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由于旅游过程中生活不规律,气候、环境的改变,加之长途跋涉、车船劳顿,难免会发生晕车、失眠、便秘、腹泻、感冒、中署等小毛病,或不小心发生扭伤或跌伤。有人将这些统称为"旅游病"。为了使旅游顺利进行,增添更多乐趣,动身前最好准备些药品,以备应急之用。晕车药有些人坐车、乘船或乘飞机时,会感到头晕目眩、恶心呕吐、面色苍白,可在动身前半小  相似文献   

前列腺是男性独有的附属性腺,如核桃大小,重约20克,位于膀胱下方。前列腺包绕着紧挨膀胱的尿道,它的主要功能是分泌稀薄的前列腺液,构成精液的一部分,同时也是排尿的必经之地。青壮年时期前列腺常受到各种病菌侵袭容易发生炎症。50岁以后,随着睾丸酮及分泌物的减少,同时出现前列腺增生。据统计,60岁以上男  相似文献   

黄小姐5年前由于一次不当性生活而导致尿频、尿急、尿痛的症状,经输液打针、服用中西药等治疗,效果都不佳.时时袭来的尿频、尿急令她不敢贸然外出,一旦外出,把找厕所当成头等大事.刚开始1~2个小时排尿一次,以后间隔时间越来越短,甚至在咳嗽、走路时尿液不自主地流出.反复尿液检查却没有白细胞,细菌培养也不见细菌、真菌、衣原体、支原体等微生物.更可怕的是夜间反复排尿,严重影响睡眠,影响她的生活质量,给她带来巨大痛苦及心理压力.  相似文献   

血余炭为人发煅成的炭,性平味苦,归肝、胃经。功能止血散瘀、补阴利尿,善治各种出血及小便不通。为化疲止血良药,有止血而不留瘀、利尿而不伤阴之特点。外用于疮疡,有解毒、生肌敛疮之效。江某读者用血余炭治疗鼻出血,是一个很好的方法,而且此法确实如读者所述,见  相似文献   

美国科学家做了这样一个实验:将200只猴子分为两组,每组100只;甲组吃饱为止,乙组只吃七八分饱。经过10年喂养,甲组猴子患高血脂、脂肪肝、高血压、冠心病的多,100只猴子中死亡了50只(50.0%);乙组猴子苗条健康,精力充沛,100只中死亡了12只(12.0%)。结论是低热量的饮食是健康的法宝。洪昭光  相似文献   

小赵因双眼发红,分泌物多,到药店买了一瓶利福平眼药自行滴眼治疗。然而用药后不仅没有效果,症状反而加重。原来她用药前没有按说明书要求将眼药配好,还犯了一个啼笑皆非的错误——把本应放入药瓶中溶解的药丸,当作口服药服到肚子里了……  相似文献   

"晓月过残垒,繁星宿故关";"明月如霜,清景无限"等古诗句,道出了人类与月亮的不解之缘。16世纪时,德国医生帕拉策尔苏斯就认识到:满月时,精神错乱的人数就会增加。因为在满月和新月时,太阳和月亮位于一条直线上,用联合的力量拉地球,大潮就是这时发生的。现代科学研究表明,满月时产生的"生物潮汐",使暴躁的人变得更加神经过敏,忧郁的人变得更加消沉,爱寻欢作乐的人更加喜欢采取异常行动。20世纪70年代,北尼  相似文献   

体育锻炼纠正心理缺陷,不是一般的运动训练和娱乐游戏活动。要想达到心理转移的目的,必须有一定的强度、质量和时间的要求。每天锻炼时间在30分钟左右,运动量从小到大,循序渐进。  相似文献   

色氨酸是人体所需的一种重要的氨基酸,对预防糙皮病、抑郁症,改善睡眠和增强自信心有着很重要的作用。预防糙皮病糙皮病是由于组织内缺少烟酸所致,最典型的症状是皮炎,常在肢体暴露部  相似文献   

法国有一位名医说过一句很精辟的话:"运动几乎可以代替任何药物,但是世界上的一切药品,并不能代替运动的作用。"科技文明带给人们无数的方便与实惠,但是如果不能正确享用现代文明的成果,也  相似文献   

