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目的 研究三维重建技术在胰腺浆液性囊腺瘤手术规划中的应用价值.方法 对1例胰腺浆液性囊腺瘤患者行上腹部256排螺旋CT扫描,并收集CT原始数据,导入到海信计算机辅助手术系统,重建患者腹腔三维模型.根据三维重建模型,制定患者的手术方案,并行手术预切除,计算胰腺、残余胰腺、切除胰腺体积.术中根据术前设计的手术方案进行手术.结果 本例患者术后恢复良好,无并发症发生.重建的三维模型真实的显示了患者腹腔结构,显示了胰腺、肿瘤与周围血管、周围脏器的位置关系,为手术制定方案提供指导.胰腺预切除和体积计算可制定最佳手术方案,实现精准切除,减少术后并发症的发生.结论 基于海信计算机辅助手术系统的三维重建技术有助指导胰腺浆液性囊腺瘤的手术方案的制定.  相似文献   

目的探讨即刻乳房再造在乳腺癌手术中的应用价值。方法自2005年10月至2009年2月共完成了26例乳腺癌改良根治即刻乳房再造手术,其中10例为局部晚期乳腺癌。即刻腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房再造术12例,背阔肌肌皮瓣乳房再造术8例,保留乳头乳晕复合体皮下乳腺全切假体植入乳房再造术5例,保留乳头乳晕复合体皮下乳腺全切背阔肌肌皮瓣结合假体植入乳房再造术1例。结果全组手术切缘病理均达到阴性,皮瓣全部成活,无假体相关并发症,亦无腹壁疝发生。再造乳房形态满意,肌皮瓣再造乳房可以安全地耐受术后放疗,随访1~40个月无局部复发病例。结论即刻乳房再造手术从根本上改善了乳腺癌患者术后的生活质量,在局部晚期乳腺癌手术中,肌皮瓣乳房再造还可以为足够的切除范围提供安全保障,颇具临床应用价值。  相似文献   

个体化乳腺癌保乳术165例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探讨标准保乳术和整形保乳术在乳腺癌保乳术中的合理选择及应用。方法将既往接受保乳术的165例患者分为标准保乳组(n=64)和整形保乳组(n=101),比较两组的肿瘤特点、手术方式、术后并发症及术后美容效果。结果 标准保乳组和整形保乳术组在术后并发症、美容效果、复发转移事件的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组在肿瘤分布位置、切除组织量、乳房大小、原发肿瘤大小或范围、是否行新辅助化疗的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);整形保乳组切除乳房组织量大于标准保乳组;应用整形保乳术的原发肿瘤更多见于中央区、内上象限、下象限。结论 对保乳患者进行分阶段动态评估、具体情况具体分析的个体化保乳模式保证了良好的术后乳房美观效果;整形保乳术可切除更多的组织量以保证切缘阴性,增加了保乳成功率且减少了不必要的乳房全切及乳房再造手术,值得进一步临床研究和推广。  相似文献   

朱江  康骅  海涛  王亚军 《癌症进展》2013,11(5):392-399,419
目的总结乳房整形技术在乳腺癌保乳手术中的可行性及其对美容效果的影响。方法回顾性分析150例乳腺癌保乳手术患者的临床资料,根据保乳手术中应用乳房整形技术与否分为乳房整形技术保乳组(A组,70例)和传统手术保乳组(B组,80例),比较两组患者术后并发症、复发转移率、生存率及术后乳房美容效果,采用SPSS16.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果平均随访时间为30.5个月(6~62个月),随访率为93.3%(140/150)。两组患者术后并发症、局部复发、远处转移、总生存和无病生存率均无统计学差异(P0.05)。A组主观满意率、乳房美容客观评分均优于B组。结论对早期乳腺癌患者采用乳房整形技术进行保乳手术治疗安全性好,而且术后乳房美容效果佳,是一项值得推荐的技术。  相似文献   

何珊珊  尹健 《中国肿瘤临床》2020,47(17):902-905
在全球范围内,保乳术及整形保乳术在乳腺癌外科治疗中逐渐被广泛应用。对于保乳术后同侧乳房局部复发患者,相当一部分因会选择补救性全乳切除,面临着乳房缺失问题。这部分患者因有胸壁放疗史,并多进行过系统治疗,因此行乳房再造时具有一定的特殊性,需引起手术医师的重视。为给予手术医师手术方案的制定提供线索与帮助,本文将从肿瘤学安全性、术后近远期并发症、术后美学效果方面对解救性乳房切除术联合即刻乳房再造进行综述。   相似文献   

