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目的 探讨心理干预对改善服刑人员未成年子女心理健康状况的作用。方法 使用心理健康诊断测验(Mental Health Test,MHT) 对31名服刑人员未成年子女进行测评,将研究对象分为实验组和对照组,对实验组给予为期8周的心理干预,并在干预后再次使用心理健康测验对实验组和对照组进行测评。结果 1)服刑人员未成年子女心理健康问题总分阳性检出率为38.7%,各项检出率由高到低依次顺序为:学习焦虑(67.7%)、身体症状(45.2%)、自责倾向(41.9%)、过敏倾向(22.6%)、恐怖倾向(16.1%)、对人焦虑(6.5%)、冲动倾向(6.5%)。2)实验组与对照组在干预前后心理健康得分的差异有统计学意义(t=6.727,P<0.001)。 结论 服刑人员未成年子女整体心理健康状况较差,主要问题表现为学习焦虑、身体症状和自责倾向。心理干预对改善服刑人员未成年子女心理健康有显著作用。  相似文献   

目的调查严重精神障碍患者未成年子女的自我意识水平。方法整群抽样选取绵阳市主城区及一个县所有严重精神障碍患者未成年子女为研究组,共135名,另选取与之匹配的135名正常儿童作为对照。对270名研究对象采用儿童自我意识量表进行调查。所得数据进行描述性分析、成组设计t检验、方差分析及卡方检验。结果严重精神障碍患者未成年子女焦虑、合群、幸福与满足感因子分低于正常未成年人(P0.05);行为因子分女性高于男性,躯体外貌与属性、焦虑因子分女性低于男性(P0.05);母亲为患者的未成年人躯体外貌与属性、焦虑、幸福与满足感因子分低于父亲为患者的未成年人(P0.05);父母病种、年龄对未成年人自我意识影响无统计学意义。结论严重精神障碍患者未成年子女的心理健康状况不容忽视,应对其开展有针对性的心理干预。  相似文献   

摘要:目的 探讨服刑人员未成年子女心理健康状况和自尊之间的关系,为今后服刑人员未成年子女的心理健康保健工作提供依据。方法 采用心理健康诊断量表和自尊量表对130名服刑人员未成年子女的心理健康状况和自尊程度进行测量。结果 (1)不同性别的未成年子女在心理健康状况和自尊得分上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(2)不同年龄的未成年子女在心理健康状况和自尊得分上差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);(3)不同服刑时间的服刑人员未成年子女在心理健康状况差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在自尊得分上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(4)不同服刑情况的服刑人员未成年子女在心理健康状况上差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在自尊得分上差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(5)服刑人员未成年子女的自尊程度和学习焦虑、对人焦虑、孤独倾向、身体症状、自责倾向、过敏倾向、恐怖倾向、冲动倾向及心理健康状况均呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。结论 (1)服刑人员未成年子女心理健康状况受父母服刑时间、服刑情况及年龄的影响。(2)服刑人员未成年子女的年龄越大,其自尊水平越低。(3)服刑人员未成年子女心理健康状况越好,自尊水平越高。  相似文献   

乳腺癌患者获得社会支持情况调查与相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨乳腺癌患者获得社会支持情况及其对乳腺癌患者患病期间的影响。方法:使用肖水源编制的社会支持评定量表对56例乳腺癌患者及128例常模进行调查。经过资料整理计算积分并使用t检验进行比较。结果:56例乳腺癌患者及128例常模调查回收率达100%,乳腺癌患者与常模之间的社会支持总分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:社会支持与乳腺癌焦虑及术后并发症呈负相关。医务人员应采取有效措施帮助患者优化社会支持网络,加强患者与家庭间的联系,切实做好健康教育,以提高乳腺癌患者心理健康水平及生活质量。  相似文献   

目的深入了解和探索肺结核病人的患病体验。方法采用质性研究中的现象学方法,对两所结核病防治机构门诊及住院治疗的20位肺结核病人进行深入访谈。结果根据访谈资料得出肺结核病人患病体验的3大主题:初始症状易被忽视、患病不同时期存在不同的心理反应、经济负担。结论肺结核病人的患病体验同肺结核病人及公众缺乏肺结核防治知识以及存在认识误区等有关。  相似文献   

