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淋巴肉瘤侵犯硬膜外的病例罕见。我院收治一例,现报道如下: 患者女,51岁,住院号:32711,自1988年2月份起感到胸背部隐痛,疼痛由背部向前胸牵涉,呈持续性,同年4月出现双下肢瘫痪、大小便失禁。同年6月上句在某省级医院以第三胸椎病变行手术治疗,术中见胸2—4惟体有一边界欠清的肿块环绕于硬膜外层,行局部切除术,术后病理报告为“胸2—4椎管硬膜外恶性淋巴瘤”。术后十天转入我科。体检:神清、消瘦、卧位,  相似文献   

椎管内转移瘤指所有主要累及椎管内结构的继发性肿瘤,其常见原发肿瘤类型包括乳腺癌、肺癌、黑色素瘤、肾透明细胞癌等。为了预后分析和手术干预决策的选择,根据累及椎管内结构的位置,一般将“椎管内”转移瘤进一步细分“椎管内硬膜外”(简称“硬膜外”)、“髓外硬膜内”(简称“硬膜内”)、“脊髓髓内”亚类。椎管内转移瘤发病率较脑转移瘤低,相应的临床研究与临床试验证据少,本文基于国内椎管内转移瘤诊疗经验,结合国际同行研究成果,整理成中国椎管内转移瘤诊疗专家共识,为临床椎管内转移瘤诊疗工作提供参考。  相似文献   

脊柱转移瘤30例临床分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
戴晓华  王书成 《中国癌症杂志》1998,8(4):285-285,304
脊柱转移瘤较常见.为探讨脊柱转移瘤的临床特点,我们对1991~1995年间收治30例作一分析.临床资料一、性别、年龄和病程 男性21例,女性9例.年龄为20~70岁,平均51岁.病程为1~12个月,平均3.4个月.二、临床症状 4例颈椎病变,表现颈背疼痛,有1例向上肢放射;10例上或中部胸椎病变,均有背痛,其中3例沿肋间放射,6例胸痛,3例下位胸椎和13例腰椎和(或)骶椎病变,表现腰背痛及下肢感觉运动障碍.全部患者均主诉患部疼痛,25例(83.3%)制动无效,17例(56.7%)伴有放射痛,15例(50.0%)夜间加重.体格检查:病变部位均有叩击痛,17例(56.6%)有肢体感觉运动障碍,8例(47%)有完全或不完全性截瘫.三、影像学检查 X线、CT、磁共振成像(MRI)和发射计算体层摄影(ECT)等检查结果列于附表.另有1例椎管造影仅显示梗阻的下界,未能确定病灶上界.ECT检查,除椎体病变外,尚有27处椎体外骨骼显示放射性核素异常浓聚.本组30例,共有椎体破坏81个,其中颈椎8个(9.9%)、胸椎47个(58.0%)、腰椎22个(27.2%)和骶椎4个(4.9%).单椎体转移12例,相邻2~3个椎体转移15例,脊柱多发性转移3例.同时有肋骨和骼骨等椎体外转  相似文献   

椎体结核可分为中心型和边缘型两种。1、中心型椎体结核多见于10岁以下的儿童,好发干胸椎,病变进展快,整个椎体被压缩成楔形,一般只侵犯一个椎体,也有穿透椎间盘而累及邻近椎体。2、边缘型椎体结核多见于成人,腰椎为好发部位,病变局限于椎体的上下缘,很快侵犯至椎间盘及相邻的椎体,椎间盘破坏是本病的特征,因而椎间隙很窄。椎体破坏后形成的寒性脓肿可以有两种表现:(1)椎旁脓肿,脓液汇集在椎体旁,可在前方、后方或两侧。以积聚在两侧和前方比较多见,脓液将骨膜掀起,还可以沿着韧带间隙向上和向下蔓延,使数个椎体的边缘都出现了骨腐蚀,它还可以向后方进入椎管内,压迫脊髓和神经根。(2)流注脓肿:椎旁脓肿积聚至一定数量后,压力增高,会穿破骨膜,沿着肌筋膜间隙向下方流动,在远离病灶的部位出现脓肿。  相似文献   

