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李廷安是近代中国最早关注、全面研究、积极推进学校卫生的先驱者.在全面搜集整理李廷安学校卫生论著的基础上,着力探究李廷安在北平、上海的学校卫生实践.李廷安的学校卫生思想包括学校卫生关系到国家与民族的未来的发展理念,学校卫生工作之内容,包括传染病预防、体格检查、疾病矫治、校舍卫生、体育训练、卫生教育等.李廷安还从医疗服务、学校卫生和健康教育三方面,在北平第一卫生事务所实施学校卫生;积极参与创办上海学校卫生促进会与中华卫生教育研究会,培养上海学校卫生人才.  相似文献   

近代中国传染病频发与学校传染病高发病率是实施中国学校卫生的重要原因.北平、上海率先开创了中国学校卫生的新纪元.学校既是传染病易于传播之地,也是易于防控之地,掌管学校教育者与学校卫生专家要高度重视学校传染病的预防工作.近代学校从保持一般的卫生状态、实行特种学校卫生、消毒、预防结核病方面,致力于学校传染病的防控,尤其在学童传染病预防与书籍挂图、动植物标本、贵重校具等消毒方面积累了值得借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

《中国学校卫生》是我国儿少卫生/学校卫生学科的唯一核心期刊,已创刊40年,对我国学校卫生事业发展起到了非常重要、不可或缺的作用.我于1986年起在大连市一直从事学校卫生工作,与《中国学校卫生》杂志(以下简称“杂志”)有着不解之缘,见证其发展过程,与杂志共进步.  相似文献   

全国预防医学、卫生学类核心期刊中国学校卫生《中国学校卫生》杂志系国家卫生健康委员会主管,中华预防医学会主办的国家级学术类科技期刊,是唯一指导我国学校卫生工作的专业性杂志。主要内容为普及学生卫生保健知识,交流与推广国内外有关促进儿童、青少年身心发育的科研成果及工作经验,介绍校医、保健教师的业务知识与操作技能等。  相似文献   

《中国学校卫生》杂志创办于1979年,系卫生部主管、中华预防医学会主办的国家级学术类科技期刊,是指导我国学校卫生工作的专业性杂志。本刊为全国预防医学、卫生学类中文核心期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,国家期刊方阵"双效期刊"。被美国《化学文摘(CA)》、俄罗斯《文摘杂  相似文献   

《中国学校卫生》杂志创办于1979年,系卫生部主管、中华预防医学会主办的国家级学术类科技期刊,是指导我国学校卫生工作的专业性杂志。本刊为全国预防医学、卫生学类中文核心期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,国  相似文献   

《中国学校卫生》杂志创办于1979年,系卫生部主管、中华预防医学会主办的国家级学术类科技期刊,是指导我国学校卫生工作的专业性杂志。本刊为全国预防医学、卫生学类中文核心期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,国  相似文献   

在《学校卫生》创刊十周年及启用新刊名《中国学校卫生》之际,特表示衷心的祝贺。十年树木,《学校卫生》已从一棵幼苗长成枝繁叶茂的大树。她为我国各类学校卫生科学研究、卫生教育的普及与提高、卫生工作的开展进行了有益的探索,为贯彻党的全面发展的教育方针与预防为主的卫生工作方针做出了很大贡献。青少年是国家的明天和希望;学生又是青  相似文献   

<正>《中国学校卫生》杂志创办于1979年,系国家卫生和计划生育委员会主管、中华预防医学会主办的国家级学术类科技期刊,是指导我国学校卫生工作的专业性杂志。本刊为全国预防医学、卫生学类中文核心期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,国家期刊方阵"双效期刊"。被美国《化学文摘(CA)》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》、波兰《哥白尼索引》和WHO西太区医学索引(WPRIM)收录。先后多次被评为卫生部优秀  相似文献   