2型糖尿病遗传学上性别差异的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的] 探讨2型糖尿病在遗传学上是否有性别差异。[方法] 以调查表方式寄给在我院就诊的有糖尿病家族史的2型糖尿病患者,一个家系中有3例糖尿病患者则进行家访核实。[结果] 有2型糖尿病一级阳性家族史者共计312例,其中男109例,女203例,男女之比是1∶1.86(P<0.01)。并有204例糖尿病患者父母亲患糖尿病,分别为父亲62例,母亲152例,其中包括父母均患病者12例,父母患病之比是1∶2.84(P<0.001)。108例糖尿病患者其子女患糖尿病,男性患者子女患病52例,女性患者子女患病89例,男性患者子女患病人数与女性患者子女患病人数之比是1:1.71(P<0.001)。[结论] 2型糖尿病有明显遗传性,有家族史的女性患者高于男性患者,母系遗传具有一定重要性。要加强母亲患2型糖尿病对下一代糖尿病发生的预防工作。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨服刑人员未成年子女行为问题与个性特征及其与社会支持的关系。 【方法】 采用方便取样,从某监狱选取服刑人员(已服刑3年以上)未成年子女20名为实验组;另外采用最大限度配对法选取20人为对照组。采用社会支持评定量表、Conners儿童行为问卷(父母问卷)和艾森克人格问卷(儿童版)对两组学生进行测查。 【结果】 1)实验组受试除了心身障碍维度外,其他维度的平均秩次均显著高于对照组(P均<0.05),神经质平均秩次大于对照组的,而掩饰性的平均秩次小于对照组的(P均<0.05)。2)实验组受试冲动多动行为问题与客观支持呈负相关,与支持利用度呈正相关(P<0.05);精神质维度与主观支持以及内外倾维度与客观支持分别呈负相关(P<0.05)。3)支持利用度对冲动多动行为具有正向预测作用(β=0.52,P=0.02);主观支持对精神质维度具有负向预测作用(β=0.48,P=0.03)。 【结论】 服刑人员未成年子女多种行为问题和个性不良因素明显,社会支持对其行为问题和个性特征具有影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨“粉红心光”乳腺癌患者心理康复支持项目在康复期乳腺癌患者心理康复中作用.方法 从政策支持、科普教育、康复指导、心理干预、人际支持、业务学习和学术科研方面,搭建一套常规化、系统化和专业化的乳腺癌患者心理康复支持体系,帮助患者重拾生活信心、改善生活品质、提高生命质量.结果 乳腺癌患者心理康复支持项目活动取得了良好的效果,研究结果显示活动有利于缓解乳腺癌患者的心理痛苦,促进创伤后成长.结论 “粉红心光”乳腺癌患者心理康复支持项目在康复期乳腺癌患者心理康复中起到了积极的作用,其形式和活动方式等具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

服刑人员未成年子女是指父母中的一方或双方正在监狱服刑,且年龄未满18周岁的公民.根据司法部调研报告,截至2005年底,在我国监狱服刑的156万名在押犯中,有未成年子女的服刑人员近46万,服刑人员未成年子女总数逾60万[1].已有资料显示,由于社会对服刑人员普遍存在偏见,使得服刑人员未成年子女出现更多的心理问题,如自卑感强烈、过分敏感、人际交往困难等[2-6].目前开展的相关研究主要集中在服刑人员的未成年子女人格特征方面[7-8].为进一步了解服刑人员的未成年子女心理健康状况,笔者进行了此项调查.现将结果报道如下.  相似文献   

目的探索急性心肌梗死(AMI)支架植入术患者的真实心理体验。方法采用质性研究的方法,通过立意取样法及自行设计半结构式访谈收集资料,采用Colaizzi内容分析法,阐述AMI支架植入术患者的真实心理体验。结果 AMI支架植入术患者心理体验呈现4个主题:①AMI发生时的心理体验;②植入支架后的心理状况;③缺乏术后康复相关知识;④对今后生活积极的态度。结论重视AMI支架植入术患者心理体验,及时有效地进行心理疏导和健康教育是帮助患者回归社会的重要保障。  相似文献   

Providing social support for families of pediatric cancer patients remains a challenge. The perceived helpfulness of 11 potential support sources was assessed by 107 parents of children with cancer. They rated the spouse, the medical community, and parents from a mutual help group as the most helpful. Mental health professionals and the church were seen less frequently and perceived as less helpful. No significant differences were found in the patterns of social support among parents with children in different stages of treatment. More than half the parents responding to a question on what they needed most during their children's illness mentioned emotional support and counselling. Mental health professionals may find that crisis/supportive and educative models and frequent contact are useful counselling approaches in dealing with families of cancer patients. A team approach to pediatric oncological treatment, consisting of a primary physician, nurse, and psychological consultant, may be a way to optimize the early and flexible involvement of psychosocial staff in total care.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is a life event experienced by many women and is one that impacts various aspects of a woman's life including her occupational and family roles. A social worker is often an important part of a woman's health care team following a breast cancer diagnosis as well as throughout treatment, providing assistance in helping women to cope with negative social psychological effects associated with the illness experience. The purpose of this article is to provide social workers with an opportunity to consider the utilization of empirically established interventions such as social support from the relatively unknown field of leisure science. Through semi-structured interviews with eight women, the role and meaning of leisure and social support in the lives of women with breast cancer were explored. The findings indicated these women experienced and perceived social support through leisure activities with friends and family during and following treatment and also through their volunteer work following treatment. The research can help social workers understand the potential role of leisure interventions in meeting the needs of women with breast cancer throughout their illness experience. Implications for social work education are also highlighted.  相似文献   