计算机辅助导航系统(computer assisted navigation system,CANS)是近年来外科领域发展迅速的一项新成就,其结合了外科机器人,三维图像重建,计算机辅助成像和计算机模拟操作等相关技术。计算机辅助技术在骨科手术中的具体应用被称为计算机辅助骨科手术(CAOS),因其精确性、安全性及快速性的特点而在骨科各领域已得到广泛应用。然而在治疗骨肿瘤方面却应用不多,但具有巨大的发展潜力。  相似文献   

目的 应用计算机辅助设计CT三维重建技术为骨盆髋臼周围恶性肿瘤行肿瘤切除修复重建进行手术预测和模拟,方法 选取成人骨盆髋臼周围恶性肿瘤患者的CT、MRI图像标本,使用Mimics10.01软件进行CT图像三维重建,结合MRI进行肿瘤骨性边界的分析、界定及测量,在重建的三维图像上进行模拟肿瘤切除截骨手术.计算各截骨平面、标志点、髋臼旋转中心与骨盆解剖标志的相互关系.结果 成功地为髋臼周围恶性肿瘤病例进行了截骨手术模拟,并通过手术模拟得到了相关参数.结论 计算机辅助设计CT三维重建手术模拟技术可以为制定个体化、定量化的手术方案提供参考,为改善髋臼周围恶性肿瘤切除重建的手术效果提供切实可行的指导.  相似文献   

目的 研究计算机辅助膝关节周围肿瘤的精确切除与重建的新方法,评价计算机辅助技术在膝关节周围骨肿瘤治疗中的价值.方法 2007年1月至2010年7月共收治6例膝关节周围肿瘤患者.其中男4例,女2例.年龄19~40岁.股骨远端骨肉瘤3例,胫骨近端骨肉瘤1例,胫骨近端软骨肉瘤2例.Enneking分期II A期2例,II B期4例.所有患者术前均采用薄层CT和MRI扫描获取骨关节和肿瘤部位的二维图像数据,计算机三维重建建立骨关节和肿瘤浸润区域解剖模型,借助逆向工程和CAD软件三维测量确定肿瘤切除范围,CAD设计个性化辅助手术模板及个性化的骨修复体,计算机辅助模拟膝关节周围肿瘤切除和重建过程.术中按照计算机辅助模拟的手术方案,完整切除肿瘤组织,其中4例患者采用"外形匹配的异体骨+定制个性化膝关节假体"、2例患者采用"外形匹配的异体骨+钢板"重建骨肿瘤切除后遗留骨缺损.随访期间采用骨与软组织肿瘤学会(Musculoskeletal Tumor Society,MSTS)保肢评分系统对随访患者进行功能评价.结果 所有患者随访10-53个月,平均30.5个月.随访期间未发现膝关节假体、钢板的断裂和松动,2例患者出现异体骨吸收,1例患者异体骨感染、行局部清创术治疗,无肿瘤复发和转移.末次随访MSTS评分为18~27分,平均23.4分,其中优4例,良2例.结论 借助于计算机辅助技术,可以实现膝关节周围肿瘤的精确切除和功能重建;异体骨复合金属假体或内固定物重建骨缺损具有良好的临床疗效和应用价值.  相似文献   

目的探讨带血管蒂转移皮瓣在乳腺癌术后乳房再造中的安全性和整形效果。方法2004年3月—2010年6月,对37例乳腺肿瘤患者,行乳房切除术后带蒂背阔肌或TRAM皮瓣乳房再造。其中Ⅰ期再造34例,Ⅱ期再造3例;对其中15例TRAM皮瓣再造的供区下腹部应用涤纶补片加强腹壁。结果1例TRAM皮瓣小部分坏死,6例Ⅰ期再造术后乳房本体皮肤坏死。3例背阔肌皮瓣再造发生背部皮下血清肿;3例TRAM皮瓣下腹中段脂肪液化,无腹壁膨隆或腹壁疝发生。随访2月—72月,1例肿瘤局部复发,1例肝转移。乳房外观评价,总体可接受度94.59%。 结论背阔肌或TRAM带血管蒂转移皮瓣再造是乳房切除术后行全乳再造的有效和安全的方法,应用涤纶补片加强腹壁可以有效预防腹壁软弱和腹壁疝形成。  相似文献   

