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目的 了解广西各级学校制定的突发公共卫生事件应急预案内容,为提高学校突发公共卫生事件应急预案的可操作性提供依据.方法 对参加广西卫生优秀学校评估的115所学校现场查阅资料,并逐个进行评分及意见反馈.结果 115所学校均设有突发公共卫生事件领导组织,有110所学校制定了本校的突发公共卫生事件应急预案,12所学校在预案中设有疫情报告流程图,33所学校在预案中设有报告人或单位电话号码;38所学校在制定本校突发公共事件应急预案中有具体应急措施和常规防范措施,1所高校和1所职业教育中学制定了突发公共卫生事件应急演练方案.结论 广西各级学校制定的突发公共卫生事件应急预案,多数内容不全面.没有针对性,缺乏可操作性等.教育行政部门要指导学校有针对性地制定应急预案,提高学校应对突发公共卫生事件的能力.  相似文献   

2006年,我国共制定各类应急预案约135万多件,各省(区、市)、97.9%的市(地)和92.8%的县(市)制定了总体应急预案。中央企业预案制定率达100%,高危行业绝大部分规模以上企业已制定应急预案。全国共开展预案演练13.7万多次。全国应急预案体系已经初步形成。  相似文献   

化学事故应急预案制定与实施过程中几个问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对化学事故应急救援预案制定与实施工作中存在的问题进行了分析,并从制定化学事故应急预案的原则与要求、制定的方法与主要内容、应急救援程序、组织机构与职责分工等方面对化学事故应急救援预案如何制定与实施进行简要探讨.  相似文献   

刘勇  徐昇 《职业与健康》2010,26(1):86-88
目的通过对10家不同情况企业的职业卫生应急预案的对比分析,评价德阳市厂矿企业该方面预案的完善程度,找出其在制定预案中的不足,提高企业职业卫生应急预案水平,加强企业在职业卫生急性事故方面的应对处置能力。方法采用检查表法对照预案编制总则等内容逐项对比检查,对检查结果进行分析评价。结果10家企业的职业卫生应急预案制定内容均有不完善的地方。总体上看,职业卫生应急预案制定较好的有4家,中等2家,差的有4家。结论10家企业职业卫生应急预案编制水平良莠不齐,针对预案检查分析和评价情况,可为帮助企业制定适用性、操作性强的职业卫生应急预案提出建议。  相似文献   

[目的]研究某市社区层面对本区域突发公共卫生事件应急预案的制定情况及其主要影响因素.[方法]通过深入访谈和问卷调查,以该市部分疾病预防控制中心及卫生局干部、社区卫生管理人员和预防医学专业人员为调查对象,了解社区应急预案的制定现状,探讨影响其制定的主要因素.[结果]目前该市仅有5%的区(县)的全部社区制定有应急预案,主要的影响因素依次是领导的应急意识、应急资金投入、社区应急人才等.[结论]该市应提高社区应急意识,增加资金投入,加强应急培训,制定社区应急预案势在必行.  相似文献   

编制应急预案是我国“一案三制”应急体系建设工作中的重要内容,也是突发公共事件应急准备工作的基础。联合国的一项调查显示,预案会使突发事件中人员的死亡率减少2/3。每一个事先拟定的行动方案就是一个预案。制定危机应急预案就是要根据曾经发生的危机情况,按照假设的各种危机类型、规模、程度,配备相应的设备、设施、队伍及确定相应的处理程序,为应急决策与应急指挥提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨社区应对突发公共卫生事件应急预案的基本构成。方法 以国家相关法律、法规为依据,参照上级制定的有关突发公共卫生事件应急预案.结合宝安区社区卫生服务中心的实际,分析社区应对突发公共卫生事件预案的基本构成。结果 宝安区社区突发公共卫生事件应急预案的构成主要有预案的组织机构与职责、预案的适用范围、预防与应急准备、突发公共卫生事件报告和应急处理5个部分。结论 社区应急预案的建立对健全突发公共卫生事件应急预案体系至关重要。  相似文献   

为科学规范本市安全生产应急管理程序,记者近日获悉,市安全生产监督局印发《上海市生产安全事故应急预案管理实施方案》,要求明确市、区两级安全监管部门应急预案管理职责,制定预案备案程序,建立应急预案数据库,力争实现高危行业企业、国有企业以及在册重大危险源所在单位应急预案备案达到100%。  相似文献   

