗位工作年限为5~9年、≥10年组出现职业紧张的风险分别是≤1年组的0.645和0.468倍(P <0.05);平均月收入≥5 000元组出现职业紧张的风险是<3 000元组的6.186倍(P <0.01)。结论 劳动密集型企业流水线作业工人职业紧张水平较高;建议企业合理安排员工岗位,健全绩效制度,针对轮班作业、本岗位工作年限较短和平均月收入较高者进行正念减压疗法,以缓解其职业紧张水平。  相似文献   

VDT作业对肌肉骨骼系统的健康影响研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本研究采用横断面流行病学方法对451名VDT作业的和432名普通读写对照的肌肉骨骼系统症状进行了调查,研究发现VDT作业者肌内骨骼系统各症状现患率均显著高于对照,VDT作业对作业者肌肉骨骼系统的主要影响部位是下背,手腕,上臂,肩部和颈部。研究结果提示:VDT作者者肌肉骨骼系统症状现患率与作业时间长短有关,VDT作业对肌肉骨骼系统存在着职业性影响。  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the questionnaire-based prevalence and possible risk factors of occupational asthma among hairdressers in Turkey. We investigated occupational history and respiratory, ocular, dermal, and nasal symptoms using a standardized questionnaire, evaluated worksite pulmonary function tests, and performed allergen skin testing. We then determined asthma risk factors using age- and gender-adjusted logistic regression models. The prevalence of occupational asthma in hairdressers was 14.6%. The odds ratio for hairdressers in a high work intensity group was 3.6 (95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 10.9) with a significant dose-response trend (chi 2 trend = 4.875; P = 0.027). The odds ratio for occupational asthma among workers with atopy was 4.5 (95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 17.2). We also observed an excess risk of occupational asthma with allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Occupational asthma did not differ among subgroups of hairdressers. We observed an important risk of occupational asthma among hairdressers. The most prominent risk factors were work intensity and atopy.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of occupational exposure to carbon disulphide (CS2) on the total cholesterol, blood pressure and prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD). A cross-sectional study involving 252 viscose rayon workers and 252 age and sex matched controls was carried out. Depending on the job and specific work place, the CS2 concentrations were between 10 and 64 mg/m3. A cumulative exposure index (CS2 index) was calculated for each worker by multiplying the number of years he had held a particular job with the CS2 concentrations in that job. CHD prevalence among the exposed was higher than among the controls; the difference reaching significance only for highly exposed workers. Cholesterol levels were significantly higher in both highly and moderately exposed groups. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that occupational exposure to CS2 increases total cholesterol and the risk for CHD. While the risk for CHD is increased in workers exposed to high CS2 concentration for many years (CS2 index > or = 300), even the relatively modest exposure (CS2 < 300) may increase the serum cholesterol.  相似文献   

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