《中国学校卫生》杂志创办于1979年,系国家卫生和计划生育委员会主管、中华预防医学会主办的国家级学术类科技期刊,是指导我国学校卫生工作的专业性杂志。本刊为全国预防医学、卫生学类中文核心期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,中国科协精品期刊,国家期刊方阵"双效期刊"。被美国《化学文摘(CA)》、俄罗斯《文摘杂志(AJ)》、波  相似文献   

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, founded in 1929 to study all aspects of public health, set up an occupational health unit in 1956 funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. With financial aid from the Trades Union Congress it expanded into an institute with an information and advisory service. Employers and trade unions sought advice on health problems which led to research projects and enriched teaching. Postgraduate courses in occupational medicine and hygiene attracted many students from all over the world. If the threat to close the institute takes place it will deprive the western world of a major centre for teaching and research in occupational health.  相似文献   

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, founded in 1929 to study all aspects of public health, set up an occupational health unit in 1956 funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. With financial aid from the Trades Union Congress it expanded into an institute with an information and advisory service. Employers and trade unions sought advice on health problems which led to research projects and enriched teaching. Postgraduate courses in occupational medicine and hygiene attracted many students from all over the world. If the threat to close the institute takes place it will deprive the western world of a major centre for teaching and research in occupational health.  相似文献   

高唐县中学生口腔健康教育与健康促进效果评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
殷会芳  杜燕飞 《职业与健康》2010,26(18):2131-2133
目的了解健康教育对中学生口腔保健知识、态度和行为的影响,为制定口腔卫生工作政策和措施提供依据。方法用分层整群抽样的方法,抽取高唐县第一实验中学139名中学生进行为期3个月的口腔卫生健康教育,在健康教育前后分别进行问卷调查,比较口腔保健知识、态度和行为的变化。结果健康教育后中学生口腔保健知识态度和行为的19项内容,答题正确率均高于健康教育前,差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.01)。结论对初中学生开展系统的口腔卫生保健健康教育,有助于提高口腔保健知识水平,增强口腔保健方法,培养中学生良好的口腔卫生习惯。  相似文献   

李新红  钟子平 《职业与健康》2009,25(11):1152-1154
目的通过HACCP在学校集体食堂管理中的应用,为学校集体食堂的卫生管理提供科学依据。方法选择兴宁市一中和田家炳中学的学生食堂作为研究对象,按照《HACCP系统及其应用导则》,通过现场调查,对学生集体用餐加工的整个过程进行危害分析。结果学生集体用餐加工的8个关键控制点为:食品采购、冷库存放、粗加工、烹调加热、熟食销售,熟食容器餐具清洗消毒、从业人员的健康监督、出品至食用的时间间隔;并制定了干预措施,通过实施这些措施使食品卫生达到较高水平,极大地减少食物中毒的发生。结论提示HACCP原理可在学校集体食堂的卫生管理中发挥有效作用。  相似文献   

卫生监测是卫生监督体系中的一个重要环节。通过对卫生体制改革几年来卫生监督机构建设运行状况、卫生监测发展现状以及卫生监测针对性、时效性等方面的分析,揭示了卫生监测运行过程中存在着卫生法律标准滞后、卫生体系建没不完善以及卫生监测计划针对性、时效性有待进一步完善提高等问题,对卫生监测创新上作了可行性分析,提出了如何加强和提高卫生监测工作的建设性意见,特别是在机制、标准、职责、计划、对象、设备及科研等方面提出了相应的工作对策,对卫生监测工作如何实施规范化运作,提高监测效能等方面作了初步探索。  相似文献   

The school health program in Mexico, directed by the Office of School Hygiene (la Unidad de Higiene Escolar), is in a state of flux. The program will change substantially if an initiative between the national offices of health and education is enacted. The initiative would establish a national commission to be replicated at state, county, and district levels. Commissions would oversee integration of the health services component, social participation, and research into the school health program which currently only focuses on health instruction and a healthy school environment. The initiative would restore and improve a former model that incorporated health services as a part of the school health program. The history of the school health program, which can trace its roots to 1861 and President Benito Juarez, is provided.  相似文献   