目的:介绍乳腺癌术后应用下腹横型腹直肌肌皮瓣(TRAM皮瓣)即刻乳房再造的方法,并探讨神经吻合对再造乳房皮肤感觉恢复的疗效。方法:23例乳腺癌患者改良根治术后,Ⅰ期应用单蒂或双蒂横型腹直肌肌皮瓣(TRAM)行乳房再造,单蒂TRAM乳房再造18例,双蒂TRAM乳房再造4例,游离TRAM乳房再造1例,对4例患者进行了神经吻合术,对7例患者进行了血管吻合术。结果:再造手术均取得成功,经过2—72个月随访,无局部复发。行神经吻合的患者再造乳房皮肤感觉较没有行神经吻合者好,患者对再造乳房满意度高。结论:乳腺癌术后Ⅰ期乳房再造能同时满足肿瘤的治疗和形体美容的要求,并且神经吻合术可以一定程度恢复再造乳房皮肤感觉,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨保留乳房天然结构的乳腺癌改良根治术后即刻自体组织乳房成形术在临床中的运用价值。方法乳腺癌患者12例,其中DCIS 6例,浸润性导管癌3例,小管癌1例,髓样癌1例,黏液癌1例;保留乳房皮肤的乳腺癌改良根治术9例,保留乳头乳晕复合体的乳腺癌改良根治术3例。全组均保留或重建乳房下皱襞,切除乳腺组织和腋窝淋巴结,应用下腹部横行腹直肌肌皮瓣或背阔肌肌皮瓣即刻乳房成形。结果横行腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房成形术3例,背阔肌肌皮瓣乳房成形术9例,术后皮瓣均存活,皮瓣血管通畅,成形乳房外观良好。结论对早期乳腺癌患者行保留乳房天然结构的乳腺癌改良根治术后即刻自体组织乳房成形,切口隐蔽,成形乳房形态效果良好,可以获得较好的美容效果。  相似文献   

《Clinical breast cancer》2021,21(4):e448-e453
BackgroundBreast conserving surgery (BCS) followed by radiotherapy is used for the management of early-stage breast cancers. There are different techniques to reconstruct the breast after BCS, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In this study, we aim to present a novel local transposition flap and report the follow-up results of patients who underwent breast reconstruction using this method in the short and long term.Material and MethodsWe enrolled 100 patients who underwent BCS in the form of upper or lower outer quadrant lumpectomy with or without axillary lymph node dissection. After lumpectomy, the patients underwent breast reconstruction using the local transposition flap technique. We followed the patients for 1 year, and the satisfaction results are assessed and reported postoperation, after radiochemotherapy, and after 1 year.ResultsThe patients’ mean age is 47.6 (±11.7) years, and the mean BMI is 32.4 (±2.5). The duration of hospitalization was 1 day in 96 patients and 2 days in 2 patients. There were 2 patients hospitalized for 3 days. Three patients developed seroma and there were no cases of any other complication. The surgeon and patients satisfaction surveys conducted postop, after the radiochemotherapy course, and 1 year after BCS shows that the excellent and good satisfaction rate is 85%, 85%, and 92% respectively.ConclusionWe believe that the local transposition flap can be an excellent substitution for the existing methods in the reconstruction of the lateral side breast defects.  相似文献   