目的提高大理州疾病预防控制机构应对突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害调查和处置能力,最大限度地降低突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害的危害。方法根据《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》、《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》等国家卫生法律法规,结合大理州疾病预防控制机构现状和州情,反思作者先后参加了2003年"非典"防治,多起重大食物中毒处置和"5.12"汶川大地震后的卫生防疫等实际工作中,今后大理州如何更好地提高应对突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害调查和处置能力,并提出合理化建议。结果大理州卫生应急预案体系不够健全,没有从州政府的层面制定《大理州突发事件应急总预案》,如发生突发公共卫生事件和重大自然灾害时,还要花时间协调各部门一起应对;各种预案较多且分散;没有统一管理的各类专业人员齐备的应急队伍;近年来较少组织卫生应急演练,实战能力有待提高,队员野外生存能力差。结论大理州要进一步建立健全卫生应急预案体系,收集或制定卫生应急规范,从州政府的层面制定《大理州突发事件应急总预案》;要按照"平战结合、因地制宜、分类管理、分级负责、统一管理、协调运转"的原则,建立一只卫生应急队伍;完善应急队伍的应急装备和做好应急物资储备。  相似文献   

李书贤  徐勇  汪漪  宋瑜 《中国学校卫生》2013,34(10):1185-1187
了解我国中小学校制定的突发公共卫生事件应急预案的具体内容,为提高中小学校预防和处置突发公共卫生事件的能力提供科学依据.方法 按社会经济发展水平,抽取全国24个省、市、自治区的100所中小学校,从13个方面对100所中小学校突发公共卫生事件应急预案的内容进行统计分析,并将城市学校与农村学校以及中学和小学的应急预案进行分类比较.结果 100所学校中,82所学校在应急预案中设立了突发公共卫生事件应急领导机构,21所公布了事件报告电话,59所学校制定了常规防范措施,28所学校建立了逐级报告制度,所有调查学校都没有制定相关的应急演练方案,33所学校制定有突发公共卫生事件的监测制度.城市学校与农村学校应急预案内容各指标的报告率差别无统计学意义,中学与小学应急预案内容报告率除工作职责和任务外其余差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).结论 中小学校制定的突发公共卫生事件应急预案,绝大多数存在内容不全面、没有针对性、可实践性较差等问题,且没有制定相应的应急演练方案.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. Two phases of attempts to improve passenger car crash worthiness have occurred: minimum safety standards and publicized crash tests. This study evaluated these attempts, as well as changes in seat belt and alcohol use, in terms of their effect on occupant death and fatal crash rates. METHODS. Data on passenger car occupant fatalities and total involvement in fatal crashes, for 1975 through 1991, were obtained from the Fatal Accident Reporting System. Rates per mile were calculated through published sources on vehicle use by vehicle age. Regression estimates of effects of regulation, publicized crash tests, seat belt use and alcohol involvement were obtained. RESULTS. Substantial reductions in fatalities occurred in the vehicle model years from the late 1960s through most of the 1970s, when federal standards were applied. Some additional increments in reduced death rates, attributable to additional improved vehicle crashworthiness, occurred during the period of publicized crash tests. Increased seat belt use and reduced alcohol use also contributed significantly to reduced deaths. CONCLUSIONS. Minimum safety standards, crashworthiness improvements, seat belt use laws, and reduced alcohol use each contributed to a large reduction in passenger car occupant deaths.  相似文献   

Abstract: Coroner's reports, police records and the state crash database provided information on 65 crash fatalities in the Kimberley region of Western Australia from 1990 to 1994. Passengers travelling in the open load space of utility trucks comprised 18 per cent of fatalities. Open–load–space passenger fatalities were associated with open highway or community access road travel. The fatality rate for the region was 41.5 per 100 000 population and the rate ratio for Aboriginal to non–Aboriginal fatalities was 2.5. Only 50 of the 65 identified deaths were included in official crash statistics. State crash statistics do not provide information on the position of passengers in road crashes.  相似文献   