There is evidence that religion and spirituality affect psychosocial adjustment to cancer. However, little is known about the perceptions and meanings of religion and spirituality among Black and minority ethnic groups living with cancer in the UK. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 Black Caribbean and 19 White British patients living in South London boroughs with advanced cancer to explore how religion and spirituality influenced their self-reported cancer experience. Twenty-five Black Caribbean patients and 13/19 White British patients volunteered views on the place of religion or God in their life. Spirituality was rarely mentioned. Christianity was the only religion referred to. Strength of religious belief appeared to be more pronounced among Black Caribbean patients. Three main themes emerged from patients' accounts: the ways in which patients believed religion and belief in God helped them comprehend cancer; how they felt their faith and the emotional and practical support provided by church communities assisted them to live with the physical and psychological effects of their illness and its progression; and Black Caribbean patients identified the ways in which the experience of cancer promoted religious identity. We identified that patients from both ethnic groups appeared to derive benefit from their religious faith and belief in God. However, the manner in which these were understood and expressed in relation to their cancer was culturally shaped. We recommend that when health and social care professionals perform an assessment interview with patients from different cultural backgrounds to their own, opportunities are made for them to express information about their illness that may include religious and spiritual beliefs since these may alter perceptions of their illness and symptoms and thereby influence treatment decisions.  相似文献   

Uncertainty has been described as one of the major stressors faced by children with cancer and their families. However, ill children's responses to uncertainty have not been systematically studied. This grounded theory study of 11 children undergoing treatment for cancer confirmed that children experience multiple uncertainties in the context of cancer diagnosis and treatment. For the most part, however, children did not characterize themselves as feeling uncertain. Instead, they quickly came to view their lives as routine and ordinary despite the unpredictable nature of their illness course. Children described a process of getting used to cancer that allowed them to keep their focus on the ordinary nature of their everyday lives within the uncertain context of their illness. This interplay between uncertainty and routine provides important insight into children's psychological adjustment to life-threatening illness.  相似文献   

An estimated 40% of children and adolescents with chronic health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and hemophilia, experience school-related problems. Many children living with a chronic illness do not need or may not qualify for traditional special education programs, yet they may have unmet learning needs associated with chronic absenteeism, disease symptoms, or side effects of medical treatments. Using principles of family-centered schools, a coalition of schools, families, pediatricians, and nurses can work cooperatively to help students with chronic conditions succeed. This article describes the second phase of an ongoing initiative designed to support public schools in their efforts to meet the health and education needs of students with chronic health conditions.  相似文献   

There is evidence that religion and spirituality affect psychosocial adjustment to cancer. However, little is known about the perceptions and meanings of religion and spirituality among Black and minority ethnic groups living with cancer in the UK. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 Black Caribbean and 19 White British patients living in South London boroughs with advanced cancer to explore how religion and spirituality influenced their self-reported cancer experience. Twenty-five Black Caribbean patients and 13/19 White British patients volunteered views on the place of religion or God in their life. Spirituality was rarely mentioned. Christianity was the only religion referred to. Strength of religious belief appeared to be more pronounced among Black Caribbean patients. Three main themes emerged from patients' accounts: the ways in which patients believed religion and belief in God helped them comprehend cancer; how they felt their faith and the emotional and practical support provided by church communities assisted them to live with the physical and psychological effects of their illness and its progression; and Black Caribbean patients identified the ways in which the experience of cancer promoted religious identity. We identified that patients from both ethnic groups appeared to derive benefit from their religious faith and belief in God. However, the manner in which these were understood and expressed in relation to their cancer was culturally shaped. We recommend that when health and social care professionals perform an assessment interview with patients from different cultural backgrounds to their own, opportunities are made for them to express information about their illness that may include religious and spiritual beliefs since these may alter perceptions of their illness and symptoms and thereby influence treatment decisions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how parents use the GP out‐of‐hours service. There was a lack of information about how parents managed childhood illness and what strategies they put in place to help them to cope before calling the GP. The investigation of parental perceptions was based on a qualitative design using in‐depth interviews of 29 families from a semi‐rural location in the south‐east of England. All parents said they found dealing with a sick child out‐of‐hours stressful and were concerned to make the right decision for their child. Furthermore, parents usually employed a reasonable strategy in attempting to manage the child’s illness. This study demonstrated that the decision to call the doctor was not taken lightly. Many parents had implemented useful strategies prior to calling the doctor. However, most parents were also aware of their limitations and feared doing the wrong thing. It would seem that on occasion this fear combined with factors such as a lack of social support and loss of parental confidence resulted in calling the doctor out of hours to seek ‘peace of mind’. A rethink is needed among health professionals about the ‘problem’ of out‐of‐hours calls. GPs could actively seek to empower parents by educating them about minor illness during visits and consultations. It is not enough to offer reassurance to parents that their children are fine. Health visitors and other health professionals who come into contact with young families may help to educate and empower.  相似文献   

