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随着多孩政策陆续放开, 同胞关系问题越来越受到社会关注。严重的同胞嫉妒对幼儿及其兄弟姐妹的身心健康发展都有着不利影响。研究综述了同胞嫉妒的影响因素, 并根据现有的6种相关干预方法对其运用同胞嫉妒干预的效果进行分析, 旨在为幼儿同胞嫉妒干预提供理论和实证依据, 进而通过干预降低同胞嫉妒水平, 促进幼儿及其兄弟姐妹的身心健康。  相似文献   

[目的]分析多同胞是否对儿童哮喘有保护作用.[方法]以2000~2002年德国Wilhelmshaven镇和Delmenhorst镇小学入学儿童为研究对象,共4039人.采用的问卷是国际儿童哮喘与过敏性疾病研究第一阶段问卷的核心问题.同胞数与儿童哮喘关系分别在单变量Logistic回归模型中和多元Logistic回归模型中进行验证.[结果]总的儿童哮喘患病率为12.03%;随着同胞数增加,儿童哮喘患病率下降(P<0.05).同时,在多元Lo-gistic回归模型中加入家族史和室内暴露因素后,对同胞效应影响小.[结论]儿童哮喘患病率受同胞效应影响,家族史和室内暴露因素对同胞效应无显著影响.  相似文献   

同胞的出生带来家庭关系的与身份角色的转变,家庭长子女需要经历一个重要的适应过程。目前国外构建危机理论、发展理论、生态理论等不同取向的理论模型以研究家庭长子女的适应机制,并对家庭长子女的适应状况及影响因素进行了深入的实证探索。在"全面两孩"政策背景下,我国家庭长子女对同胞出生的适应问题已引发了广泛的社会关注。反思国外相关研究成果和研究方法,今后我国该领域研究应当遵循两个并行的基本思路。  相似文献   

目的探讨慢性疾病患儿与健康儿童在同胞关系方面的差异,旨在为指导二孩家庭中的慢性疾病儿童心理健康发展提供理论依据。方法选取2017年1月至2019年1月在中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院儿科住院或儿科门诊就诊的二胎家庭中慢性疾病儿童75例作为研究组,男40例,女35例,年龄9~12岁,平均(9.7±1.3)岁;依据病例对照研究原则,采用1:1配对法,选取同期75名无慢性疾病的儿童作为对照组,男40例,女35例,年龄9~12岁,平均(9.5±1.6)岁;应用同胞关系问卷(SRQ)、儿童抑郁自评量表(DSRSC)、儿童社交焦虑量表(SASC)及一般情况调查表分别对研究组与对照组进行调查。结果研究组与对照组儿童在同胞关系各维度上差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),两组儿童的抑郁和社交阳性筛查率、抑郁和社交焦虑得分差异均有统计学意义,两组儿童抑郁总分与同胞亲密得分呈负相关(r=-0.03,P0.001),与同胞冲突得分呈正相关(r=0.30,P0.001);社交焦虑总分与同胞冲突得分呈正相关(r=0.30,P0.001),与同胞竞争得分呈正相关(r=0.04,P=0.005)。结论慢性疾病儿童的同胞积极维度降低,消极维度增加,其关系与抑郁、社交焦虑具有相关性。建议在进行长期生物医学干预的同时,予以足够的心理关注及预防措施,改善慢性疾病儿童的同胞关系,预防抑郁、社交焦虑,甚至同胞竞争障碍的发生。  相似文献   

目的比较病例-同胞对照设计三种统计方法的检验效能。方法应用Monte-Carlo模拟方法,使用Slink软件产生的模拟家系资料,比较同胞-传递不平衡检验(s-TDT)、同胞组不平衡检验(SDT)和同胞对关联检验法(SAT)三种统计方法的检验效能。结果(1)SDT方法的I型误差最接近检验水准α=0.05;(2)在三种遗传模式中,s-TDT方法的效能最高,SAT方法的效能最低。结论病例-同胞对照设计使用患者的同胞作为对照,避免了人群分层现象,可以用来评价遗传因素与疾病之间的关联。  相似文献   

对96对脑出血病例及对照进行配比分析.经条件Logistic回归分析,发现以下因素与脑出血有关:高血压史、脑出血家族史、同胞高血压史、喜食肥肉.通过将高血压患病病程、血压值、血糖做为连续变量引入条件Logistic模型,发现脑出血发病的OR值与三个连续变量呈剂量反应关系.同时发现血压不稳定者易发生脑出血.还有些因素如冠心病史虽单因素分析结果有意义,但经高血压病史调整后,冠心病对脑出血的作用失去统计学意义.说明冠心病与脑出血的关系是通过高血压起作用的.  相似文献   