梅县学校食堂卫生现状调查分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的为了解梅县中小学与职业学校食堂饮食卫生状况,预防和控制学生食物中毒的发生。方法2004、2005年对梅县所辖范围45所中小学校及职业学校食堂的卫生许可证、健康证持证情况、卫生管理、卫生设施情况以及食品餐具抽样检测。结果梅县45所学校食堂卫生许可证与健康证持证率分别为82.22%、63.77%,卫生管理制度、食品索证合格率分别为33.33%、26.67%,卫生设施、加工场所、配餐间合格率分别为40.00%、40.00%、62.22%,餐具合格率38.83%,食品合格率77.36%(82/106)。结论中小学校及职业学校食堂的卫生状况不容乐观,学校与卫生监督部门应提高认识,采取切实可行的有效措施,确保学校食品安全工作,促进青少年健康成长。  相似文献   

Max von Pettenkofer - founder of scientific hygiene, preventive medicine and public health sciencesThe Society for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine commemorates the 100th anniversary of the death of the great hygienist and physician Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901) who died in Munich on February 10, 1901.Max von Pettenkofer laid the foundations of modern hygiene, and used scientific approach to determine environmental health hazards present in air, water, ground, homes, hospitals and public facilities. Due to his encouragement for sanitation of towns by supplying hygienically safe water and by appropriate sewage disposal, the death toll in towns like Munich due to epidemics such as cholera and typhus was drastically reduced long before the discovery of their bacterial etiology. Pettenkofer's influence on the development of fields of hygiene and public health reached far beyond the national borders. Today, in view of the new global challenges, his concepts in research, teaching and sanitation are of the highest topicality in both the developed and the developing countries.Pettenkofer's scientific developmentPettenkofer was born on December 3, 1818 in Lichtenheim by Neuburg (Danube). After the studies of pharmacy and medicine he became Professor of Dietetic Hygiene, and in 1853 he was named Germany's first Professor of Hygiene. In recognition of the importance of the field of hygiene and as a support to his pioneering work, Ludwig II of Bavaria, created chairs of hygiene in medical schools of all three Bavarian universities of that time. These chairs became a model for all other German universities.In 1879, Pettenkofer's new Institute of Hygiene at Munich Medical School was opened; the institute was built according to Pettenkofer's design, and was generously financed. It was considered the world's most modern institute of hygiene, and it attracted many foreign visitors who considered this institute and the Pettenkofer's concept of hygiene and sanitation a model approach. The Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, built in 1916, is an example of the influence Pettenkofer's concept had on the outside world. The aim of this American school was to apply Pettenkofer's approach to the teaching and exploration of the fields of hygiene and sanitation. Even today, the ecological aspects of hygiene taught during medical studies are based on Pettenkofer's concepts.Despite Pettenkofer's rejection of the solely bacterial etiology of numerous epidemical diseases, already by then unequivocally proven by the 25 years younger Robert Koch, Pettenkofer's secular significance and his sanitation concepts did not lose any of their topicality.Success of hygiene and sanitationThe World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have stated that the 20th century was highly successful in terms of a significant improvement of life quality, and of an extension of the average life expectancy by at least 30 years. Of this enormous life expectancy extension, 25 years can be attributed to the success of hygiene and public health, while only 5 years to the improvements in the curative medicine. Thus the 20th century can be seen the century of the curative medicine, while the 21st century will be the century of preventive medicine and hygiene.In January 2001, the Pasteur Institute in Paris organized an outstanding Congress on Hygiene and Health in which it was announced that this institute would become the center of hygiene strategies of the 21st century.Challenges of the futureThe WHO is warning us of the dramatic challenges of the coming decades due to the rapid increase in the world population. Additional 2 billion people are expected to be living on this planet within the next 15-20 years. But already now, 1 billion people have no access to hygienically safe water, and 3 billion people live in communities with no sanitation. The revived Pettenkofer's scientific hygiene, together with its concepts and strategies, is thus becoming the strategy of survival.Dr. Gro Bruntland, Director-General of the WHO, announced on January 15, 2001, that the organization needs considerable support in order to recognize the threatening health risk factors and to develop new prevention strategies. The current BSE crisis shows clearly what risks are encompassed in an insufficient risk assessment concerning foodstuffs.These are the reasons why the theme of the WHO's report 2002 will be “Health Hazards”. With this report the WHO intends to encourage the countries and societies of the world to critically survey health risks linked to air, water and foodstuffs, and thus to promote the development of international health regulations and conventions. This approach is the best Acknowledgement of the significance of the work of Max von Pettenkofer.Current state of hygiene at German universitiesIn 1882 Pettenkofer wrote, “I wish that my publications made the medical schools and state governments recognize the significance of the scientific hygiene and sanitation, and realize that care must be taken of the research in and the teaching of hygiene at the universities”.It is a rather unfortunate fact that this old Pettenkofer's appeal, together with the current urgent warnings by hygienic and medical societies, still falls on deaf ears in some of the German federal states. Bavaria, the cradle of the scientific hygiene, has currently no independent Chair of Hygiene, and no physicians specialized in hygiene and environmental medicine are currently being educated there. A similar development can be seen also in other federal states. In Baden-Württemberg, e. g., the School of Medicine of the Tübingen University has decided to stop occupying the Chair of Hygiene, while in Hessen, the Chair of Hygiene of the Frankfurt University might be dismantled altogether. Yet not in every German federal state is the situation bad. In sharp contrast to the unfortunate situation in the mentioned regions, the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen has flourishing independent institutes of hygiene at the universities in Aachen, Bochum, Bonn and Düsseldorf.The centenary of death of Max von Pettenkofer and the increasing challenges of the current world are therefore a good opportunity to make an urgent appeal to the universities and the German federal states to reconsider the current policy of dismantling the chairs of hygiene and public health.President of the Society of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine  相似文献   