脊柱转移瘤约占骨转移性肿瘤的40%,以肺癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肾癌和甲状腺癌肝癌居多[1].胸段为最易受累的部位(70%),而颈段(10%)、腰段(20%)受累的概率较小;80%的脊柱转移瘤病灶位于椎体的前部结构,病变侵犯后柱约20%[2].由于肿瘤侵袭脊椎,间接或直接影响脊髓或神经根,常引起剧烈疼痛和神经功能障碍,严重影响患者的日常生活质量.  相似文献   

肺上沟瘤的治疗现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肺上沟瘤属于周围型肺癌,解剖学上位于锁骨中上1/3交界至锁骨上2.5 cm处,易侵犯上部肋骨和椎体、锁骨下血管、下颈段及上胸段的神经根和交感神经.  相似文献   

目的 探讨全脊柱MRI成像在转移瘤中的诊断价值.方法 对2007年10月至2010年4月经临床证实的19例脊柱转移瘤患者行MRI成像,序列包括矢状位T1WI、T2WI扫描,在病变部位做横断位T2WI扫描.结果 19例脊柱转移瘤中累及单个椎体2例,多个椎体受累17例;受累椎体部位颈段1例,胸段13例,腰段7例,骶段1例;转移瘤骨质异常表现包括溶骨性破坏、成骨性改变、混合型改变等.结论 全脊柱MRI成像是脊柱转移瘤重要检查方法.  相似文献   

目的总结椎管内转移瘤的临床特点及治疗经验。方法回顾性分析2年来我科收治的椎管内转移瘤的临床资料。本组9例,绝大多数位于胸段,硬膜外最多为8例,髓内1例。结果均行椎板减压及椎管内肿瘤显微外科切除术,术后疼痛全部消失,功能较术前明显改善。结论椎管内转移瘤为硬膜外常见肿瘤,发病迅速,早期诊断、早期治疗是最佳的选择。  相似文献   

目的 探讨单纯后路经椎弓根椎体次全切除内固定联合人工椎体置换治疗胸腰椎转移瘤的临床疗效.方法 2007年1月至2010年3月,对21例胸腰椎转移瘤进行单纯后路经椎弓根椎体次全切除、人工椎体置换及内固定术.男9例,女12例;平均年龄58岁(39~77岁).病变位于胸椎16例,腰椎5例.术前VAS评分平均7.4分(5~10分);术前Frankel脊髓功能分级:C级3例,D级6例,E级12例;术前ECOG功能分级2级1例,3级18例,4级2例.结果 所有患者无术中死亡,平均手术时间3.5h(2-5h).术中出血平均2150ml(800~5000ml).1例转移瘤患者术后2周死于多器官功能衰竭,20例患者术后VAS评分平均降至3.1分(1~4.5分),1例Frankel C级没有改变,1例C级改善为D级,6例D级均改善为E级.3例患者(14.3%)于术后半年至1年复发再次手术.最后一次随访时,20例患者平均随访13个月(3-24个月),其中13例患者死于原发疾病(平均生存10个月),其余存活患者ECOG功能分级为1~3级.结论 单纯后路经椎弓根椎体次全切除内固定联合人工椎体置换术减压充分,症状改善明显,可有效纠正脊柱后凸畸形,重建脊椎前后柱稳定性,改善骨转移瘤患者的生活质量.  相似文献   

目的:分析脊柱原始神经外胚层肿瘤的临床和影像学特点,以提高对该病的认识.方法:分析6例经手术病理或穿刺活检确诊的脊柱原始神经外胚层肿瘤的临床、病理特点及影像学表现.结果:6例脊柱原始神经外胚层肿瘤,其中发生于颈椎和腰椎各2例,胸椎和骶椎各1例,影像学表现主要为椎体的溶骨性破坏和椎管内硬膜外巨大软组织肿块,增强后明显不均匀强化,而骨膜反应、钙化或骨化不明显.HE染色肿瘤细胞镜下均均呈小圆形,且伴有Homer-Wright(H-W)"菊形团"排列;免疫组化神经染色至少有2种神经标记为阳性.结论:眷柱原始神经外胚层肿瘤临床表现和影像学表现具有一定特点,但缺乏特异性,确诊需组织病理学.影像学检查的目的在于明确肿瘤侵犯范围,确定手术的可切除性以及评价疗效.  相似文献   