乳腺癌是我国女性发病率最高的恶性肿瘤。随着乳腺癌综合治疗技术的进步和患者生存期的延长,为提高乳腺癌患者的生存质量,乳腺肿瘤整形外科受到越来越多的重视。乳腺肿瘤整形外科主要包括保乳整形和乳房重建两个技术体系。相较于西方发达国家,我国乳腺肿瘤整形外科虽起步较晚,但发展迅速,在很多领域都取得长足的进步。本文将就植入物乳房重建、自体组织乳房重建、脂肪移植乳房成形、内窥镜辅助乳房重建、乳头乳晕重建、患者报告结局评价等亚专科领域,对我国乳腺肿瘤整形外科的研究进展、当前学科发展的不足之处,及未来发展方向进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肿瘤整形技术应用于早期乳腺癌保乳术的近期疗效和美容效果。方法回顾性分析25例应用周围腺体组织瓣转位修复法或背阔肌肌皮瓣转位修复法行保乳术(观察组)和25例行传统保乳手术(对照组)患者的临床资料,比较两组患者的手术切除范围、切缘情况、RTOG美容等级评价、术后并发症及复发转移情况。结果观察组中21例行周围腺体组织瓣转位修复,4例行背阔肌皮瓣转位修复,切除乳腺体积为26~1105 cm3,中位体积343 cm3;对照组切除乳腺体积为15~504 cm3,中位体积262 cm3。术中冰冻病理示切缘阳性者观察组有3例,对照组5例,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.504,P=0.478)。观察组和对照组美容等级评定为优或良的分别为22例(88%)和20例(80%),两组差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.611,P=0.737)。随访持续时间为2~12个月,中位随访时间为5个月,观察组中1例患者术后2个月出现多发骨转移,所有患者均未出现局部复发,无死亡病例。结论应用整形外科技术行保乳手术治疗早期乳腺癌在达到切缘无瘤累及的基础上,可获得更好的美容效果,且短期临床效果满意,值得进一步临床推广。  相似文献   



Breast reconstruction is an important element in the successful therapy of breast cancer [1]. Thereby, autologous microvascular breast reconstruction has been shown to be a reliable technique. The use of a deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap or a muscle-sparing (MS) free transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap is recognized in many centres as gold standard for reconstructive options [[2], [3], [4]]. Based on our experiences with 137 patients over a 5-year period we want to highlight the technical aspects of the free microsurgical autologous breast reconstruction using a DIEP flap.

Patients and methods

Between 01/2013 and 12/2017 we treated 137 patients (age 32–78 years, mean age 52 years) after mastectomy with autologous microsurgical free flap breast reconstruction. A DIEP flap was used for breast reconstruction in 33 patients. In 104 cases, we performed a muscle sparing TRAM flap. In this video we demonstrate the typical sequence of operative steps of a DIEP flap in a 32 year old patient after mastectomy due to an invasive ductal breast carcinoma.


The rate of total flap loss in our department was 2.2% including all patients. In less than 1%, partial flap necrosis could be observed. 61% of the patients had undergone previous irradiation. Within the small number of flap loss, we could not observe a trend towards a correlation between flap loss and previous irradiation.


Autologous breast reconstruction using a DIEP or MS-TRAM flap provides a surgically safe technique including a low incidence of flap loss in specialized centres.  相似文献   



Poor cosmetic outcome have been reported as a result of breast cancer operation due to lower quadrant breast tumors; this is particularly true for women with small, firm breasts. Herein, we report here on the use of superior based lateral breast rotation flap reconstruction to improve cosmetic outcome in patients with lower quadrant breast cancer.


We enrolled 33 patients with invasive breast cancer located in the lower quadrant of the breast, which were located more than 2 cm apart from the nipple. After completing a quadrantectomy, a single S-shaped or reverse S-shaped incision was made from axilla to tumor site. Two triangular skin islands, one on the axilla and one overlying the tumor were marked for excision. Once the fibroglandular tissues and the additional fatty tissue of the lateral chest wall were appropriately mobilized, the breast defect was closed at the mid-point of the parenchymal thickness in order to keep the natural position of the infra mammary fold.


Median tumor size was 2.3 cm (range, 0.7-3.5 cm) and median resected volume was 35.5 g (range, 27.0-51.0 g). With a mean follow-up of 24.5 months (range, 9.0-33.5 months), cosmetic outcomes were good (94.0%) to fair (6.0%) at 6 months after the procedure, and there was no local or systemic recurrence during the short term follow-up period.