目的了解公办与民办中小学校基本卫生状况,发现不同办学机构在卫生质量上的存在问题,为进一步加强学校卫生管理提供依据。方法按照现有学校卫生监督年报技术规范进行监测,并按照《学校卫生监督综合评价标准》对基本卫生状况进行综合评价。结果对受调查的22所学校的人均面积、课桌椅、黑板、采光、照明、微小气候、环境噪声、厕所、生活饮用水、食品卫生和传染病管理等11项指标进行综合监测评价,结果均合格;但无论是公办还是民办学校的课桌椅及格率均为0,环境噪声及格率也分别只有27.27%和18.18%;在11个评价项目中,只有公办学校生活饮用水的及格率明显高于民办学校。结论宝安区的公办与民办中小学校卫生指标综合监测评价结果均合格,说明总体卫生质量较好,但在课桌椅分配、噪声控制和饮用水管理等方面仍有待加强,同时建议政府在投入公办教育的同时,也应加大对民办教育的扶持力度,为全体学生创造一个良好与平等的学习与成长的环境。  相似文献   

薛新龙  王权红 《预防医学论坛》2007,13(12):1120-1121
[目的]了解学校食堂卫生状况,为开展学校食品卫生专项整治提供依据。[方法]采用卫生部《餐饮业食品卫生量化分级评分表》嘲,以现况调查的方法对蓝田县61户学校食堂的食品卫生状况进行调查并进行相关项目的现况分析。[结果]蓝田县61户学校食堂,持有效卫生许可证的49户,持证率80.33%;从业人员268人,持有效健康证261人,从业人员体检培训合格率为97.38%;食(饮)具抽检488份,合格317份,合格率为64.96%。[结论]严格的监督检查,经营户的卫生法律意识提高有助于学校食堂食品卫生状况的改善。  相似文献   

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