The surgical approach to the second thoracic vertebral body is difficult from the anterior side. A 38-year-old woman suffering from plasmacytoma in the second thoracic vertebra showed paraplegia for 2 weeks prior to surgery. X-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations indicated breakdown of the second thoracic vertebral body and arch, associated with spinal cord compression. A 99mTc bone scintigram showed accumulation only in the second thoracic vertebra. After one course of chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide and prednisone (CP protocol), surgery was carried out. The incision was made on the right side of the anterior of the neck, from the middle half of the sternocleidomastoideus along the anterior edge to the jugular notch of the sternum. After cutting the platysma, severing the sternohyoideus, splitting the sternothyroid muscle, and forming a compartment between the esophagus and vagina carotica, we extended the incision to the sternum. Without wedging the sternum, we separated tissue from the posterior of the sternum to the second and third thoracic vertebrae, excised the second thoracic vertebra to expose the hard spinal meninges, and removed the tumor in the vertebral canal to release the compression on the spinal cord. An autogeneous bone graft, taken from the right ilium (1.5 × 1.5 × 3 cm in size), was implanted between the first and third thoracic vertebrae, and a spinal titanium alloy plate was used to increase fixation between the first and third thoracic vertebrae from the front. During the surgery, 800 ml of blood was transfused. On the fifth postsurgical day, the patient could walk normally with a neck collar, and the paraplegia was completely alleviated, with no complications. Received: October 4, 2000 / Accepted: May 25, 2001  相似文献   

The risk of serious esophageal damage from stereotactic body radiation therapy for a spine metastasis increases when the target is in the upper thoracic or cervical spine because the esophagus almost touches the anterior edge of the vertebral body at these levels. This report describes a case of severe esophageal damage from stereotactic body radiation therapy to the T-2 vertebral body, reviews pertinent literature, and suggests implications for future research and practice.  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine whether the traditional teaching of placing the caudal border of the spinal field at the S2–S3 interspace in children receiving craniospinal irradiation (CSI) is appropriate.Methods and Materials: Twenty-three children had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine with gadolinium prior to craniospinal irradiation at one institution. Thecal sac termination using MRI was determined by drawing a perpendicular line from the point of convergence of dural margins to the corresponding vertebral body.Results: Location of thecal sac termination varied from mid-S1 to low S3 vertebral body, with the most frequent site at the upper S2 vertebral level. Only 2 of 23 (8.7%) children had thecal sac terminations below the S2–S3 interspace. For the nine patients with neuraxis disease, none had thecal sac terminations below the S2–S3 interspace. In seven of the nine patients who had neuraxis seeding at initial presentation, MRI of the spine after CSI was performed and showed that thecal sac termination was lower after radiation therapy in two children, higher in one, and the same in four.Conclusions: In 2 of 23 children (8.7%), placement of the inferior border at the bottom of the S2 vertebral body would have missed the entire thecal sac. Treatment to the entire neuraxis with adequate coverage of distal spinal theca can be achieved by using MRI. Individualized spinal fields using the MRI may help minimize radiation scatter to the gonads while adequately covering the target volume.  相似文献   

K Omura  Y Kawaura  N Murakami  K Morita  T Iwa  S Sasaki 《Gan no rinsho》1989,35(12):1448-1452
Described is a 57-year-old male with a complaint of a gait disturbance. On admission to hospital, he was suffering from almost complete paraplegia. Roentgenograms of the spine showed extensive destruction in the body of the second thoracic vertebra. Magnetic resonance computed tomography revealed a vertebral tumor that was compressing the vertebral cord. Thus, a laminectomy of the 1st to 3rd thoracic vertebra was performed to relieve the compression. Histological examination of the tumor showed it to be a metastatic vertebral tumor from a hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Subsequently, by abdominal computed tomography and an examination of the AFP serum level the existence of the HCC was confirmed. This is a very rare case of an HCC that was revealed by paraplegia caused by bone metastasis.  相似文献   