Social scientists concerned with studying the social and cultural meaning of illness problematize the relationship between disease and illness, noting that illness can exist without disease-abnormal physical changes in the body. What has received less attention is the existence of disease-made visible through technological advances-in the absence of illness. Cervical cancer (or the more ambiguous cervical abnormalities) is an example of a disease that is largely symptomless in its early stages and can occur in the absence of illness. In this paper I explore how women seek to understand and negotiate cervical cancer in the context of their everyday lives, as they are confronted with seemingly disparate and contradictory physical and psychological states of well-being, sickness, and disease. This experience is what I call living on the borderlands of health, disease, and illness, where all of these states are experienced concurrently and boundaries between them blur. Through observations of patient-doctor interactions, ethnographic interviews with doctors and women seeking treatment for cervical cancer and pre-cancerous abnormalities, I analyze how women try to understand their medical experience. And they do so with the added challenge of little information being shared with them by the doctors who treat them. While patients do not ask many questions of their doctors, this does not mean that women are disinterested in their health. In fact, they develop strategies for eliciting clinical information about their medical conditions and actively seek to make sense of their experiences. By problematizing the concepts of health, disease, and illness, and avoiding the tendency to see these as distinct and contradictory phenomenon, we can gain a better understanding of their interrelatedness, and how people negotiate this borderland.  相似文献   

The study examined personal resources (sense of coherence and social support) and attributions concerning the causes of illness, and their relationship to adjustment to breast cancer. The research sample included 60 Israeli women with breast cancer, who responded to questionnaires at two stages of their illness: the stage of initial discovery (after first learning of the illness) and approximately six months later (the stage of mitigation and accommodation). The overall level of adjustment to the illness was moderate. While the patients adjusted relatively well in the family and domestic environments, their adjustment in the dimensions of health care, psychological distress, and sexual relations was relatively low. The most frequent causal attributions were psychological factors and family history of illness. The patients' subjective state of health, sense of coherence, and levels of social support were related to most of the adjustment dimensions examined, although both internal and external causal attributions correlated negatively with adjustment in every dimension.  相似文献   

目的 探讨社会支持体系对学龄期白血病患儿的情绪状态及其家长的心理健康和生活质量的影响。方法 采用前瞻性、病例-对照研究方法,通过心理调查问卷分析,分别调查白血病、非恶性血液系统疾病及健康学龄期儿童及其家长,比较社会支持干预前后白血病患儿的情绪及其家长心理状况和生活质量的变化。社会支持干预包括信息支持、经济支持、心理支持等方面。结果 1)白血病患儿较对照组儿童存在较多的负性情绪(P<0.05),经过社会支持干预后,其躯体化/惊恐、广泛性焦虑、学校恐惧和焦虑总分方面与正常对照组相比,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),且主观心境好转。2)白血病组患儿家长的心理问题突出,表现在各因子得分均高于对照组(P<0.05);经过社会支持干预,人际关系敏感、敌对、恐怖、偏执方面有明显改善(P<0.05)。3)家长的心理问题与患儿的负性情绪存在正相关(P<0.05)。4)社会支持干预下,白血病患儿家长的生活质量总评提高,躯体、社会和心理维度均较无社会支持组家长有所改善(P<0.05)。结论 学龄期白血病患儿存在较多的负性情绪,其家长存在较多的心理问题,积极的社会支持系统有助于减少患儿的负性情绪及改善家长的心理健康,提高家庭的生活质量。  相似文献   

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