目的:了解武汉地区三甲医院医患双方对医患关系现状的认知差异,分析医患关系的影响因素,促进和谐医患关系的建立。方法采取整群随机抽样方法,对武汉市2家三甲医院的760名医护人员和752名患者进行问卷调查。结果医患双方对医患关系现状和发展前景、医患关系双主体及医患关系的影响因素等方面均存在认知上的差异(P <0.01)。医护人员对医患关系现状及发展前景的认知较患者悲观,患者认为医方因素对医患关系影响最大,而医护人员认为社会和患方因素是影响医患关系的主要原因。结论加强医患双方的有效沟通和交流、互相理解和体谅、缩小医患双方的认知差异等是构建和谐医患关系的重要手段。  相似文献   

目的当核心家系中无父母信息时,经典的传递不平衡检验(TDT)已不再适用,本文针对患病-未患病同胞家系数据,提出相应的关联分析方法,并校正协变量的影响。方法我们把家系中的受累同胞作为病例,未受累同胞作为匹配的对照,建立非均衡的条件logistic回归模型或分层Cox回归模型。我们把模型应用到96个华人原发性高血压核心家系的基因定位数据,分析校正协变量后ACE的I/D多态性、钠盐摄入水平与高血压的关系。结果 ACE与高血压的关联性受到钠盐摄入量高低的影响,ACE与钠盐摄入程度存在交互作用,较高的钠盐摄入患者其ACE的I/D多态性与高血压的关联性更强。结论条件logistic回归模型或分层Cox回归模型能校正协变量的影响,有效分析基因的主效应和基因与协变量的交互作用。  相似文献   

[目的]了解太原市居民对医患关系认知现状及其影响因素,为构建和谐医患关系提供信息。[方法]采用方便抽样的方法进行问卷调查,采用描述性分析、Pearson相关、秩和检验以及Logistic回归模型进行统计分析。[结果]1有19.4%的居民认为太原市当前医患关系不和谐;文化程度与居民对医患关系认识成正相关。272.0%的研究对象表示信任医生,对医务人员服务态度满意度达到78.2%。3太原市医患关系的影响因素主要是医疗体制(33.9%)、医务人员因素(28.1%)、院方因素(19.6%)和患者因素(15.6%)。[结论]太原市医患关系相对比较紧张,医患关系主要影响因素为医务人员服务态度、收受红包、医院管理和国家医疗体制。  相似文献   

女性肺癌的遗传流行病学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对176个女性肺癌先证者核心家系和194个女性对照的核心家系资料分析。发现女性肺癌先证者的一级亲属(父母、同胞)患肺癌的危险性是对照一级亲属(父母、同胞)的1.67倍,且差异具有显著性。其中女性亲属患肺癌的危险性显著高于对照的女性亲属,OR值为2.81(P<0.01)。女性肺癌的遗传度为20.54%,遗传因素是女性肺癌的重要危险因素。女性肺癌先证者的女性亲属对肺癌的遗传易感性比男性亲属高。这些结果有助于全面阐明云南省宣威县女性肺癌高发的原因。  相似文献   

A total of 60 children between 8 and 15 years of age participated in this project, 20 of whom had a sibling with autism, 20 a sibling with mental retardation and 20a non-disabled sibling. The children were questioned about their sibling relationship and their experiences of stress. The children with a sibling with autism also completed a questionnaire on their knowledge of the autistic syndrome. Analyses revealed that the three groups were basically similar in their ratings of the frequency of stressors involving their siblings. There was a trend for children with a disabled brother or sister to rate their relationship with the sibling more positively. Correlational analyses revealed an association between both stressor frequency and appraisal and the evaluation of the relationship with the brother or sister. Siblings of children with autism had a fair understanding of the autistic syndrome, in this group, there was also an association between the children's knowledge of the autistic disorder and the quality of the sibling relationship.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study examined the links between sibling relational aggression and other sibling relationship qualities (i.e., intimacy, negativity, and temporal involvement) and broader parenting dynamics. Participants included 185 adolescent sibling pairs and their mothers and fathers. Data were gathered during home interviews and a series of nightly phone calls with adolescents and parents. Findings revealed that sibling relational aggression was related to sibling intimacy and negativity. In addition, connections emerged between relational aggression and qualities of the parent‐child relationship, parents’ differential treatment, and parents’ strategies for handling sibling conflict.  相似文献   