Metastatic epidural spinal cord compression (MESCC) is a devastating complication of cancer that occurs when cancer metastasizes to the spine and then secondarily compresses the spinal cord. It is a relatively common complication of cancer and. in the United States, more than 20,000 cases of MESCC are diagnosed annually. If left untreated, virtually 100% of these patients would become paraplegic; therefore, it is considered a true medical emergency and immediate intervention is required. Even with aggressive therapy, results can often be unsatisfactory. Although most patients with MESCC have limited survival, up to one third will survive beyond one year. Thus. it is essential to consider aggressive therapy to preserve or improve the quality of life and prevent paraplegia.  相似文献   

脊柱肿瘤的手术治疗及稳定性重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨手术治疗脊柱肿瘤的方法及术后稳定性重建问题.方法对84例脊柱肿瘤患者分别进行不同入路的刮除、切除、脊髓减压手术,通过植骨、骨水泥充填、人工椎体置换等方法进行脊柱稳定性的重建.47例恶性肿瘤患者经综合治疗后,通过缓解程度判定疗效.结果术后平均随访4年5个月,57例肿瘤切除彻底,植骨愈合良好,骨水泥及人工椎体固定牢靠,无松动移位.47例恶性肿瘤经放化综合治疗后,CR 14例,PR 16例,MR 8例,NC 9例.结论手术治疗脊柱肿瘤对抢救截瘫、缓解症状有很大意义,应根据肿瘤的性质、节段和类型选择手术治疗方式,对椎体肿瘤全切除的病例行人工椎体置换和自体植骨术联合后路固定可保持术后的脊柱稳定性.  相似文献   

The case of a patient with dysphonia and ingravescent dysphagia, associated with crises of lipothymia "ab ingestis" is discussed. ENT examination with videolaryngoscopy evidenced a swelling of the posterior hypopharyngeal wall. X-ray study of the upper digestive tract was discontinued for inhalation. The scintigraphic study of swalling documented marked alteration of the oropharyngeal phase with phenomena of post-deglutitory aspiration. CT of the cervical vertebral column documented anterior diffuse vertebral hyperostosis of C3-C6: this finding was suggestive of Forestier disease.  相似文献   

Irradiation treatment portals of the upper abdomen must limit the dose to the kidneys. Sparing one-third of the parenchyma of each kidney will prevent late clinical sequelae. One hundred CT scans of the abdomen were studied to evaluate using the vertebrae as landmark for treatment planning. In lateral fields, using the anterior border of the vertebral column as a landmark for the posterior high isodose line will limit treatment to less than 60% (mean 22%) of a single kidney. Placing the edge of an anterior/posterior field 2 cm lateral to the vertebral column will limit the dose to less than 44% of a single kidney (mean 11%).  相似文献   

Reconstructive surgery in spinal tumours.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIMS: This study reports 21 patients who underwent reconstructive surgery for destructive spinal tumours. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The mean age was 49 years (range: 39-71 years). Primary lesions were met in two cases. Secondary spinal tumours were diagnosed in 19 cases. Thirteen were breast carcinoma metastases (61.9%). The cervical spine was involved in four cases, thoracic spine in six cases, and the lumbar spine in 11 cases. One patient underwent decompression laminectomy and posterior pedicle screw stabilization. The others underwent tumour tissue excision, with spinal reconstruction with autogenous bone grafting, with or without vertebral body replacement prosthesis. Anterior and posterior stabilization of the vertebral column was also used. RESULTS: The objectives of surgery were achieved, in that early ambulation, easier nursing care, pain relief and neurological recovery were reported in all cases. No surgery-related complications were encountered. CONCLUSIONS: We recommend surgical intervention for such lesions where reasonable longevity is anticipated. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Limited.  相似文献   

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