Highway accidents are the leading cause of child deaths in the United States from the ages of 1-14 years-6,122 such deaths occurred in 1973. In most instances deaths and permanent injuries occurred with the child as a passenger in an automobile. One approach toward alleviating this problem is the restraint of children in automobiles to reduce the likelihood of injury in a crash.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cross-national comparisons of injury mortality can suggest possible causal explanations for injuries across different countries and cultures. This study identifies differences in injury mortality between Los Angeles (LA) County, California and Mexico City DF, Mexico. METHODS: Using LA County and Mexico City death certificate data for 1994 and 1995, injury deaths were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases Ninth Revision-Clinical Modification external cause of injury codes. Crude, gender-, and age-adjusted annual fatality rates were calculated and comparisons were made between the two regions. RESULTS: Overall and age-adjusted injury death rates were higher for Mexico City than for LA County. Injury death rates were found to be higher for young adults in LA County and for elderly residents of Mexico City. Death rates for motor vehicle crashes, falls, and undetermined causes were higher in Mexico City, and relatively high rates of poisoning, homicide, and suicide were found for LA County. Motor vehicle crash and fall death rates in Mexico City increased beginning at about age 55, while homicide death rates were dramatically higher among young adults in LA County. The largest proportion of motor vehicle crash deaths was to motor vehicle occupants in LA County and to pedestrians in Mexico City. CONCLUSIONS: These findings illustrate the importance of primary injury prevention in countries having underdeveloped trauma care systems and should aid in setting priorities for future work. The high frequency of pedestrian fatalities in Mexico City may be related to migration of rural populations, differing vehicle characteristics and traffic patterns, and lack of safety knowledge. Mexico City's higher rate of fall-related deaths may be due to concurrent morbidity from chronic conditions, high-risk environments, and delay in seeking medical treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Motor vehicles are a leading cause of injury on and off the job. METHODS: To describe the occurrence of fatal motor vehicle crashes in the working-age population, a case-control study was conducted among persons 15-64 years old who died in 1986 or 1987 in any of 20 states reporting death certificate occupational data to the National Center for Health Statistics. Cases were occupants of motor vehicles (excluding motorcycles) who died of injuries sustained in a crash (E810-E825, 9th revision International Classification of Diseases), and controls died of any other cause. RESULTS: Transportation-related occupations had more than the expected number of deaths for men (odds ratio = 1.6, 95% confidence interval = 1.4-1.9) and women (odds ratio = 2.1, 95% confidence interval = 1.0-4.5), as did managerial occupations (odds ratio = 1.3 and 1.7, 95% confidence interval = 1.1-1.5 and 1.3-2.2 for men and women, respectively). Men in mining and oil drilling occupations and the wholesale trade industry also had excess crash deaths. Among women, additional excesses were observed among professional specialists and in several groups with few deaths, including agriculture, construction, and the military, whereas homemakers had markedly fewer vehicle crash deaths than expected. CONCLUSIONS: These findings encourage further investigation of this important safety hazard, but also call attention to a need for more detailed studies and improved data.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Federal Aviation regulations prohibit any individual ages 60 years or older from serving as a pilot on an airplane under Part 121 regulations. The assumption underlying the “Age-60 Rule” is that pilots' safety performance declines with advancing age due to adverse effects of aging on health and cognitive functions. Epidemiological evidence for this premise, however, has been lacking. This study evaluates the risk of crash involvement during the process of aging in a cohort of professional pilots.METHODS: Pilots who were 45–54 years old in 1987 with Class I medical certificates and who flew Part 135 operations (n = 3,306) were followed up for 11 years. Information on demographics, medical conditions, flight experience, crash involvement, and exposure to flight were collected through biannual medical certification data and aviation crash surveillance systems. Proportional hazards modeling was used in the statistical analysis.RESULTS: During the 11-year period, a total of 12,926,214 pilot-flight-hours and 66 crashes were recorded, yielding a crash rate of 0.51 per 100,000 pilot-flight-hours. The crash rates were 0.56, 0.43, 0.55, 1.10 per 100,000 pilot-flight-hours at age 45–49 years, 50–54 years, 55–59 years, 60–64 years, respectively. In the oldest group, the number of crashes was small (n = 3) and some were the result of aircraft malfunction. Pilots with more than 5,000 hours of total flight time at the baseline had significantly lower crash rates than their less experienced counterparts. Multivariate regression revealed that crash risk appeared to increase with age in a quadratic manner; yet the age effect did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.10).CONCLUSION: Safety performance as measured by crash risk in part 135 pilots does not seem to change significantly during the process of aging, possibly due to the “Healthy Worker Effect” resulting from periodic medical certification and voluntary retirement.  相似文献   

Road-rail crossings where a train and motor vehicle crashed were compared with the next crossing in the direction from which the train traveled at the same time of day and day of week of the crash. The odds of a crash were much lower at crossings with automatically lowered gates (odds ratio = 0.11). Average road traffic was much higher at crash sites; the presence of automatic gates was unrelated to the volume of road traffic. Federally funded modifications of road-rail crossings have substantially reduced deaths at such sites. The program would be more cost effective, however, if criteria for highest risk sites were applied more systematically, and funds were apportioned among the States according to their relative proportions of the problem.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: A small number of fatalities continue to occur due to motor vehicle crashes on highways in which at least 1 passenger vehicle (automobile, van, or small truck) is driven by a child younger than 15 years. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to extend previous work suggesting that such crashes occur frequently in the Southern states and have relatively high rates in rural areas in the South and Great Plains. METHODS: This study utilizes data for the 5-year period 1999-2003 from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration's online Fatality Analysis Reporting System. All cases were identified in which at least 1 conventional passenger vehicle in a fatal crash was being driven by a child younger than 15 years. FINDINGS: During the 5-year period, 350 fatal crashes occurred with at least 1 driver younger than 15 years involved. Twenty-one of these drivers were licensed (11) or driving with a learner's permit (10). A total of 987 individuals in 419 vehicles were involved in these crashes, and 402 deaths resulted (1.16 deaths/crash). These crashes occurred primarily in Texas, Florida, Arkansas, and Arizona, but the highest rates per 100,000 children were found in North and South Dakota and predominantly in a band of Intermountain and Plains states. There was a strong correlation between crash rates and several measures of rurality. CONCLUSIONS: Crashes involving young, largely unlicensed, drivers account for about 70 deaths yearly.  相似文献   

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