Clearly, this type of rotation flap reconstruction is an oncologically safe and a cosmetically sound procedure. Hopefully this rotation flap reconstruction technique will become more widely available and perhaps a standard procedure for lower quadrant breast tumors, especially for cosmetic treatment of small to medium-sized breasts.  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺癌保留乳房手术后即刻在腔镜辅助下经腋窝小切口行背阔肌肌瓣转移整形的临床应用。方法2008年1月至2009年7月,本科对10例年龄为30~52岁(平均36岁)的原发性乳腺癌患者进行了病灶局部扩大切除后即刻在腔镜辅助下经腋窝小切口切取背阔肌肌瓣转移整形。然后对肿瘤的特性、切除腺体标本的质量、切缘状况、切取背阔肌的切口长度、背阔肌肌瓣大小、切取背阔肌的时间、美容效果和术后并发症进行评估。结果肿瘤直径为2~5cm(平均3cm),标本质量为110~215g(平均150g),阴性切缘距肿瘤边缘的距离为1~2cm(平均1.5cm),切取背阔肌的切口长度10~14cm(平均12cm),背阔肌肌瓣大小为6cm×12cm~8cm×15cm、切取背阔肌的时间为1~2h。术后3个月美容效果优3例,良好6例,尚可l例,无外形差的病例。术后所有患者对乳房形态均满意,无严重并发症发生。结论利用腔镜辅助切取背阔肌肌瓣即刻修补乳房缺损,既可缩小手术疤痕,又可减轻手术创伤,是改善保留乳房手术后乳房美容效果的一个好方法。  相似文献   

Breast conserving surgery (BCS) is now a standard surgical treatment for early breast cancer. The number of patients with tumors under 3 cm who underwent breast conserving surgery overtook the number of patients who underwent total mastectomy for the first time in Japan in 2003. We have been employing breast conserving surgery with primary reconstruction using a lateral tissue flap (LTF), and have performed breast conserving surgery for 266 patients from 1990 to 2002. The incidence of local relapse was 5.6%. Although we did not irradiate a low risk group of 101 patients, our method is not inferior to other reports in which all cases underwent irradiation. Primary reconstruction with LTF has three advantages. The first is that we can avoid poly-surgery for breast reconstruction. The second is that the volume of the graft is maintained longer than reconstruction with a musculo-cutaneous flap. The third is that patients can avoid allergic reactions or granulomas as seen with artificial prosthesies. In conclusion, breast conserving surgery with immediate volume replacement with a LTF is a reasonable surgical procedure and has the advantage of avoiding unnecessary surgical procedures for reconstruction and surgical invasion without delaying the diagnosis of local relapse. Moreover, an adequate assessment of risk can spare low risk groups irradiation.  相似文献   

Breast reconstruction plays an integral role in the holistic management of breast cancer, with assessment of breast volume, shape, and projection vital in planning breast reconstruction surgery. Current practice includes two-dimensional (2D) photography and visual estimation in selecting ideal volume and shape of breast implants or soft-tissue flaps. Other objective quantitative means of calculating breast volume have been reported, such as direct anthropomorphic measurements or three-dimensional (3D) photography, but none have proven reliably accurate. We describe a novel approach to volumetric analysis of the breast, through the creation of a haptic, tactile model, or 3D print of scan data. This approach comprises use of a single computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for volumetric analysis, which we use to compare to simpler estimation techniques, create software-generated 3D reconstructions, calculate, and visualize volume differences, and produce biomodels of the breasts using a 3D printer for tactile appreciation of volume differential. Using the technique described, parenchymal volume was assessed and calculated using CT data. A case report was utilized in a pictorial account of the technique, in which a volume difference of 116 cm3 was calculated, aiding reconstructive planning. Preoperative planning, including volumetric analysis can be used as a tool to aid esthetic outcomes and attempt to reduce operative times in post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgery. The combination of accurate volume calculations and the production of 3D-printed haptic models for tactile feedback and operative guidance are evolving techniques in volumetric analysis and preoperative planning in breast reconstruction.  相似文献   

随着乳腺肿瘤整形与乳房重建在国内新的临床应用趋势,更鉴于新的循证医学数据不断累积,中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会召集外科、整形、放疗、内科、病理等多学科专家,在《乳腺肿瘤整形与乳房重建专家共识(2018年版)》的基础上共同商讨制定了《乳腺肿瘤整形与乳房重建专家共识(2022年版)》,2022年版新增了腔镜乳房重建、胸肌前乳房重建及乳房重建的个案管理等内容,并将初版的保留乳头乳晕的全乳切除章节更名为保守性全乳切除,并做了大量内容补充及更新。共识也对胸肌前乳房重建、游离腹壁下动脉穿支皮瓣(deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap,DIEP)手术等临床热点进行了详尽的阐述。相信本次更新会给各层级医院提高乳腺肿瘤整形及乳房重建临床水平,提升治疗规范化,优化治疗结局助力,最终提高患者满意度。  相似文献   

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