戊二醛浓度监测盒及戊二醛浓度监测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研制戊二醛浓度监测盒和确定戊二醛浓度监测方法。方法:测定干扰物、试剂A、B加入量及加入顺序对本比色法的影响。并将本比色法与3M戊二醛浓度监测卡及仿制品进行对比。结果:本比色法显色鲜明,反应快,2min内比色定量;显示不同浓度和色阶关系;试剂较稳定;检测成本低;干扰因素少。结论:使用戊二醛浓度监测盒可快速简易检测戊二醛浓度。  相似文献   

Two methods for the evaluation of air contaminant in a work environment are personal sampling to measure the exposure concentration for the evaluation of the exposure level to workers and area sampling that measures the environmental concentration for the evaluation of the clean level in the work environment. The aim of these samplings is different but they are used to measure the concentration in the same work environment. It is important to understand the difference between the exposure concentration and the environmental one in the same work environment. In this report, the relationship between the exposure concentration and the environmental one is investigated by using previous reported data. The difference between the exposure concentration and the environmental one is very large for all data, but the exposure concentrations agree well with the environmental ones when the both concentrations were measured by the same apparatus in some work environments.  相似文献   

Loss of memory and concentration are common complaints, the significance of which may vary from the essentially trivial to the extremely sinister. Between these two extremes, they are found in a wide variety of conditions encountered within the majority of medical specialties. It is therefore important that every clinician have some competence in assessing them.  相似文献   

In a three-year study, the possible biological concentration of 3H in rabbits was investigated. Tritiated water was used to grow alfalfa that was used exclusively as feed for the rabbits. Feed and water were kept at a constant 3H-to-1H ratio. The foundation group consisted of 18 female rabbits maintained on a 3H diet for 2 wk before mating. The subsequent generations were maintained with tritiated water and feed. At appropriate intervals, animals were sacrificed and selected tissues were analyzed for 3H. The specific activity of 3H in aqueous and organic fractions of tissues of all the animals remained essentially equal to that in the original water and feed. Results of this experiment indicate that under the steady-state equilibrium conditions of the experiment, no preferential concentration of 3H in animals occurred.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The lignan enterolactone, which is produced by the intestinal microflora from dietary precursors, may protect against hormone-dependent cancers and cardiovascular diseases. OBJECTIVE: We examined the cross-sectional associations between the serum enterolactone concentration and variables related to diet and health in Finnish adults. DESIGN: Serum enterolactone was measured by using time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay in 2380 Finnish men and women aged 25-64 y who were participating in a cross-sectional national survey in 1997. Background information was collected with self-administered questionnaires and the diet was assessed with a food-frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: The median serum enterolactone concentration was 13.8 nmol/L (range: 0-95.6 nmol/L) in men and 16.6 nmol/L (range: 0-182.6 nmol/L) in women. Multiple regression analyses showed positive associations in men between the serum enterolactone concentration and constipation, consumption of whole-grain products, and intake of fruit and berries. In women, the serum enterolactone concentration was positively and independently associated with consumption of vegetables, subject age, and constipation and was negatively associated with smoking. Furthermore, female subjects of normal weight had significantly higher serum enterolactone concentrations than did their underweight or obese peers. CONCLUSIONS: The serum enterolactone concentration varies widely in the population. Of the variables we examined, the most important determinants of the serum enterolactone concentration were consumption of lignan-containing foods and constipation; however, these appeared to explain only a small part of the variation. Therefore, the role of gut microflora in the metabolism of lignans might be very important. Further studies will also be needed to determine the bioavailability and absorption rate of lignans.  相似文献   

In recent years attention has been drawn to several shortcomings of the Concentration Index, a frequently used indicator of the socioeconomic inequality of health. Some modifications have been suggested, but these are only partial remedies. This paper proposes a corrected version of the Concentration Index which is superior to the original Concentration Index and its variants, in the sense that it is a rank-dependent indicator which satisfies four key requirements (transfer, level independence, cardinal invariance, and mirror). The paper also shows how the corrected Concentration Index can be decomposed and generalized.  相似文献   

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