Family relationships are important predictors of adolescents' diet, physical activity, and health issues including obesity. Despite their prominence in the family, siblings have received little attention on how they may influence these health‐related behaviors. Addressing this gap, this study examined associations between sibling relationship qualities and adolescents' health attitudes, exercise behaviors, and weight controlling for other family relationship qualities. Participants included one parent and two adolescent siblings (ages 12–19) from 326 families. Multilevel models indicated that net of parent–adolescent relationship qualities and adolescents' personal characteristics, sibling intimacy was related to healthy attitudes and greater exercise behaviors, whereas sibling conflict was associated with increased risk of being overweight. Links between sibling conflict and weight status, however, were further qualified by gender composition of the sibling dyad. Results highlight the significance of sibling relationships in adolescents' everyday health attitudes and behaviors and implications for intervention efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors' first study compared participants' relationships between their siblings with and without a developmental disability (DD) and examined the effect of gender on sibling relationships. The second study explored how adults with a DD perceived their sibling relationships. Adults (n = 128) who had a sibling with and without a DD completed questionnaires about relationship closeness and contact. Participants reported more in‐person and telephone contact with siblings with a DD and more positive feelings about the sibling relationship. Gender was not related to the relationship with a sibling with a DD, whereas sisters reported closer relationships and more contact with sisters without a DD as compared to brothers without a DD. Seventeen adults with a DD also completed interviews about shared activities, contact, and sibling support. Participants indicated a desire to spend more time with siblings and reported that they provided support to and received support from their siblings.  相似文献   

We examined the role of older siblings in protecting adolescents from engaging in unsafe sexual practices. Participants included 297 midwestern high school students who were approximately 17 years old and who responded to questionnaires assessing their attitudes toward sexual intercourse, self‐efficacy for engaging in safe sex, and discussions with their older siblings and parents about sex. Results suggested that sibling discussions about safe sex, in conjunction with parental discussions, predicted better attitudes toward safe sexual practices for adolescents. Perceptions of sibling relationship quality were more closely associated with sibling discussions about safe sex than were older siblings’ general attitudes toward safer sexual intercourse. Thus, sibling relationship quality may serve a protective function by facilitating more frequent sibling discussions about safe sex.  相似文献   

This study examined method and frequency of sibling communication among Mexican American college students (N = 186) and associations between relationship quality and sibling communication. Findings revealed that siblings were most likely to communicate face‐to‐face and by text and least likely to communicate using video chat and e‐mail. Further, sisters were more likely than brothers to call and text one another, and sisters communicated more frequently than older brother–younger sister dyads. Familism moderated the relation between sibling intimacy and frequency of communication, showing a stronger positive association for those with low (compared to high) familism values. Our findings reveal that values central to the importance of family and orientations to Mexican culture are protective for maintaining sibling communication when siblings report negativity in their relationships. Results highlight the need to consider sibling structural characteristics and the cultural context when studying relationship dynamics among Mexican American college students and their siblings.  相似文献   

The sibling recurrence risk, sibling relative risk, and locus-specific sibling relative risk are fundamental quantities in genetic epidemiologic research and are often estimated without accounting for the sampling scheme. For data generated under some genetic models, bias of estimates may be large if the sampling method is incorrectly modeled. In this paper, we explore the relationship between ascertainment of sibships and estimation and interpretation of genetic risk parameters. In particular, we observe that, although traditional definitions of these population parameters are consistent with each other, implied assumptions about ascertainment and the nature of ascertainment correction differ. In the absence of ascertainment correction, unbiased estimation of sibling recurrence risk and overall sibling relative risk requires single ascertainment, while unbiased estimation of locus-specific sibling relative risk requires complete ascertainment.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to examine longitudinal changes in perceived control in adolescents' sibling relationships and to describe the nature and correlates of three distinct control patterns: Firstborn dominant, equal, and secondborn dominant. Firstborn and secondborn adolescents in 184 predominately European-American families participated in home interviews and a series of phone interviews as part of a longitudinal a study of family relationships and adolescent development. Findings revealed changes in control over three years as well as sibling differences. In addition, different patterns of control were linked to qualities of the sibling relationship and to adolescent adjustment. The different roles that firstborn and secondborn siblings assume, and why these roles are linked to relationship experiences and adjustment, are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that homosexual men's sibling sex ratio-the ratio of brothers to sisters collectively reported by a group of individuals-is elevated but only in samples of extremely feminine (e.g., transsexual) homosexual men. I conducted an additional test of a sibling sex ratio effect in a general sample of homosexual men (N = 237), and examined the correlation between sibling sex ratio and childhood gender identity. I found no significant effects. My discussion focuses on why little evidence of a relationship between sibling sex ratio and cross-gender behavior in childhood occurs within this general sample of homosexual men when samples selected for very feminine homosexual men have detected an elevated sibling sex ratio.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the influence of socioeconomic status, quality of family context and sibling status on cognitive development in a sample of 551 five-year-old children. The regression analyses confirmed the predictive value of socioeconomic status and quality of family context on cognitive development. The quality of family context mediates the relation between socioeconomic status and cognitive development. None of the variables relating to the sibling group showed a significant relationship with cognitive development.  相似文献   

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